lunes, noviembre 30, 2020
Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 17
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Schumann Resonance Today
30 November 2020 - 17:30 UTC
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, November, 2020
Monday, November, 2020
Trust where you are going.
You are seeking new discoveries
new adventures of life.
Allow the distant past to be just that
the past.
Allow there to be a sigh of relief
as you create new opportunities of advancement.
Allow the past to be just that
the past.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, November 30, 2020
A different kind of daily message today…
I was talking to a dear friend last week and she mentioned how difficult it is to be on this side of the veil where you can’t see everything that is going on. As soon as she said that, Gabriel dropped this image into my awareness. It was a reminder of the wooden box they would place over your hands in my high school typing class if you wouldn’t stop looking at the keys.
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Perfect Creation - November 30, 2020
Perfect Creation
You have been loved from the beginning. The Universe’s love for you deepened at your decision to join your Earth-plane and again at your birth. Now, in this very moment, The Universe loves you more than it ever has. You are a most perfect Creation of All That Is and you are beautiful. ~ Creator
Jahn J Kassl - Message from Jesus Christ - FOLLOW MY FOOTSTEPS! - November 29, 2020
Give your best, be eager to throw everything in the ring, and god will counterbalance the scale with HIS love.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
photo credit: Andrea Percht
Nowadays the web of deception for those who turn their backs on God becomes increasingly fine-woven. This is the time when everything is possible, and when everything becomes impossible for those who turn away from God.
And so it happens now that more and more people open up to the light and no longer fear facing the truth. And so it happens now that many people close themselves off and attempt to save their old lives by all means.
Linda Li - Mother Divine - Our body and 12 chakra system has been activated as a new human race comes online - Nov 29, 2020
Dear children on earth, I am your Mother God. I come today to share news.
The Divine has been bringing in a host of ascension light to the planet and humanity. The Rays that have been brought in are designed for this time. The ascension has gotten to the point where all souls will need to upgrade and all human bodies have to change and upgrade as well. The Rays will change not only the human DNA, but also the physical body and body functions.
Celia Fenn - First a huge Solar Flare and then the Lunar Eclipse! - Nov 30, 2020
Wow what an energetic show at the moment.
First a huge Solar Flare and then the Lunar Eclipse!
As we realign with the Sun and the Solar system, we are certainly being energetically challenged with powerful streams of Light Codes.
We are evolving and changing at Light Speed!
To each soul this will mean something different. For every soul, was created with different soul attributes, talents, genius. Not one is the same.
The same applies to the Christed Universal and Galactic Races, who work with the Intergalactic Counsels:
The Pleiadeans are the Master BOTANISTS of the Universe, yet also hold the Temples of Light and thus the Light Language.
Brenda Hoffman - Allow Them to Bloom - November 30, 2020
Dear Ones,
Your need to be surrounded by love is becoming stronger daily. Not because you are necessarily lonely, but instead, that your love needs have expanded, as has your new dimensional status.
Love is the predominant sensation of your new being – including expressing, sharing, and receiving it. But the receiving part is becoming more uncomfortable daily. For many of those once expected in 3D to display their love for you – even on a limited basis – are currently unable to for they are in the midst of their transition.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Mass Awakenings of December 2020 - Nov 30, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel you all making, as you continue on there during this very challenging time that you have on Earth. We are seeing more and more people awakening every single day, and they are a part of a mass awakening that was guaranteed to be a part of this calendar year that you have been in. More time spent by oneself means a greater likelihood for the expansion of consciousness.
domingo, noviembre 29, 2020
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Canalización de Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Reunión de Semillas Estelares Lemurianas – Mensajes desde las Estrellas - La Cosmología de los Universos -10 y 11 de Octubre de 2020
La Cosmología de los Universos
Peggy Phoenix Dubro:
Yo soy Ania. Aquí en el tiempo de la gran evolución, iniciadora del Entramado de Calibración Universal, recordándoles que son muy amados, invitándoles a amar grandemente. Y así la fusión con la canalizadora se hace más fuerte, porque en este tiempo vamos a activar algunas plantillas que están dentro de su entramado. Es una ofrenda, un regalo para hoy. El octaedro, hay 36 de ellos dentro de su entramado de calibración universal, y en esta reunión, en este momento, cada uno aquí con su propio entorno, sepan que hay una gran celebración que está ocurriendo multidimensionalmente. ¿Pueden sentirla?
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Time To Get Ready… - November 29, 2020
Time To Get Ready…
With the changes you have been asking for fully underway, it is time to get ready for a great deal more information to come in. Use the next few weeks to ground yourself properly and release anything you may feel is holding you back. You have been preparing for a moment like this your entire life. Walk forward with your head high and your heart full. The Universe will lovingly take care of the rest. ~ Creator
Diane Canfield - Full Moon/ Eclipse Nov 30th Brings New Ways Of Being/ Bliss - Nov 29, 2020
Blessings Everyone
The PENUMBRAL Lunar Eclipse Starts tonight around 2AM and ends around 7AM. We also have a full moon happening. Around this same time the moon will become full.
I started feeling these effects last night. Bliss started coming in in a big way. I felt one with the Universe for many hours through the evening. Be prepared to new and significant changes to start to occur.
Suzanne Lie - IT IS TIME TO REMEMBER! - November 29, 2020
Dear Ones who are NOW wearing a Human Earth Vessel,
We, the members of your Galactic Family wish to send you the "Feeling" of your own Higher Dimensional Expression of SELF. Many of you have experienced that "feeling" before, but you did not know what it was. Therefore, we wish to share with you several ways in which you will be able to experience your own Higher Dimensional SELF.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, November 29, 2020
There are vast energetic changes occurring to both your bodies (physical and light bodies) and the planet from now until the end of the year. You are receiving downloads of energy which are often delivered/received in a spiralling motion. The momentum of the collective awakening energy is also moving forward rapidly now which can be experienced as fast forward energy movement combined with waves of ups and downs, yet you may feel like you are not moving at all on a personal level. All of this together can result in many different symptoms!
Linda M. Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel - THE DIVINE BALANCE - DECEMBER 2020
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss The Divine Balance.
The Divine Balance is at work on all dimensions. Your cosmos, solar system, and planet are always in a state of expanding and contracting. Unmanifested energy comes forth to create new stars and universes, while other stars and universes return to a state of unformed energy that is ready for new creation.
Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Noviembre 27, 2020
Parece que no hay final a la vista para la confusión que existe en todo el mundo debido al Coronavirus. Es comprensible, ya que tal situación nunca ha existido en la memoria viviente y es por lo que ha tenido tal impacto, y muestra pocos signos de disminuir. Sin embargo, le ha dado tiempo a la humanidad para tener acceso a sus estilos de vida y a lo que quieren del futuro. Se ha hecho evidente que hay mucho en lo que hay que pensar si la Humanidad va a empezar de nuevo con un objetivo claro en mente, que se moverá fuera de todo lo que se ha encontrado obsoleto y que ya no tiene un lugar en vuestro futuro. El ritmo del cambio sin duda se acelerará y se encontrarán nuevas formas de progresar. Es una oportunidad de oro para mirar seriamente la forma en la que habéis estado viviendo.
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, November 29, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Trust the process of self love.
As you surrender to your inner voice and knowing
you will see the evolved status
the evolved knowing
already present.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment - November 29, 2020
without attachment.
When we suggest for you to accept what is, we mean to be lovingly aware of all situations occurring in and around you — both personally and globally. This means to accept the appearance of what is occurring, without judgment. There is a greater truth underlying all things, no matter how it appears. When you accept a situation as it is, it allows you to release any attachment to having it be different. It is this attachment that can cause you pain.
Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 17 - Nov 29, 2020
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Schumann Resonance Today
29 November 2020 - 17:00 UTC
Aisha North - A short update on the energies - November 29, 2020
Judith Kusel - The deepest knowing and guidance is deep within - Nov 29, 2020
The deepest knowing and guidance is deep within.
The truth and the way are there within.
The Alpha and Omega.
Divine Truth.
Divine Wisdom.
Divine Light.
Divine Power.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Enjoy Your Personal Shifts - Nov 29, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are excited about the possibilities that exist for the human collective as you continue on in this evolutionary journey that really is never-ending. We talk about the shift in consciousness and the shift to the fifth dimension, but those are just singular experiences. What you get to have on your way to that experience are many different experiences of your ascension. You get to experience your own breakthroughs, your own a-ha moments, and you are awakening parts of yourselves a little bit at a time because you want to savor the experience.
sábado, noviembre 28, 2020
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Reunión de Semillas Estelares Lemurianas – Mensajes desde las Estrellas - 3 - Ruego a los Científicos
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Preguntas que siempre se hacen cuando canalizas: ¿La entidad que estás canalizando – Kryon – está lo bastante enterada de dónde estás? ¿El Espíritu sabe lo que está pasando? ¿O es una desconexión donde, de algún modo, traes a una entidad del otro lado del velo en una especie de burbuja, no sabe qué estás experimentando? Esto proviene de una mala información sobre cómo ustedes creen que Dios los ve, o el Espíritu, o el Creador, los ve, cualquiera sea el nombre que te guste darle. La verdad bella y magnífica: conocido por Dios, eso eres. De una manera que no puedes imaginar verdaderamente. Conocido por Dios significa que todas las cosas por las que atraviesas son sentidas, conocidas, y no se trata solo de las dificultades, queridos. El Espíritu no está allí para ayudarlos a atravesar las dificultades y luego irse cuando se están divirtiendo. El Espíritu está allí para celebrar con ustedes, sentir eso, conocer eso. Cuando es tiempo de reír, ¿se dan cuenta de cuán sanador y aliviador es eso? ¿No sienten la sonriente energía creadora del Padre-Madre con ustedes, cuando se ríen? Cuando están celebrando algo, específicamente maravilloso para ustedes o para otros, y están en ese espacio en que se relajan y dicen “Este es un buen momento, recordaré este momento”, el Espíritu está justo al lado de ustedes. De modo que no es un Espíritu para un lindo clima o para un clima feo, es para 24/7 (N.T. todo el tiempo) Y en esos momentos en que necesitan ayuda, allí está la mano extendida – si eligen tomarla; ese es el libre albedrío del que hablamos todo el tiempo.
Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Nov 28, 2020
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...
You are now entering a season where the energy of Christ Light is amplified.
This season will last until January 6th and it is a season where Lord Sananda, also known as Jesus, is radiating his presence more tangibly to those who are opening their heart to this powerful Avatar of Christ Consciousness.
Lena Stevens - Actualización de la Luna Llena del 30 de Noviembre de 2020 - Noviembre 27, 2020
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
La luna llena en Géminis es el lunes 30 de noviembre a las 2:29 a.m., hora estándar de la montaña (MST).
Queridos amigos,
Utiliza este tiempo para honrar el cambio y concentrarte en lo que deseas soñar para el futuro. A pesar de lo que pueda estar sucediendo a tu alrededor o en el colectivo mayor, puedes tomar algo de espacio para alimentar tu propio recipiente con las energías que te apoyarán mejor. Piensa en infundir tus intenciones con inspiración, belleza, determinación, optimismo, progreso y cualquier cosa que lleve tu experiencia de vida a un nivel superior.
Patricia Cota-Robles - OPPORTUNITIES FOR THIS MOMENT - November 28, 2020
November 28, 2020
As the Earth passed through the 11:11 Gateway on November 11th, our Father-Mother God Blessed Humanity with a powerful influx of Light that allowed every person’s I AM Presence to accelerate the process of Healing the residue from the painful misperceptions and distorted beliefs our fragmented and fear-based human egos have used to manipulate and control us for aeons of time. The Company of Heaven said that on a global scale for literally hundreds of millions of people this Gift from On High created a tangible shift of perception that has catapulted them into a new Heart-based perception of Reality. We are being told that this shift of consciousness has changed the course of events for this Planet in a most positive way.
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Growth - November 28, 2020
There will be moments, great brilliant flashes of insight that will allow you to see beyond the reality you are existing in now. As you continue to grow and learn, they will become more frequent, your vibration stronger and more vital. Allowing these moments to envelope your being is just another step of your ascension process. ~ Creator
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling the Federation of Light - November 28, 2020
Hello to you, once again. It would be very handy if you could set yourselves up with an email address, then people could write to you directly … leaving out ‘me’ … the middle woman. Yet, not possible. So, I’ll continue on trying my best to be the happy medium!
Greetings to all. You have an agenda today, do you not Blossom?
Well, I was thinking of ‘reporting in’ regarding people’s feelings and frustrations. Yet, I would imagine you already know them, do you?
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, November 28, 2020
Listen to your heart. It has become a cliche to most of you that you really don’t hear – just a common phrase that has little meaning. But we are here today to ask you to dust off that old expression and to really, truly begin to listen to your hearts.
Your heart helps you become congruent. It gives you clear feedback on what your deepest, truest desires are. As those desires are absolutely essential to living your highest life expression, allowing your heart to lead the way is the way to navigate your life.
James Gilliland - What is Happening Why Am I Feeling This Way - Nov 28, 2020
What is Happening Why Am I Feeling This Way
This is the one question so many are asking now and the answer has many levels. Most are feeling the uncertainty and fear of the elections, how the outcome will affect them. Others are feeling the processing of others as well as their own process triggered and amplified by AI, satellite, and unseen negative influences creating a lot of psychic turbulence, a suppression of consciousness. Then we have a massive coronal hole directed at the Earth along with the upcoming full moon which many are saying will bring up all unfinished business. The December 21st planetary alignment coming into position is another factor. It is not just one thing more like an all the above answer. Those who are sensitive, more spiritually advanced are really getting hammered. Some call it frequency targeting and that targeting is coming from psychotronics, friends family lovers coworkers in process, as well as unseen negative influences residing in the lower astral level. It is a veritable _hit storm some might call a bohemian _uckfest. It is the storm and it is multidimensional.
Celia Fenn - Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse coming up tomorrow - Nov 28, 2020
Gemini Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse coming up tomorrow.
The energy is dreamy and electrical at the same time.
Best to just float and flow....
It is Summer here...and I keep hearing "midsummer night's dream" as if to dream a new dream and to flow with the elemental energies.... tomorrow......
Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 23 - November 28, 2020
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Schumann Resonance Today
28 November 2020 - 17:00 UTC
Jamye Price - December Ascension Energies – Unconditional Love - Nov 28, 2020
December Envisioning
As 2020 winds down, December brings a focus to permeating the year (past and future) with a ripple of Unconditional Love, bridging the old and new with a strength, determination and quiet grace that embraces change.
Love is an intangible, sometimes a commodity; and unconditionality is often resented by the creative drive and the ego’s need for control to feel safe.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Create New Rabbit Holes with the Current Energies - Nov 28, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very slow to come to a conclusion about something in reality, and we certainly do not jump to conclusions. We are always looking for new routes, new ways of getting from point A to point Z. And therefore, we are not very quick to accept the idea that the route laid out from point A to point Z is the best, the easiest, or the fastest one. We like that there are so many perspectives out there in the universe, and we believe that any perspective can be true and certainly can be a part of the being who believes in that perspective’s experience.
viernes, noviembre 27, 2020
Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 10 - November 27, 2020
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Schumann Resonance Today
27 November 2020 - 17:00 UTC
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, November 27, 2020
You are learning how to find your gifts and relevance.
you are merging with your destiny.
Take heart then, when it seems that there is a slight wind or breeze.
as you will continue to allow this unfoldment to occur.
Kryon por Lee Carroll y las Madres de las Estrellas por Amber Wolf - 2 - Recordando a las Madres de las Estrellas - 10 y 11 de Octubre de 2020
2 – Recordando a las Madres de las Estrellas
Amber Wolf:
Al entrar las Madres de las Estrellas en este Círculo Sagrado hoy, a esta reunión de Semillas Estelares:
Queridos luminosos: entramos en este bello círculo, esta luz centelleante, y vemos que hay pleyadianos del pasado y también del futuro. Ustedes no saben lo que todavía no saben. Y aunque ustedes pueden no sentirse verdaderamente como semillas estelares lemurianas pleyadianas, está bien. Les pedimos que solo tomen una respiración y vean si pueden suavizar esa parte de ustedes que tiene problema para abrazar su divinidad – porque eso es lo que nosotras les trajimos a ustedes. Y es un plan; ¿lo recuerdan? Algunos de ustedes estuvieron allí para el inicio de ese plan; algunos vinieron en la mitad, algunos como nuestra querida Mele´ha vinieron al final. Estuvieron todos allí, reunidos, un bello tapiz que fue el suelo de pruebas akáshico para muchas vidas por venir. Y ahora están de regreso. Los llamamos semillas estelares porque nosotras vivimos dentro de ustedes como un punto de luz. Tal como una estrella, como lo que ven en sus cielos. Dentro de ustedes.
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 27, 2020
There seems no end in sight to the turmoil that exists all over the world due to the Coronavirus. It is understandable since such a situation has never existed in living memory and is why it has had such an impact and shows little signs of abating. It has however given Humanity time to access their life styles and what they want from the future. It has become apparent that there is much that needs thinking about, if Mankind is to start again with a clear objective in mind that will move on from all that is found to be outdated and no longer has a place in your future. The pace of change will undoubtedly pick up and new ways of making progress found. It is a golden opportunity to take a serious look at the way you have been living.
Natalie Glasson - Lord Melchizedek - Transformation with Co Creation -
Greetings, I am Lord Melchizedek, I am the overseer of the universal level. It is my purpose to distribute the divine plan and divine will of the Creator into the universe of the Creator at a universal level flowing through the galactic level, solar level, planetary level and into the Earth.
Sarah Varcas - 30 de noviembre de 2020: Eclipse de Luna en Géminis - Noviembre 26, 2020
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Todas las fechas son UT
Este Eclipse Lunar y su Eclipse Solar compañero del 14 de Diciembre cierran la puerta a la intensa concentración en Capricornio de este año. Justo después del último de estos eclipses, Saturno abandona Capricornio el 17 de Diciembre, seguido de Júpiter el 19 de Diciembre. Después formarán una conjunción en el 1º de Acuario durante el Solsticio (21 de Diciembre). Esta secuencia de eventos astrológicos promete un final poderoso para lo que ha sido un año monumental en la historia de la humanidad.
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, November 27, 2020
If you are unsure on how to proceed, it can be helpful to examine whether you are listening to your fear voice or your flow voice because only one can result in forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - A Larger Picture - November 27, 2020
A Larger Picture
What you think and feel may not necessarily the whole truth. There is a much larger picture. For a few moments today, take a step back and look. You will be surprised. ~ Creator
Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 11-30-2020 - Nov 27, 2020
Full Moon
Full Moon in Gemini is Monday, November 30, at 2:29 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).
Use this time to honor change and to focus on what you wish to dream up for yourself for the future. Despite what might be happening around you or in the greater collective, you can take some space to feed your own container with the energies that will better support you. Think of infusing your intentions with inspiration, beauty, determination, optimism, progress and anything that brings your experience of life to a higher level.
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The December 2020 Energies & New Portals - Nov 27, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been on a mission of sorts in the past several of your months. We have been looking for the right placement for some new energy portals, because of how much energy you all have coming to you. We know that you will receive the energies, no matter where the portals are located, however if the right people receive the energies first, the overall ripple effect on the human collective consciousness will be better. Those of you who are truly awake and who understand that it is part of your mission to anchor in higher-frequency energies are going to be in the right place at the right time to receive the lion’s share of these energies first.
jueves, noviembre 26, 2020
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Reunión de Semillas Estelares Lemurianas – Mensajes desde las Estrellas - La Nueva Lemuria - 10 y 11 de Octubre, 2020
1- La Nueva Lemuria
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Para los que recién escuchan esta canalización, y no saben nada de lo que sucedió antes de ella, y no estarían enterados de lo que verdaderamente está pasando aquí, mi socio se sienta por primera vez frente a los que han venido personalmente, un número mayor que 50, cosa que no se ha permitido durante meses. Eso no es necesariamente la noticia; la noticia es que todos ellos, sentados en las sillas, vienen con propósito. Y el propósito que ellos tuvieron, se podría decir, varía de uno a otro, porque vienen de muchos países diferentes e incluso muchas regiones de este país. Pero hay algo en su interior, queridos, que empieza a empujar, en esta nueva normalidad, en este 2020. Eso inicia un impulso, un empuje, y ese impulso lo voy a identificar por primera vez como la nueva Lemuria.
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, November 26, 2020
You are trying your hand at self-matrimony.
There is no time like the present.
To come to know the self.
To listen and honor
the true availability at hand.
Art by Ellen Love Vaman
Sarah Varcas - 30th November 2020: Lunar Eclipse in 9th degree of Gemini - Nov 25, 2020
Sarah Varcas
All dates are UT
This lunar eclipse and its partner solar eclipse on 14th December close the door on the intense Capricorn focus of this year. Just after the second of these eclipses, Saturn leaves Capricorn on 17th December, with Jupiter following suit on 19th December. They then form a conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius on the solstice (21st December). This sequence of astrological events promises a powerful end to what has been a monumental year in human history.
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Echoes - November 26, 2020
There will be times when you feel you are standing all alone in a cavernous space, hearing only your own breathing and the echoes of your voice. Remember; there is beauty in every one of these moments and you are not existing there…just passing through. How slowly or quickly is your choice. As always, The Universe is lovingly supporting you on your journey. ~ Creator