domingo, diciembre 09, 2018

Lee Harris - Nueva Actualización de energía de Diciembre 2018 Subiendo de Nivel, Conexión Profunda y Tiempo de Espera - Diciembre 1, 2018

Traducción de la Transcripción del Audio: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola a todos y bienvenidos a la Nueva Actualización de Energía para Diciembre de 2018.

Subiendo de nivel

Este mes de Diciembre la energía nos impulsará hacia un nuevo nivel energético, sobre todo a los trabajadores de Luz o hacedores de cambios. Es cierto que ha venido ocurriendo durante todo este año. Sin embargo, esta experiencia de subir de nivel continuará y será más intensa desde ahora hasta finales de Febrero. Estamos llegando al cierre de los cambios energéticos de 2018. Este último cambio tiene como finalidad que podamos ver y experimentar nuestras vidas desde un nuevo nivel de conciencia y de auténtico poder en el presente, por lo que nuestros antiguos patrones podrían emerger con más fuerza durante el proceso.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Diciembre 9, 2018

Blossom: ¡Hola! ¡Me siento brillante e Iluminada y lista para conversar! ¿Y ustedes?

Federación de la Luz: De hecho, somos de una Luminosidad que es muy envolvente y es divertido estar en su interior.

Blossom: Me gusta su estilo ¡y frase inicial! Una pregunta que me pidieron hacerles es: "¿Estas nuevas energías nos cambiarán anatómica y físicamente como resultado de nuestra alineación / activación? ¿Será más obvio en unos que en otros? Gracias por cualquier respuesta ofrecida.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday December 9, 2018

We wish to repost a message we originally shared October 24 today because it is an important one and we wish for as many people as possible to see it.

Moving forward during such transformational times exposes you to many pockets of energy. It is important to understand that there are times that may feel uncomfortable for you and to know what to do should such a time occur. As you become experts in working with energy, which all of you are doing, these skills will become well

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - Atlantis , Alchemy & Physics of Phi Crystals Omnipotent Potential of Coherent-Wave-Amplification - Dec 9, 2018

Atlantis , Alchemy & Physics of Phi Crystals
Omnipotent Potential of Coherent-Wave-Amplification

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Angelic of Light! I am joined in this session, by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We once and always greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal Moment of Now. Indeed, we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - December 9, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

December 9, 2018

You are learning how to surrender to love.

Now at first, you may think this will disempower you,
but oh no!

You will be tapping into the strength of great leaders
and spiritual warriors alike.

Dianne Robbins - Mikos - Overcoming Environmental Destruction

Q: How do we overcome environmental destruction?

I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos in the Hollow Earth, and I will answer your question. Know that the Earth is a living entity and her environment is alive. The elements of our Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire have consciousness. These elements are called “Elementals” and they are alive in consciousness.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Are you Ready to Step into Being Limitless and Be Free From all Fear of The Unknown? - Dec 9, 2018

Everything is playing out in the moment, for our evolution, even if we fear the future or in fear try to control and force an outcome.

Being uncomfortable is part of the evolution process.

What we “deal” with on the human level of survival, is one aspect of what is occurring on Earth. What is takes place is not random.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional ArcturianCouncil - The Ecstasy Within - Dec 9, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are thrilled to see how many of you are looking within yourselves more now that you have gotten frustrated enough with what is available to you in the external world. Sometimes you need to get mad, or you need to feel defeated, in order to get to where you ultimately want to go. If the world were exactly as you wanted it to be, you would have very little reason to ever go within yourselves and discover how much is available to you.

Ailia Mira - Ashira and the Arcturians - The Light Which Softens & Opens - Dec 8, 2018

Photo by James & Carol Lee on Unsplash

Hello, Beautiful Ones,

It is good to be with you today.

We begin this communication by offering a soft and gentle attunement to our energies, meeting some of you for the first time in a conscious way. Think of this as us, with your permission if you’re open to it, attuning your field in an arrangement that is beneficial to our shared focus and connection. So you will get the greatest benefit of the energy present and feel nourished and supported. If this is a “Yes,” for you, confirm we may offer this and allow a brief pause as we do so.

We appreciate your openness. Thank you.

We love you and we love being with you. We love this opportunity to share and co-create with you. We are the Arcturians, and I am Ashira.

We know that you are ready for the content, the energy, the structure and the invitations of this transmission for in your own vastness we know you, and, like many we are aware of life on earth and your ascending frequencies.

Presently, we are orchestrating the arrangement for this transmission. What you might think of as us complementing, balancing, harmonizing, and composing our shared field of light for this experience of softening and expansion. We do this with an intention of creating space through expansion and thereby, empowering more light to flow.

When you are focused and open to experience this transmission with us, together we create an energy field. You experience this transmission as a series of words, unfolding but in truth, it is a singular field of light which is continually, dynamically, informed by all present here, and emanating energies based on our intention to support your expansion. All of which happens instantly, yet because of where and how you are focused, seems to flow sequentially, in time-space.

Each time you join this shared field we attend to the communication with great joy. For that is our role in this connection and to offer a continual refinement of this field is how we play with you.

We see you and perpetually offer supportive frequencies. Whenever you allow us to connect with you via your attention, and thus permission, we do all we can to make your experience easier and more fun. We are doing that now.

We want you to realize that light is within you in quantities and frequencies that far exceed your current expression and conscious experience.

You, within you, have access to all that is: infinite light!

Light beyond the light you know now. Luminous being, within you is a doorway into some of those new frequencies and forms of light. The ones you are ready for, the ones you are resonant with. Simply intending to open and receive this empowers it to be so.

You are powerful and creative. Use this for your joy.

We want to tell you straight away you are in a window in this unfoldment of the time experience you're having, each of you, because of your conscious awakening and energetic refinement where you can now amplify your presence in substantial and exponentially different ways. We know you are going to read this. We know who is going to read this. And we are empowered by the principles of the realm (so to speak) in which we are focused, so that we can transmit specifically and uniquely to each of you.

The nature, frequently, of our collaboration with earth-based consciousness is focused upon reminding you of how to access your power, and to support you as you allow expansion and amplification of all you are, here.

We work from within and with your own wholeness while you are embodied on earth, and inspire, attune and remind you of the ways for the expansiveness you are and all that you have access to, to be present through your human embodiment more and more fully.

You might think of it as a covert type of operation in a way. (Smile) If that is fun for you - for this can be and we hope it is, very very fun. Working within yourself with the great power that is yours, can be tremendously joyful and fun! Amusement and joy, humor and laughter, are beneficial to you. When you feel these emotions you soften up and you open more. That is beneficial for our connection today and your connection always.

Softening and opening. Allowing. Easing up. See how that feels to you now. How might you shift yourself in subtle ways that to you allow you to do that - soften, open, ease up. Relax.

Let us tell you a bit about us and our way of being relative to your experience. Although we have what you would think of as a star as a home, we are often traveling within the universe so that we might co-create. We enjoy assisting other forms of life as they refine their experience. This collaboration across bandwidths of energy and dimensions gives us great joy. We're like the angelic beings you know and love so much. We enjoy this galactic play and we value the opportunities we have to join you in your amazing experience of creating on earth in very new and wonderfully unique ways.

As you let yourself take in these words, as translated by Ailia, you will become more attuned to us, and to our ways of connecting. Through this, your capacity to receive transmissions from us, who we hope you will view as your Arcturian friends, will grow.

The increased capacity to receive truly happens naturally. We do wish to encourage you to pay attention to how you feel and receive and experience our connections with you and especially, to your experience of your own inner connections.

Your capacity to receive can continually expand. You are an infinite being focused here and you have vast capacities for light.

Connecting with your vaster self, with the non-physical wholeness of Life, with us, with other non-physical beings or fields of focus can assist you in receiving more, and with more ease. Be aware of this and notice and make connections as you engage multidimensionally. Be aware of new feelings of flow, new experiences unfolding in your life, as you focus and connect in these way.

By noticing how you are changing, several things will occur.

By noticing how multidimensional connections affect you and by how you are changing, you will feel encouraged. You will feel supported. You will realize how connected you truly are. How deeply and completely you belong. You will find you may feel more empowered. Many humans find that they feel expanded and uplifted.

Most wonderfully, by allowing a focus, by placing attention on your own non-physical wholeness, you can and often will, feel an increased concentration of your own energy, which will feel quite nice to you.

In paying attention to all of this, you will amplify and thus create an exponential experience of what is taking place. When you pay attention to something with love and interest, you allow it to amplify and to open up more fully within you. Energy can be unfolded within you. This might seem an odd thing to say, but the vaster non-physical energy of your own wholeness, for example, as you focus within and upon that, arises in your presence. This energy is intelligent and capable, as all Life is. This energy can open within you and coherently compliment and nourish your energy presence, operating from a wisdom and knowing that is All! This is magical and entirely natural. You can experiment with deliberate allowing of your own wholeness, by softening and opening, and see what happens. We suggest to you that you can use this to infuse your presence, more fully, with all that you are.

Doing this you also generate more luminous ways of being. Your own vastness can flow forth and influence you. These luminous ways of being will generate more luminosity in your energy system, and emanate from you. Your peace and satisfaction emanates from your presence. People around you feel this. It’s very beautiful to be around someone who is happy, peaceful, satisfied and radiant. Isn’t it? And being that way feels good.

As we conclude this attunement and connection with you, we invite you to embrace a specific focus today, one that will serve you well.

Today we want to encourage you to pay attention to yourself when it occurs to you, with love and interest. If there were any place to begin, right now, at any time really (smile) it is most definitely with you.

Today, pay more attention to yourself with love and interest. In doing so you amplify and open up yourself so that the expansive energies that you already innately have access to, are given liberty to rise up and flow into your life more right now.

You have access to energies that you are not yet experiencing in your life. It is simply a matter of imagining and cultivating an openness to receive. Tuning to yourself, creating unity within you, inner harmony is another word for alignment.

Try it. In a moment after reading this turn your attention inward and close your eyes, and have a sense of your gaze even with your eyes being closed. Have a sense of the focus of your attention being on your human expression. Feel this with a soft, loving, welcoming, interesting focus, and hold it.

Choose to hold this attention, this soft, loving, welcoming, interesting gaze upon yourself. As you hold this choice of focus, feel how your energy field moves.

Notice what happens.

We suspect you will notice you feel more relaxed.

Now drop the specificity of this focus - meaning no need to feel curious of bring any particular mood to this focus. Simply let yourself just focus on you with awareness, no intention, no particular quality, just awareness.

Choose to place all your awareness on you. Softly, gently. It feels good, doesn’t it? Some of you may feel warmth when you do this. This is pure presence, friends. This, is love.

Pure attention, is love. Attention says: this is significant, I choose to focus upon it. Love, self-love, is knowing your significance. Knowing you are One with All. You dear friend have infinite value in Life.

Love, and loving - these are truly a quality of pure awareness that is simply attention, although in a realm with emotions, it may feel more like appreciation. It’s gentle and soft and present and amplifying.

As you offer this to yourself, you do what all life does under such a soft and loving gaze; you open. And in this openness, everything can come to you and anything is possible, and you will notice, you feel wonderful.

I am Ashira and we are the Arcturians.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Honrar a la Humanidad - Tasmania, 27 de Noviembre a 2 de Diciembre, 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tasmania, 27 de Noviembre a 2 de Diciembre, 2018

Día 5- Honrar a la Humanidad - El ángel del empaque

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hemos dicho esto muchas veces, pero algunos de ustedes notarán cuán rápidamente mi socio entra en canalización. No siempre ha sido así, y todavía no lo es para muchos. Tiene que ver, queridos, con la actitud que ustedes llevan consigo, cuán cercanos están de lo que llamaríamos el ser espiritual o Yo Superior.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen - December 9, 2018

No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.

Dear One,

When you are in a situation where you begin to feel powerless and less than another, this can be viewed as a wake-up call. We are referring here to any situation in which you feel devalued, not necessarily one of obvious abuse.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - December 9, 2018

Hello there! Feeling bright and Light and ready to converse! Yourselves?

We are indeed of a Lightness that is all consuming and fun to be within.

I like your style and opening line! A question asked to put to you is, ‘Will these new energies change us anatomically and physically as a result of our aligning/activating? Will it be more obvious in some than others? Thank you for any response offered.

sábado, diciembre 08, 2018

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Relájense - Tasmania, 27 de Noviembre a 2 de Diciembre, 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tasmania, 27 de Noviembre a 2 de Diciembre, 2018

Día 4 - Relájense

Saludos, queridos.

Mi socio se aleja, y lo hace rápidamente, porque no es difícil generar el espacio para este tipo de mensajes cuando todos ustedes están sentados en un precioso lugar realmente diseñado para ser apreciado. A través de los años los humanos han puesto aquí caminos para apreciar la naturaleza que es muy prístina, donde los animales simplemente se acercarán a ustedes, o los ignorarán como si fueran parte del bosque. Y ustedes se sienten parte del bosque.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message December 2018 - Dec 8, 2018

Pleiadian Message December 2018

Beloved Ones We Greet You, Now is the time, like never before for you to allow an inner unfolding within your Heart. This is your time to allow an illumination of your God light to flood your Heart. There are many multidimensional time lines being held within a new Framework supporting your planet. This Framework will be set in motion just previous to New Year in order to support the full anchoring of the ‘Corridor of Light’.

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Patito feo o cisne hermoso? - Diciembre 3, 2018

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Deseamos una vez más abordar tus temores de que no estás en el buen camino, que no eres de 5D o más, que aprendes lentamente. Nada de lo cual es verdad. Porque eres un precursor del más alto grado.

Pero déjanos divagar un poco antes de que te digas a ti mismo que no eres un precursor.

Asara - Archangel Michael - Dec 8, 2018

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear One, at this time, your hearts continue to open more and more to the high vibrational frequency of Love.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Pronostico Mensual – Diciembre 2018 - CAOS - Dic 1, 2018

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

El tema principal para diciembre es "CAOS".

Este es un mes de transición y elegimos CAOS como tema porque eso es lo que sucede cuando tiene muchas partes móviles que están desconectadas y aún no han encontrado su lugar para aterrizar.

El caos es el plano astral, o mundo espiritual revelado, sin forma, donde todo es posible si está dispuesto a dejar de lado la resistencia y usar su creatividad sabiamente para organizar esas partes móviles en algo que desea. Este es el reino de los artesanos (una de las influencias futuras para 2019) y puede ser increíblemente

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, December 8, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, December 8, 2018

What you are learning to do is trust yourself
and you have taken a vow, a pledge of honor to do so.

Now trust is an interesting feature.

It has a stated acknowledgment that
all is already secure in a future timeline
that you are now bringing into the here and now.

Diane Canfield - December Energy Shifts: Prepare To Hold More Light - December 8, 2018

By Diane Canfield

Blessings Beloveds,

We have a packed month coming in for Energy Shifts to take place. The New Moon brought in energy even before the New Moon fully activated. Prepare for shifts during this month.

During this time as the energy increases and we come closer to the Event, all things out of balance will need to be put back into balance. Moving dimensions in consciousness and transforming into the LIGHT BODY means everything must be in balance first. All “out of balances” will be brought forth to us, they can be shown to us through others, so that we may make the needed adjustments and come back into balance. As we come back into balance, so does the Earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 8, 2018

As you reach the end of 2018 you are poised to enter a new year in an energetic state of clarity like never before. You have purged and shifted much, and that will be reflected in the new timelines you will select as you enter into 2019. These new timelines will focus much on what your preferences are and what brings you joy as a means of self expression.