
lunes, abril 18, 2022

Jennifer Hoffman - Repossess Your Power - Apr 18, 2022

I am not a big fan of the phrases ‘give your power away’ or ‘take back your power’ because they do not adequately describe a very important process that can involve important lessons which we must understand to be able to fully own and use our own power.

So we are going to address the issues of repossessing our power by looking at why we feel we have to disown our power by giving our power away, who we give it to and why, and what we need to do to repossess it which begins with owning and claiming it. Notice the focus on how this happens is clear – we give our power away all by ourselves.

Why do we ignore our power, give it away to others, or refuse to own and claim it? There are so many reasons so I will group them into 3 main areas and I go into greater detail in the podcast:
We want others to like and value us so we pretend to be less powerful to fit in with them. Now before you think it sounds silly, admit that it is true. If you want to belong to a group you’ll try to fit in with them. So you’ll make yourself appear more like them and that includes matching their levels of energy and power. If having a relationship means you must hide your true power, diminishing it, or that is what you will do.
We are embarrassed at being powerful and are afraid of the potential of our power. This is more true than many will admit. They think that being powerful is a liability and are afraid that they might misuse or abuse their power, or have it used against them or used against others. So they hide their abilities and their power from others. Included in this reason is the abuse and misuse of power in former lifetimes, especially in lifetimes of royalty or great wealth and privilege.

We believe others are more competent than we are so we give our power to them. Sometimes this is required of us in relationships, other times it arises from our belief that we are not powerful or capable of handling our own power and creating our reality. Maybe we are struggling with guilt and shame – how many of you have been shamed for your power by being called ‘different’ or been told to stop shining (in one way or another), or have been made to feel guilty because you are more accomplished than others? Maybe we feel that we have too many failures, missteps, or missed opportunities and we just can’t get our life right. We also want to meet others’ expectations and serve them by becoming their healer so we give them our power to help them on their path.

Which of these reasons do you resonate with and don’t be surprised if there is more than one. We tend to give our power away or relinquish it, pretending it does not belong to us, when we feel it is going to lead to unwanted consequences like rejection, persecution, abandonment, or betrayal. And we have a lot of history to support those beliefs because remember we are dealing with lifetimes of soul cycles and karmic experiences with the people who challenge our power and who engage in power struggles with us.

To repossess means to take possession of something you own. Think about that for a minute. You take back the power and energy you already own when you repossess it. What do you think about that perspective? You already own the power, you have always owned it, you allowed someone else to use it, and now you are going to take possession of it so you can use it in your own life and for yourself.

Whatever you are setting an intention for, planning, want to do, dream of, envision, or want in your life is something that is already part of your field of potential. And it requires your power to make it happen. The power you need to do that is already yours, you just have to name it and claim it and then repossess it, take possession of it, so you can use it in your life.

The first step in repossessing our power is to release our Martyred Healer paradigm and replace it with our Empowered Mastery mission which is what we can embody when we embrace our 5D energy space. As a Martyred Healer, a concept I introduced in 2010, we become the world’s healer through suffering and pain. We put ourselves ‘on the cross’ so others can know that we are suffering right along with them and we value pain, grief, guilt, shame, and all types of suffering as part of our learning experiences.

The expression ‘No pain no gain’ is an example of our beliefs that arise from the Martyred Healer paradigm. But that won’t work for us any more and if we are going to repossess our power we certainly are not going to use it to inflict more pain on ourselves. So what do we do? We need to reject being a Martyred Healer and instead, become an Empowered Master. To do this we have to activate our energy boundaries and become Energetically Sovereign.

Then we have to name our power and claim it. And that doesn’t mean being aggressive or mean, it is a simple process of acknowledging that you have power, naming the power you have and being willing to take charge of it and to use it in your own life, without guilt or shame.

How do you know where to begin? You begin by exploring where you are being weak, powerless, afraid, and limited. Those all represent an energy gap in your life, where you need your power to feel fulfilled and the power isn’t there because you have rejected it.

What do you need to fill that energy gap? It’s time to explore those aspects of you that you have ignored, denied, rejected, or simply pretended were not there, especially the wishes, hopes, and dreams that have been ignored or denied for a long time. You need your power to manifest those in your reality and if they are not happening it’s because you have limited the power you need to create them.

Name that power by connecting an intention with the power to fulfill it. For example, a car needs gasoline to run so if I want to go somewhere and have an empty gas tank I need to find a building that has a big ‘ gas station’ sign on it..

If I want to make a cake I need to have the right ingredients and the proper amounts.

If I want to go on a trip I need to make plans and then make the proper reservations.

If I want to manifest a new job I need to claim the power to acknowledge my expertise and authority to confidently apply for it.

If I want a new relationship I need to name and claim my power to manifest a loving, fulfilling relationship.

If your power had a sign over it what would be on that sign? Or if it had a big arrow pointing towards it, what would that arrow be pointing to? An intention needs action and action needs energy and your energy must be named and claimed.

This is why repossessing your power is so important.

What do you need to fulfill a dream, meet a personal obligation, to create the energetic pathway for an intention to happen, or do something for yourself? What kind of power is necessary for you to get started? Don’t worry about the long term path, focus on getting started, taking the first step, and exploring and expanding the energy container you are using to create your reality.

Anywhere you are not happy, feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, or uncomfortable is an area where you have an energy gap because you are not owning, claiming, and using your power.

Next you have to repossess your power, which is taking back that which belongs to you. This is not a power grab, it is taking back that which already belongs to you. Remember you let others take, use, borrow, and have your power. It was always your power. Now you have to take it back by naming and claiming it and taking possession of it.

What was happening when you started ignoring or rejecting your power:

Where are you saying yes when you mean no?

Where are you allowing others to disrespect, abuse, insult, and take advantage of you?

Where are you not saying yes to your own needs, indulging yourself and taking care of you physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies?

Where are you denying your dreams, plans, potential and possibilities?

When you are aware of the gap between where you are and where you want to be, when you are ready to set a new intention for your life, you must name and claim your power as a next step towards fulfillment

These are all areas where you can repossess your power because if you are not using your power to meet your needs, you’re using it to meeting someone else’s.

But there are two very important things you must have before you start your power repossession process or else it is going to be a very difficult, angry, and potentially aggressive and chaotic process.

First you need to know how to say no in a powerful, emphatic, meaningful way. This is not just saying ‘no’ angrily and blaming others, it is a considered, measured, and intentional way of closing the door on an energy drain in a way that will let everyone know that you are no longer available.

I call this the ‘Empowered No’ and it is a class that was offered as a bonus in the GPS 2022 program, which was the absolute favorite of the students in that program. They found it so easy to use and implement and were surprised that when their ‘Empowered No’ was presented as the answer or the option in a situation, there was no argument against it. (You can access this Master Class as a bonus in the GPS 2022 program, click here for details ).

The second thing you need is strong energy boundaries. Now you know that I have been talking about energy boundaries for many years and it’s a concept that I introduced about 10 years ago.

Energy boundaries are the limitations you set in place which manage the inflows and outflows of your energy, as well as all of your energetic connections.

They are not walls that prevent people from accessing you, they are barriers to entry which ensure that if someone wants to connect with you they are an energetic match and can respect your energy boundaries.

With an Empowered No and energy boundaries in place you are ready to repossess your energy in a more manageable, meaningful, and permanent way meaning that once you repossess it you will not allow others to use, take, borrow, or manipulate it again.

Without an Empowered No and energy boundaries in place it’s easy to get angry when you realize that someone has been using your power or you have been so limited in your life because you were not using your own power to manifest your life and blessings.

One thing you may be tempted to do – which you must avoid – is to angrily confront that person or persons and demand your power back.

If you did this they would probably look at you and wonder what you were talking about. Because they are not always aware that they are using your power. What they are aware of is that you are always saying yes, meeting their needs, doing what they want you to do, and generally being their go-to person for everything.

You must not do that because it won’t solve anything and remember, if you are not using your power to meet your needs, you’re using it to meet someone else’s needs and serving them on their path as a Martyred Healer, not as an Empowered Master source of inspiration.

As I said, it is not a power grab – you are not taking something that belongs to someone else away from them. You are claiming what has always been yours, you just have not been using it. They did not take your power from you, you let them use it, you gave it to them, or you used it on their behalf.

This is not about being aggressive or blaming others or yourself for using your power, feeling guilty about claiming your power or feeling like you are abandoning others if you do.

Contrary to what you might think, the people who are using your power or that are benefiting from your efforts for them are not powerless. No one is without power. People choose to not use their power but they still have it. Of course it is easier to use other people’s power, something similar to driving someone else’s car because you do not want to put the miles on your own car. They have been using your power instead of theirs and if you cut off their supply, they will either find someone else to get power and energy from or they will have to learn to use their own power.

Repossessing your power is a radical concept which is going to allow you to make the changes in your life you have been window shopping for and are now ready to own. It moves you from the Martyred Healer into Empowered Mastery

Enjoy this time and this effort. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain and one more thing. If you lose friends and relationships in the process because some people have imposed the condition of using, usurping, borrowing, taking, and manipulating your power to be in a relationship with you, those relationships can and will end as soon as you cut off their power supply. Let them end, they will be replaced with relationships that are more aligned with you energetically, with people who are aware of their own energy and do not need yours, and with

Repossess your power so you can fulfill your dreams, desires, wishes, hopes, and intentions, and live in your miracle zone now

Copyright (c) 2004-2022 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited including using this article as part of a paid subscription or service which consolidates articles from various authors.