
domingo, junio 30, 2013

M. Gamma - Inspiration from my Higher Self – Introduction

When I started my first steps to communicate on a telepathic level it was “Badeem“, my Higher Godself, who was so helpful at my side.
Badeem as a teacher has much patience – always – and when it comes to me – I am always again surprised what one is able to experience and learn from oneself ! Be it from past incarnations or even the present one. I have gotten so much used to my communication with Badeem and, appreciating it so much that I simply cannot imagine being without this communication any more.
Due to such telepathic contact spirituality evolves to some entirely different dimension. No books at all dealing with spirituality as such are proving so valuable as your own contact to yourself respectively your Higher Goodself.

I herewith should like to invite everybody to establish his/her own contact to his/her very own Higher Godself. There are sufficient pieces of information available in the Internet – unfortunately also many a false one – which are describing this procedure.
Most difficult in taking up contact is establishing enough trust into such process and the informative parts one will gain by it. Please, keep in mind: “Your first step of walking on your own feet had also not been achieved over night!” Trusting and practising it what has to be applied here as some basic Maxim. Of course there a some who are gifted with it and are obliged to follow their given tasks and alternatively there are others which have to acquire it first by their own labor. To be clear and in peace with oneself surely might be also a fair pre-requisite. As I mentioned already I have obtained quite a lot of valuable messages and pieces of information from Badeem.
A few of those informational messages are not only precisely cut out for myself as an individual soul but might also be of some general interest. These messages and pieces of information do also contain many an inspiration and “Food of Thoughts” nudging the latter into hitherto unknown fields – at least they were unknown to me. Thus they brought valuable matters into my evolution.
Thus I shall publish in Now-Time to come short messages or what I name “Inspirations” which also refer to my personal life of actual and past incarnations and everyone is being asked to take up from these inspirative thoughts what he/she deems as valuable and good for him/herself.
These messages will be translated step by step into English by (Contra)Mary. These translated English Versions will be published subsequently by (Contra)Mary-Evamaria’s Blog “Illuminations Now“. Much inspirational ideas and fun – that’s what I am whishing you on reading these messages !
I am also quite excited where these will lead us to ! Are you willed and prepared to join us on this voyage?
With Love and Light
from Marc
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