
viernes, enero 18, 2019

L’Aura Pleiadian - You Are The Remodelled Conscious ~ 5th Dimensional Being - January 18, 2019

This is the Death and Rebirth of YOU ~ your consciousness, your form, your awareness, into greater Light Frequencies, into your Higher Dimensional awareness ~ of Being.

This is part of your ascension process and this is taking place Now ~ Through you.

This is the point of frequency consciousness of no return.

Welcome to the New World of YOU ~ where all of your perceptions have been REMODELLED to the New Version of You in Form as a Conscious 5th Dimensional Being.

Where All Light Portals and gateways to The Higher Dimensional Initiations are Opened ~ and accessible ~ like never before.

And you are going through them.

This is WAY beyond anything previously imagined.

Your Original Light is the Initiatory pulse ~ point frequency to these consciousness Portals ~ of Alchemy.

Your Original Light; fingerprinted with the Access ~ Readiness ~ Awareness ~ of your specific initiatory moments. These programmed memory stamps of you ~ carry the inherent Light Frequency Codes that signal the death and rebirth of your consciousness into Being the Awakened NEW 5th Dimensional Being.

Look around you at the monumental signs of a world on the verge of its 3D death and rebirth of consciousness. Say goodbye, with gratitude, as its blatant in your face announcement of 3D on the world’s stage ~ has become the trigger of consciousness ~ that broke the camels back.


It is Supreme.

It is the Divine Plan of You.

It is YOU walking on through all the Gateways, Portals and initiations; experiencing your death and rebirth ~ INTO Being The NEW and FULLY Awakened 5th Dimensional Being.

We herald in with trumpets of exuberant Joy, your walking on through. Your Death and Rebirth.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers. We were present at the beginning of your Earth and we will always be present with you. We have no beginning and no end. We were here before arriving and we will never leave.

We are the Love and Glory of It All. And we are WITH you, even now.

Always In Love and Glory, initiating all, Forevermore.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2019.