jueves, junio 09, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 06-06-16. La mafia jázara Rothschild usa maniobras dilatorias, pero el tiempo se acaba

09 Jun

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/06/06/rothschild-khazarian-mafia-using-delaying-tactics-but-time-is-running-out/

La soga que se está cerrando sobre la mafia jázara y el nexo de la familia Rothschild que lo controla está apretando cada véz mas fuerte. Después de haber perdido una fecha límite para encontrarse con un representante de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco, se supone que debe reunirse con un mensajero de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco mañana un representante del Barón Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild (7 de junio) en los EE.UU... Si los Rothschild se pierden esta reunión o no llegan a un acuerdo, en principio, a continuación, la SDB, los gnósticos Illuminati y otros grupos aliados prometen que será declarada época de caza para todo ese grupo familiar genocida.

Además, la quiebra oficial de la Corporación de los ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA el 2 de mayo de 2016 ha desencadenado negociaciones de alto nivel entre las autoridades estadounidenses y chinas esta semana. En Beijing un intercambio económico y diplomático de alto nivel está concluyendo el martes.


miércoles, junio 08, 2016

Sarah Varcas - June 2016 – April 2017: Eris Conjunct Uranus - 08/06/2016

Rising Up
Image: “Rising Up” by Gary Rosenberg

Revolution Within and Without


Sarah Varcas

9th June 2016 sees the first exact conjunction between Eris and Uranus in the 24th degree of Aries. In it we meet the untamed feminine: wild and radical, owned by no one, shaped by nothing and prepared to do what it takes to expose the enduring lies that diminish and debilitate humanity. She points the finger without hesitation, names the oppressor and fights to the death of all falsity presented as truth. Eris is our power – men and women, one and all – to take a stand; to face the unpalatable facts of our sterile life; to honour the deep, gutsy knowing in our very bowels that life itself is raw, passionate and cannot be tamed. Her alliance with Uranus affords her ever greater influence, instilling within those who join her crusade the power to shake awake even those most deeply asleep in this world on the brink.

Unlike Mars who will fight to impose, Eris fights to expose. She refuses to accept the social mores of conformity used to keep us down. Eris unflinchingly illuminates millennia of denial and degradation of the feminine, highlighting equally its trademark oppression of women and girls, alongside its brutalisation of boys and men. Currently aligned to Mars, the archetypal masculine, we see these two forces in intense dialogue, negotiating a settlement and positive way forward which honours both polarities in us all.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody & Anchoring Lightbody--3 Day Webinar - 6-8-16

Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody

The Arcturians

More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column.

The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As you consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise up your spine.

At first, the kundalini moves up a little bit, you must adjust to that unique feeling, as well as the other new sensations in your body. Therefore, you go back into your daily life, and the Kundalini moves back down into the base of your spine.

But the next time your consciousness arises, your attention is focused on your personal transformation, and you are ready to continue your process of personal transmutation, the Kundalini moves up a bit higher, but returns to the base of your spine as you gradually adapt to this unique sensation,

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - La verdad tiene que conocerse - 03-06-2016

La verdad tiene que conocerse y vuestra historia debe reescribirse de acuerdo con ello.
Todo va bien a pesar de cualquier apariencia externa, y los diferentes aspectos asociados a la Ascensión siguen en avanzada preparación.
Los Oscuros siguen perdiendo poder y sus opciones se están limitando mucho.
Les hemos pedido muchas veces su rendición pero lo han rechazado, pareciendo estar preparados para luchar hasta el amargo final.
Ciertamente, no pueden escapar a la justicia como habían planeado, pero casi con certeza intentarán regatear en lo que concierne a su rendición.
Se tienen que enfrentar al hecho de que sus días están contados y que ya no pueden esperar cumplir su plan original de dominación del mundo.
Muchos grupos han dado apoyo a los de la Luz y juntos representan un formidable reto para los Oscuros.
Junto con muchos individuos poderosos, ellos representan una poderosa fuerza por el bien.

Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - Iluminación e Inspiración - 22-05-2016


Queridos Míos: Deseo hablarles hoy sobre la Libertad. 

Empezaré diciendo que ayuda el orientarse a la perspectiva de ver su vida como el tener la libertad PARA ser o hacer, no una libertad DE algo.
Con este enfoque ustedes son libres para avanzar más allá y despejar viejos patrones, con la intención de avanzar hacia la Luz y su nueva vida sin vivir en el pasado, que es simplemente su lugar de aprendizaje.
Y avanzando adelante y viviendo lo que han aprendido ustedes son libres para catapultarse a realidades más expansivas, que es su verdadero derecho de nacimiento.
La libertad es permitir y aceptar la expansión hacia el Verdadero Ser de uno para descubrir las infinitas posibilidades. Es el abrirse más allá de las limitaciones.
Sus Yos Superiores los están alentando a abrir las puertas que están aguardando a ser abiertas.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Pineal Gland Stargate Third Eye - June 8, 2016

Awakening the Galactic Human DNA
Revelations of the Starseed Empath 

The pineal gland is a dormant stargate in the middle of the human brain, a bridge of higher dimensional awareness and time travel. There are multidimensional portals in the human body field that can be attuned for direct communion with the electro-magnetic energy of the grid and Universe. These human stargate portals are avenues to telepathic communication with the Galactics, the angelic kingdom and your DNA star essence of sovereign power.
The intuitive sensitive empath and starseed are already inclined to attune to these subtle energy fields which can resurrect these human stargate portals. Your sensory resonance of empathy is your first nature of being, a way shower of your direction and path that leads you to the reawakening of the Galactic Star Human DNA lineage.

Pineal Gland Stargate—the way to disclosure—knowing who you are.

Reawakening the pineal gland 3rd eye stargate can reveal hidden information and secret knowledge that can bypass traditional forums of disclosure as there are information link highways that can be accessed via the crystal link transmitter into an interdimensional library. As you come on line in this way, you are enhancing the light grid web so that other light bearers and starseeds can more easily tune into and align collectively.

martes, junio 07, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - Maestro Hilarion - Del 05 al 12-06-2016 - Junio 5, 2016

05 al 12-06-2016 

Amados, Durante estos días la vida se ha tornado en un período de recepción, procesamiento e integración de las descargas de energías a fin de que sean asimiladas y equilibradas.
Sus días están llenos de esto. El tiempo pasa rápido o lentamente, dependiendo de las necesidades del momento. Mucho ocurre ante su conciencia observadora.
Lo que se ha mantenido dentro de los cuerpos astrales de la humanidad están surgiendo y limpiándose; de esto es de lo que se trata la gran purga.
La mayoría de la humanidad que ha hecho esta elección de purgar, está lista para seguir adelante.
Ahora es una cuestión de hacer el trabajo, siendo constantes y persistentes, para hacer todo lo necesario para llevarlo a cabo hasta el final. La vida a veces parece ser un sueño.

Sheldan Nidle Update - A grand global revolution of consciousness! - 6-7-16~

Orders have been given to release a major part of the humanitarian and prosperity funds. New schedules to rid this reality of the cabal and its myriad henchman are now in place.

9 Akbal, 16 Pax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! What you have long awaited is beginning to take shape. Orders have been given to release a major part of the humanitarian and prosperity funds. New schedules to rid this reality of the cabal and its myriad henchman are now in place. The dark realizes that its time is up and that several layers of key arrests are either starting or else in place. Revised agreements are being implemented as a new fund transfer system comes into play. The election in America is expected to be delayed when a new NESARA government can be formally declared. When these developments are manifested, a number of announcements are to be publicly declared. These items are now beginning to pop up all over the Internet as, one by one, key informers become aware of what is now occurring. These reports are being distributed in order to notify some of you of what is either brewing or just on the horizon. The time is soon to end the long period of global influence of the cabal. This process took longer than we initially anticipated, but what we expected is currently beginning to unfold!

Crop Circles 2016 - Standdaarbuiten - 5th june 2016 - UFO Netherlands 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Tools for New Energy Management - June 7, 2016

There’s a whole new paradigm opening up for us as energy portals and containers. For many decades we have been working with energy and in many cases, holding it within our energy bodies because there was no place for it to go. If you have experienced bloating, nausea, and weight gain in the past ten years, you know what I am talking about. Now we are able to process the energy and move it on, uploading it to the earth and grounding it in the earth grids.
This is what we do on a collective level; on a personal level, we are grinding away lifetimes of drama, trauma, and the fear of shining our light. While our fears are justified, they are no longer useful or beneficial and it’s time to consider new directions. We are the new energy expansion and ascension leaders and energy management is our tool for progress. How can you make the best use of the energy in your life now, using it with confidence and clarity?

Crop Circles 2016 - PHASE 2 - Silbury Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire, UK - 5th june 2016 - UFO 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Willoughby Hedge, East Knoyle, Wiltshire, UK - 5th June 2016 - UFO 2016

lunes, junio 06, 2016

La Ceremonia de Apertura del Túnel más Grande del Mundo fue un Ritual Bizarro Oculto

Bienvenidos a la Realidad 

Con la asistencia de las personas más poderosas de Europa, la ceremonia de apertura del "Gotthard Base Tunnel" en Suiza fue un oscuro ritual, inquietante, extrañamente satánico. He aquí un vistazo a otra celebración de la élite oculta.

Midiendo más de 57 km y con un costo de más de 11 mil millones de euros, el "Gotthard Base Tunnel" es el proyecto de túnel más largo y más caro del mundo en la historia. Pasando por los Alpes suizos, el túnel tardó 17 años en completarse y se dice que es un símbolo de la unificación europea en un contexto de creciente nacionalismo y el cierre de las fronteras.

Para celebrar la inauguración de este túnel, una elaborada ceremonia se presentó delante de dignatarios europeos como la canciller alemana Angela Merkel, el presidente François Hollande de Francia y el primer ministro italiano Matteo Renzi. Mientras que la mayoría esperaría una optimista, ceremonia de celebración, los invitados fueron más bien llevados a un espectáculo inquietante orquestado por el director alemán Volker Hesse, donde un hombre vestido como una cabra fue presidido por un extraño ritual.

Maryann Rada - You Are in Heaven’s Gateway: Asket of Temmer, Pleiadian - June 6, 2016


We are Asket. In the world today, you have come to see a lot of disruption in the normal processes of nature and the normal processes of your social order. When order can be put aside and the muscle of human will can be pushed into the forefront of your world’s stage, so that that’s what you experience — the will of someone or something greater than your own making itself felt — the chaos that you experience in such times is something of a bewilderment to many of you, and we would like to point out today how within that chaos some pearl of order and perfection can be found.

Brenda Hoffman - Enough of Fear Clearing Already! - June 6, 2016

Dear Ones,

Your life is about to be easier than you have dreamt possible for eons. For you have cleared so much, including that of the past few weeks, that you no longer need to delay your joy.

Of course, many of you are thinking, “What about this dilemma? Or, “My earth dream creation is impossible.” So it is you are attempting to delay your joy even though such is no longer possible.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 06/06/16

Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Benjamin Fulford 6-6-16… “Rothschild Khazarian mafia using delaying tactics but time is running out” Posted on 2016/06/06

Posted by benjamin, June 6, 2016

The noose that is closing on the Khazarian mafia and the Rothschild family nexus controlling it is getting tighter. Having missed one deadline to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society, a representative of Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild is supposed to meet with a messenger from the White Dragon Society tomorrow (June 7th) in the US. If the Rothschilds miss this meeting or fail to reach an agreement in principle then, open season will be declared on that entire genocidal family group WDS, gnostic Illuminati and other allied groups promise.

Also, the official bankruptcy on May 2nd, 2016 of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation has triggered high level negotiations between US and Chinese authorities this week. In Beijing a high level economic and diplomatic exchange is concluding on Tuesday.


domingo, junio 05, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Drinking the Sweetness of Divine Love - June 5, 2016

Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.
This is one of my favorite Gabriel Messages. It describes the beautiful experience of receiving Divine Light and allowing the power of Divine Intelligence and Love to permeate your energy system.
When we are willing to ask for the blessing of Divine Light, our hearts can become an open vessel to receive. This willingness is a huge step in our evolution, especially when life seems so difficult to understand in these fast-changing times.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You Are Here to Experience Unlimited Physical World Abundance: Mastery through Purity & Utilizing Your Gifts - 6/5/2016

The peace of silence and cosmic symphonies are beyond exquisite. The beauty of NEW Earth is too. The joy, the brilliance, the magnificence.... all present when one is present, connected and functioning within flow. The Cosmic Light Upgrades shift and change, speed up, slow down, increase in strength and frequency, decrease for particle realignment.... Every moment can be utilized to be productive for whatever is important right then. Each moment will be a different vibration.....

New higher consciousness awareness bring new understandings, new opportUNITIES, new blessings, new gifts and abilities, new amazingness....

The human aspect will focus on what they do not have, what is not enough, what isn't comfortable, what doesn't work and have judgment of other's realities too..... technically these are all excuses not to stand in one's own power and take command of physical realities here.....

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 5-12, 2016

Beloved Ones,

During these days life has taken on a period of receiving downloads, processing downloads, integrating downloads and assimilating and balancing the energies. Your days are filled with these. Time passes either quickly or slowly depending on the needs of the moment. Much passes before your observing consciousness. That which has been held within humanity’s astral bodies are surfacing and cleansing, this is what the great purging is all about. The majority of humanity is ready to move on, they have made this choice. Now it is a matter of doing the work, being consistent and persistent, doing all that is necessary in order to see it through to the end.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2016 Sedona Seminar (Day 2)

Metatron via Tyberonn : A New Dawn & The Requisite Resolution & Message of Hope!~

Judith Kusel - The Shift in Vibrational Frequency Bands - June 5, 2016

We are riding the wave of expansive cosmic rebirthing – the rebirth of Mother Earth.

Rebirth follows the dying; the dissolving of the old and therefore the re-birth comes in the wake of what has been before, but now in a rejuvenated, shape and form. It is revitalized, reactivated.

It cannot be what has come before – that is now redundant.

It has to be that resurrection into a higher Light-embodied form and therefore moves into a much higher vibrational frequency band.

As the earth is being reborn – so are we.

sábado, junio 04, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Second Transmission to Earth--Preparing for First Contact--through Suzanne Lie - 6-4-16


By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie


The Second Transmissions to Earth

Greetings to our Earth Family,

I am Commander Sharman here again to send you our second Pleiadian transmission to Earth. I have already shared quite a bit of my experiences of taking an earth vessel during the timeline circa 2016 AD. However, since many of you will also be returning to your Starships or Home worlds, I would like to speak a bit about my process of returning home to my Ship after a rather long incarnation on 3D Earth

As I have said, my Divine Complement, Shelia, greatly assisted me in recalibrating my frequency back into my innate fifth dimensional resonance. What I discovered was that the reason that I had become so lost in the third dimension was because my frequency of resonance fell out of alignment with my fifth dimensional core.

From my long visit to third dimensional Earth, I totally understood how easy it was to calibrate your self to your social environment, rather than to the frequency of Gaia. If I had remained in total resonance with Earth, I would not have become so lost because I would have felt the protection of an entire planet.

Lauren C. Gorgo - MAGIC in the Making: lighting up - June 4, 2016

Tho technically this is the “May” report, I can see now that the information contained within it was being held back (with my inability to produce it) until the June energies arrived fully because this month already feels completely different than just a couple days ago. Cue cleansing breath.

Clearly we are all still adjusting and settling into new grooves after our recent round of gutting, but from this month forward we enter deep into the blossoming of our true Selves as those embodying prepare to reveal a new level consciousness to the world.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2016 Sedona Seminar (Day 1)

The Complete History of the 'House of Rothschild'

Control Freaks — The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following article.  

However, before we jump to the timeline, let’s read this invaluable introduction which will help us to clearly understand who the Rothschilds are as opposed to who they claim to be.

Definition of Zionism: an organization of so called Jews whose goal is to create a nation for Jews. 

Definition of Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud. 

Just one of a multitude of Rothschild Palaces
Khazarian Ashkenazis

The Rothschilds “claim” that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.  

The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in (or about) 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people. 

The Thirteenth Tribe

85 - 90% of Jews are Khazars

You will find that approximately 85 - 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. 

These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia. Let’s Pretend We ARE the chosen people!

So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this; every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew.  

Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favor with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. 

King Tut’s 3300-year-Old Dagger Forged from Meteorite Scientists Confirm

viernes, junio 03, 2016


Blessings and Joy to each of you,

I Am the Great Divine Director coming forward from the 144th dimension of reality to assist in bringing forth understanding of how each soul within the human form expresses their life through the multi-realities that they have been previously and what it means in your future moments.
As you learn more about the Universal Laws, you can start to apply how they are represented within your personal life.

Of course, the elements that make up a specific law are generated from the Source of Light that you are, through your I Am Presence, into your Monad, and then into the existence of your Higher Self. It is then realized through the physical conditioning of your consciousness into the reality of who you think you are in any given moment.
The Law of Cause and Effect or commonly known as the Law of Karma represents who you are as a soul, your travels within the many dimensions and how that energy you have inhabited is going to co-exist within your human experience.

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - New Moon Update 6-4-16

Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Saturday June 4, at 8:59 PM MDT.

This is a marker for choice. Look at all the choices you have, have made or are in the process of making and observe how and what you are choosing. Are you choosing from fear or are you choosing from a place of courage, confidence and certainty? Are your choices for you or are they compromised towards someone else? Are your choices made from a place of reaction or are you being proactive with your own desires and goals?

This new moon is an internal time to process personal issues so if you are around a lot of others make sure you take some individual time to honor the new moon and what it can support you with. The most important concept here is to keep a “don’t know mind” and to give spirit a lot of freedom to bring you solutions that are creative and unexpected. Continue to trust that it will all work out at the same time as putting positive energy into the outcomes you want.



Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - The Perfection of the Creator - 3rd June 2016

It is with love and angelic blessings that I, Archangel Michael, come forth to greet you. In the depths of my heart, I hold the vibration of the Perfection of the Creator which I radiate abundantly over and through your being. The vibration of the Perfection of the Creator exists within all beings; it is a natural aspect of your essence, soul and truth, and yet it is something which at this time is being activated more fully and drawn to your attention. The beings of Venus who continue to share their energy of sacred love with you and the Earth throughout 2016 are encouraging love to flow through numerous levels of your being. At this time, their love is anchoring into the levels and vibrations of your soul or divine essence triggering the activation of the Perfection of the Creator within you. When the Perfection Vibration of the Creator activates, it can create a series of new embod iments of light and self as well as the dawning of new perspectives.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Quantum Mastery: Expanding & Landing - 6/3/2016

Lots of work with alternate dimensions and stepping in & out of timelines, lots of anchoring the other dimensional realms in this physical one...

When we first start to access the other dimensional realms, it can be beyond bizarre. Seeing, feeling, hearing that which bends and stretches the mind to comprehend what was not conceivable before. To experience the other dimensions and then try to function in this physical is beyond challenging too. It's a balancing act, an art that we learn (Remember) how to navigate easier with each experience here.

Physical objects no longer "fixed" and seeing glimpses, experiencing weird.... all a part of this magnificent and magical journey of LIGHT EMBODIMENT here. Seeing beyond the old limited human matrix....

The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual

By VC on June 3, 2016 Vigilant Reports 
Attended by Europe’s most powerful people, the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual. Here’s a look at another celebration of the occult elite. 
Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world’s longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders. To celebrate the inauguration of this tunnel, an elaborate ceremony was presented in front of European dignitaries such as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. While most would expect an up-beat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual. As I discussed in my article on the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics, the occult elite enjoys putting on full display its agenda and philosophy symbolic, dramatic displays which are reminiscent of dramas re-enacted in secret society rituals. Furthermore, there is no better way to showcase sheer power than putting the “Illuminati stamp of approval” on massive mega-projects such as the Olympics or major constructions. Here’s part of the show.

The ceremony begins with workers dressed in orange walking slowly to the beat of a rhythmic military drum.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 3, 2016

All proceeds well regardless of any outer appearances, and the various aspects associated with Ascension continue to be advanced in readiness. The dark Ones continue to lose power and their options are becoming very limited. Many times they have been requested to surrender but have declined, seeming to be prepared to fight to the bitter end. They certainly cannot escape justice as planned but will almost certainly try to bargain where their surrender is concerned. They must face the fact that their days are numbered and they can no longer hope to fulfil their original plan for world domination.

Many groups have got behind those of the Light and together present a formidable challenge to the dark Ones. Along with many powerful individuals they represent a powerful force for good.

Aisha North - Water Speaks • Channeled Images - 03/06/16

The Hopi Blue Kachina/Red Kachina Prophecy

jueves, junio 02, 2016

Sue Lie - We Are The ONE - 6-2-16

We Are the ONE

Channeled Through Sue Lie
What is New Earth? How do we create New Earth?  How do we live on New Earth?  These are questions that we are asking ourselves because we are feeling that something is very different. Simultaneously, there is much that is the same as it always was.  Unfortunately, some of that which is the same is darkness and indoctrination. 
Fortunately, between that darkness and indoctrination, which is on the verge of ending, shines a light of that which is beginning. What is beginning is that our third and fourth dimensional earth is expanding into its expression of fifth-dimensional Lightbody Earth. 

Sarah Varcas - 4th/5th June 2016: New Moon in Gemini - 02/06/2016

Sharing the True Self
Sarah Varcas

The Moon is new in the 15th degree of Gemini at 3:01 a.m. UT on 5th June. Conjunct Venus and at the apex of a Yod formed with Pluto and Black Moon Lilith, this New Moon augurs unexpected developments that may surprisingly ease progress despite conditions that indicate the opposite! Take nothing at face value right now. Remember the universe is born of its own design, our perceptions of which are unavoidably shaped by circumstances and our judgements about them. We simply cannot see the whole picture and much is destined to remain a mystery. Events around the time of this Moon catalyse movement on an old concern, but in a new direction. Be prepared, therefore, to welcome new beginnings in the initial guise of obstacles and/or unanticipated developments.

We may seek certainty, insight, knowledge and power at this Moon, forgetting that true power lies in embracing the mystery and our state of unknowing. In doing so we unlock the alchemy of surrender which enables our reality to shift and change in ways we could not fashion by our own might. This New Moon nourishes our inherent bodily wisdom that simply knows the truth beyond explanations, theories and words. We may want to think our way through it but right now it is time to feel as well, to allow our bodies to speak and a felt sense of deep knowing to arise. Therein lies all the wisdom and advice we will need.

Celia Fenn - Diamond Emerald Heart : The New Human Emerges - June 2, 2016

13323737 10205994103243859 709310440158304687 o
image by Jean- Luc Bozzoli at www.eyewithin.com

I find it hard to believe that it is 12 years since I wrote my article on the Indigo Crystal Transition.  In 2004, many of us were going through strange symptoms and life events that we were later to identify as indicators of a profound and deep change in our Spiritual and Physical bodies.  It was called the Indigo Crystal transition, because these terms described the transformation into the Indigo level of Consciousness, and then to the Crystal levels, and also it described the incoming waves of Indigo and then Crystal children who were assisting with the evolutionary transformation on the Earth
However, since 2012 there has been intense waves of Cosmic energy and Light Codes that have activated further levels of evolution that I will call Diamond and Emerald, not because I want to “label” these experiences particularly, but because they are useful ways of describing and explaining what I would consider to be the next level of our Conscious Transformation and Evolution.
The Indigo Beings were the Spiritual Warriors who paved the way for Transformation, and the Crystal Beings opened our Hearts and Souls to our inheritance as Star Beings and to the Divine Love, Empowerment and Abundance that is our birthright as incarnate beings on Earth.  The Diamond Light Codes upgraded our consciousness to a full awareness of our Galactic and Cosmic connections and our place among the Star Nations.  The Emerald Light Codes reconnected us with the Earth and with our abilities as Co-Creators of Time Narratives on Space Ship Earth.
But what has emerged, in recent years, is a new kind of human, similar in many ways to the “old version” human, but very different in consciousness, orientation, and I believe, physically as well.  I will describe for you the nature of this new being that is emerging on the Earth, but first I would like to just mention briefly my own experience with the emerging consciousness of this New Earth Being in myself.

Baalbek: Ancient Alien Sanctuary and Landing Spot Revealed

2016 IS STRANGE Part 16 // MAY - JUNE

Huge meteor fireball over Phoenix, Arizona lights up night sky

Ron Head - The Council – The Expansion of Your Consciousness - June 2, 2016

The Council

Today we will discuss the expansion of your consciousness. It is time to have this discussion, not because it is something that will soon happen – it is always happening – but because you have reached a point at which you may want to give some conscious thought to what you may experience.
Now we do not wish to structure what you may consider here. But we will give you some examples of choices you might make that you may very well deem beneficial. The choices you make will not be limits. That is, they will not happen to the exclusion of other expansions of your awareness. But making a choice to focus on something will allow you to begin seeing, hearing, or feeling things that you have, up till now, not seen, heard, or felt.
Do you wish to, for example, be more able to interact with others in a loving way? Would increased empathy help in this regard? Do you wish to be able to pick up on thoughts that are directed toward you? Do you want to know what your pet is thinking? Yes, they think. Do you want to explore other times or places? The ways that your knowing can expand are endless. We are simply saying that at this time you might wish to give some focused thought to the matter. Why do we say that?

Benjamín Fulford - 30-05-16. La rama de Nueva York de la mafia jázara es el obstáculo final para la paz mundial - Mayo 30, 2016

02 Jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/05/30/new-york-branch-of-jázara-mafia-now-final-obstacle-to-world-peace/

Informe completo:

Cuando el barón Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, escondido en la casa de Mark Rich en la colina en Zog, Suiza, fue identificado como el jefe de la mafia jázara, Rothschild se acercó a la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco a través de un sobrino para negociar un acuerdo de paz que implica el intercambio de oro por dinero y el establecimiento de una agencia de planificación futura. Esto está ahora en suspenso debido a que la rama de Nueva York de la mafia jázara, encabezada por la familia criminal Cohen, lo bloqueó, según fuentes de la familia Rothschild.

Los focos finales de resistencia de la mafia jázara están tratando de presentar los planes del SDB para la economía mundial como socialistas o estalinistas. Tienen la esperanza de utilizar o al vicepresidente Joe Biden, o bien, con suerte, al candidato del Partido Demócrata Bernie Sanders o al candidato republicano Presidencial de Estados Unidos Donald Trump como las personas que vayan a reformar el sistema existente lo suficiente como para que puedan evitar reiniciar el sistema completamente, como propone el SDB. Lo que estas personas tienen que entender es que el 2 de mayo el año 2016 la CORPORACIÖN DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA quebró cuando su filial de Puerto Rico incumpli8ó un pago de 422 millones de dólares. Legalmente el gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos está ahora bajo el control de la Corporación de las Naciones Unidas, encabezada por el Barón Rothschild. Sin embargo, el estado de la propia Corporación de las Naciones Unidas es dudoso, ya que no tienen ni el oro ni el (prestigio) moral para mantener el actual sistema caótico y destructor del planeta que supervisan.

miércoles, junio 01, 2016

Lena Stevens - June 2016 Monthly Forecast - June 1, 2016

The main theme for June is ADAPTABILITY!

Subthemes are Acceptance, Adjustment, Choice, Resilience, Resourcefulness, and Flexibility.

We have been put through the paces, initiated into the unknown, forced to trust (May’s theme) and are now facing our own resistance to change and evolution. This month we will get to experience that resistance is futile and stems only from our own fears of the unknown and our attachment to what we know. It is time to adapt to what is actually happening and to where the energy wants to flow.

You do not have to like some of the things that are happening, you just have to stop resisting them. Resistance requires a lot of energy that can be better spent elsewhere. This is a choice. If you really embraced the lessons around trust last month, you should find yourself in a place of greater acceptance and flexibility. Resistance is fear based and usually accompanied by negative emotions such as anger, martyrdom, judgment, resentment and blame. It can cause depression and anxiety negating inspiration, enthusiasm and your zest for life.

Jennifer Hoffman - June 2016 Energy Report - June 1, 2016

We’re nearly halfway through 2016 and if you feel like you have made no progress this year, you are probably right in more than a few ways. So far 2016 has felt like one big retrograde with each small step forward accompanied by several huge steps backward. But this month the energy clears and we have a double 6 vibe (June is the 6th month, 2016 is a 9 and 9 + 6 = 15, which adds up to 6), so we can see movement, grounding of higher vibe energy, and concrete progress, with a big caveat – we must align internally first, before we act externally. June’s energy is like a rose – the outer petals open when the inner ones are ready—and it’s also the month that roses traditionally begin to bloom. May’s five retrogrades helped put us into position and now we’re entering a new month with new options, opportunities, and a big desire to move forward, which we have been awaiting for a long time.

Sarah Varcas - 1st June 2016: Eris - June 1, 2016


 Eris: The Radical Feminine Awakens

(Disguised as a Dwarf Planet!)
*Greek myth tells that, upon exclusion from a wedding, Eris threw into the midst of its revellers an apple marked ‘for the fairest’. An argument ensued between the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite as to its intended recipient, the settling of which eventually led to the Trojan War*
On 5th January 2005 the dwarf planet Eris stepped onto the astrological stage to shake things up like never before. As she prepares for a formative conjunction with Uranus (June 2016 – March 2017), we need our eyes wide open and hearts to match, ready for anything, fierce as they come and focused enough to do what we must. Her alliance with Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, marks a watershed time of formation for the incoming Aquarian Age which will challenge all that perpetuates inequality, oppression and exploitation, demanding searing integrity and the courage to stand up and be counted. Eris insists we face uncomfortable truths about humanity’s exploitation of Mother Earth and what we, as individuals, have done to ourselves and each other.

Blossom Goodchild - June 1, 2016

Good morning and welcome to my world. A question for you if I may? Folk write in asking many diverse questions. A recurring one is ‘Is the Earth flat?’ and the other day  ‘Is the sun cold ?’. All things they have been reading about on line. I instinctively know that this is not the sort of question you choose to answer. Can you elaborate on why, as it may help many to understand ‘our’ position. Thank you.
Greetings to you and all that connect as ONE through these messages. We are happy to answer your particular question. Your instinct is correct. We are not here to enter into unknown territory by many. We are here to serve … and to go into matters such as some require, we do not feel assists … only confuses.
Yet, wouldn’t your answers unconfuse?
No. For all over your internet service there are a billion and one answers on any given subject matter, so that when one researches, they simply become bemused in the guessing game of what is true and what is not.
WE … THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT do not wish to enter into this particular game. We choose to come only through/in/of/as /the Vibration of Highest Love. Offering wisdom on how to raise one’s Vibration … not to confuse it.
Yet, I am assuming you do know the TRUTH to such questions?
Dearest Blossom, what is TRUTH?
 Ooh ‘ello! We’ve been down this pathway before and my brains fell out ... and certainly DID confuse!
Truth is that which is none other than Pure Love. When something FEELS RIGHT for you … that is TRUTH … for YOU. When it feels uncomfortable … then it is not.
Yet, the same TRUTH may feel uncomfortable for one and yet not for another.
Our point entirely. You are Each travelling your own journey. You are discovering your OWN Truth as you go along … and yet, we would say … that TRUE TRUTH … is discovered the more a soul walks in to it!
Is there a false TRUTH?
Not to the individual.
So, is there or not?
Let us put it another way to assist THE WHOLE.
TRUTH is that which lies within the soul.
When one chooses to follow ‘Their Truth’ they are serving ‘Their soul’ … even though another’s view point on that 'Same Truth' perceives it very differently.
The point of LOVE perhaps at this stage in THE GAME upon Earth … is to discover self through experience ... and through this experience, gain and accept the soul-self BACK into TRUTH.
Yet, why would it ever stray?
 and this will/cannot end … for Life is eternal and always will it expand into a greater place within itself.
Yet … as we have tried to determine before … is there an ULTIMATE TRUTH?
So, what about all the other ‘TRUTHS’ that are not really TRUTHS?
Yet, they are … ‘at the time’. As we said … that which FEELS good (at the time) is one’s own particular TRUTH … serving that particular soul … on that particular journey.
At another time … that same TRUTH no longer serves as a TRUTH to that particular soul … for it has served its purpose in being TRUTH to that soul at that time. Understanding has been absorbed and that TRUTH is now ready to be undone and that particular soul moves on to a Higher TRUTH … of /within themselves.
Yes, I understand. For, as I too have said before … Things that I once didn’t regard as TRUTH have now through my opening up … become TRUTH. I guess because I understand them more.
Correct. As understanding of SELF/ALL is released and becomes apparent ... then TRUTH does the same.
Ok. So, to get back to my original query then … Either the world is flat and the sun is cold … or ... the world is round and the sun is hot?
Or … the Earth is square and the sun is luke warm! You see Dearest Souls … at the end of the day … the Earth can be anything you want it to be … flat, round, square, hollow, opaque … name it … it can be it.
Yes, it CAN be it … but IS IT?
Yes … if you want it to be. That is our whole point and yet … it maybe a little too complicated to explain at this stage of The Game.
Try me … indulge me, if you wouldn’t mind. Yet, before you start ... may I say that I get that everything is possible. What I don’t get, is how all these possibilities can be going on at the same time, regarding the same thing. How can the Earth be flat and round and square and hollow and opaque all at once?
It depends on where YOU CHOOSE TO BE. It depends on YOUR CHOICE of perspective. For ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible at/in any space of your time that YOU CHOOSE.
You have been indoctrinated to KNOW that the Earth is round … for instance. Yet, once upon a fairy tale … it was KNOWN that the EARTH was flat. Now once again … people are questioning ‘back’ to the original query as to whether it is indeed flat … and round and round you go!
Meaning it IS round?
Blossom … meaning it is whatever you wanted it to be. Depending on WHERE you CHOOSE to BE.
There are flat Earths. There are round Earths. There are hollow Earths and there are opaque Earths. There are as many Earths as you desire them to be. Infinite Earths.
So, which one do I do my shopping on?
The one that you choose to move through at the time of doing your shopping.
Is it round or flat?
Neither/Both. Depending on where you are choosing to have your focus.
So, is it that simple? I can one day be on a flat Earth and one day be on a round one?
Better than that … you can one MOMENT be on a Flat and another MOMENT on a round.
Assuming then … this is all about dimensional shifts?
Indeed. They are taking place with every thought.
And yet … all around me seems so fixed … so … solid.
Because … that is your stable diet! That is how you have chosen to perceive EVERYTHING.
OK. So … it is knowledge now, that many of us are here down on Earth to help lift it into a Higher Vibration. So, are we not then on ONE PARTICULAR EARTH … the one that needs to be lifted into a Higher place?
Yet, how would you know if there is not just one, yet many that you are creating … that are in need of this?
Clearly I don’t! And then we go into that question of … who comes in and out of any given momentarily ‘jump’ in/through/out of dimensions with me? I sound like I know what I’m talking about. Nope ... just going with the flow!
In and out of dimensions? Your live’s FLOW in and out of dimensions … all the time … depending on a simple thought.
Or a complicated one! OK. So say, for example, I am having a coffee with a group of friends and we happen to experience a UFO flying past (thought I’d throw that in the mix) At that time … are we all jumping into a dimension together that has the UFO in its ‘script’?
Yes. Apart from those in the group who didn’t see it … for it was not in their thought pattern.
Yet, it might not have been in anyone’s … at the time.
Yet, it would have been at some point … in some ‘space’ of their reality of their consciousness.
 Then how come some people who don’t believe in UFO’s have the privilege to see them?
 Because it is in the forefront of their mind that they don’t believe in them. Not in their greater consciousness.
Jumping Jack flash! It is all so difficult to get ones heads around. A billion questions come up with every statement you say!
Yet, not for me today in this moment … this dimension I am residing in. And I have no idea how to ‘skip’ into the dimension that ‘is’ ALL KNOWING. Or do I?
So, how come it FEELS like I don’t know how to do that? Because clearly if I did … I would be.
Because you believe you don’t.
Yet, somewhere in my greater consciousness I DO!
That of course is TRUE.
For who?
Yet, I accept this as TRUTH also… so why can’t I jump into that ALL UNDERSTANDING?
Are you ready for this one?
Sock it to me!
Maybe, the aspect of YOU that ‘IS’ ALL Understanding HAS/DID go to that place … and yet, the YOU that YOU are choosing to ‘relive’ right now in this moment … has no knowledge of the YOU that chose in this moment … to go to that ALL Understanding place. Because the YOU writing this, needs to remain here to write this … and ask these questions.
So … where is the ME that understands ALL and EVERYTHING?
Enjoying the place /space where ALL AND EVERYTHING is understood.
Far out!
No … right here.
I don’t get why I can’t access it though, because I CHOOSE to and I’d LIKE to … so, how come I can’t?
But you are!
Could you give me an analogy to help me understand better?
Take a piece of string … wound up in a ball. That ball of string is …
And yet … the piece at one end of the ball … as it is being unravelled and wound around the hand … is not aware of the other end of this ball. The other end of the ball is not ‘experiencing’ the same impact of being unwound … even though, on some level it is aware that ‘something’ a long way away is stirring. It is not actually aware in full, of what is taking place at the other end … even though, it is part OF it. Only as the ball is unwound more and more does the FEELING pass through to the other end … as the unravelling draws closer and closer to it.
Yes, that sort of helps. Thanks. Yet, if it is through CHOICE of where we want to be and I choose to go there … to the ALL KNOWING … I still don’t feel that I … the ME HERE … the one that wants to experience it in this NOW … is able to do so.
That is because only the YOU that is of THAT Vibration can experience it. YOU … through Choice are still experiencing it … you cannot not … and YOU are there BEING IT.
Yet, here I am …sitting communicating with you and very aware that I am …
Because you are choosing it … THIS PART OF YOU.
The part of you that is choosing to BE IN/OF the ALL / EVERYTHING is doing so … right now in this moment, also. One end of the string is experiencing something differently from the other end. That is all.
And right now, this end … needs a cup of tea. Thank you. I FEEL I deserve a ‘Perseverance when losing the plot’ badge!
We too, have enjoyed the ‘plot’ … that you felt you lost … yet, didn’t really.
Love ya … Love ya … Love ya … Thank you.
Dont forget Happy Human Day July 20th . Please be in my video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKE1yA5Nr-E
Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found here.

martes, mayo 31, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert June 2016 - May 31, 2016

The full moon of May 21st was very intense because the Sun was in opposition to Mars, which was conjunct the moon. The Sun had also been aligned with Alcyone the day before and it is my understanding that Alcyone manifests 7D energy. Alcyone is in the Photon Belt all the time which is also 7D energy. We opened up to that density at the time of that full moon. That density is sound. The people who built the pyramids and other large structures used sound to levitate large stones and other things. Now that we are open to this energy maybe we will be able to start levitating. Wouldn’t that be fun?

I felt the energy from that alignment and it really brought up ascension symptoms for me, and that is why it has taken me so long to write my article. I had to experience that opening before I could write about it. I received an email I would like to share with you that explains what has been happening to our DNA. It talks about our DNA and sound. It is a very interesting article. The Pleiades ~ The Codes of Ascension and Unity Consciousness.

Sandra Walter - The New Self: Unity, Truth and the Ascension Timelines - May 31, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

The energetic shift of the June 4-6 Gateway is upon us. Gatekeepers, we are opening Wednesday, which should be powerful paired with our Wednesday Unity Meditations. This leads us into four months of new, new, new; the New HUman, the New Earth, the New Paradigm reveals itself more clearly than ever. The Christed Ascension timelines will be empowered, energized and accelerated to align with the 2017 influx (the three flashes of light discussed last year.) Let us not get ahead of ourselves; we need to complete each phase properly so the highest possibilities play out. The focus is on this Now month of June and its remarkable gifts.

The collective tends to delay empowerment (inaction, fears, doubts, the waiting game). However, a huge portion the collective who have embraced Ascension practices, faced their personal fears, and shed their negative emotional constructs are prepared to face the Truth; the True Self that resonates with Divine Unconditional Love, Embodiment of the Creator Self, and a lifestream devoted to Service to the whole. This Gateway is a grand opportunity for the high-vibe collective to raise the collective consciousness. We can assist everyone, even those trapped in fear, obsession with conspiracy, obsession with the past, or negative behavior and judgment. Lightworkers have been doing this for decades, and we are about to receive a very potent boost in light quotient. Remember it amplifies everything; as always, get clear on what is and is not in resonation with your True Self.

Suzanne Lie - the Pleidians - Sharman's First Transmission To Earth--Chapter 5 Preparing For first Contact -- 5-31-16

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Sharman’s First Transmission to Earth

Greetings from our Pleiadian Starship,

Within your NOW we are beginning a series of transmissions from our Ships, which are just beyond your atmosphere. We send these transmissions to those inhabitants of Earth who are ready to expand their consciousness, and thus their perceptions, into the “Transitional Reality of Earth.”

For those who are able to attend to and accept the many writings, movies, blog posts and human communications that remind you that something is changing on planet Earth, what you may not know is that “where your attention is, there you are also.”

In other words, if your attention is limited to third dimensional news, communications, jobs, financial issues, and violent confrontations, your consciousness will become lowered to the level of fear that these messages create.

Sheldan Nidle - May 31, 2016

9 Cib, 9 Pax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! Some great changes are on the horizon! Those who are swiftly putting the new NESARA republic together are very close to completing this arduous project. It is the goal of these diligent patriots to accomplish this as quickly as possible. So far, the first part of a general two-part funding is now finished. The next part is hopefully to be completed shortly. According to those in the know, once all administrative funding is complete, this NESARA republic can be formally declared. This project is to formally end the Federal Reserve and force the 1871-formed de facto government to go out of business. This act alone permits every American to emerge from under debt slavery and begin to move quickly to the status of a free and prosperous member of the new American Union! This process also enables the Pentagon to quit wars in many parts of this globe and, for the first time since the end of the Vietnam War, to return all its soldiers to the continental United States. Peace is to be restored to this globe and a new gold-backed financial and monetary system is to be the norm. Hence, the divine decrees of Heaven are to manifest on Gaia.

Fragmento Del Informe De Solara Del Oleaje Para Mayo 2016

¡Conexiones Verdaderas! 

Mayo es cuando las ruedas dentro de ruedas se transforman en un motor gigante que nos impulsa más profundamente hacia la Nueva Realidad Ultra Mayor. Este motor recién creado no sólo nos da una propulsión normal; es una configuración única que es exactamente lo que se necesita para llevarnos a la esencia misma de la Nueva Realidad. Cuando esto sucede, se nos da una imagen más grande, más clara y mucho más detallada de nuestro lugar en la Nueva Realidad.

Durante mayo, cuando las Ruedas dentro de Ruedas asumen su nuevo ritmo, esto pone en movimiento la unión de elementos que van juntos. Se hacen Nuevas Conexiones Verdaderas y las Conexiones Verdaderas existentes se fortalecen. Conforme la resonancia de las Conexiones Verdaderas se magnifica y se expande, se magnetizan y llegan más Conexiones Verdaderas en innumerables niveles.

Crop Circles, Atlantis & Catastrophe Drunvalo Melchizedek

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Everything is Coming Up Angels - May 31, 2016

Dear Ones,

In the expanse of all life, there are times when the messages of God’s Love come through the presence of Angels. These blessed beings of Light carry the powerful presence of the Divine to touch the hearts of all those who are open to receive.

Never before has there been a time when the gifts of Divinity are so available. You need no intermediary, as these gifts are a part of your Soul’s destiny. There are moments in life, however, when a personal loving touch from the Grace-filled Wings of Angels can act as a soothing balm to the soul who yearns for more Love, Peace and the pure joy of Divine Union.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Trio - ~ Peggy Phoenix Dubro y Prageet Harris en Amsterdam, Holanda el 22 de mayo de 2016

Prageet Harris:

Bienamados, los saludamos otra vez, soy Alcazar.

Hay muchas razones por las que ustedes piensan que vienen aquí pero, bienamados, hay otras razones que provienen de su guía más elevada, de la vastedad que ustedes son, mucho más allá de su mero aspecto humano físico. En el pasado han oído muchas veces que ustedes son vastos; es hora de saberlo por su experiencia. Es hora de dejar de lado el conocimiento, la palabra, el entender con la mente, que son vastos, y permitirlo. Es por eso que ustedes se sienten atraídos a reuniones como esta.

En este momento relájense. En este momento todos y cada uno de ustedes se conectan nuevamente con la energía de duodécima dimensión, esa energía elevada y hermosa para la que se les ha convocado en estos días. Siéntanla. Y ahora, cada uno, con sentimiento, con fuerte intención, inviten a la presencia de su Yo Superior, simplemente pidiendo a la presencia del Yo Superior de cada uno que se conecte un poco más fuerte dentro de ustedes; así estamos convocando a la presencia del Yo Superior de cada uno a conectarse con lo humano un poco más fuerte. La conexión siempre está allí, pero ahora pidan más. Y más todavía. ¿Cuánta pueden permitir? ¿Pueden permitir la posibilidad de que esa vastedad de quienes ustedes son, esté constantemente disponible? Los guías están constantemente disponibles para ustedes; son ustedes los que se desconectan de ellos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - y Peggy Phoenix Dubro - Amsterdam, Holanda el 22 de mayo de 2016


Lee Carroll

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Saludos para la maestra Peggy que seguirá después de mi socio. Una canalización dual lleva una energía que es singular, ¿no? La misma Fuente Creadora está aquí para ambos. Muchas veces los mensajes son diferentes, pero se alían en consciencia y en compasión; el equilibrio de masculino y femenino en el planeta es el tema del cambio. El planeta se está volviendo más suave porque, metafóricamente, la consciencia de los dos géneros se está aliando más. Una confluencia de compasión cambia la consciencia del pensamiento común en todo el planeta.

El día anterior hablamos de que no había reglas. Hablamos de algunos de los atributos de un sistema de creencia que honra al individuo y a la intuición. Luego, surgen algunos que cuestionan, y dicen: "Sí, pero.... Kryon ¿qué hay del culto? ¿Cómo rendimos culto?" Queridos, la respuesta que puedo darles no es la que les gustaría oír: no hay culto. El culto es una idea de que Dios es grande y ustedes son pequeños, y se inclinan ante él de una manera que dice: "Soy pequeño". Llegan a un lugar donde incluso les enseñan una frase, que es: "el miedo a Dios". No hay culto, queridos; solo honor. Incluso podrían considerar cambiar el nombre del servicio a "servicio de honor," en el que empezarían por honrarse a sí mismos. Y luego seguirían honrando a sus antepasados. Les diré por qué; muy pocos humanos han entendido esto, han conectado los puntos. ¿Por qué un ser humano habría de honrar a sus antepasados? ¡Realmente! Ustedes dicen, "Bueno, ¡porque son viejos!" (se ríe). O, "Porque han vivido largo tiempo y son familia!" No lo saben, ¿verdad?