sábado, noviembre 28, 2015

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Breaking Patterns) Part 06

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Council of Nine: Love - November 28, 2015

Fading Rose

The Council of Nine: Love

Love is the foundation of the Universe yet much of humanity assigns to love the mere status of an emotion.

Love has the power to break down barriers, melt hearts and transform anger into acceptance, and yet humans have mistaken love as being a physical or emotional experience.

Lust or physical attraction has been called love, yet it is not. Love is not dependent on how beautiful or sexy a person may be. It simply is.

Most love that has been experienced by humans appears to be conditional in nature, dependent on how someone responds to their lover or not. It is believed that love can be withheld. It cannot, as love is… everywhere. It permeates the very fabric of Creation.

Straight Talk on Ascension with Dr. Suzanne Lie ~ Episode #2

Mahala - Planet Alert December 2015

What is causing all of the violence in the world? Could it have something to do with time-lines? Are we being pushed back from a 5D time-line into a 4 D world where chaos exists? It sure looks like we were on a lower time-line when the violence occurred in France on November 13, 2015. That was right after the Gateway opening of November 11, 2015. Is there something else we need to know about time-lines?

Here we were making lots of progress and moving forward to a higher frequency world and boom down we went again. It’s like when you are flying in an airplane and all of a sudden you come to some turbulence that you have to work through and then everything goes back to normal. I think we are in the process of moving through some major turbulence that may last until the next Gateway opens on December 12, and we may feel the energy from that gate opening until the Winter Solstice on December 21.

Judith Kusel - Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union - November 28, 2015

There is a deep and profound union, which truly is that of the body, mind, heart and soul, which is the ultimate alchemical fusion and transcendental transmutation of the mystical ocean and the deepest deep of that which one can experience in the union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

In the Ancient Mystery Schools this was understood, that the Divine Masculine  was in its purest form, it was as proactive force, a force which brought the action into being, as well as all the cosmic equations, the order, the movement, the firmaments, and that which is then the foundation on which the cosmic order is built.  It is the higher mind infused with the Higher Heart Energies which truly creates the concepts, the formulas, the engineering, the architectural, the structures – and puts the firmaments, the cosmic whole into place and positions it.

viernes, noviembre 27, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ Explosion of Light Within by the Andromedans - 27th November 2015

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 27th November 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Frequencies of light fill the air and atmosphere, penetrating through dimensions, form, matter and even other light vibrations. An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being, it has no other purpose but to unite with the essence of humanity upon the Earth; the very core and constant energy of creation within humanity. Many of you can sense this light explosion nearing your being, mirrors are appearing all around you, it may feel that everything that does not resonate with the light is protruding from your being, wishing to remain anchored within your being while also wanting to escape. This may create a chaos within you which will be experienced at different levels for each individual. In the past it has been through chaos that light has been born, again you are moving into an experience of inner chaos awakening to bring forth and allow a n explosion of light into your being.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - The Council of Nine – Hope - November 27, 2015

The Council of Nine: Hope

Through the darkness of the world, the chaos and confusion, there comes LIGHT. For those who can see, feel or hear its presence, the Light brings hope.

We greet each and every one of you who reads these words as brother and sister. It matters not to us that you do not understand them, as the words present energy and are imprinted within your energy body as you read them. Understanding often comes later, when the intellect gives way to the intuitive understanding which requires no words or explanation to make plain the meaning.

Ronna Herman - Archangel Michael - Accessing Your Higher Power Potential - 27 November, 2015

Beloved Masters, the Ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your Spiritual Triad, a Sacred Facet of your Divine Self, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. This is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution.

Mike Quinsey.- 27th November 2015

Although there is no let-up in the events on Earth that are leading to the loss of life, what you are seeing is the outworking of karma that needs to be cleared. Soon the opportunity to do so will pass, and as the vibrations continue to rise the negative energies will fade away. Already the changes are speeding up, and it is seen that there is hope for a more peaceful life. Those of you who proudly carry the Light and do not engage with the dark Ones are leading the march towards freedom. These are the times of great changes that will not be stopped, that will announce the coming of the New Age. At many points upon the Earth the beginning of it is being laid down, so that once it commences it will quickly progress all over the Earth.

Alcyon Pléyades 33-1ª: Caos social, atentados, división UE, Schengen, implantación microchips, RFID

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians Book (Language of Light Geometry) Part 05

jueves, noviembre 26, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL - November 26, 2015



Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called knowingness which is an inner way of knowing through listening to the voice within that tells the individual things they could not actually know based on logic. Each individual has spiritual powers that they possess and the capability to function at high levels of perception, clarity, creativity and intuitive knowingness. As they learn to trust and utilize new ways of perceiving and communicating with their inner knowingness, they reawaken subtle senses that work in their everyday lives. They experience a flow of information and synchronicity that offers them guidance and validation through their intuition. Intuitive knowingness is a solid, unwavering and simple knowledge that may not make sense but is a knowing of things to happen. It is important that one appreciates their own inner knowingness and trust in it, as this is the voice of their divine guidance speaking to them. Knowing ones inner self requires a high level of introspection and self awareness. It is a process of discovery that is a life long journey. To know ones inner self is the first step of living a conscious life of ones own making.

Kryon "Tiahuanaco" Bolivia

John Smallman - Jesus - You will be astounded to see how effective the loving intentions of each one of you has been - November 26, 2015

The world is awash with disasters and catastrophes, or so it seems. Yes, the mainstream corporate owned and controlled media focus their undivided attention on the bad news – wars, suffering, environmental damage, and some corporate malfeasance – because that is the task their masters have set them with the intent of raising the levels of fear among ordinary citizens. And they are doing a good job. But their real intent is to distract you from the good news, the Real news – that those vast corrupt organizations are collapsing under the weight of the enormous unsupportable debt that they have taken on in order to establish an international camarilla to control your whole world, and the resultant in-fighting now going on between their members, as they fight for survival. This kind of authoritarian despotism has been attempted many times over the eons as clever, devious, and egoically driven individuals have sought ultimate power. They have always failed to achieve their aims; suppression of others by force of arms is by its very nature self-defeating because it requires secrecy and betrayal in its operations, and those betrayed always fight back, leading to the collapse of these erstwhile dictatorships.

Straight Talk on Ascension with Dr. Suzanne Lie ~ Episode #1

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Nuevo Humano - Lima, Perú, el 16 de noviembre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ya lo dije antes: sé dónde estoy. Para quienes escuchan: todavía estamos en Lima, Perú. Me gustaría seguir un tema que tiene que ver con el futuro. ¿Cómo sería una consciencia avanzada? Algunos creen que una consciencia avanzada permitiría seres humanos que movieran objetos con el pensamiento y otro tipo de cosas que ven en sus libros de ciencia ficción. En realidad, es mejor que eso. Me gustaría hacer algo que ya hice antes: describirles el nuevo humano.

Me gustaría llevarlos al futuro. He hecho esto en otros idiomas, pero no aquí. Quiero que lo oigan en su propio idioma, quiero que se relacionen con esto, para que sepan que es posible y qué está por venir.

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Nov 26, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Now this is of course a global message and USA is celebrating Thanksgiving Day but I usually do comment on that so I’ll make a brief comment.

Give thanks to Creation. Just “Thank you Creator.”

Jim Self - Actualización Planetaria - Noviembre 2015

Traducción Audio: Fernando Pachacama

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Bienvenidos a la Actualización Planetaria para el mes de Noviembre de 2015.

Recuerdan aquella película de hace unos años, la cual fue llamada “Super Size Me” (Conocida en Hispanoamérica como “Súper Engórdame”). Donde un joven únicamente come papas fritas y hamburguesas de tamaño Súper, de McDonald, por alrededor de seis semanas. Durante éste período de tiempo su salud se deterioró, su estado de ánimo se deterioró, su cuerpo empezó a cambiar. Su médico incluso le dijo que se detuviera, debido a que estaba empezando a crear un significativo daño hepático. Este es un estado en el cual algo saludable está dedicado a algo poco saludable y los resultados están fuera de equilibrio y desalineados, la mala alimentación en éste caso.

¡Feliz Dia de Acción de Gracias! - Happy Thanksgiving!!! - Nov 26, 2015

Conciencia de la Gratitud AA Gabriel

miércoles, noviembre 25, 2015

Kara Schallock - Continuando con el flujo ascendente - 23 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Aunque todavía sentimos las increíbles energías evolutivas del Portal 11:11, ahora tenemos un nuevo impulso de estas energías lo cual incluye el Poder para actualizar el ADN y nuestro sistema celular. Esta es una energía fenomenal y nos afecta a nivel del núcleo de nuestro ser. Puede avivar algunas creencias muy profundas que hemos sostenido durante muchas vidas y es muy posible que lo sientan físicamente a medida que se liberan viejas energías. Muchos crearán nuevas avenidas en las cuales expresar quienes son ahora. Ciertamente estamos en una fase nueva, una para la cual nos hemos estado preparando. Esta nueva fase es potencialmente el conocimiento absoluto de que somos Divinos. Lo que esto significa es que ustedes son Alma, ustedes son Fuente, todo comienza y termina con ustedes.