
sábado, agosto 02, 2014

NOAH: the TRUTH is BIGGER than you thought......the JourNey BeGins

Published on Aug 2, 2014
NOAH (FULL Noah Movie ~ "NEVER TRUST THE ENKI") is a JourNey into the vast evidence of the Global Flood, Occult, Demons, Nephilim, Enoch, the Watchers, the Enki, Tower of Babel, Mystery Teachings of Fallen Angels, God, Satan, Heaven, Hell and the dimensions between.... A FULL documentary investigation into the science behind the supernatural.

Noah: Welcome to the JourNey. the Truth is BIGGER than you thought...... Noah, God, Satan, Occult and Flood are ALL now science fact.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" takes a hard look, not just at the ancient beliefs, practices, demons, spirits, fallen angels, "aliens" & dark gods going all the way back to their source -- the Tower of Babel itself; but greater still, a sobering walk through some of our current "poor-man sciences" & "textbook mythologies" (such as 1859 Darwin-ism and Evolution-ism .... often debated as "Creation vs. Evolution-ism), to the growing finds of SOFT TISSUE & Dino DNA in dinosaurs... all the way to the controversial Dinosaur Ica Stones.... to the Neanderthal (Human) long-lifespans, to the evidence of a Global Flood (Noah's Flood / Noah's Deluge) all across the surface of the whole planet Earth itself.

Noah: The documentary "Noah" also covers the ancient serpent worship on alters of blood by those creatures with elongated skulls that some call "Nephilim, Annunak, the Races of Giants, etc.... Children of the Fallen Angels..... from the realms of hell and the underworld..... to the throne of God Himself, and cross of Jesus Christ.... and the boat that saved mankind from writings on stone all across the globe.

Noah: A true JourNey from the cells to the stars.... to the rage of waters from Noah's Flood..... the Epic of Gilgamesh..... pages of Revelation..... and the dimensions of the unseen... and that which lies between.

Enjoy Noah......
~trey smith

Noah: Special Thanks to:
Michael Donner -- Music for Noah https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelD...
Jon Rovetto -- DVD production for Noah https://www.facebook.com/jrovetto
Rick Hummer -- Voice Overs for Noah https://www.facebook.com/rick.hummer.1
Ric Viers -- Sound Effects for Noah http://www.ricviers.com/

Noah written, directed and produced by Trey Smith
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trey-S...
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCul3...
God in a Nutshell Project: http://godinanutshell.com/

Noah: Extra Thanks & Suggested Resources:
Dr. Carl Smith (Mathematics & probability calculations)
Dr. Don Patton (Dinosaur carbon dating, Dinosaur / Human footprints, Dinosaurs in same strata as humans) http://www.bible.ca/tracks/ask-creati...
Dr. Jack Cuozzo (Neanderthal Research / Long Lifespans) http://jackcuozzo.com/
Dr. Walt Brown (author of "In the Beginning" -- credited with Hydroplate theory) http://www.creationscience.com/online...
Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/
Dr. Chuck Missler: http://khouse.org/

Noah: Links to other Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell videos

Noah: Theory of Everything by Trey Smith.... Enjoy a FULL debunking of Charles Darwin's 1859 Theory of Evolution which spawned today's popular textbook Evolution mythology. Evolution dis-proven using EVERY SINGLE SCIENCE known to man.... An Easy Step-by-Step video for those who want EXTREMELY EASY, Basic & Practical ways to disprove evolution to their friends. http://youtu.be/mtBz1roiQR8?list=PLEA...

Noah: Evolution Debunked (one hour video) http://youtu.be/Gjvuwne0RrE?list=UUul...

Noah: Nephilim by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY?list=UUul...

Noah: Enoch by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/BZGN6EKjvAo?list=UUul...

Noah: the Choice by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/TVbJHaK7Tvc?list=PL51...

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