
viernes, enero 18, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Super Blood Moon Eclipse #cloakyourlight - January 18, 2019

So much going on friends. Cosmic intervention, intergalactic assistance, a culmination of prophesy and prediction. The #word on the street is we’re being levelled up. The world is shifting all around us. The change is palpable to those with eyes to see. Rabbit holes all lead to the same space #babylon. What are we creating beyond the moment we are living? Are we vibrating high enough to withstand the surge when it comes? Will we expand with it or drown in it’s source light? The event will be what we manifest it to
be. The system already has its preferred options hard wired into our collective subconscious. The apocalypse served to individual taste. The dangerous many who choose their demons over light will sway the system, determine timelines. Light work has been done, some were lost, mind, body or soul to the cause. Many made it. Still standing #lightwarriors. We are at a gateway to a new space. We can make democracy authentic. We can take back electoral systems of fair representation as our sovereign right. We can accelerate technological advancement simply by sharing what is already available to the super wealthy cabal. All of this is possible right here, right now. Hell on earth is already here. Humanity chooses. Empathy or greed. Love or hate. Peace or war. It has always been the choice held within the hearts of us all. In light and love beautiful people 
