
lunes, abril 27, 2020

Judith Kusel - Instead of resenting the tests, and lamenting about them, embrace them - April 27, 2020

In the next few months and years we will find as we are ready to be stretched and ready to become more illuminated, we will be reborn in stages and with every rebirth, something will disintegrate, so that we can integrate more.

With every integration our vibrational frequency rises, and as our vibration frequency lifts, we rise in dimensional states. As we rise in dimensional state, the Fires of Illumination become more intense.

Remember this.

Instead of resenting the tests, and lamenting about them, embrace them. For the Underworld teaches you just as much as the higher worlds. It is for you to understand this, and understand that indeed, there is no separation. The underworld and the upper world is one and the same. Both are needed in the pathways of ascension, for what is above, is below and what is below is above.

Let those whose inner seeing is open – see.

Let those whose inner hearing is open – hear.

Let those whose inner knowing is open – know.

I have spoken!

Judith Kusel
