
lunes, abril 18, 2022

Natalia Alba - This year Easter has come with unique and very intense energies for us to integrate - Apr 18, 2022

Beloved Ones,

This year Easter has come with unique and very intense energies for us to integrate. Our Central Sun has been very active again, supporting us with X flares, whose potent energies have been balanced by the Libra Full Moon. This together with the Piscean Stellium, and the very powerful Eclipse on April 30th that can be already felt, make this passage one of the most important ones of this year.

Immersed in Golden and Blue flames we find ourselves, at the moment. A process of rebirth that can only come through conscious transcendence. Golden flames descending from our Sun to help us integrate the Light - Wisdom, and Power - required for us to continue with our personal mission here on earth. Blue Flames from the previous Piscean Stellium, to help us, through the power of Water, regenerate and transform into the pure beings that we are in essence.

A cycle in which communing with our soul to know where we are, and what we need to shift, and transcend, at this time, is pivotal. Looking outside will only foment distraction and the many 3D tactics to keep us disconnected from our Unified Selves and the current sixth and seventh benevolent energies that we are receiving.

Guides share the importance of clearing our sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth chakras, as they are now descending wisdom and any imbalance can impede the proper flow of this information. Our higher senses are being activated like never before with the Piscean portal, from the Jupiter and Neptune conjunction that we just had, and whose energies are still with us, together with many other sources as it is the eclipse, that are helping us to dissolve anything that is not in alignment, so we can embody these new energies and open ourselves more to receive.

Clearing treatments, especially water ones, are now of great assistance to help us release, purify and detoxify ourselves from old energies, allowing our body channels to be emptied of toxins, debris, etc. so they can regenerate and receive again.

It is a time now to rest, enjoy the path already traveled, and recover for we will be immersed in a new wave at the end of the month. A wave that prepares us for the next month. A month of conscious manifestation and co-creation, something that can only come, as its universal number 2 reminds us if we are first unified and balanced.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
