
domingo, junio 30, 2013

M. Gamma - Inspiration from my Higher Self – Introduction

When I started my first steps to communicate on a telepathic level it was “Badeem“, my Higher Godself, who was so helpful at my side.
Badeem as a teacher has much patience – always – and when it comes to me – I am always again surprised what one is able to experience and learn from oneself ! Be it from past incarnations or even the present one. I have gotten so much used to my communication with Badeem and, appreciating it so much that I simply cannot imagine being without this communication any more.
Due to such telepathic contact spirituality evolves to some entirely different dimension. No books at all dealing with spirituality as such are proving so valuable as your own contact to yourself respectively your Higher Goodself.

The Arcturian Group - Marilyn Rafaelle - 6/30/13

the acturian group messagesGreetings once again dear ones. We observe you bursting forth with more and more light as you awaken to truth and begin to live it in your daily lives. We observe no reaction to many issues that previously would have upset you–you are beginning to experience a non- resonance with all that you are ready to leave behind.
Everything is energy and when your relationship with something or someone works, it means you are vibrating at the same rate. When an individual’s energy level changes, he often no longer resonates with those same people, foods, entertainments, news, etc. and is no longer on the same “wave length” so to speak. Spiritual growth is the process of evolving out from under the dense and heavy energies of separation and duality consciousness and into the higher lighter frequencies of truth.

Wes Annac - The Shadow-Self is Divine - Jun 30, 2013

I’ve discovered something important along my personal process, and this discovery has come-about on the back of my own, what I perceive to be difficulty or inability to enjoy a smooth and free-flowing existence. To be blunt about it – I’m meeting my shadow-self in all of its ferocity.
I’ve been writing lately about how joyful and brimming my existence has been, and indeed it has been, but I recognize that that’s perhaps a bit narrow or one-sided of a view to give of my ascension process as it stands currently.

I understand you – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June, 30, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, I know exactly how and what you feel. You think that I float somewhwere above the clouds, in heaven, but you err in that. I am here on earth, incarnated in a human body. Only in this way I can help you even better. I know and feel all that my incarnation feels. None of her thoughts are foreign to me. Her life isn’t easy, so I know exactly what weighs you down and toils you. So I know exactly what it means to live as a human being on earth with all that moves, pleases, annoys, frightens and worries you. I understand all this very well, my child. You are not left alone. I am with you. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 30 June 2013

hilarion2Beloved Ones,
You now begin to move forward into the remembrance of your true purpose and work here upon the planet. The veils have become thinner and the distinction between dimensions is not as great now. This period will be filled with wondrous and miraculous events, both on personal and collective levels. The revelations will be coming fast and thick, for the old ways of keeping secrets and behind the scenes workings will no longer be supported. The cosmic energies of love and those that are beneficial and supportive for the awakening of all of humanity have increased in intensity and magnitude. This can be a great catalyst for change and transformation and we observe with great interest the effects of each wave.

‘Biggest protest in Egypt’s history’: LIVE UPDATES - June 30, 2013

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi set off fireworks during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi set off fireworks during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)
Millions have taken to the streets across Egypt to demand the resignation of President Morsi on the first anniversary of his inauguration. But Morsi loyalists are staging counter-demonstrations, saying they will defend the leader with all means available.
00:56 GMT:

00:33 GMT: The death toll in Sunday’s clashes between supporters and opponents of President Morsi across Egypt has risen to seven. Two people have been killed during violence outside the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in Cairo, medical officials say. Five others were shot in a town around the south of Cairo, one in Beni Suef and another in Fayoum and three in Assiut. At least 600 were injued, medical and security sources told Reuters.

00:20 GMT: “Tamarod” (Rebellion) movement – the backbone of Egypt’s resistance – has released a statement  demanding President Mohammed Morsi step down by Tuesday at 5pm. The movement also called on “police, army and judiciary” to support the people’s will. If Morsi fails to resign by Tuesday, civil disobedience will continue throughout the country.


23:39 GMT: Reports emerge that a number of people have been injured at the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in Mokattam, Cairo, Ahram Online reports. The location is seeing ongoing clashes between those inside the building and the attackers. Slingshots and possibly live ammunition are being used. Earlier protesters threw Molotov cocktails.

23:30 GMT: Tens of political parties and groups forming the “30 June Coordinating Committee” released a statement thanking the protesters and calling to end political repression.
We thank the Egyptian people who have revolted in their millions for a free Egypt, free of fascism, tyranny and injustice,” the statement read, while at the same time denouncing Morsi. “The presidency has released a statement belittling us and our legitimate demands and our million man marches all over Egypt’s squares.”
The committee promised to “stand behind the people and their just demands” and calls for further action by “all democratic means to demonstrate, hold sit-ins and strikes and besiege all state institutions and we demand the trial of all those responsible for torture, killing and announcing edicts inciting against the people and calls for terrorism which was called for by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

22:43 GMT:

22:05 GMT: The leader of Egypt’s Islamist Nour party, Younis Makhyoun,  presented himself on Sunday as a mediator with protesters and urged Morsi to make concessions to avert bloodshed on the streets. “There must be concessions, even if they are difficult and bitter, to safeguard the blood of Egyptians,” Makhyoun said. “We are worried about an escalation that will be hard to control, and that guns will have the loudest voice.”

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gather near a lit a flare during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gather near a lit a flare during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

21:50 GMT: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi knows he has made mistakes and is working to fix them, his spokesman Omar Amer said on Sunday as massive anti-government demonstartions engulfed the coutnry.
(Morsi) announced to all of Egypt’s people he made mistakes and that he is in the process of fixing these mistakes,” Amer told a late-night news conference.
“I want to confirm one truth, if there is a total lack of response to this initiative, no listening to it, no interest in it from any side, what do you think the presidency can do?”
We respect the demands of the streets, and we acknowledge that the political scene in Egypt is continuously changing; however, initiatives are being made constantly and communications are ongoing,” Presidential spokesman Omar Amer said during the second press conference of the day. Amer also called for dialogue, “Those who have demands or visions must sit for dialogue.”

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gather during a demonstration at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gather during a demonstration at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

21:40 GMT: There are reports of numerous cases of sexual harassment in Tahrir Square, according to Tahrir Bodyguards, a civil initiative fighting harassment.

21:36 GMT: Watch RT’s Bel Trew with the latest report from Cairo: 

21:30 GMT:
21:25 GMT: There are unconfirmed reports that President Mohammed Morsi has left the capital for security reasons.

21:28 GMT: In London hundreds of Egyptians took part in anti-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations demanding President Mohammed leave and to make way for early presidential elections. “No to remnants of the former regime; No to military rule; No to the Muslim Brotherhood,” they shouted for three-hours outside the Egyptian embassy.

21:17 GMT: Four people have been killed in clashes on Sunday. All four dead were shot in Nile Valley towns south of Cairo, one in Beni Suef and three in Assiut.
22:00 GMT: ”It is the biggest protest in Egypt’s history,” a military source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi wave Egyptian flags and shout slogans against him and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, during a protest in front of El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi wave Egyptian flags and shout slogans against him and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, during a protest in front of El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

21:30 GMT: During the record breaking rally against the Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi, an Egyptian woman gave birth to a baby girl in Tahrir Square. The child named “Tamarod”, Arabic for rebellion and also an opposition group, which heads  a nationwide campaign against Mulslim Brotherhood and calling for Mursi’s removal and early presidential vote.

21:00 GMT: Egyptian Health Minister Mohamed Hamed says the number of injured across the country has increased to 228 from 174. Many of the injuries are related to the heat and crowds rather than clashes, Ahram Online reports. 36 people have been discharged from hospitals.

A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi holds an anti-Morsi poster during a protest in front of the presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi holds an anti-Morsi poster during a protest in front of the presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

18:30 GMT: Opponents of President Mohammed Morsi have attempted to storm the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo, the organization’s spokesman has said. Gehad El-Haddad, the spokesman for the Brotherhood, which nominated Morsi as its candidate ahead of last year’s elections, said several dozen protesters shot at the windows with shotguns, and threw Molotov cocktails and rocks at the building, which had been fortified in recent weeks. El-Haddad said the attackers were successfully repelled.  

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans against him and Brotherhood members during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans against him and Brotherhood members during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

17:00 GMT: From early on Sunday, throngs streamed towards Tahrir Square in Cairo – the birthplace of the protests that displaced former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011 – under the rallying cry of “Leave, Morsi! Leave!”. The organizers, an activist movement called Tamarod, or Rebellion, asked demonstrators – who include pro-democratic secularists, religious minorities, and those suffering in Egypt’s stuttering economy – to leave their party allegiances at home, and bring only national flags to the rally.

A general view of protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi waving Egyptian flags and shouting slogans against him and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, during a protest in front of El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)A general view of protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi waving Egyptian flags and shouting slogans against him and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, during a protest in front of El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

Anti-Morsi protesters (bottom) and residents of an area in Sidi Gaber, clash in a side street off a main street where a massive anti-Morsi protest is taking place, in Alexandria, June 30, 2013. (Reuters)Anti-Morsi protesters (bottom) and residents of an area in Sidi Gaber, clash in a side street off a main street where a massive anti-Morsi protest is taking place, in Alexandria, June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

A large Egyptian flag is seen as protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans against him and Brotherhood members during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)A large Egyptian flag is seen as protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans against him and Brotherhood members during a protest at Tahrir Square in Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

Supporters of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi hold copies of the Koran during a protest around the Raba El-Adwyia mosque square in Nasr City, in the suburb of Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters) Supporters of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi hold copies of the Koran during a protest around the Raba El-Adwyia mosque square in Nasr City, in the suburb of Cairo June 30, 2013. (Reuters)

Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans and set off fireworks during a protest in Tahrir square in Cairo June 29, 2013. (Reuters)Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans and set off fireworks during a protest in Tahrir square in Cairo June 29, 2013. (Reuters)

Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans and waves an Egyptian flag during a protest around the Raba El-Adwyia mosque square in Nasr City, in the suburb of Cairo June 29, 2013. (Reuters)Members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans and waves an Egyptian flag during a protest around the Raba El-Adwyia mosque square in Nasr City, in the suburb of Cairo June 29, 2013. (Reuters)

An Egyptian opposition supporter holds a crossed-out picture of President Mohammed Morsi as hundreds gather for a demonstration against Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo's landmark Tahrir Square on June 29, 2013. (AFP Photo)An Egyptian opposition supporter holds a crossed-out picture of President Mohammed Morsi as hundreds gather for a demonstration against Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo’s landmark Tahrir Square on June 29, 2013. (AFP Photo)

President Mohamed Morsi burn the content of a Freedom and Justice Party office in the coastal city of Alexandria on June 28, 2013. (AFP Photo)President Mohamed Morsi burn the content of a Freedom and Justice Party office in the coastal city of Alexandria on June 28, 2013. (AFP Photo)

A scene of the aftermath of a fire that was set in the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party by anti-Morsi protesters during clashes between them and supporters of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi in Sedy Gaber in Alexandria, June 28, 2013. (Reuters)A scene of the aftermath of a fire that was set in the headquarters of the Freedom and Justice Party by anti-Morsi protesters during clashes between them and supporters of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi in Sedy Gaber in Alexandria, June 28, 2013. (Reuters)

 Supporters of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood gather during a demonstration next to the Rabaa El-Adaweya mosque in the capital Cairo, on June 28, 2013. (AFP Photo)Supporters of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood gather during a demonstration next to the Rabaa El-Adaweya mosque in the capital Cairo, on June 28, 2013. (AFP Photo)

We cannot issue hardhats - Ron Head - June 30, 2013

Image converted using ifftoany

It is time for us to discuss the movements that are occurring in your societies.  Others have done so.  Even other channelings have done so.  But we have only touched upon the topic here.  This may be a short message, but we trust you will give it thought and consideration.

You see around you now reports of much upheaval.  You are told of riots, of massive protests, of government crackdowns.  You are apprised almost daily of plans and technologies which are meant to control you even more than you are at present controlled.  You are bombarded endlessly with stories of mayhem of all sorts, most of which, may we point out, has occurred many thousands of miles away from you.  If you are following these things, it is very easy for you to lose yourselves in feelings of doubt, fear, and depression.

A Message from the Angels – Dancing into the Great Unknown – 30 June 2013, by Tazjima

We are the Angelic Legions of the Divine Mother. We come to you today with more words of encouragement. Feel them in your heart as you read for with your heart you understand the language of the soul, the language of light that has no words.
Dear ones, you are now well into your period of transition, moving from one cycle to another. We realize that it is not easy to observe what has been the apparent foundations of your world literally and figuratively come apart at the seams. Yet, this is the cycle of nature, of the world of matter. What grows to maturity eventually comes into a period of decay, until its components can be recycled in new forms. What you are seeing all around the world is a startling degree of decay and exposure of the old systems. They no longer function and haven’t served the needs of the people for a long time. It is time for these old systems of domination and control to break down and so they are, by the will of the people and by the Will of your Creator.

The manuscript of survival – part 331 - Aisha North - June 30, 2013

The times ahead may be construed as chaotic for many, but as you have been told before, chaos does not need to entail fear. You have been taught well dear ones, as you have managed to wrestle yourselves away from the old prison of fear and started to breathe the air of freedom of choice. For that is what all of this is really about: to stay within the confines defined by the society that you live amongst, or to start to set out on the road defined by your willingness to go above and beyond the limitations stipulated for all the so-called normal human beings on this beautiful planet of yours.

Message from my Guides – 30 June 2013 Light Anchor – by Multidimensional Ocean

Message from my Guides – 30 Jue 2013 Light Anchor – by Multidimensional Ocean

images (1)Hi guys, as Mercury goes retrograde, many of us are overthinking the past myself included (-_o)…
Here is today’s message from my guies – 30 Jue 2013 Light Anchor:
Dear souls of the human realm, remain grounded over the next few weeks, do active grounding exercices with extra care and renewed efforts. The energies of the Mother Ocean are displacing you in all directions, like a feather on the surface of an ocean.
What you need now is to drop you anchor, and find inner peace.

WakingTimes – Mike Barrett – ADHD A ‘Fictitious Disease’ Says The Creator Of The Ailment – 30 June 2013

Flickr-adderall-Patrick-Mallahan-III-300x225Did you know that The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 3%-7% of school-aged children have ADHD, while parents report that about 9.5% of children between 9- and 7 years old suffer from the condition? Although these statistics are alarming, they aren’t as shocking as the fact that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a completely made-up ailment, according to the “father” of ADHD, Leon Eisenberg, who made the shocking admission in the last interview before his death.
A psychiatrist and key player in the developmental research behind autism, ADHD, and psychiatry as a whole, Leon Eisenberg concocted the theory of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder decades ago. The disease first haunted the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, but is now labeled as ADHD. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Eisenberg’s theory on ADHD to become ‘concrete’ within the medical community, leading tens of millions of children to be heavily medicated with mind-altering drugs for virtually no justifiable reason.

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – UK Government Bans GMOs From Its Own Parliament Restaurants While Telling Public To Embrace Genetic Poisons – 30 June 2013

GMO-No2-300x130(NaturalNews) Since the mid-to-late 1990s when genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were first being thrust onto the market by governments working in lockstep with the biotechnology industry, the U.K. Parliament has effectively barred their use in all food items served to government officials at Parliament restaurants, according to new reports. This, despite the fact that prominent elected officials in the U.K. are right now pushing GMOs on a public that is largely opposed to them, effectively shining the spotlight on their own insane hypocrisy with regards to the GMO issue.

Jahn J Kassl - Jesus Sananda - Avatars – Part I June 27, 2013

Jesus Sananda
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on June 27, 2013
first published in English on June 30, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Return of the Gods
Loved ones, children of the One God, children of the primal source of all being and metamorphosing gods in human form!
I am the Jesus Sananda who works among you, lives and dissolves all remaining illusions of this world together with you, until we all arrive in the heavens, which are numerous and unlimited, and were created for our worship of the Creator by himself. I am among you and can be now perceived through my light by all those people who gather in the power of this message and open their hearts for it unconditionally.

SaluSa - Tenemos el placer de ver que ya no sienten miedo de nosotros y han comenzado a aceptar con fe….- MADA - 28-06-2013

salusa dos
Tenemos el placer de ver que ya no sienten miedo de nosotros y han comenzado a aceptar con fe que son seres conscientes completos de la creación de su propio camino hacia su destino.
Nosotros los de la Federación Galáctica estamos trabajando más estrechamente que nunca con nuestros aliados en nuestros planes para moverlos con nosotros hacia adelante en su futuro feliz .
En las próximas semanas estarán a punto de ver muchas más cosas sucediendo en el mundo ya que los cambios prometidos están empezando a suceder.
¿Te das cuenta de que todos los signos de lo que han estado esperando están aquí para que ustedes los vean en todos los países del mundo?

ARCÁNGEL GABRIEL - SOBRE LA CONVICCIÓN - Marlene Swetlishoff - 27-06-2013

Una-premisa-natural-una-convicción-herética- dos
Amados: Me gustaría darles un discurso sobre la cualidad del amor conocida como convicción.
Esta cualidad es la que está profundamente incrustada dentro del ser de una persona.
Es una cualidad que surge cada vez que el Yo humano de uno está siendo desafiado por otras personas, circunstancias o situaciones que provienen del mundo externo.
Esta es una cualidad que puede mostrar la dedicación y creencias internas de uno, de manera que cuando los desafíos terrenales vengan, uno puede conectarse dentro de sí mismos con su núcleo interno de la esencia del alma y permanecer fieles a sí mismos.

Arcángel Haniel ~ Tu Trayectoria Siempre Ha Sido Tocada por la Sincronicidad – via Julie Miller - 17-06-2013

Arcángel Miguel DOS
Para la mayoría de ustedes la palabra “sincronicidad” no es una con la que crecieron.
El entendimiento de la sincronicidad pudiera no estar claro en su mente porque no le han prestado mucha atención.
Y hemos notado que las cosas que no comprenden o a las que prestan poca atención son cambiadas rápidamente por comparaciones que no proporcionan necesariamente el significado real para ser comprendidas.
Como resultado de cuando sucede una sincronicidad, nosotros observamos que muchos queridos seres se pasan por alto la sincronicidad y la etiquetan como algo diferente que ellos entienden.
Frases como: “fui afortunado”, “sucedió justo a tiempo”, o “esto sucedió repentina e inesperadamente” son experiencias de sincronicidad operando.


dhaestr dos
Lector: Necesito evolucionar y estar conectado con lo Divino, Cómo hacer esta conexión?
ELOHIM – La vida fluye ininterrumpidamente por el Universo y por eso ustedes son convocados a vivir eternamente.
El pulsar de la fuente existente en ustedes es lo que los mueve a lo Eterno.
La Eternidad aún es incomprensible para ustedes, pues como están en un plano done las cosas son medidas y poseen formas estables en su mayoría, no conciben aún la idea de no tener fin.
Y ciertamente nos cuestionarían: Cómo no puede haber fin? Todo siempre tiene que tener un fin. Pues todo aquello que comienza, termina.
Sería bastante lógico vuestro pensamiento, queridos, sin embargo, el Universo no se basa en la lógica, y sí, en la expansión.

AA Miguel - Ron Head El amor está brotando - 28-06-13

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Miguel: Los saludamos hoy con noticias que su mundo, al menos el mundo de aquellos que no están en negación está cambiando.
Vean con más detenimiento a su alrededor que las noticas nacionales e internacionales. 
Algunos de ustedes ya dejaron de verlas hace tiempo después de todo. Observen el cambio de actitud de aquellos en sus propias comunidades.
Incluso vean las oportunidades que están siendo tomadas por aquellos que son suficientemente valientes para desafiar las largamente prevalecientes actitudes que quieren cambiar.
En el corto plazo, no todos estos cambios pueden manifestarse. En el largo plazo, queridos, todos lo harán. Todo sirve para despertar a aquellos que han oído eso demasiado.


fractales- dos

(Nota de Wes: Ya que he ponderado la razón del aspecto “San” e en el nombre SanJAsKa, me encontré conectándome con una entidad Arcturiana que tenía simplemente el nombre “Saan”. El se representaba a sí mismo como siendo del Consejo Arcturiano, sin referencia a dicho Consejo específico.
Llegué a la conclusión que trabaja con ellos todos, sin favorecer a ninguno específicamente.
Nunca me he conectado realmente con los Arcturianos o traído algún mensaje de ellos, pero la conexión fue/es fuerte y tuve una maravillosa conversación inicial con Saan antes de decidir escribir un corto mensaje de él. En este mensaje, él habla por el Consejo Arcturiano)
Con amorosos saludos de todas las Almas hablándoles a ustedes, Yo Soy Saan del Consejo Arcturiano de la Federación Galáctica.
Este escriba ha traído la energía Arcturiana antes salvo algunas pocas veces, y está ajustándose a mi frecuencia específica de energía.

El Progreso se acelera a medida que el tiempo avanza – por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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Cuando ustedes se resisten a algo, acaban creando una carga eléctrica. una respuesta bioeléctrica.
Esta carga se vuelve entonces positiva o negtiva, dependiendo del polo hacia el cual ustedes dirigen su trineo (el trineo es cada uno de sus pensamientos).
La Tierra está llena de infinitas posibilidades. La posibilidad vive en toda situación a la que son atraídos, cada pensamiento y reacción energéticos.
Imagínense a sí mismos como una ecuación matemática, una serie de números y letras.
Cada vez que un número o letra en esa ecuación cambia, cambia el resultado.
Cuando la vida los mueve a una calle cerrada que no parece tener salida, es entonces cuando ustedes deben aprender a volar sobre lo que bloquea su progreso.

SaluSa - La Luz Continúa Brillando - Océano Multidimensional - 26-06-13

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Valentía en éste momento es muy necesaria de su parte ya que muchos de ustedes sienten mucho miedo en su corazón.
El miedo está muy presente ahora: miedo de incertidumbre, de pagar las cuentas, de encajar en una sociedad con la que ya no sienten relación o no entienden.
El mecanismo usual del sistema aún está en su lugar por ahora, sin embargo hay muchos cambios en camino, sin considerar los esfuerzos de la cábala de mantener el viejo paradigma en su lugar.
La verdad es que saben que la humanidad está destinada a despertar y están haciendo cualquier esfuerzo para mantener a los humanos dormidos y bajo control.
No importa qué tan fuerte lo intenten, y traten de controlar a las generaciones más jóvenes, saben que no están yendo en la dirección de la voluntad divina.

Arcángel Gabriel – Mensaje Diario – Lo que ustedes decidan crear es un acto de autodefinición - Trinity Esoterics - 20-06-2013

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Todos y cada uno de ustedes están en el planeta para expermientar el ser grandiosos creadores.

Lo que ustedes decidan crear es un acto de autodefinición. A veces él iguala su alineamiento más elevado y otras veces los ayuda a elegir de manera diferente para que encuentren su alineamiento más elevado, pero todo es perfecto para ustedes y su senda.

Queridos míos, ¡ amen a los demás lo suficiente como para permitirles sus propias creaciones!

No traten de hacer ver mal a los otros por sus esfuerzos de autodefinición. Ustedes no pueden saber lo que ellos necesitan experimentar.

Sirius Disclosure – New Video

UFO Reports from SCI-TK Published on Jun 28, 2013 For more information, visit http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com. Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/sdisclosure. Click here for the corresponding documents from the Malmstrom incident: http://siriusdisclosure.com/evidence/… Lt. Col. Arneson spent 26 years in the USAF. He had an above top-secret SCI-TK (Special Compartmented Tango Kilo) clearance. He worked as a computer systems analyst for Boeing and was the Director of Logistics at Wright-Patterson AFB. At one point he was the cryptography officer for the entire Ramstein AFB in Germany and while there one day he received a classified message that said that a UFO had crashed in Spitsbergen Norway. Get updates by following The Disclosure Project and CSETI on: FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/SiriusTheMovie http://www.facebook.com/Disclosure.Pr… http://www.facebook.com/CSETI.org TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrStevenGreer “Sirius” the movie available on Video-On-Demand at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com. Get updates at: http://www.facebook.com/SiriusTheMovie Documents and testimony from “Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal The Greatest Secrets in Modern History” by Dr. Steven M. Greer. Music by Miguel Sala Leon.

Jesus - Fully conscious living is your destiny and it cannot be avoided - June 30, 2013

http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/real-pictures-of-jesus/sagrado-jesus.jpgHumanity cannot avoid waking because eternal sleep is impossible!  You can only dream when you are asleep, and the illusion is humanity’s collective dream from which you are in the process of awakening.  In fact, as must be apparent to you, sleeping is also an aspect of the illusion.  In Reality there is absolutely no need and no desire to sleep because in Reality you are constantly vital, fully alive, and fully immersed in the wonder of God and His creation.  Sleep is an aspect of the illusion that you added to it to enable you to experience periods when you experience nothing, and if you do not dream then you have no memories when you wake up.  It really is a very strange concept – an imaginary death if you like.

Saul - The shadow side is merely the aspect which you have judge unacceptable - 06/30/2013 by John Smallman

http://healingmassage.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/angelic-being.jpgYou are all one.  And that is becoming apparent to ever more of humanity in every moment.  The rate of growth of this awareness is phenomenal!  Never before on Earth has there been such an amazing and effective awakening process.  It is ongoing, unstoppable, and naturally, because it is divinely willed its ultimate completion is ensured.  There are a few who will stubbornly resist awakening, and their choice to remain asleep will be absolutely honored until they change their minds, as eventually they will.  In the end no one gets left behind or abandoned because God’s Will, with which your wills are becoming increasingly aligned, is always perfectly accomplished.

sábado, junio 29, 2013

The Phenomenon of Strange Sounds Heard By Entire Communities - SallyPainter - June 29, 2013

topsecretwriters.com There is a genuine phenomena that has been sweeping the planet with reports of loud, sometimes glass-shattering booms that sound like explosions in the sky.
It isn’t thunder since the skies are typically clear with no storms in the areas when the booms occur. Others report hearing trumpets like a shofar from ancient Biblical times.
Still, others describe the sounds as groaning metal or metal clashing that is never-ending. The phenomena can last seconds or hours and many communities have been hearing the sounds for months.
With instant worldwide communication, news of these unusual sounds set off a wildfire of YouTube videos.
Many videos were clearly hoaxed from the juvenilistic YouTube sector, but many more videos appeared authentic and posted by sincerely baffled YouTubers.
Some of the theories for what these sounds are include:
 –> UFO battles being waged far above the planet –> Opening and closing of stargates or wormholes to allow alien craft entrance and exit of Earth. –> Fracking, the extracting of natural gas from shale and controversial topic of environmental impact. (1) –> HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) notes played via technology that creates whistler waves of electromagnetic discharges. (2) –> The Earth is shifting into another dimension due to an increase in the frequency pattern. The process is often referred to as Gaia giving birth so that the Earth is reborn. (3) –> Ongoing construction of secret Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) (4) –> Vactrain sounds from the vibrations of the Mach1 speeds being reached by the secret massive underground intercontinental transit system some believe exists. (5) –> Expanding Earth theory that holds the cause of the Earth’s oceans and continental drift is due to the planet growing in mass and size. The sounds are literally growing pains. (6) While all these theories may capture the imagination, the underlying issue of a major phenomena going on all around the world remains unanswered. And, this big question mark makes the ideal fodder for conspiracy theories that also encompasses the end of the world signs. Many people believe that the sounds are the angel trumpets signaling the second coming of Christ or the Biblical Apocalypse. There are several montages of these sounds on YouTube. Continue Reading at .... http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2013/06/the-phenomenon-of-strange-sounds-heard-by-entire-communities/

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – To Draw The New World Into Our Awareness! – 29 June 2013

NEWEARTH5sigImage by Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Copyright 2013
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My dear family of light!
Today’s walk in nature was again pure bliss, enveloped in profound stillness! In fact I experienced everything as Nature, even man made things. Everything emanated an otherwordly Beauty and Bright Radiance.
And with it “they” started talking, calling themselves our friends. And while they began to speak, the evening sun, already directly above the horizon, began to show its splendid and brilliant Shine the first time on this otherwise quite cold and grayish day, before it vanished below the horizon to give room to the dusk.
When I returned home I started to write down what they had said and they continued to speak:

Ronna Herman – Archangel Michael – “Victim Or Victor?” – 29 June 2013

ronnapic200Beloved masters, there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION; therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and adapt to the changes of the time. It is time to discard the restrictive, limiting beliefs of your present state of Self-awareness as you gain wisdom, seek higher truths, and grow closer to your original state of Divinity. You, the Star Seed, as leaders in the march toward Self-empowerment and as proficient cocreators of the new world of tomorrow, are in the midst of an inner mental and emotional clearing and cleansing process of monumental proportions.
Are you ready to accept the Divine gift we offer, the awesome tools of Creation contained within the FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL/POWER? New cycles of existence are initiated through a willingness to change, or if you are resistant, through conflict. Much depends on your capacity to attract, respond and absorb, and then transmit the more refined Light frequencies which contain the cosmic higher truths of your new reality. Your Soul and Higher Selves remember the reasons you chose to experience and express painful situations; not as a punishment, but for resolution.

Julie Miller – Lady Quan Yin: Every Single Moment is Filled with Mercy - June 29, 2013

http://api.ning.com/files/imgL84nKd0*1B29-34utWnBl-Gj4BkHoCdR3aaliFgjw1k4YeLFlF9zjrnlFb3NUZNFMGm6VASwP0yVUDlpeydsYzl4r-Are/KuanYin20x301.jpgThe early morning birds are singing their joyful song of a new day and here we are Precious Hearts sharing a moment or two through your divine sister once again.  
Let us begin with understanding what Mercy is. When the gift of Mercy is upon you it is described as having the ability to express and feel incredible compassion and deep sympathy for all people regardless of culture that are facing difficult situations or are in crisis and through your ability to feel this deep compassion and sympathy you reach out with whatever help you are able to offer through the roughest times of their lives through support, love and sometimes guidance.

The many Precious Hearts that share your beautiful Earth already hold the ability to feel the agonizing pain of the ones who are dealing with horrendous experiences and can easily walk in their shoes and be able to help carry the burdens that have been weighing them down far too long. The dear Precious Hearts that already carry the gift of Mercy has an uncanny need to help make a difference in the lives of other dear souls that are experiencing difficult hardships without passing judgment, being completely unconditional of their expressed love and compassion. We are positive Precious Hearts that you may have met someone who possesses this sacred quality and at times these people appear naïve as they often have a difficult time discerning the true intent of the people they wish to help.

viernes, junio 28, 2013

Méline Lafont ~ A new beginning arises from the depths of our being ~ Channeled from Self - June 28,2013

As we continue to settle in this foundation and in this grid of Love and empathy, of Divine potential and of inter Dimensional creation, a lot is being absorbed by our beings and hearts.  The energies are co-operating into a new divine system of Alchemy, where all the foundations of heart based feelings and creations are part of this new system and form the new system called Humanity as One race and One being. 

Lady Nada: All The Signs Are There ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 28, 2013

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:
Hello dear ones. The time has come to assess your abilities and capabilities, as they are many. Some are under the surface waiting to be discovered and elicited by a need or request, and others are being put to use as we speak. Some of these you may not even know you are utilizing, for you may still be using them in dreamtime or in your meditations but not be consciously aware of them as yet.
But the whole point, dear ones, is that many new abilities and capabilities are waiting for you to discover and utilize. As you become accustomed to your new perspective and view of things, many new things will become clear to you. In some cases you are just waiting for the last wisps of fog to clear for you to realize what is “right in front of your noses”, so to speak.

Saan and the Arcturian Councils: A Short Introductory Message - Wes Annac - June 28, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
(Note from Wes: As I pondered the reason for the “San” aspect of SanJAsKa’s name, I found myself connecting with an Arcturian entity who went simply by the name of “Saan”. He represented himself as being of the Arcturian Councils, without referencing a specific Council.
I’ve come to the conclusion that he works with all of them, without favoring one specifically.
I’ve really never connected with the Arcturians or brought-through a message from them, but the connection was/is strong and I had a wonderful initial conversation with Saan before deciding to scribe a short message from him. In this message, he speaks for the Arcturian Councils.)
With Loving greetings from every soul speaking to you currently, I am Saan of the Arcturian Councils of the Galactic Federation.

AA Michael - Love is breaking out. – channeled by Ron Head - June 28, 2013

leaking dike
We greet you today with news that your world, at least the world of those not in denial, is changing.  Look more closely around you than the national and international news.  Many of you stopped following that some time ago anyway.  Look for the changing attitudes of those in your own communities.  Look even at the opportunities being brought forward by those courageous enough to challenge the long prevailing attitudes which you want changed.

In the short run, not every one of these changes may manifest.  In the long run, dear hearts, they all will.  It all serves to awaken those who hear of it just that much more.

The manuscript of survival – part 330 - Aisha North - June 28, 2013

You have by now started to source into more and more information, dear ones. Not only from your own physical body, but also further afield. For some, these revelations have been very interesting indeed, but for others, they have not yet registered on their radar so to speak.
Let us explain. As we have talked about earlier, as you have all managed to lessen your load so much from all of the old dross that literally used to clog up your channels, now the time for input has finally arrived. In other words, things will start to seep into your consciousness now, even information regarding subjects you had no idea you had any knowledge about at all. Things will start to pop up on the horizon, and once again, it will be a little bit like finding an unexpected piece to a puzzle in a very unexpected place. Of course at first, much of this will seem to be random bits of information without any clear definition to it, but it will come. For remember, it is perhaps not meant to be that you are the one that will get the complete picture.
For this is indeed also a lesson in connecting, and this time it will be all about connecting the dots regarding information. For you will discover something that might fill in the gap in someone else’s “story” as it were, and vice versa. In other words, the treasure hunt has just started, and now, we venture to guess you will all start to find some very interesting bits and pieces of information surfacing up into your daily lives. They may come in the form of an image, a tune, some words or other forms of description. So again, keep your eyes, ears and yes – mind open, and see what you will “stumble across”. And do not forget to share it with others, as your little seemingly innocuous piece might be the one crucial missing part in someone else’s hugely important structure.

jueves, junio 27, 2013

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - Marlene Swetlishoff - June 27, 2013

Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as conviction. This quality is one that is deeply embedded within a person’s being. It is a quality that rises up each time one’s human self is being challenged by other people, circumstances or situations that come from the external world. This is a quality that can show one’s dedication and inner beliefs so that when these earthly challenges come, one can connect within themselves to their inner core of soul essence and remain true to themselves. It is often the practice upon the earth plane that this quality must come into play again and again, especially when one has beliefs that go against the grain of current accepted thought.
This quality of conviction is necessary for a person who has begun or is on, a spiritual journey that requires the testing of their mettle and inner strength, their strength of character. It requires the innate knowledge that one’s path is unique and individual and that no one else can know the inner workings of one’s soul, and to trust in that inner knowing as one walks their daily path. Each person on Earth has come with their own set of values and lessons to be learned and others can only make judgments that are not based on a working knowledge of a soul’s map for growth and expansion of wisdom and knowledge. Each event that occurs in life is an opportunity to gain much needed information and experience to help the pilgrim on to the next step.
As a soul experiences life in a human body with all its ups and downs, the soul is learning and connecting to their inner core of wisdom and knowledge, their pure essence of being that is connected to Source and connecting the dots, as it were, of the journey that was chosen. All is in divine timing and takes place according to their soul map. A soul is not placed here on Earth without a map to follow for then there would be no purpose for their being here. The facet of love known as conviction helps to foster and maintain this innate knowing of greater purpose and empowers each soul to keep on keeping on as they work through each puzzle piece that is their life.
For life on Earth is a dance of the experiences and expressions of many different elements and oftentimes other people come into that dance at the appropriate times in order that soul growth and experience of a particular nature take place. These people may come into one’s life to add the element of friction in order to add impetus to continued growth and expansion, so that one does not stagnate in the status quo but must journey on in their quest for connection to the higher aspects of themselves. Such friction tests the soul to connect with the inner quality of love known as conviction, of their soul’s worth and value.
As each individual soul grows and expands in their comprehension and understanding of the manifestation of the qualities of love within themselves and others, all who are involved participate in the learning and expansion of their own soul growth, so in effect, each person who is in the life of another is actually there for a very important reason, no matter what the seeming appearances of this interaction may show. At the higher level of awareness, all is perfect and in divine order. Each soul gains thereby as they adhere to their inner quality of love known as conviction as these experiences are upon them.
Take then, this discourse to heart and begin to observe the workings of it in your daily life.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com
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Wes Annac - This is Reality - June 27, 2013

I find myself exponentially motivated and completely sure of what I’m here to do, and the resulting metaphysical perception I’ve been able to unlock has been nothing short of amazing.
I surfaced doubts surrounding my mission and sought guidance about them in a channeled interview with the Pleiadians a couple of months back, and since that surfacing, my faith and concrete knowing of the reality of what I’m doing has remained unbridled.
I’ve even been blessed already with my first bold ship-sighting of the summer.
Last summer, I’d routinely look at the sky and would receive gentle and brazen sightings at times, and some of what I experienced and saw came about as a result of telepathic requests to witness sightings.

Pope Names Commission to Investigate Activites of Vatican Bank Amid Money-Laundering Allegations - Jun 27, 2013

 Pope Francis delivers his speech in St. Peter's square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience. (AP) Photo: Pope Francis delivers his speech in St. Peter’s square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience. (AP)
Associated Press – June 26, 2013
VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis took a key step Wednesday toward reforming the troubled Vatican Bank, naming a commission of inquiry to look into its activities amid a new money-laundering probe and continued questions about the very nature of the secretive financial institution.
It was the second time in as many weeks that Francis has intervened to get information out of the Institute for Religious Works, or IOR. On June 15, he filled a key vacancy in the bank’s governing structure, tapping a trusted prelate to be his eyes inside the bank.