
lunes, abril 27, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - ...another round of the ascension related upgrading...- April 27, 2020

Dear beloveds, the planet is going through, yet, another round of the ascension related upgrading. The current situation on the planet requires the upgrade and repair work. What the Divine is doing now is to take down the old supporting structure of the planet and replace it with the newly created crystalized structure. In doing so, the planet finally can get rid of diseased old patterns and unwanted thought forms, replaced with a brand new crystalized Divinely
designed structure. The process is underway. It may take a little time for the completion of the process. And that is why Gaia has been busy, and so is the Divine. We want the process to be done as soon as possible so that the infection on the planet can be removed and humanity can be free from the current situation.

Now, even though the planet herself would have all the old energies removed or replaced, it doesn’t mean that humanity would automatically be totally free from diseases and corruptions and decay in the body. Humanity still has work to do. Diseases are the malfunction of the body produced by misuse of the human energies and mind creations. Humans have the creative power. Either humanity use this power carefully and create a better future and positive outcomes, or humanity misuse this power and miscreate diseases and malfunctions in the body and society and politics. It highly depends on the evolution of the human race and the integrate of the human rules and laws.

If a society that allows the souls to create whatever souls choose to create without Divine inspirations, again, the society will pretty soon become a victim of its own miscreation. The souls will create a monster and cannot control it eventually. And the human diseases will be introduced to the society and inequality will accompany the outcomes of the miscreations. That was the way this current society was created, and the outcomes have been devastating to the planet and humanity at large.

In order for Gaia and Mother Earth to be able to live in a healthy and advanced environment, we, the Divine and your Father God have brought spiritual laws here. These laws are for the planet and humanity to follow. According to these universal laws, humans need to have a good conscience and perfect intend when they create by using their creative power. Humanity will need to understand these laws and practice these laws in order to be able to create good outcomes and pursue happiness and enlightenment. These laws are the guiding principles for the higher realms, and now they will serve the same purpose here on the planet. Humanity is going to adopt these spiritual laws as the guiding principles and rules of laws in time when the planet desperately needs them. The Divine will fully cooperate with the planet and humanity in terms of getting these laws to the planet and educate humanity for their usage. And that job has to be our light worker’s.

The Divine has called some light workers for this purpose. The purpose of educating the masses of the spiritual laws and rules for the ascension process. There are some light workers who are going to be the main educators and their sole mission is to introduce the spiritual laws to the planet and humanity. These light workers have the Divine degree. And their Divine purpose is sacred. The Divine want these souls to be ready, and know that their mission is coming. Teaching the spiritual laws can be quite challenging on the planet where the spiritual laws have been long forgotten. But these light workers have been chosen by the Divine for a a good reason. These light workers have great record of being great warriors and their service to the Divine has always been excellent. Their impeccable record is the great testimony that they are the victory in the making.

I love you dear angels on earth. I am your Mother God. In time to come, the Divine will continue to share newly installed spiritual laws with the planet and humanity. Once the planet knows them all, the Divine will summon the light workers to start their teaching process. The teaching of your Father’s sacred laws is a sacred service. And the time ahead is the most challenging for these great teachers. Send them your Divine blessings dear angels and let the Divine laws spread to the planet in this time of great upgrading to the planet and human race. Bless these souls and their critical mission dear ones and know the upcoming time is critical for them. They are the pioneers and they are the front runner for the planet sake and humanity will appreciate their work for the upcoming ages.

I love you dear angels. I am your Mother Divine. Go in peace now.

Linda Li