
martes, febrero 19, 2019



My Dearest Divine LOVE BEings of Pure Source Consciousness Light!


Where do I start?

There's SOOOOOO very much, yet no "need" to speak or do anything at all. Just PURE PRESENCE allows us the most PRISTINE experiences from deep deep deep within.

For each, their own current phase of their own LightBody DNA Evolution/Awakening through Pure Love will occur based upon frequency bandwidths, dimensions and density/Light Quotient held within the physical body (form). This "dictates" each's EXPERIENCE and "how" all is done.... as each phase experiences very differently than the others....yet all beyond important as a part of the much bigger picture/Greater Whole as ONE.

To understand "how" all works is important, because "how we experience" is a result of this.... Because Awakening and Remembering is SO VAST and continually expanding, there's always "so much more" ......

First, my heart is full with pure gratitude for all who are UNITING and stepping up/into their own higher purposes/roles for HUmaNITY here. Our roles constantly change and encompass so very much. As each step forth by way of "doing their own reality" from their own highest place, then these realities can be combined/unified/brought together to create/build even bigger and more awesome realities to assist HUmaNITY in much "bigger" ways..... The one thing there is not, is "lack or need". These realities are PURE.... with each fulfilling their own Service roles with their whole BEing here too. It's quite beautiful, because of the immensity of love, generosity, caring and taking care of things/coming through, HONORING HIGHER SOUL AGREEMENTS from a deep place inside.... as each truly "gets it" and REALizes the IMPORTANCE of their own Contribution, openness and sharing as PURE LIGHT.... this ENERGY is ALIVE.... as REALities have DNA too. (I'll write more on this as we go).

On the 15th, we awoke to a massive SHIFT having occurred, a very obvious collective timeline shift with the realization that we were in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TIMELINE and everything was so very different.... the ENERGY WAS WOW..... then we proceeded to close out old timelines for template clearing and preparation for "yesterday's" PORTAL OPENING/shift, which for each also can be different, as it's a "moving out of old energies", while opening up PORTALs to ALL NEW CODES... for each to embrace fully, integrate fully and apply to their own LIVES fully here.......

It's been 24 hours of rainbows and magical exchanges, as well as deep heart SOUL activations, while observing many things.

Yesterday, we went through a major "astrological" "change-over, which is relative to the "switching" of energies GOVERNING many things. This constantly occurs, so seeing all from the much bigger picture is important as well. (Chrion exiting Pisces and into Aires), a "rare" Sirius Eclipse (I'll share a couple of other's posts on this), as well as a SUPER FULL MOON today.... We've had energies relative to every sign, as well as Taurus and also Uranus... so there is a huge Cosmic Upheaval for many, awakening for all and merging process occurring as well. (I don't tend to keep up, I just "see" where appropriate so I can observe as all occurs)....

I'll share photos from rainbows to Sirian Portal opening.... with ALL day yesterday dedicated to activating/integrating fully.... the whole day a massive Gatekeeper day... as are every day, yet some more "potent" or "deeper" than others.... this one TAKES ALL DEEPER.... into FEELING............ last night as I was going through JUST FEELING DEEPLY.... it's mind-blowing at the DEPTHS these take us..... and how PURE and magnificent and beyond LOVE.... the immensity and capacity we all have to JUST LOVE --- PURELY.... is, well... there are no words. While I was going through DEEPENING (new word), it reminded me of a few years ago when I went through this and my writing on "The Depths at which we Feel"..... I'll try to find it and re-share....

At first, the depths are "messy" and even "ugly" and uncomfortable, challenging and intense, yet as we achieve PURITY and DEPTH within ourselves, with our whole bodies and accomplish the physical, emotional, mental clearing/cleansing processes, these evolve into the most profound, pure and immense LOVE ... that fills our every cell, our whole body/vessel and activates our body templates in the most pure ways. This has nothing to do with "others" or any "thing".... this is a WELL SO DEEP that it never ends.... this is a space so INFINITE and VAST that the amount of LOVE THAT WE HAVE and HOLD is not tainted or tarnished by anything ever again..... These "moments" (non-linearly can last for hours, days, weeks), they SHOW US/REMIND US of what is POSSIBLE and WE REMEMBER all as we FEEL the beauty as it bellows/emanates/RAYdiates out from within us..... for each of us to RE-FORM our own lives, re-shape our own realities, shift our own everything to LIVE FROM THIS PLACE/SPACE FULLY.... WITH OUR EVERY BREATH and ACT.

The "tricky" part is to understand the tuning process, the process of polarity and the clearing/activation processes that occur to SHOW US where we hold anything less inside still. It's only "tricky" if we go/are unconscious (heart & mind closed)... as it's BEYOND SIMPLE if we are fully conscious, present and LOVE. We just say "NO".... we don't accept the old as reality anymore. We exercise our FREE WILL of "no" and "choosing" a different "way"/path/experience (NEW Earth), by BEing PURE LOVE in our own Realities and releasing all that is not.... We honor each's chosen path/journey/experience, because on this MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH we live on, we can shift vibrationally into a whole new timeline ourselves.... honoring, respecting everyone's journey, as this is VIBRATIONAL... it's not linear in any way.... this is QUANTUM....

We now have 12 Vibratory/Oscillatory Frequency Bandwidths running (there are more, yet 12D that we can currently physically inhabit/shift between)... yet "how we do this" means understanding how Light/Density work with each. The more carbon-based our bodies, the less we have this ability "at will".

Over-stimulation/nervous system overload is a part of the process when the physical body is activating with/to/through immense HIGH FREQUENCY LIGHT (Codes). For the human body, it can only "take so much" and then "this becomes too much". For some it's just a few hours, others a few days, others a week .... because the ABILITY TO INTEGRATE, MAINTAIN, SUSTAIN is different than those who HOLD IMMENSE AMOUNTS OF PHOTONIC LIGHT ON A CELLULAR BODY (LIGHTBODY) LEVEL..... Each Dimension, the Light Quotient is different....

The 12D Lightbody, the 5D LightBody, the 9D LightBody, the 3D LightBody.... (and all in-between).... we can't be in each's other's physical space for extended periods of "time", because of how the physical body handles LIGHT CODES, integration and PROCESSING SPEEDS, field spin/atomic rates and more. Learning "how" to cohabitate, co-exist and come together in unison for "periods appropriate" (relative to density, linear constructs and energy/programming still held), is an ART (Mastery process) within itself. It took me years and years and years to "learn" this (and immense experiences as well). Cohesion is dependent on each's Sovereignty, how UNIFIED each is within themselves, how FAST THEY PROCESS, which then correlates to "how fast" their field spins/expands/reaches and HOLDS REALITIES IN PLACE..... Realities where any are not fully standing in their own POWER as PURE LOVE and living from this PURE PLACE fully, if there is one ounce of dependency/lack involved, this "throws" the spin rate/velocity/field off.....

As each come to RE-CONNECT to their own ENERGY BODY (Soul Body/LightBody), "how" we function is VERY DIFFERENT than before. There's "no carrying others" and no BS, there's no fake/pretending and EACH ARE HELD TO THE HIGHEST PLACE, because we are CAPABLE when our hearts are wide open and our SOUL/highest Versions are present.... where all is VISIBLE on an Energetic Level.....

The POWER of these Gateways/Portals/Passageways and HEART OPENINGS shall continue to amplify, increase, accelerate and take each DEEPER than ever before. Anything "not pure love" will surface for HONORING, releasing, FEELING FULLY, yet where each is fully conscious, there's no drama (ego) or "victim" energy.... it's pure gratitude, appreciation and a cellular cleanse. There is only story when one is clearing "ego identification".... and "how" is relative to wherever each currently functions from/lives/exists.....

THIS MASSIVE UP-LEVELING we are all in, the POWER OF the merging of COUNCILS energy is strong. The Continuation of Arcturian, Andromedan, Sirian & Lyran... continue to emerge. There are many others, I only mention these right now. The continuation of DIVINE SOUL UNIONS and Partnerships forming increase too. First within, fully.... "then" if/when/as all aligns "out there", when/as more are TRULY READY to UNITE to fulfill higher service roles together, then these REALITIES will present/come forth/arrive, as all is vibrational here.

THE 12D Template is template upon template upon template and they all merge together into ONE. Pure Divine Sacred Union, Service to Humanity (Humanitarians) and DNA Harmonization takes all to the "next level" in every way. The 12D template is COMPLETE PURITY and because there is PURE HARMONY WITHIN, then anything "not in full harmony" with peace, love, kindness, reciprocation, generosity, sharing, supporting, consideration, JOY, deep sacred respect, appreciation is INSTANTLY VISIBLE, which means each gets to see and decide "how to proceed" from within each "current vibrational now".

One thing we "learn" (come to understand and respect) along the way, is that from the point of "activation" (exposure), the "path"/journey to "fully awaken/conscious" can be a long one, often years for one's physical body to re-write/re-code/clear/cleanse on a DNA/template level, every organ, skin/flesh, heart, brain, bones, teeth, field..... and that in order to RESPECT EACH'S JOURNEY OF AWAKENING, we often "do this" apart, so that each can take the "time" (linear words for DNA EVOLUTION) to awaken fully, for their SOUL to emerge, for them to REMEMBER from deep inside too, AS/AFTER all of those linear constructs (density) dissolve/break down and their HEART/MIND OPENS FULLY and LONG ENOUGH for their physical body to HOLD THE LIGHT WITHOUT OVERWHELM OR SHUTTING DOWN.

This is a PROCESS.... a VAST ONE that goes as fast/slow as we all chose. That will be as uncomfortable as we resist/fight/require to open our hearts fully to PURE LOVE EXISTENCES here. This is a journey where YOUR LIFE is where you/we all "learn", where experiences are our "teachers" and as we ARE TRULY READY, portals open up wide for us to STEP THROUGH.... where we anchor light within us and we completely re-do/re-write/re-create/re-align our own lives to BE HEAVEN.... because we live from HEAVEN WITHIN....

WE ARE THE ANGELS, HIGHER SELVES, SOURCE AND GALACTICS walking around in evolving physical bodies that vibrate at different oscillatory rates, allowing us to inner-act when/if this is fully aligned. Understanding that many will never come together, because of how Vibrational MATCHing works, as well as Energy Signatures and StarCode/Source Coordinates, which dictate the physical dimension we each occupy/have access to here.

LIVING Y/OUR HIGHEST VERSION FULLY is the only way for each of us to re-connect...... as anything "less" creates a disconnect, disruption, distortion that innerrupts the frequencies necessary to maintain/sustain/hold the highest vibratory space in place.... YOU DO THIS FROM WITHIN YOU.... which will transmit out to "set the stage" for all to arrive/occur.....

I shall share some photos of my "external", to inspire, activate, awaken and assist. Keep shining, sharing, stepping up and holding your own, coming through and fulfilling your highest everything here too! MORE LOVE ♥ DEEP DEEP DEEP LOVE ♥ PURE ♥ CONSCIOUSNESS ♥ LIGHT ♥ IMMENSE ♥

Immense love from Kauai,

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


Bring YOUR NEW EARTH from within you and share share share, uplift, inspire, awaken all to the LOVE we are too! ♥

p.s. The portal turned into a triangle/trinity as the Sirian portal opened up. Multiple portals! ♥