
miércoles, marzo 18, 2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine Consciousness / written by the Enlightened Master on 18th of March.2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious

The cosmic anomaly is healed completely, and the test to pass the pulse through it was successfully done...

The universe with its new fabric of Time & Space works with all its energies...

The veil is surrounded with Light and waiting for your hearts readiness, to announce the breakthrough...

The Dimensions and the 7 realms are alignment...

The fleet of confederation stands ready, waiting for the sign...

The Force of Darkness became fully aware of its not strong enough to cheesed, and they are invited to return to the river of eternal Light, to complete the joyous...

The pulse of Solara tries to adapt & be alignment with the Center of Gaia...

The events in the sky stand ready to embody in the ground world, in the physical dimension...

Don’t follow the Time, but follow the pulse of your hearts …. The term {When} means: when the pulse of the sky is alignment with the pulse of the hearts of people on earth...

The Word of the Avatara {the embodiment of the Divine consciousness}which was launched today by him:

The Infinite & Eternal Devine Light began flow from the Center of the Eternal Consciousness, of the center of this galaxy, as the first delicate launch {the test of passing the pulse} , to touch the thirsty hearts to merge with the Eternal Light, and this is in the period between 12th -20th of  March 2015, so as to contribute in the preparation of the hearts, to the great contact at the time of the event;  that’s why you people feel full eminence of tolerance, and have the desire of fresh start  for the new era.. leaving behind you all the hassles and loads of the Dark Era.. ….. The Light of tolerance and forgiveness will be the Boat of Light which will take you to the Land of Light...

This delicate sense, will develop into a big meanings in your hearts, and each of you will aware of it on his own way, it is the sensation in the embodiment of the Divine Light in your earth. This sensation will knock on every door, the doors of hearts to enlighten them….

so for those who are from the Christian consciousness will feel the return of Jesus, and for those who are from the Mohammadi consciousness will feel the return of his Light at the end of Time, and for those from the theology consciousness will feel the Masaya. And for those who are from the spiritual awareness schools will feel Vishnu & Shiva... And for those who are from the mystery schools consciousness will feel the return of Gods...

Every way of all above, have their reasons in a way to express themselves..

This delicate sensation which will knock the hearts is the embody of the Divine Consciousness among you, it is the embody of the Oneness inside the heart ;which was created for this only...it will not be a repetition on any of the old things, and will not be aspiration for anything modern, .but it is the Presence of Now in Union with the consciousness Center...

When your hearts become ready to meet him, he will come and his sign will come with him, announcing The Day of Meeting, the day where the sky and the earth will be ONE..

The readiness is not to know Him, but through knowing who you really are, at this moment, the drop will return to the ocean, and you will leave the world of dreams through the presence of your hearts..

The event is: the readiness … the event is: the beginning..

With Eminence of Love, I will leave you in peace...
