sábado, agosto 06, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de Energía de Agosto 2016 - 1 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada mes, cuando empiezo a escribir el Informe, me llega una imagen que representa la energía de ese mes. Para Agosto la imagen era la de unos pañales, blancos como la nieve, tendidos al sol en una cuerda de la ropa. Si alguna vez han usado pañales de tela de bebés, como hice yo, saben que nunca están blancos cuando los cuelgan; tienen manchas y parecen sucios. Pero, después de estar unas horas al sol, se ponen completamente blancos. Así que, no importa lo que Julio nos haya traído, la energía de Agosto podrá limpiarlo y sacarlo brillo, aunque antes tendrán que ponerse al sol durante un tiempo. No me refiero a que tengan que broncearse, sino a que tendrán que pasar algún tiempo irradiando su luz. Agosto es el mes del signo de Leo; los leones y leonas son conocidos por su valentía. Si nos atrevemos a brillar, habrá muchas oportunidades de manifestación creativa, de amor, de apertura de corazón y nuevos potenciales. Los temas de este mes son: el coraje, la creatividad, la claridad, el amor (en su forma energética), y la integración.

Ron Head - El Consejo - La expansión de su consciencia - 02-06-2016

Hoy discutiremos la expansión de su consciencia.

Es tiempo de tener ésta discusión no es porque sea algo que pronto pasará – siempre está pasando – sino porque han alcanzado un punto en el cual quizá quieran considerar lo que pueden experimentar.
No deseamos estructurar lo que puedan considerar aquí.
Pero les daremos algunos ejemplos de elecciones que podrían tomar de las cuales podrían beneficiarse. Las elecciones que tomen no serán límites.
Esto es, no pasarán a la exclusión de otras expansiones de su consciencia.
Pero tomar la elección de enfocarse en algo les permitirá empezar a ver, escuchar o sentir cosas que hasta ahora no han visto, escuchado o sentido.

Selacia - Words Matter More Now -What Makes These Moments Unique - August 6, 2016

There is an increased sense of urgency being felt across the world now. Most likely you feel it deep in your bones. Humanity's ways of co-existing are up for perhaps the biggest review yet. And thanks to technology and the 24/7 flow of information, each of us has a front-row seat of this review.

71 Years: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

We are reminded that this week marks 71 years since more than 200,000 people were killed by the US atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At the same time, despite what the world learned from that tragedy and real progress in abolishing nuclear weapons, we hear about individuals and governments continuing to favor the nuclear option.

This is just one key example of the war of ideas taking place across the world. These are not the old fashioned kind of wars our ancestors fought over resources. They are based on ideas and proliferated with highly-charged words that evoke emotion. Continue reading to learn what this means for you personally.

Ron Head - The Council - Greener Grass - August 6, 2016

Many of you are going through a time of great personal change, both internal and external. This is not an easy time. As you get nearer and nearer to the precipitating events that you are in anticipation of, you are feeling as if you are being forced through a tiny opening and you don’t know what is on the other side. We smile as we point out the similarity of that to what you call birth, and the analogy is indeed very apt. In this case, you have all participated in creating what is beyond that point, and since that is the case we think you will indeed find that the grass will be greener.

Some of you are being stretched and pounded almost to your breaking points. We do appreciate that. We are aware. Actually there is no way we could not be aware, but that is not the topic today.

Enlightened Master Ibrahim H - Breakthrough phase - August 6th, 2016

After our entry into the Timelines Convergence; and the hard cleansing which was followed by, this had an impact on the awakening people of earth as follows:
Some of them clashed with the barriers of their inner sub-consciousness, thus hindering their spiritual progress, and some of them been helped from this hard cleansing in overcoming the obstacles of their inner sub-consciousness and their spiritual progress has increased and moved on, generally; this led to more awakening among the people on planet earth, and therefore it led to an entry in the breakthrough phase..

What happened & what is going to happen in the breakthrough phase?

viernes, agosto 05, 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK - 30th July 2016 - UFO 2016

Fran Zepeda - Free Download of Mary Magdalene’s Pure Love Activation/Meditation - August 5, 2016

Hello Everyone!

I hope to be offering new channelings and offerings soon, but in the meantime, I would like to offer you this free download of my Mp3 of Mary Magdalene’s PURE LOVE ACTIVATION/MEDITATION that I have been selling on my website for a while. I am guided at this time to share it freely with all the subscribers of my Blogs. Enjoy!

Ron Head - El Consejo - ¿En qué se convertirá su vida? - 18-05-2016


De nuevo volvemos al tema del que hemos hablado antes.

Y una vez más, debido a la elevación de su consciencia y su habilidad para seguir nuestra línea de pensamiento, lo tocaremos desde una tangente ligeramente diferente.
Uno de los temas constantes de aquellos que reciben nuestros mensajes y los pasan es aquel que señala o intenta llenar su entendimiento del Todo.
Esa es una tarea que es imposible de completar, pero una que siempre es interesante y fructífera de explorar.
Veremos el Todo hoy desde el entendimiento de eso como un conocimiento, lo cual es solo un aspecto de eso pero uno importante.
Es importante porque ayudará a muchos a entender mucho más.
Ahora la Fuente o el Todo puede considerarse como un campo de consciencia.
Incluso sus científicos hoy están empezando a ver esto.
Ahora postulan que todo lo que es, es consciencia e información.
Están solo a unos miles de años atrás pero al menos lo están pescando.

Anrita Melchizedek - The Elders - The 08:08 Gateway of Light ~ Activating the Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart - August 5, 2016

The Elders August Transmission
Thru Anrita Melchizedek

The 08:08 Gateway of Light ~ Activating the Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart

You Tube https://youtu.be/QyjeoN7J9JA
Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads
Transcribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/elders-transmissions-august-2016/

Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of August as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. And in this month of August, sweet ones, as you experience the 8:8 Gateway, you deepen into your Christed Hearts and the activation of the Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.

Sweet ones, we have shared with you that in this year of 2016 as you walk the path of Divine Love into the New Earth Templates, into the Patterns of Perfection, you have the ability to truly experience your heart's dreaming and your heart's joy through a deeper merging and integration with the soul clusters and your Beloved I AM Presence. For in the creation of the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, you experience the knowing of the original Divine Blueprint of Creation and the timelines of the Golden Ages of Light that merge into this Now. And in particular in this Now sweet ones, a deeper knowing of the many Initiations of Light, the knowing of yourselves as Initiates to the Order of Melchizedek.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - August 4, 2016

Greetings I am Mira. I greet you today with love and profound encouragement.

Can you feel the shift happening? Can you read the energies of the light? Are you ready for big changes? We know that you are because some of you are petitioning to our Creator for divine intervention. You are praying for the shift because you are ready for it. It is here and so are we.

We are giving you this captivating confirmation that what many of you are feeling is indeed true. We know it has been a long process. It has felt unending but this is untrue. Every day you are challenged to feel that what is going on around you is real according to what the mainstream media and the third dimensional controlling energies would like you to believe. However, you know otherwise and I am confirming your feelings.

Mike Quinsey - De su Ser Superior - 05-08-2016

Una vez más, el tiempo se está acelerando y muchos de vosotros os habéis quedado sorprendidos por lo rápido que está pasando este año.
Así seguirá mientras las vibraciones se eleven más y más.
La Ascensión se acerca, y cuando llegue ascenderéis en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Como la Raza Humana ha seguido elevando sus vibraciones, es posible que alcancéis el nivel óptimo muy pronto, pero sabed que los asuntos de este tiempo actual están en un constante estado de cambio que hace difícil hacer predicciones.
Sin embargo, la decisión final será hecha por el Dios de este Universo.

Sandra Walter - The New Self and the Unknown: Departing from Mount Shasta - August 5, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Most of you are familiar with the active subculture of Gatekeeping and Gridwork. Details of this service work are typically kept quiet to avoid interference. You don’t hear much from Gatekeepers, except for the few Wayshowers who are guided to speak publicly about our activities. I understand why most Gatekeepers are silent, flying below the radar, traveling all over this planet following what their Teams and hearts guide them to do. It’s a unique niche of the Light Tribe that can be misunderstood. I do my best to explain intel without revealing confidences.

When I cross paths with Gridworkers and Gatekeepers traveling through Mount Shasta, we share our stories, missions, compare notes, support and rejuvenate each other. Lately the intel has been focused on the September wave and the consistent message to step into a new level. We’re shifting to a higher level of service, and our personal lives are dissolving as we surrender to the new experience. The next phase has tremendous rewards, but we need to focus on bringing forth the higher timeline – both personally and collectively. It will be wonderful regardless, since the lower realities are getting shattered by the frequencies, however there are brilliant experiences available for the willing and prepared.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - The Collective – A Message to Lightworkers – August 5, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, Way-Showers!

We are aware that many of you are highly impatient for the changes you have dreamt of for so long to take place in this world, in ways that are not only “noticeable,” but which transform your daily lives.

And though we have already noted a number of areas where these changes are already taking place, we wish to make clearer how they affect your daily life.

For you are looking for very great shifts now.

You have envisioned a life of freedom from not only the system of financial debt, and from the ongoing pressure to maintain your daily living in ways that are difficult and painstaking.

You have also envisioned living the life you desired as a child—one of freedom of expression, of joy and exploration, of aiding others, or expressing your creativity (which is a great and positive help to others).

Sheldan Nidle - Estáis empezando a entrar en una realidad eléctrica... - 02-08-2016

7 Kan, 7 Pop, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Balik! ¡Todo está saltando a la vista! La clave es la nueva moneda americana.
Va a ser impresa y emitida por el nuevo Departamento del Tesoro.
Ese dinero respaldado por metales preciosos señala que este hemisferio se ha unido a Oriente.
Ese dinero va a establecer las primeras fases de una revalorización global que va a ser el cimiento de un nuevo sistema bancario más justo.
La prosperidad requiere que esos fondos salvaguardados con seguridad sean la base estable para la prosperidad de este mundo de la superficie.
Es esa prosperidad la que va a impulsar con éxito una nueva realidad mundial.
Se van a liberar muchos inventos apasionantes secuestrados durante mucho tiempo por el antiguo régimen para numerosas revoluciones en la sanidad y para una forma de ver el mundo que ya no es apropiada para la humanidad.

Crop Circles 2016 - Sparticles Wood, Nr Chaldon, Surrey, UK - 3th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Mary Magdalene and Natalie Glasson - The Truth of Mary Magdalene’s Journey - 5th August 2016

Natalie: Recently I had the opportunity to visit the Grotte de la Sainte Baume which is a cave in the south of France where it is said that Mary Magdalene spent much of her time after the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. The cave is on the side of a mountain, and it takes about a 45mins steep walk through glorious and luscious woodland to reach this sacred place. Before entering the cave, I began to communicate with Mary Magdalene to discover the purpose of my visit and why I was being guided to visit the Grotto. Below is what I received, information that Mary Magdalene wanted to share not just with me, with everyone.

Mary Magdalene: It is an honour to connect with you, and I shower you in the vibrations of the Divine Goddess and Goddess Isis. Even as a child I wore the symbol of the Golden Serpent. A symbol of being initiated into the teachings of the Divine Feminine and Goddess Isis. I was and remain a High Priestess of Goddess Isis dedicated to the power, magic, and love of the purest form of the sacred Goddess. It was my training which paved my way to my union with Jesus as well as preparing me to continue the teachings shared with both of us, after his ascension. The teachings Jesus shared were born from love and given in love, they represented the union of the masculine and feminine vibrations of the Creator in harmony and oneness, awakening the same within all. During the times when Jesus shared his teachings, I would also receive the same downloads of energy and inspiration. As a rep resentative of the Divine Feminine, I acted as an anchor, grounding the sacred energy into the Earth and consciousness of humanity.

Magenta Pixie - Lion's Gate Portal 2016 (Sirian Codes)

Mike Quinsey - His Higher Self - 5th August 2016

Yet again time is speeding up and many of you have marveled at how quickly this year is passing. It shall continue as the vibrations rise higher and higher. Ascension draws near and when it comes you will ascend in the blink of an eye. Because the Human Race have continued to raise their vibrations, it is possible for you reach the optimum level very soon, but know that at this present time matters are in a constant state of change that makes predictions difficult. However, the final decision will be made by the God of this Universe.

Be assured that Ascension is well under way and nothing can stop the anticipated ending taking place. So ignore the actions of the Cabal who still believe that they hold power to thwart attempts to put an end to their war against the people of Earth. Their power has already been curtailed and it will never return to the previous level. Their days are numbered and ultimately they will have no option but to surrender. Any attempts to avoid justice will fail and they will eventually be removed from this planet. Their minions may still cause trouble, but they too will also be forced to give up their plans to take over the Earth and its population. Brexit has grown quickly and so it will continue as others also join, and it has enabled countries to escape from the clutches of the Illuminati.

jueves, agosto 04, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - What Does Ascension Mean? - 8-4-16

What Does Ascension Mean?

By The Arcturians

Seeing the Unseen
          Hearing the Unheard
                 Feeling the Invisible

Ascension is not an action. Ascension is a “state of mind” and “frequency of heart.” The state of mind of ascension is the flow of balancing polarities in your thinking to find the middle road. The frequency of heart is the constant focusing, and re-focusing, of your emotions on unconditional love.

Ascension is the process of returning to the YOU that you were before you began your process of being a third/fourth dimensional human. Your higher dimensional expressions are constantly with you to assist you to remember your true SELF during your present incarnation on a greatly changing Earth.

Once you remember at least one of the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you have begun your process of restoring the multidimensional consciousness that is innate to your Higher SELF.

With an ongoing connection of your Higher SELF shining inter-dimensional Light and Unconditional Love into your heart and mind, your ascension process is activated while you walk the Path of a planet in huge transmutation.

Kryon "Lemurian Sisterhood" Portland, 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Chilcomb, Wiltshire, UK - 3th August 2016 - UFO 2016

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 04/08/16

Aisha North series 133 - 2

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Empath Starbeing Angelic Gateway Dimensional Shift 444 - August 4, 2016

A stronger connection to the Angelic realms to the planet has occurred. There is no places that we cannot reach you on earth, we are here and always with you.
A dimensional shift is occurring at this writing and beckoning you to awareness and to be a part of the higher frequencies and cellular light increase. This new gateway will open your sight into the inter-dimensions and messages from 5th higher dimensional beings. Go within.
Your cellular memories are awakening of the Angels and celestial Light communities you are from, also referred to as the Angelic Star Tribes, Bird Tribe, Angelics and Star Seeds. Many of you have alliances with those sacred lineages. The Angelic dimensional gateway is here and reverberating in your longing to be united to resonate to what it is to be a true real Human. 33


Benjamín Fulford - 01-08-16. Israel, Arabia Saudita, Malasia, Francia, Italia y Alemania los próximos en la lista de países a ser liberados de la mafia jázara

04 Ago

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/08/01/israel-saudi-arabia-malaysia-france-italy-and-germany-next-on-list-of-countries-to-be-freed-from-jázaros-mafia/

La batalla para liberar a la humanidad de las garras de la mafia genocida jázara está avanzando bien, con grandes victorias en varios frentes en medio de un creciente caos global mientras el orden del mundo de la posguerra sigue colapsando.

Los mayores movimientos se están llevando a cabo en Oriente Medio, donde, ahora que Turquía ha derrocado al dominio de la mafia jázara (sabatea). Una alianza entre los rusos, el Pentágono, Siria, Turquía, Irán y Egipto se prepara para liberar al pueblo de Israel, Irak y Arabia Saudita. Esto cortará todas las entregas de dinero del petróleo de Oriente Medio a la facción de Bush / Rockefeller / Clinton de la mafia jázara.

El otro lugar donde se están desarrollando grandes hechos es en Europa. Allí, las autoridades de Alemania, Francia e Italia están pidiendo abiertamente una alianza militar con Rusia para liberar a Europa de las garras de la facción Bush / Clinton / Rockefeller (BCR) de la mafia jázara que todavía controla Washington DC y Nueva York. Los movimientos europeos que están llevando a cabo son en preparación de un colapso del sistema bancario que podría ser evidente tan pronto como este mes.

miércoles, agosto 03, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Galactic Council of Light - Moving beyond Limitations - August 3, 2016

There is much excitement in the air as the energies steaming into earth bring the air of new possibilities. It is these possibilities that we would like to discuss with you today. The Lion’s gate portal is very powerful and can assist you in opening to all that you are. While many may be experiencing moderate to extreme physical symptoms with the light frequency that is now on your planet, know that in time your body will not only adjust but it will thrive. In order for this to be the case, you must look at the limitations and belief structure that you have put on yourself.

So many of you struggle to remove yourself from self-imposed restrictions. It has been the nature on earth that beliefs and limitations were put on you from the moment you were incarnate. These put you into categories based on your geography, physical attributes, religion, economics, and culture. As you go through this extraordinary process you are finding that you must unravel these limits one by one, shunning them as they do not signify the truth of your nature, the truth of your soul. Many of you are able to reject the ones that blatantly insult your sense of right and wrong, your sense of fairness, but there are so many others that you have simply just accepted. Some on the journey to unravel the parameters, may have added new rules and restrictions, but they are not recognized as such because they seem so vastly different.

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - "Carta Abierta a las Semillas Estelares en Ascensión" - Agosto 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

"Carta Abierta a las Semillas Estelares en Ascensión"

Amados: a medida que aprenden a acceder a los registros cósmicos en los reinos superiores, comienzan a expandir su percepción de su linaje cósmico. El proceso de reunificación está bien avanzado y por tanto, muchos fieles Servidores de la Luz ahora están luchando por reclamar las muchas facetas de su Divinidad. Una parte de nuestra misión es la de ayudarlos a recordar su herencia divina y también ayudarlos a entender el proceso sin precedentes en el cual está inmersa la humanidad en este momento.

Muchos de ustedes, Semillas Estelares y Mostradores de Camino, vinieron a esta vida con las frecuencias vibratorias de los Rayos – dentro de su Célula del Núcleo Diamante – más activas que las de quienes todavía funcionan en los reinos de la Tercera y Baja Cuarta Dimensión. Por tanto ustedes han experimentado más “explosiones de percepción de la conciencia de Dios” en los años recientes. Si comparan notas con los demás respecto a sus experiencias anteriores en el sendero, verán que han tenido experiencias muy similares a lo largo de su vida. Ahora están conscientes de que hay muchos milagros, pensamientos inspirados y coincidencias benéficas que no son comunes entre las personas promedio que todavía existen y funcionan dentro de los reinos distorsionados de la estructura de creencias de la conciencia de masas.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización Luna Nueva 2 Agosto 2016 - 2 de Agosto 2016

Actualización Luna Nueva 2 Agosto 2016
por Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies
2 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Queridos Amigos,
La Luna Nueva es el Martes 2 de Agosto, a las 2:44 PM, Horario de las Montañas (MDT).

Usen esta luna como un recomenzar. Dejen ir el cómo siguen aún sosteniendo o procesando todos los altibajos del Julio transformativo. Perdonen lo que no ha ido tan bien, reconozcan lo que sí ha funcionado bien, respiren profundamente y reagrúpense, así pueden avanzar más profundamente en sus vidas con valor y una nueva resolución. Este es un tiempo para hacer algunos compromisos internos con ustedes mismos, acerca de lo que harán y no harán más de aquí en adelante.

Esta luna nueva nos trae a todos una oportunidad para cierta verdad interna, y nos da la energía y la claridad para nuevas resoluciones y determinación. La energía del sol le da poder a las cualidades masculinas de la "voluntad" y de la "acción". Eso que ha sido puesto en movimiento durante el Julio transformativo y escurridizo, ahora puede encontrar una nueva alineación para avanzar.

No pueden hacerlo solos. Así que comiencen el ciclo de esta luna nueva reuniendo a sus apoyos, y pidan ayuda cuando la necesiten.

Bendiciones, Lena 

Christine Meleriessee - August 2016 ~ A Time of Magnificent Transformation - August 3, 2016

Within the next month we are going to be experiencing amazing energetic shifts within the planet and within each of us. These changes are going to disrupt and allow each of us to grow deeper within ourselves for the sake of Gaia’s ascension.

My personal experience with these energies represents my ability to take care of myself spiritually while living in Mount Shasta with my husband. That, in itself, can be a huge challenge within itself. I always said that “what you don’t work on yourself, the mountain will do it for you.” I do believe that we feel it more intensely here in Shasta as it is part of the land that we walk and live upon.

Spiritual tools are an essential component to these times of awakening and they need to be upgraded as the energy shifts and changes. This is because each of us changes through the process and the old way of doing things may not work for your accelerated self.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Getting Connected - Part 2 - April 10, 2016 at Columbus, Ohio

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The entourage is still here and the listeners of the future are here. Dear listener of the future, isn't it interesting that right now for some is really the past? But somehow, we are all together, in the "now"

The teaching of the day is that, by design, the Human Being is becoming a bit more multidimensional each year. The processes of your reality and your life can shift this way because the new tools are becoming part of your regular, conscious life. Human nature will begin to change, and a shift in your awareness is at hand. All this will help you practice getting around the old habits and the old ways of life, if you wish.

Emmanuel Dagher - The Powerful Influx of Light - August 2016 - August 3, 2016

Hi my friend,
How have you been feeling the past several weeks?
The Intense Energies
The month of July left many empaths and sensitive souls feeling disheartened, confused, and defeated.
On the surface, this might seem like it has to do with the chaos going on in the world, which is constantly delivered to us via media outlets that incite trauma, shock, and fear.
But even if you are not someone who pays close attention to the world’s state of affairs, you’ve probably noticed that you have not felt like your usual self lately.
Why is that?
That is happening because along with the turbulence happening in the world right now, a great deal is coming up internally within us.
This is a direct result of the influx of Light being downloaded into our solar system—and into every cell, fiber, and molecule of our inner and outer being.
This powerful Light is coming directly from Source Energy, with no filters or fillers.

martes, agosto 02, 2016

Suzanne Lie - The Pleiadians - Preparing For First Contact Chapter 20 - Where is Sharman - 8-1-16

By the Arcturians—Through Suzanne Lie

Where is Sharman?

Shelia Speaks:

Hello, Shelia speaking here. I am addressing you all to inform you that we have lost all contact with Sharman. He was suddenly called back to Earth again. He told me there was an important meeting that he had to attend on Earth, and we have not heard from him since.

I am usually able to at least perceive him when he goes to Earth, but something happened, and I lost all contact with him. All we know is that he had an important meeting with a human that has a great deal of influence on Earth.

He told us that he had to “go in blind.” Which means that we do not see him, and he would need to check in with us. He said that he knew that this person, or persons, would not trust him if they knew that their conversation was NOT just between them.

Jenny Schiltz - Consejo Galáctico de la Luz - Tiempo de un gran desenmascaramiento y trastornos - 19-07-2016

Venimos a ustedes hoy para ayudarlos a que comprendan mejor lo que está sucediendo dentro de su realidad holográfica, personal y colectivamente.
Ustedes están en un periodo de tiempo crucial, uno en el que cada persona elegirá permitir a las energías infundirlos y empoderarlos o exacerbar todo lo que está sucediendo. La luz que está llegando simplemente es.
Para algunos esto traerá trastornos, un descubrimiento de las máscaras, y para otros esto no se sentirá como un derrumbamiento del yo sino más bien como una profunda claridad de su verdadera naturaleza.
Lo que está sucediendo interiormente está sucediendo también en el mundo en general.

Selacia - Naveguen las Oportunidades de Agosto -Entrando a Nuevas Encrucijadas- 1° de Agosto 2016

A medida que las energías en agosto se calientan e intensifican, será más importante que nunca para encontrar su centro y aplicar la razón intuitivamente guiada. No pueden permitirse el lujo de tomar las cosas como son o hacer juicios rápidos sin investigar todos los hechos. El mundo no es lo que parece y las cosas están cambiando a la velocidad de un relámpago.

Por cierto con todo lo que sucede a la vez si ustedes no están presentes se podrían perder oportunidades y tomar decisiones que van a lamentar más adelante. Continúen leyendo para aprender más acerca de lo que nos enfrentamos y cómo no sólo pueden encontrar su zona de calma sino prosperar durante esta importante fase del despertar que está sucediendo en todo el mundo.

Kara Schallock - La Verdadera Libertad - 30 de Julio 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La vida es tan sencilla o tan complicada como queremos que sea. Si elegimos que sea sencilla, dejamos atrás todo aquello a lo que estamos apegados; todo aquello que sabemos que ya no tiene sentido. En ese vacío, conectamos con nuestro centro, que es Amor. Hay tantas cosas que puede distraernos… tanto en el mundo exterior como en el interior. Podemos distraernos con nuestros seres queridos, con nuestros amigos, con la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, cuando dejamos todo eso atrás y nos enfocamos sólo en nuestros corazones, sólo en nuestro Ser, entonces accedemos a la Verdad más sencilla y somos guiados. Nada se vuelve tan importante como la fusión con nuestra Alma. La única manera de poder hacerlo es dejar ir todos los pensamientos y palabras, y meditar. La meditación es como fortalecemos nuestras Almas. Y, a medida que nuestras almas se fortalecen, sentimos… que aparece la necesidad continua de hacer algo y que viejas creencias emergen a la superficie. Ése “tener que hacer algo” probablemente sea nuestro mayor apego. Casi podemos oír cómo nuestros padres nos decían: “Eres un vago; haz algo.”

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 31 de Julio al 6 de Agosto, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Las energías continúan amplificándose en su intensidad. Muchos de ustedes están tomando tiempo en el exterior para disfrutar de las maravillas del mundo natural y esta conexión les permite experimentar la unidad con todo lo que les rodea. Ustedes saben que hay una razón y un propósito de su presencia en este mundo a medida que continúan enlazando dos realidades convergentes. Ese es el regalo que traen a su mundo. Tienen la fuerza en su interior para caminar de una manera pacífica, despierta y consciente, sabiendo que todo lo que sucede en el mundo está dentro del flujo del propósito divino que se mueve a través de ustedes. Sienten la emoción del potencial creativo y la posibilidad de entrar en una nueva fase en la vida donde las viejas energías son limpiadas y removidas de ustedes. Las antiguas percepciones y las elecciones que han hecho les trae ahora un mayor crecimiento, conciencia y expansión.

Mahala - Planet Alert August 2016

Hi everyone, I have an idea on how to solve our problem of anger and violence. We could create with our minds some magical sparkly Fairy Dust and spread it all over the world so people could feel it and maybe wake up to the magic and miracles of 6D Earth. Wouldn’t that be fun? It has been so hard for empaths to live in the world as we have known it for so long that it is time for a change. We are the ones who need to change it by using our thought power to create the reality we choose to live in. I choose to live in a reality of love and peace. This is the reality I am creating for myself. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

Did you release all you needed to release during Mars’s trip back into Scorpio in June and July? Are you now ready to drop your baggage and manifest a new reality? During that two month period of time Mars was in a mirror image to Uranus, and that caused a lot of violence over the Middle East and Europe. Now Mars will be affecting Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. The opposite side of the world that will be affected by Mars are the states from the Cascade Mountains to the Mississippi River. Are you ready for the Mars journey through Sagittarius for the next two months? This ushers in a period of powerful fire energy. Negative fire energy rules violence, wars, fires and volcanic eruptions. Positive fire energy is the spark of love within us.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Marrying of Our Divine Aspects & Flames: Divine Sacred Union & Culmination Phase Occurs for All Integrating This Now - 8/2/2016

Aloha dear sweet Light Family! Happy NEW Moon to all! ♥

Beautiful light grid encodements opening up with new awareness, knowledge and more. WE continue the sacred mergings of our souls...

A MARRYING OF OUR ASPECTS AND FLAMES. Divine Sacred Union of ALL within. Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Power... all merging into one now. Profoundly sacred and powerful is an understatement. The Divine Mother, Father & Child..... and many other trinities too.

The distinction of our higher self embodiments over the years, the journey into the depths of our soul/being-ness.... and now, this merging on a whole new "level" that we could not achieve before.....

Sheldan Nidle - August 2, 2016

 7 Kan, 7 Pop, 13 Caban

Selamat Balik! All is coming into view! The key is the new American currency. It is being printed and accounted for by the new Department of the Treasury. These precious metal-backed monies signal that this hemisphere has joined the East. This money is to set up the first stages of a global revaluation that is to be the foundation for a new and fairer banking system. Prosperity requires that these safely secured funds be the stable foundation for this surface world’s prosperity. It is this prosperity that is to successfully fuel a new worldwide reality. Many amazing inventions, long sequestered by the ancient regime, are to be released for numerous revolutions in healing and in a worldview that is no longer appropriate for humanity. Our desire is to aid this growth by at times letting you know how best to expand these new technologies. Our expertise and guidance can permit you to attain your desires quickly. The main purpose here is to help you to discover how the universe really works and, in learning its amazing electrical origins, to alter how you perceive your reality.



Lena Stevens - August 2016 Monthly Forecast & New Moon Update - COLLABORATION

The main theme for August is COLLABORATION.

Although the experiences you may have during the month could be as diverse as the population of the planet, the theme of COLLABORATION gets to the foundation of what is needed right now in everyone’s life if we are to set things up in the best way possible for a positive future.

What is COLLABORATION? Collaboration is working in cooperation with others to achieve a common goal.

The time for going about it alone is over. We are fully entering the cycle of relationship orientation, and if we are to survive and accomplish what we are here to do, we need to collaborate not only with others but ourselves as well. How often do we sabotage ourselves when the heart wants to proceed but the mind has other ideas? Or when the mind has an idea but the heart is frozen in fear? Or when the body simply refuses to cooperate?

This is perhaps the place to start, the collaboration between all of your complex personal aspects: personality, body, mind, heart and spirit.

Since the month carries a great deal of fiery masculine energy for accomplishment, action and determination, it is an excellent opportunity to bring all of your personal aspects into collaboration with each other.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure - August 02, 2016

I am here this morning to give you a rundown on what is taking place on the earth today at various places. I am Ohmnipure once again, and I am here to give you a rundown of what you can see in the coming times. It is a pleasure to be with you again, and to see how beautifully you are all doing and living your lives.

First I will tell you about an incident that I observed while taking a break the other day. It was one in which there were two people who did not know about the funds and how it was all to come into place. They were listening to a group of people in the next row of observers at a ball game. They were talking about how they were going to spend their new money when it came in, if it were to ever come as they had been told. They all agreed that there would be lots of things that they would buy and then take to their home and family to distribute for their pleasure. They were saying that they would use the money for so many things that they have always wanted.

lunes, agosto 01, 2016

James Tyberonn Live - Metatonic Keys & Essential Laws of Auric Protection

Questions for Jim - How Should I Handle the Coming Challenges

Jennifer Hoffman - August 2016 Energy Report - August 1, 2016

Every month when I start the energy report I get a vision for the month’s energy and for August I see snowy white diapers hanging on a clothesline. Now if you used cloth diapers on your babies, as I did, you know that they aren’t snowy white when you hang them up, they are all stained and blotchy but after a few hours in the sun they become bright white. So, no matter what July dished up, August’s energy can make it beautifully clear and bright but you may have to sit out in the sun for a while and that doesn’t mean get a suntan, it means to spend some time shining your light. August is the sign of Leo, the lion and lions are known for their courage. There are many opportunities for creative manifestation, love, heart opening, and new potentials if we have the courage to shine. This month’s themes are courage, creativity, clarity, love (in its energetic form), and integration.
The word courage is from the French word ‘coeur’ which means heart. ‘Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the presence of heart. We don’t need to get rid of our fears to have courage, we need to have the courage (or heart)  to act in spite of our fears.’ If July brought up all of your fears, August inspires you to take action without feeling the need to wait until they go away. You may think you have to wait for the right moment or to be confident that you are ready but the only way to create movement is to take a step forward. The step doesn’t have to be big, it just has to be a step.We tend to use the word ‘love’ in the romantic sense but love is an energy first, and an emotion second.

Movie Time-Tiempo de Cine - The house of Rothschild 1934. Full Movie

Magenta Pixie - Divinity Within Words (Sacred Poetry as Manifestation)

Brenda Hoffman - You’re a 5D Super Infant - August 1, 2016

Dear Ones,
The new energies floating about are softer than any you previously experienced. You will notice the effect of these energies in gentle interactions with those you love and meet. For your 3D crust of denial was so deep that bombarding energies were required until that crust dissolved.
It does not matter if all are experiencing these softer energies – they will in time for energies released to earth are never removed but instead added to.
You are internalizing these new, softer energies for you are of 5D and at the forefront of this transition.

Benjamin Fulford 8-1-16… “Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia”

The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.

The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia.

The other place where huge developments are taking place is Europe. There, officials in Germany, France and Italy are now openly calling for a military alliance with Russia to free Europe from the grip of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller (BCR) faction of the Khazarian mafia that still controls Washington DC and New York. The European moves are taking place in preparation for a collapse of the banking system there that could break into the open as early as this month.

Jen Freer - Pleiadian Message - The PTW and the Lion’s Gate - August 2016

The PTW and the Lion’s Gate

Greetings, star seeds, light workers, light warriors, peace makers and peace keepers. We, your Pleiadian Ascended Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones of the Pleiadian Ring of 500, hope you are enjoying the benefits of the Lion’s Gate portal opening. This showering of light codes is yours to accept and integrate into your light being, DNA and consciousness. Enjoy!

Now, for some clarification regarding those 4D beings who once controlled your planet. There is much disinformation leading you to believe that these beings are “fallen angels” from Rigel and Andromeda. They have been separated into four different categories and there is false information that some of them are capable of redeeming themselves and “moving into the light.” Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by this. All of these beings (whether referred to as Draconians (Dracos), Archons, Chimerians, or “Jesuits”[not the correct term]) are Reptilian beings, and they are all from planets within the same constellation known as Lacerta (which means Lizard)).

domingo, julio 31, 2016

2016 IS STRANGE Part 23 // JULY

Sheldan Nidle - Este es también un periodo lleno de los preliminares finales a nuestros tan esperados aterrizajes en masa - 26-07-2016


13 Caban, 0 Pop, 13 Caban

¡Dratzo! Venimos a hablar de los cambios que se están preparando para este hermoso orbe verde y azul.
Durante muchos años, los últimos remanentes importantes de la cábala oscura han trabajado para retrasar o evitar lo inevitable.
Ahora, los que están oficialmente al cargo se han unido finalmente a nosotros para establecer un calendario de la distribución inicial de los fondos de prosperidad y su gran corolario, la RV (Revalorización).
Esas distribuciones globales van a ser las campanadas de muerte para el régimen americano de facto y su compadre, la Unión Europea.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Seeking to Creating: new expressions of Self - July 31, 2016

Seeking to Creating: new expressions of Self

First and foremost…BREATHE. Tho ultimately all for LOVE, the fact is that we’ve all been thru some super charged, highly discordant and seriously disharmonious nnergies this month, and whether you are “in the world, or of it”, it still smarts in parts.

Tragedies, calamities, natural disasters, social & political insanity, financial instability, etc….these all kick up (reflect) intense collective root fears that every part of the human family is in some way responsible for. But because we know that these energies can only be alchemized from within, our job thru moments of upheaval is exactly what we’ve practiced in the safety of our cocoons for several years prior…to anchor within, examine our own reactions/responses to the energies, transmute/transcend any personal dissension, and then return to the bigger picture perspective ASAP. Rinse, repeat.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a Preparado Para Ti - En Portand, Oregón, 23 de julio 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Aquí en este salón hay muchos que nunca experimentaron una canalización en vivo anteriormente. Diré algo y luego lo explicaré. Alma antigua, ¡bienvenida a la nueva Tierra! Todo empieza a cambiar; cosas que puedes ver e informar, y mucho de lo que puedes sentir, pero no probar.

Muchos han preguntado por qué no existe preparación para canalizar; ustedes me han oído decir esto antes: ¡sí que la hay! Pero no como en la vieja energía. Mi socio se sienta en la silla y la pequeña pausa que oyen y sienten y observan es para que él puede hacerse a un lado; no tiene nada que ver con prepararse para canalizar. Canalizar significa una entrega completa y total; no una dominación; una entrega de la consciencia. Y mi socio se convierte en alguien que interpreta entonces el otro lado del velo, ha tenido 26 años de práctica de este flujo constante de consciencia a través de su pineal y su Yo Superior, donde entro yo. Es la obra de su vida.

Selacia - Navigate August Opportunities -Stepping Into a New Crossroads- July 31, 2016

by Selacia

As the energies in August heat up and intensify, it will be more important than ever to find your center and apply intuitively guided reason. You cannot afford to take things at face value or make quick judgments without researching all the facts. The world is not as it appears and things are changing at lightning speed.

In fact, with so much happening all at once, if you are not present you could miss opportunities and make decisions that you will regret later. Continue reading to learn more about what we face and how you can not only find your calm zone but thrive during this important phase of awakening happening across the world.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation - July 31, 2016

Dear One,

Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.

A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the "ground." For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits. It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through. If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.

John Smallman - Jesus - Total self-honesty is an essential aspect of the awakening process - July 31, 2016

Humanity’s return to full consciousness, its awakening from the illusion, is proceeding apace. A massive awareness is growing that life on Earth followed by death are not your final destiny, that in fact what you are experiencing on Earth is but a passing moment in which you are learning the lesson that Love is All That Exists, and that your physical forms are are purely temporary vehicles or residences that you occupy while you do this. They are ideal for this purpose, but when you all “graduate,” as you all will, you will no longer have need of them because your natural state is infinitely limitless and filled with potentiality beyond your wildest dreams. The joy you will experience in Reality, at Home in the Presence of God, is WAY beyond your ability as humans to even conceive of, and it is to that that you will awaken. On Earth, as humans, your task is simply to release anything to which you are clinging that is not in alignment with Love. When you do that, even for a moment, you will feel an enormous shift in your energy, a lightening of the burdens that you seem to be carrying. Most of you have at some time been forgiven for something you did or said that was intended to hurt another, and which you later regretted. And when you received that forgiveness it felt as though an enormous weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Likewise, when you let go of any resentment, bitterness, anger, and hatred that you have been “nursing,” you will feel lighter and joy will flow in to replace those unloving aspects that you have released.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - July 31-August 6th, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The energies continue to amplify in their intensity. Many of you are taking time out to enjoy the wonders of the natural world and this connection enables the experience of oneness with all that surrounds you. You know that there is a reason and purpose for your presence in this world as you continue to bridge two converging realities. It is the gift you bring to your world. You have the strength within you to walk in a peaceful, aware, and conscious manner knowing that all that happens in your world is in the flow of the Divine purpose moving through you. You feel the excitement of creative potential and possibility as you enter a new phase in life and old energies are cleared and lifted from you. The former perceptions and choices you have made now bring you greater growth, awareness and expansion.

Benjamín Fulford - NOTICIAS DE ÚLTIMA HORA (30-7-16).


31 Jul

(Cartel de la traductora: el escudo rojo fue sacudido, los Rothschild caerán)

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/07/31/news-flash/

El primer ministro malasio Najib Razak procesado en el escándalo de la malversación de miles de millones de dólares, busca la inmunidad a cambio del testimonio contra los Rothschilds.

Fuentes de la CIA en el Este de Asia nos alertaron sobre el hecho de que el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos ha acusado al primer ministro de Malasia, Najib Razak, por malversación de más de mil millones de dólares de un fondo destinado a ser utilizado para el desarrollo económico de Malasia.

sábado, julio 30, 2016





Beloved Ones: As you learn to tap into the cosmic records in the higher realms, you are beginning to broaden your awareness of your cosmic lineage. The process of reunification is well under way, and therefore, many faithful Servers of the Light are now striving to reclaim the many facets of their Divinity. A part of our mission is to help you remember your Divine heritage, and to also help you understand the unprecedented process humanity is in the midst of at this time.

Many of you, the StarSeed and Wayshowers, came into this lifetime with the vibrational frequencies of the Rays (within your Diamond Core God Cell) more active than those still functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional realms. Therefore, you have experienced more “bursts of God-conscious awareness” over the recent past years. If you will compare notes about your earlier experiences with others on the Path, you will find that you have had many similar experiences throughout your lifetime. You are now aware that many of the miracles, inspired thoughts and benefic coincidences are not common for the average person who still exists and functions within the distorted realms of the mass consciousness belief structure.

Kara Schallock - True Freedom - 30-Jul-2016

Life is as simple or as complicated as we want it to be. If we choose simple, we let go of all we are attached to; all we think we know and become an empty vessel. In this Emptiness, we get to the core of us and that is Love. There is so much that can distract us...whether it's the outer world or the inner. We can be distracted by our loved ones, by friends, by day-to-day living and yet, when we let it all go and focus only on our Hearts; only on our Selves; we access the simple Truth and we are guided. There is nothing of consequence except the merging with our Souls. The only way we can do this is to let go of all the thoughts and all the words and meditate. Meditation is how we strengthen our Souls. And as our Souls strengthen, we feel...yes, there are old beliefs that surface and the continual urge to be doing something. This “doing something” is probably the biggest attachment we have. We can hear our parents say, “You're lazy; go do something.”