
miércoles, octubre 31, 2018

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Retiro Intensivo en Sedona - Parte 2 - Sedona, 18 a 21 de octubre de 2018

Retiro Intensivo de 4 días
Sedona, 18 a 21 de octubre de 2018
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper

Nº 2

Marilyn Harper:

¡Ah, así que aquí estamos otra vez, queridísimos seres de luz! Y ustedes pensaban que ya habían terminado con esto, ¡ja, já! ¡Sorpresa! Será que ustedes saludaron esta mañana con "sorpresa, sorpresa, sorpresa, sorpresa". Ustedes son los evolucionarios, como dijo nuestra querida amiga Peggy. Nosotros decimos que ustedes son los que hemos estado esperando. Ustedes son los juegatrabajadores de luz, y les hemos dado mucha información, sus pequeñas capacidades de juegatrabajar están colgando un poco a un costado (se ríe) pero, como comprenderán, esa frecuencia vibratoria sigue viviendo dentro de ustedes. Esa conexión vibratoria que han realizado hoy se expande más allá de lo que ustedes creyeron posible. A medida que ustedes se amplifican por estas piedras

Jennifer Hoffman - Arcángel Uriel - Las Cinco Dimensiones De La Voluntad - Octubre 23, 2018

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel, ¡que lo disfrutes!

Tu libre albedrío representa el poder de expresar tu energía creativa y tu divinidad, una vez integrada, en la tercera dimensión. Puedes utilizarlo de la manera que consideres necesaria y adecuada. Significa que puedes expresar tu energía de forma ilimitada y ningún poder en el universo juzgará, alterará ni influirá en modo alguno en tus elecciones energéticas.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Your Participation in The Earth Program of Light Consciousness - Oct 31, 2018

WE are a conglomerate of frequency consciousness BEINGS that are holographically interacting on what is called Planet Earth.

The Descent to form and being SENT allows aspects of the Eternal Self to experience many levels of experience and mastery.

There is no Death of consciousness only a frequency that transitions to a different vibrational awareness. If one has planned to shed what we call a body ~ The Light body level of the consciousness continues on. Many Beings create realities that are beautiful, doing things they loved on Earth.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You are in the ballpark, so we say

make it a home run by trusting in love

to smooth out all of the rough edges.

James McConnell - Sananda - The Calm Before the Storm ~ The Truth is Immanent -


I am Sananda.

It is always a pleasure to be with you in these ways to continue to work with you to continue to be able to express a new higher level of consciousness that all of you are moving toward, that all of you are preparing for.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO OCTUBRE 2018 - Oct 19, 2018



***11:11 Columba – la Estrella de la Paloma
*** Portal 11:11 de 2018
*** Se abre el portal de Quan Yin

¡Sanando el corazón, uno a uno!

Vi por primera vez a Columba, la poderosa Estrella de la Paloma, a las 11:11 el 11.11.1992, el primer portal de luz 11:11. Las personas de todo el mundo se reunieron en los lugares de poder que consideraban sagrados. Yo estaba en Florida, así que fui a Bok Towers, en Lake Wales, uno de los puntos más altos de energía pura en Florida. Justo a las 11:11 am en campo abierto la Estrella de la Paloma apareció en el cielo como una nube en forma de cruz con una paloma sobre su brazo izquierdo que intentaba moverse al otro lado de la cruz. El cielo estaba perfectamente claro, excepto en ese poderoso sitio.

Sandra Walter - November Trajectory Shift: Path of the Cosmic Christ - Oct 31, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

A unique influx is anticipated toward the end of this month. We opened late Monday and these preparatory frequencies are already expanding the grids and gates.

Since the opening of the Infinity Gate at the end of August, the purer experience of Source-as-Self consciousness, the pure Oneness, has been anchoring into the collective through many activated hearts. Those hearts are in turn activating Divine HUman Crystalline DNA, the Diamond-Solar lightbody and Rainbow Bridges to New Earth realities.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Feel Our Vibration - Oct 31, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have discovered that the true path to connecting with you is to provide you with information, and we would like to change that. We know how important it is for all of you to begin feeling for different vibrations and determining which ones are resonating with you the most. So we are working on shifting the vibrations that we infuse into these transmissions, because we want you to feel us even more than you understand what we are projecting.

Ron Head - The Council - Answers Ep. XII – Keep Our Vibration High - Oct 31, 2018

“It is very difficult to be of this world yet continue to keep our vibration high and raise our consciousness. What is the easiest and most realistic thing we can do in our day to day moments, navigating our lives, to help keep our mood and overall vibration high, yet still attend to our 3D needs and demands, without getting swallowed by them? Thank you!”.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 31, 2018

Shelley’s Note: Everyone once in a while a reader will share a daily message on facebook that was posted long ago. That was the case with this message yesterday, and I thought it was exactly what we needed to hear today so I decided to repost it. Thanks to Milton Foster for bringing it back around for all of us. I honestly don’t remember the day it was originally channeled but I do know it is just as pertinent today as it was the day it came through.

Colleen - Actualización sobre la recuperación de Sheldan - Oct 30, 2018

Saludos desde el corazón galáctico...

Vaya 3 semanas agitadas que he soportado. Sí, fue hace 3 semanas (sábado 4 am, 6-10-18) cuando tuve que llevar a Sheldan a la sala de urgencias porque una vez más fue atacado por un arma DEW. Y otra vez de nuevo a la sala de urgencias una semana más tarde. Esto comenzó un nuevo capítulo que tratar con el sistema médico disfuncional. Gracias a Dios por los numerosos diagnósticos y procedimientos de salvamento que ofrecen. Sin embargo, el

martes, octubre 30, 2018

Lisa Renee - Kidney Depletion - Oct 30, 2018

Kidney Depletion

The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones, and they are most especially known to pump cortisol into the bloodstream when under stress that puts the human nervous system into fight or flight reactions. Adrenaline is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain Neurons that can also be activated through emotional responses. Every emotional response has a behavioral component, an autonomic nervous system component, and a glandular secretion or hormonal factor.

James McConnell - Aramda and One Who Serves - September 30, 2018

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare for Change group based in Payson, AZ on September 30, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

ARAMDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I appreciate these times that I can be with you that I can share, that I can open up my love, my understanding, to be here with you to bring back those times from long ago when I did know many of you. Many of you knew me. For just as we are one now, we were one then as well. We are coming back into a complete knowing of that oneness, never to be separated again. Separated, yes, in physical distance, but never to be separated from one another as brother and sister. There is a connection to the all that is.

Whereas I find myself high above you even now as I speak through this one, James, I am up on my ship looking down upon the earth and seeing the consciousness changing as a result of all of you, all of you, those of the Lightworkers, those of you who are bringing these changes or helping to bring these changes about, hoping to bring this shift of consciousness, preparing the way for this wave of consciousness, the pulse of energy, to be known as The Event, or even The Changeover, the changeover from one paradigm to another, the old age into the New Golden Age. I am here to witness this just as you are all here to witness this. I am here participating in the ways that I can, just as you are all participating in the ways that you are able. Know that, as the turmoil continues to evolve across the planet, or, has been said, as the storm moves across the planet.

The storm is created by consciousness just as consciousness, elective consciousness, is creating the very physical storms and the earthquakes and the volcanoes that are happening across the planet. But as consciousness raises and continues to raise, these storms will subside. They will be no more. You will find life as you know it now will be forever changed, because that is the only thing that can happen. There must be a complete and utter destruction of the illusion that you have found yourselves in for so long.

In the destruction of that illusion there is a time not of tranquility, but of turmoil that will ensue. This is why you prepare. This is why you are preparing the way, being the wayshowers. This is your mission, and mission that you are all here for. I, as Aramda, and Sananda, and Ashtar, all of the archangels, the angels, all are here to continue to participate in helping you: not in doing it for you, but helping you to bring all of this, all that you have been working for, to fruition, to bring the old tumbling down, and to be ready to forge the new, the New Golden Age, that you are, even now, in this moment, and in every moment hereafter, creating. You are creating the future for yourselves, for your loved ones, for all of mankind. So in knowing that, continue to create the best future that you can by right now living in the present moment, being in the present moment, doing all that you can to share those moments of joy with all of your brothers and sisters.

I am Aramda. I leave you now, but only for a short time. For as I watch from the vantage point of being on my ship, and a part of the Ashtar Command, and a part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, so too will you the earth become one of the members of the galactic Federation of Worlds. Even now as I speak this is already beginning, already in process.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.

Aramda out.


ONE WHO SERVES (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani pade hum; om, mani pade hum, hum, hum. Greetings to you. How was that for some kind of message, Huh? We even enjoyed that message. That was wonderful. It is wonderful to always be with you and share with you. There is an echo here! We are hearing ourselves! We sound great, do we not? Yeah, we do! There, echo gone. Wonderful.

Ok, so here we are again, people, again, and again, and again. Here to continue on keeping on, and all these kinds of wonderful things that are happening and going on. And we say wonderful things that are going on: we do not want you to get bogged down in the minutia. We do not want you to get bogged down in the travails that you are seeing around you. Let that go. Let it be. See the beauty. Look beyond. Smell the coffee. All your crazy word things that you have. Smell the roses, all of these things, ok? What is it, taste the coffee, and smell the roses? I think something like that it goes. But just see the beauty! Be in joy in every moment. And if you continue to do that, to be in the perfect now and realize it is the perfect now, it has always been a perfect now if your consciousness is ready to accept that. And in all of this training that we have been doing with you, this is what we want you to understand that you are always in the perfect now if you allow for it. Allow for it. Let it be. Because if you do, then you will find it that way. And you will find that your negative times, you depression times, and you’re feeling out of sorts and all of these things will go by the wayside. They will not even be in your understanding anymore, because there is so much happening and so much to be grateful for.

Yes there is turmoil going around, there is this political event, and this happening, and all of these things. And it is funny that one said they do not pay attention to the politics that are going on other than for entertainment. Well, the Galactics can say the same thing about you guys. They can say the same thing. You are their entertainment. Isn’t that wonderful? YOU are their entertainment. And it is good to see the beauty, see the entertainment in all things. See, like we day, the JOY in all. We cannot say this enough for you to get it. Do you get it? Do you finally get it? Just forget those things that are happening. See them, experience them, be aware of them, but see them from a distance. See them as the things that are happening within the perfect whole, within the big picture, within the great plan that is in force in the works here. And if you do that, if you see everything as the bigger picture, then all of the little things that are happening will cease to amaze you, will cease to bring you down and depress you, and all of these things Ok? We can say this over and over in many different ways, but we think you get it, do you not?

JoAnna: Yes.

OWS: JoAnna says “yes, we get it.” Good! Ok then, we move on here with question and answer, and hopefully we have good answers to your very good questions.

JoAnna: Ok, I have a question from the email audience. It is a question about a politician. (Laughs) What it basically asks is “Diane Feinstein has destroyed California along with Maxine ____. Is she part of sealed indictment, and what else can you tell us about Diane Feinstein and Maxine Waters.

(Requests to mute phones.)

OWS: Very good. Now we can answer this question. First of all, we must make a correction here. California has not been destroyed! It is still alive and kicking, and everything is going exactly as it needs to, even though it does not appear so. As to the ones that you have spoken about, we are not ever in the habit of speaking about personalities, because those personalities are a part of the whole as well. They are a part of the All That Is as well. Even though they have certain roles that they are playing now that may be against the establishment, against the collective consciousness, that is the role that they are playing, even if they are mostly unconscious about it at this point. So we cannot condemn them or anything of this nature.

What will come out, though, we can saw, as a generalization, is all of the perpetrators of many crimes against humanity, of treasonous experiences, and all of these things, they will receive their due rewards, you might say, in whatever it might be. And sometimes it may not be so pretty, but it is necessary. And those that are, what you call, the ones that are in indictments? (There are thousands and thousands of them.) Those sealed indictments will eventually be opened. So those that are a part of those indictments will be revealed. This is all a part of the great plan. This is all a part of the truths being revealed. And the parts that you, those of you the Lightworkers, warriors, you are the ones that are preparing the way, and preparing to assist the rest of the world, the rest of the collective consciousness to understand what is happening.

First it will happen here in this country, in America. Then it will also happen in other areas. There will be arrests happening everywhere. This is all a part of the greater expression of bringing the “house down,” you might say. We do not speak of the White House, here, we speak of “the house,” being that of the cabal, the house of cards. And it is a house of cards now. And it will only take a little bit more to begin to topple that house completely. And that is all we can say on this at this point.

Many things are coming. Many things are going to be revealed, and there will be many shocks along the way.

Other questions here?

P: One Who Serves, I have a question. Can you explain the difference between the spirit and the soul?

OWS: My goodness.

The spirit is everything. The spirit is consciousness. The spirit is the connection that you are with the All—not only your higher self but the All, the source of all things. This is the spirit that continues on for ever and ever.

The soul is the record of mind written in spirit. You see? It is the record. The soul is the record of everything you have ever been, done and said forever. It is what is known as the akashic, or a part of the akashic record, for all of the soles are a part of the akashic record.

You see? Does this make sense to you?

P: It does. But the soul is eternal like the spirit is eternal, is the soul eternal, or is it just to this lifetime?

OWS: The soul is eternal. The soul is the record of eternity of the spirit.

P: Thank you.

OWS: Yes. Other questions here?

R: One who serves, hello? Hi! Sending love. I was wondering if you could explain about “monads” or divine essences we are a monad, like a collective oversoul, but then you have a monad, don’t you?

OWS: What we can tell you is this. And this is difficult for the three-dimensional consciousness to begin to grasp it, but you are raising in vibration and being able to understand much more and more as we go along here. So of course, at first there was the unmanifested, meaning the unmanifested before creation began. The unmanifested energy. And this unmanifested energy decided that it wanted to become manifested, wanted to become aware.

And in this awareness, it said, “Let there be light; let there be creation; let there be something that lets me know who I am, what I am.” And from that, there was the beginning of creation and the beginning of the creation of souls. The beginning of the creation of spirit, separate spirits we will say, because the soul came after this. And in those separate spirits, they each one wanted to do the same thing. They wanted to become aware of themselves. And in order to become aware of themselves as individual consciousness, they had to create consciousness outside of themselves. So they put down, you might say, a portion of themselves into a lower vibration. It is all about vibration and consciousness. So the one would put down another consciousness, another even an alternate personality, but at that point yet there was not quite a personality. But it would put down a portion of its consciousness. And then that part of consciousness wanted to become aware of itself, and it would put down a portion of its consciousness, and so on and so on.

And at some point there, there became the monad. The monad is what you would call the highest of the higher selves of each of you of all of the aspects together of each one of you at the very highest point. If you look at it from a point of higher and lower, but speaking here in terms of vibration, at the highest vibrational level that this one could become a personality: that is the monad, at that highest vibrational level. And from there came all of the aspects, all of the personalities that you, each one, are at this point. Does this make sense to you?

R: Oh, 100%. That’s why I try and explain to people why many people on this planet have the same higher self, because they belong to the same monad, but were still personalities of that monad. It is interesting and I love it, and I totally resonate with it, and I am so glad you explained it to the group, and this will now go out to the collective about monads and who we are all just one—we are fractals. We multiply, we fractalize. So I love it, thank you so much.

OWS: Very good. Now are there other questions here?

N: I have a question. Hello One Who Serves. My question is about in the last few years whenever I am taking pictures mainly about the sun, there is an orb, a blue orb, in it. I know that it is the fractal in the light when it gets into earth and does something interesting or whatever. I never tried to find out what it is, but in the last few years on the pictures I am taking, and this has happened to a lot of other people who also have this orb on their pictures. This Friday, day before yesterday, I was led to take pictures with the sunshine on the beach. When I was looking at the pictures, in all of them instead of one there were two. I took as many pictures as I wanted, and there were two orbs instead of one. So is this something connected to the change of energy and the light coming in, or extraterrestrial energy, or what is it exactly, why are there two instead of one now?

OWS: Most exactly these are a part of the changes that are occurring. These are a part of those, again, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. And even though you are finding it in pictures—you are taking a picture, and it is showing up in your photograph, you can see it in that photograph. But if you show it to another one that is not aware of these things at this point, and they will see it and they will explain it, “oh, that is just part of the photographic expression,” or “it is the light shining here,” or it is this, or that, or everything that they can think of in terms of a three-dimensional consciousness level of understanding.

But you, those of you who are moving into the higher fourth and even into fifth dimension at times, are experiencing the opening up of what we will call the metaphysical levels that you are now able to see and become aware of more and more. Certain times, you might say, when certain vibrations are reached, we will say, that this is when these portals, these gateways, and all of these things begin to open up. You see there are gateways all over the planet that you and your three-dimensional consciousness are not aware of, you as the collective, and you are not aware of. But as the vibrations continue to increase, you will be amazed at how many gateways there are, and that you can walk into these gateways and experience great changes, we will just say at this point. This is how bilocation happens, just so you know. That is a hint here for you. You can find these gateways. You can move through these gateways, and you can be from one place to another at moment of thoughts, and this is what is coming for many of you. Not so much this year or anything of this nature, but throughout the ascension process, that is a process. Always remember this. This is a process. And as you continue to move through this process, you will experience more and more of these openings, these gateways, these gateways that are spurred on by the opening of your third eye center. Ok?

N: Lovely. Thank you so much. My goodness, thank you.

G: One Who Serves, hi. From this conversation that we are having right now, I think I mentioned to you a little while back that I do my meditation out in the garage late at night for a few hours out there. But because I have been out there doing my spiritual work, of course, then that becomes a sacred area for me. We anyway, there is an area—I had to mark it with tape to put my fee there, because I would have to find it every time. And I receive—that’s what I want to ask: is that kind of a gateway that I have created or was created? Because that is where I ground with Gaia and Mother Father God and the galactic center, and it has become very powerful there. So when I find that footage, I receive so much energy coming up, and it is just beautiful and I merge with Gaia and Mother Father God, of course, and give so much thanks. This is where I have created an ascension pillar of light to emanate out all the beautiful energies that I usually send out to humanity. I have put it into the ascension pillar of light now from the galactic central to Gaia’s core on a 24hour basis—it is constant, constant. So every night I just go and give thanks to it and gratitude to it that it is still going, and so forth. Anyway, is that something that you were just talking about?

OWS: First of all, we have to say here we have heard many places where alters and those types of things are set up, meditation centers, but we have never heard of a garage being used as this. (Laughter)

G: I live in an apartment with my daughter and children, and there is no quietness or peace, so I have to go to the garage every night. Yah, that is the only reason (laughs).

OWS: Of course we jest, here. We are not making fun of you, we are just having fun, here. So to answer your question, yes, that is what you are creating. You are creating a gateway here, you would say, a gateway to connect you to your higher self, to connect you to the higher levels of consciousness that are a part of all of those aspects of self that we are speaking of, here. So, you have done this. You are working on this.

This is the beginning, for all of you now, not only this one who has asked this question, even if you don’t find yourself doing these meditations or finding these sacred spaces, you are still finding that sacred space within yourself, even if you are not consciously aware of it. But you are doing it, just in who you are, in being who you are on a given day and in a given moment.

You are raising your vibrations more and more and more, as we find it. Not all the time. Sometimes you fall into the doldrums, sometimes you let something that you read about or heard about bring you down, bring you back into the three-dimensional illusion. And that is ok. Do not feel bad about it. Do not ever feel guilty about it. Just let it be, and become aware of it, and then lift yourself back up. It is that simple. You can lift yourself up in a moment. There was one who used to say, “You get glad in the same shorts you got sad in,” and that is true. That is very true. So be glad as much as you can. Be in joy, as we said earlier, as much as you can. Because all of this is a part of the greater expression of the greater whole.

Yes, Shoshanna says, wonderful!

Shoshanna (channeled by JoAnna McConnell): Shoshanna wishes to share. Human beings are powerful beyond measure. Human beings create. Human beings have God within. It is a habit of those who meditate in earnest to select an area, it does not matter the area. To select an area and repeat over and over again within that area the practice of spirituality and meditation as it builds the energy there. It creates a very high vibration when you enter that area in love and in true communion with your source. What happens there is the energy builds and builds and builds, and you are the creator of that vibration that creates itself exponentially. You actually could take off like a rocket ship in that area.

G: Yes, I have a few times (laughs).

Shoshanna: If you build the energy. What is important here in your example that all that hear this and all that listen to you, that is the possibility of the human mind and spirit combined with its source to create that exponential energy that creates divine movement on the planet.

OWS: Wonderful. Yes. Wonderful.

G: Beautiful. Thank you.

OWS: We will add here, since this has come up. We will add, it is very similar in many ways, possibly a little bit less way because there were so many more involved, but when you are the Lemurians placed the records and you created that sacred space to hold the records to secret them away to protect them. This is the same thing. But at that time there were many who were working with this, with the one intension: to protect the records. This is very similar to what you were doing as an individual. But you are doing the same thing. You are creating a protective and a sacred space for yourself.

G: I always include the whole oneness that we are. Every prayer I do and anything I send out, any invocation, I include the oneness that we are, I include all, all that is. It is very powerful. Every time I do that it is so powerful, so happy to be out there. Ok, thank you.

OWS: Very good. Yes. Are there other questions here?

A: I have a question. My question is when we were in meditation with James, there was a lot going on during that meditation. I noticed a lot of different colors of lights were coming through, then I saw myself going with the mercaba, sending light to Washington because everybody is concerned with Washington and what was going on there. It felt like so much energy was going. It felt like it was coming from the Galactics and from everywhere, and energy from everyone in the group, and everything, and I feel a little confused with myself. I am confused with what my next step should be. I am thinking do I need to leave the place (where) I live? I am not saying today or tomorrow; should I stay in the same place I am or move out, or not. Spiritually I know where I am going and am continuing to raise my vibrations and all that stuff. But it is part of human life—it’s still here. I would like to have that part that I am talking about, war, if we need to do that, but it is part of my life right now. So I want to have peace and serenity in life. So I am thinking I need to change something. So, change the location (I’m not saying today), go somewhere else.

OWS: We will answer your question now. You asked the question what would be your next step. We would answer that partially here by saying to take the next step. That is important. Take the next step, whatever that might be. And that, as it comes to you, will come from your higher self. It will come from deep within you. If it comes to you and says you need to consider moving in terms of a physical move, then consider it. If it comes in terms of a relationship type of situation, then consider it. But—and this is a big but here, people—even though you are feeling these things from within doesn’t mean that you have to act on them immediately. Take them within you. Contemplate them. Move them within. See what will work and what will not work. And if it continues to com, though, to you as a continuous nudge that is somewhat nonstopping, then that is telling you that your higher self is saying, “ok, now is the time to take this particular step.” And then you do it.

Shoshanna wishes to speak.

A: Thank you! Yes, go ahead, Shoshanna.

Shoshanna: Dear One, when a human being wants to move, it is because their surroundings no longer match their energy signature. There is an interruption and a mismatch. If that is happening to you, follow that guidance. If there is an energy mismatch, and your vibration is no longer supported by the location that you find yourself in, find another location.

OWS: There you go, yes. Wonderful.

A: Absolutely. I agree with what you said. I agree with what One Who Serves said exactly with what he said to meditate more, go within yourself, and then about what Shoshanna was saying with vibrations. Vibrations have been not matching me for a long time, but I just got stuck, like they say. You know? You become too comfortable. But it happens I moved to a new place in May, and after moving to this place I don’t think I will be afraid to make another move. Because I was for 25 years in one place, long time to be there. So I am glad what you both said what you said, because that is exactly how I feel, exactly, and I appreciate it because it helps me to go in and meditation on that, and then I don’t know what to do next. I do appreciate Shoshanna, and thank you. Namaste, Shoshanna, One Who Serves.

Shoshanna: Namaste.

OWS: Very good. Are there any further questions here before we release channel? Then we do release channel here now.

As was said earlier, and has been said many, many times, continue to be in the NOW in all ways as much as you possibly can. Enjoy your life as you have it now. Find the joys that are in your life, whatever they might be, and accentuate those joys. As you continue to do that, you will find that the time is moving along even faster for you, and you will not be waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the re-evaluation or the global currency reset, or the financial changeover. You will not be waiting for it anymore. You will be working toward creating your future every moment of the day.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell



Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated.

“Believing is seeing!”

Marilyn Harper, Prageet Harris, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Lee Carroll - Retiro Intensivo en Sedona -Parte 1 - Sedona, Arizona, 18 a 21 de octubre de 2018

Cuatro canalizadores: Marilyn Harper, Prageet Harris, Peggy Phoenix Dubro, Lee Carroll

Retiro Intensivo de 4 días en Sedona, Arizona, 18 a 21 de octubre de 2018


Introducción: Elan Cohen

Me gustaría pedirles que tomen una profunda respiración, una respiración profunda seguramente nutriente. Siéntanse cómodos, donde estén sentados, y muy, muy suavemente cierren sus ojos y relájense en este espacio en que todos estamos juntos ahora, mientras el entorno de Kryon, una grandiosa familia de seres benévolos acuden a este salón desde el otro lado del velo, a nuestro espacio sagrado, para ayudar a facilitar las energías para este día juntos, en amor incondicional y honor a ustedes. Tomen otra respiración profunda.

Linda Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst - NOVEMBER 2018 - Oct 30, 2018

November 2018 Message




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today we wish to discuss shining your Light.

Much new energy is reaching your planet, and there are many energetic shifts as humanity continues to ascend. Each person is progressing at his / her own rate, and the influence of each individual plays a large role in the greater good.

Colleen - Sheldan's Recovery ~ An Update - Oct 30, 2018

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

What a hectic 3 weeks I have endured. Yes it was 3 weeks ago (Saturday 4am, 10-6-18) that I had to rush Sheldan to the emergency room because once again he was attacked by a DEWeapon. Then again to the ER a week later. This started a new chapter of dealing with the dysfunctional medical system. Thank goodness for the many diagnostics and life saving procedures they do offer. However, the paperwork is tedious and getting appointments for follow-up care is a nightmare. And, as we all know, the pharmaceutical practices are just plain wrong. Yes, some of the pharmaceuticals are helpful but the practice of simply ordering one drug after another is not helpful or healthy. There's my rant on that.

Selacia - You and November Energies A Guide to Navigating These Moments - Oct 30, 2018

You and November Energies
A Guide to Navigating These Moments
by Selacia

An emotional roller coaster is likely in November, especially given increased societal tensions after an unprecedented level of hate-fueled violence has unfolded. To be sure, this is the dark side of humanity and it's surfacing for healing on a big scale. It's playing out in small to big towns, in business, in social circles, online, and in political debates ahead of key elections such as those in the US on November 6. Continue reading for insights on how to optimally respond to these energies and what you can do to connect with positive potentials.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - FB Update - A short message from the Collective - Oct 30, 2018

A short message from the Collective, for today's Empowered Lightworker Show:

“Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you today.

We see many of you coming to grips with that which dilutes and confuses your energies.

This includes the past life trauma, ancestral trauma, and energy interferences—entities or energy forms that are in your body and energy field, that should not be there.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Challenges that Span Lifetimes - Oct 30, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun the process of examining your problems from a larger point of view, and we have noticed that your problems are stemming from more than just something that you’ve done to create them in this lifetime. We like to refer to your problems as challenges because you can see the point in facing a challenge, but problems just seem to exist for no one’s benefit.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 30, 2018

What compassion and encouragement do you so willingly give everyone else yet deny yourself? Why? What difference could it make to you? When you decide to commit to including yourself in your own love and support, you will finally have what you need to take a huge leap forward in your growth and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

lunes, octubre 29, 2018

Carla Thompson - The Agarthans The Ascension is the Energetic Alignment with Unity Consciousness - October 28, 2018

A discussion about how Separation Consciousness must be processed through the completion of the Inner Work in order to align with Unity Consciousness, and therefore, the Ascension.

This is a message from the Agarthans who have come forward to us as we were recently guided to connect with Shamballa, the Inner Earth Capital City. It is clear from this message that they wish to emphasize the absolute necessity of clarifying our roles in the

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday October 29, 2018

You simply cannot judge and deny yourselves and come Home to yourselves at the same time. Some of you continue to be hard on yourselves because you fear if you don’t you will stop growing or evolving. Unfortunately, self denial keeps wounds hidden and self judgment keeps pain active.

Jennifer Hoffman - Making Empowered Changes - Oct 29, 2018

If you’re feeling the need to make some changes in your life it’s a perfectly normal response to the energetic climate right now. Just be sure to give those changes the time and attention they deserve because they are not signs of a mid-life crisis or a foolish idea or temptation, they are your soul telling you that you have run out of energy road in your current reality (which you probably already knew). As our energy fields expand we can connect with new potentials that match the new energies we’re receiving. But no matter how attractive the changes may be, we have to negotiate with our fear first, before we allow them to happen.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - An Energy Surge - Oct 29, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are exploring the possibility for humanity to experience a wonderful energy surge from the Earth’s core. The Earth is a being, just as much as she is a planet, and just as we look for opportunities to give you what it is that we feel you need, so does your Earth. She is also always looking for ways to help, and right now there’s a great deal of consideration going on within Earth’s consciousness.

Brenda Hoffman - There is No Santa Claus - October 29, 2018

Dear Ones,

Even though you wish to love all, the chaos in your outer world limits the scope of your love. You likely crossed off large groups of people because they seem so unlike you. Perhaps they are of a different political party than you align yourself with or are a different gender, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or race.

domingo, octubre 28, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday October 28, 2018

Dear Ones, if you deny any aspect of yourselves, you will be perpetually agitating any abandonment, separation, or trust issues you may have. As you recognize, accept, love, and guide all aspects of self, you will be holding the space of healing and unity consciousness, which will be reflected in your experiences moving forward.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, October 28, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, October 28, 2018

You are learning to trust yourself.

Now we can't emphasize enough.

We have prophesied this before, yes?

As you go deeper into this sense of Trust
you will discover a new oasis and adventure.

You will discover a brand new world.

It all begins with Trust of Self.

And so it is.


Ron Head - The Council - Answers Ep. XI – Healing the Squirmy Bits - October 28, 2018

“In a world where evil is becoming more evil and the good becoming even better, the divide seems to be growing. Where is this heading?”

You have asked another question that would need a book, or several books, to answer. In fact many such books have been written over the centuries. Let us just touch upon some of the more necessary ideas that must be understood.

In much of your world, you have come to see things as either/or. Either something is this or it is not. It is good or it is bad. It is black or it is white. It is good or it is evil. You have built, or been given, inner yardsticks by which you measure and judge everything. The greatest part of those has been given to you by others. Understand

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - 28 de octubre de 2018

Blossom: Buenos días. Después de su última canalización sobre los cubos de Energía, se produjo una gran emoción. ¿Seguiremos adelante en el mismo sentido?
FOL: Buenos momentos de Alegría a lo largo de su día también, Blossom. La Energía que rodea a los cubos de Energía es de hecho elevadora para el alma. Porque cuando decimos que hemos triplicado la cantidad que se está "enviando" ... también puede ser consciente del hecho de que DEBIDO A ESTO ... todo lo que piensa y pone en acción también se triplica

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - October 28, 2018

Good morning. Great excitement ensued after your last channelling about the Energy cubes. Shall we continue forth in the same vein?
Good moments of Joy throughout your day also, Blossom. The Energy surrounding the Energy cubes is indeed uplifting to the soul. For when we say we have tripled the amount being ‘sent through’ … you can also be aware of the fact that DUE TO THIS … all that you think and put into action is being tripled in its Vibrational intensity also. Therefore, it is most wise to be vigilant of all thoughts and feelings, for if one’s thoughts were not of the Highest for all … one may find themselves feeling completely out of sorts. 

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth - October 28, 2018

Accept that you are a Radiant Spirit of Light who is growing stronger every day in patterns of wholeness and truth.

Dear One,

You are radiant spirit. That is your essence, your connection to the God Source. This is the part of you that never dies, and lives in oneness with all that is, was and ever shall be. When you recognize the truth of your pure essence, and remember it, your daily life can take on a lighter quality. You will be able to look at each situation from a more expanded perspective.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Your Ascension - Stepping Up to The Plate -

Are YOU feeling attacked or severely feeling challenged in some way in your physical world?

What is really happening is the consciousness STRETCHING process, forcing us to trust more, to let go of old beliefs and to LIVE in the now.

Do what it takes to live for today. Do not live for a future, that is all too well-known in 3D and 4th Dimensional consciousness.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - We’ve Opened More Portals - Oct 28, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have opened a number of portals for those of you who are interested in receiving more of our vibration. These portals have been strategically placed in different parts of your planet so that we can reach the largest number of you directly. Now, if you are wondering how you find one of these portals, rest assured that you don’t need to find them in order to receive because of them. There are no magic words or phrases you need to speak in order to open them. They are open.

sábado, octubre 27, 2018

Ron Head - The Council - The approach of major change - October 27, 2018

For several months, you have collectively been feeling the approach of major change. We confirmed this for you. We confirmed it through many channels. Your most frequently voiced response has been ‘bring it on’. You always interpret things according to your most dearly held desires. But a new world contains far more than that.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 26 de Octubre, 2018

“El tiempo no espera por nadie” es perfectamente cierto ahora que estáis en un periodo en el que los asuntos están avanzando muy rápidamente. Puede que no lo veáis desde vuestra perspectiva, pero estad seguros de que desde que comenzó la Nueva Era las cosas se han acelerado a pesar de las tácticas de retraso de los Illuminati. Se les ha arrebatado la capacidad de dictar el resultado de los acontecimientos, y eso es cierto desde finales de los 80 cuando estaban haciendo planes para destruir la Tierra. Desde esos tiempos las Fuerzas de la Luz han contraatacado con éxito sus continuos intentos de esconder la verdad y retener vuestro avance. Los viejos problemas están lentamente pero con seguridad siendo resueltos y se ha establecido firmemente que no se permitirá otra Guerra Mundial bajo ninguna circunstancia. Realmente, las Fuerzas de la Luz han tenido tanto éxito que hay un creciente movimiento para

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Agendas & Feelings - Oct 27, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an agenda and that agenda is to help, that agenda is to serve. And every being and collective and council that you will encounter as you move forward in your different contact scenarios will have an agenda. You will need to determine for yourselves whether that agenda is pure. Many of you have developed a healthy skepticism when it comes to politicians and heads of corporations. You see their agenda, even when they’re trying to hide it.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday October 27, 2018

The more you acknowledge and tend to the many different aspects of self, the more you will find moving forward on your path filled with greater grace and ease because all parts will be in cooperation with that forward movement. It is difficult to make great progress if aspects of yourself are uncooperative, resistant, or trying to run in

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – October 26, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

COR: My friends, as you know, it’s not unusual for me to get emails from people who are tired and frustrated with the state of the world. From time to time I come to you with one of these, asking for your wisdom and encouragement for all who are experiencing this now.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, October 27, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, October 27, 2018

When you understand the power of forgiveness
you will release all entrapments of fear.

Who you are ultimately forgiving
is your own W-Holy Self.

You are the Master.

Asara - Energy Update From AA Michael - Oct 27, 2018

Energy Update From AA Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear One, you are currently shifting into the higher octaves of Light and as you are experiencing this transition, continue to relax into it.

viernes, octubre 26, 2018

Tom Kenyon - Aprecio y Gratitud: Un Manual Básico

Aprecio y Gratitud: Un Manual Básico
por Tom Kenyon

Este es un manual breve sobre el uso de las emociones coherentes - específicamente las de aprecio y gratitud - para afectar tu percepción de ti mismo así como del mundo que te rodea.

Escribí esto para resolver un interrogante que surgió de un mensaje de los Hathors titulado "La Meditación de Sonido del Multiverso". En ese mensaje dijeron que era vital entrar primero en un estado de emoción coherente como el aprecio o la gratitud antes de explorar realidades alternativas. La razón de este manual es asegurar que entremos en los reinos más elevados de consciencia que se abren para nosotros cuando estamos en un estado de alta coherencia.

Jamye Price - November Ascension Energies – The Space Within - Oct 25, 2016

October Review

October had an interesting energetic. The energies of Calming the Chaos were great preparation for the energies of November. October felt like an intensity of inner movement, something beneath the surface. There was quite an “opposites attract” flow to it, an intensification of the nature of duality within as we nourish the courage to Love when Love isn’t easy.

Tom Kenyon - Appreciation and Gratitude: A Basic Primer

Tom Kenyon's work in brain/mind
re-education is a scientifically based
art form that transforms consciousness
in rapid and elegant ways.

This is a brief primer on the use of coherent emotions—specifically those of appreciation and gratitude—to affect your perception of both yourself and the world around you.

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - 1/11/11 Los Colores del Amor - Octubre 21, 2018

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora.

Queridos amigos

Pienso que lo único en lo que todos podemos concordar ese en que ha sido un tiempo muy difícil en el último mes más o menos. Sea donde estemos viviendo en el Planeta Tierra, estamos sintiendo los “dolores de parto” de los cambios y transiciones. A veces podemos sentir que es demasiado, o que estamos cansados y no podemos sostenernos en pie.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Multidimensional Frequencies of Reality - October 26, 2018

Multidimensional Frequencies of Reality

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Ones, all of your lives are multidimensional in that there are many frequencies of reality that your heart and mind can perceive. However, many humans are not aware of this fact, and only think to look at that which resonates to their third dimensional, daily life.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, October 25, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, October 25, 2018

What if you were about to create your own victory?

What if it was your turn at the potter's wheel?

This is what we are asking you to entertain,
to get excited about
and build up enthusiasm over -
the idea of what you are entitled to now.

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee - Master Djwhal Khul - EMPOWERMENT OF THE HEART - Oct 26, 2018


Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Lights of October in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

Tom Kenyon - Meditación Planetaria de los Hathors - Trilliums - Sep 21, 2018

Una Meditación Planetaria de los Hathors
a través de Tom Kenyon

En este mensaje deseamos compartir con ustedes un método simple pero altamente efectivo de acceder a los potenciales cuánticos de su cuerpo. Esta técnica les permite recurrir a energías sutiles de otras dimensiones de consciencia que favorecen la vida.


Los trilliums son efectos de campo cuántico que se crean cuando dos partículas subatómicas se unen.