
viernes, agosto 01, 2014

You Are Love and Love Is You – by Fran Zepeda - Aug 1, 2014


Through the Love that you Are,
Explore the Depths of your Being.
Through every refraction of Light,
Lies your Wholeness.
Nothing is left to Chance,
Nothing is forgotten,
And Nothing is lost -
For it is found within the Love that you Are.

So dear ones, Embrace the Love that you Are
And come to know yourself
Within that Realm…
The Realm of Love and Knowingness

Forever Be it Known
That you are Love…
Forever and Always LOVE, dear ones.
Let Nothing come Betwixt or Between -
For it is You, the Whole and the All…
In Loving Embrace of Creator

So Let it Be Known Far and Wide
That you Are LOVE,
Forever and Always…
It is written in the stars,
And Bathed in the Seas,
It is Strewn in the Forests
Nestled in a teardrop…
And In the Wind and the Breeze…
In the dew upon the petal,
And in the leaves upon the trees.

It is Everywhere…
And in Everything…
Forever and Always…
on the wings of a prayer,
and in the gentle Light of Love Rays present
Streaming from the Sun
Within Your Heart…
Forever and Always -
Strong and True -
You Are LOVE and LOVE Is You.

Written/Channeled by Fran Zepeda August 1, 2014

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com  www.ouremergingdivinity.com