martes, noviembre 03, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las energías para noviembre del 2015 - Nov 1, 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Noviembre comienza con un aspecto hermoso, una conjunción en Virgo entre Venus, Marte y Júpiter. Esta es la tercera conjunción Venus/Marte de este año y con Júpiter se convierte en un conjunto poderoso. También está en oposición con Quirón, el sanador herido, así que las heridas serán más obvias, e igualmente la sanación que ellas requieren, si tenemos el coraje de hacerlo. Una de las lecciones de noviembre será la de tener el coraje para avanzar al siguiente nivel de transformación, liberando los vínculos energéticos de nuestro viaje de experiencia de sanación, reemplazándolos con las alas de la libertad y la totalidad. Es un mes para la convergencia creativa, donde todas las piezas se unen para que podamos crear nuestros nuevos senderos de vida. No necesitamos saber hacia dónde vamos, solamente debemos tener el deseo de comenzar a avanzar.

Trish LeSage - "Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"

"Experiencing The Phenomenon of Parallel Universes"
As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).
However, many people do not notice that they have crossed over into a parallel universe, as they are often too busy with the hectic pace of modern life.  Furthermore, the differences between the universes are often very minute and therefore, are often not noticeable unless one pays close attention to the small details of everything. 
When one does cross over into a parallel universe, they often do so for only a short period of time such as minutes or hours. However, on rarer occasions, some experience extended stays in parallel universes that last days, weeks, months, or even longer. 
There are many reasons why one may experience the phenomenon of parallel universes.  One such reason is that they may cross over into a parallel universe in order to avoid danger in their current universe.
As an example of this, when I awoke one morning, I got out of bed, and once I got into the hallway and headed to the bathroom, I smelled smoke. The smell was more faint than what smoke normally smells like on the 3rd dimension Earth, however, it was distinct enough for me to smell it and for it to cause my allergies to start to bother me. My throat started to itch, and I began to cough. I also noticed that there was a cloud of smoke in the hallway between the bathroom and my bedroom door. Again, it was more faint than what smoke usually looks like on the 3rd dimension Earth, but yet it was distinct enough for me to see it. Oddly, the smoke stopped right at my bedroom door. It was as if there was a wall of smoke there, and something invisible was stopping it from entering the bedroom. Then I remembered that when I awoke that morning, I had not smelled smoke in the bedroom at all. I never smelled smoke until I was in the hallway. So, it made sense that the smoke stopped at the bedroom door.
Concerned about our home being on fire, I walked through the rest of the house, and I smelled smoke everywhere. However, I could not find a fire anywhere. When I returned to the hallway and bathroom, the smell of smoke and the smoke that I had seen was completely gone. It had vanished without a trace. Again, I walked through the rest of the house, and the smell of smoke was completely gone in the rest of the house also.
When my energy vibration is in the process of being adjusted so that I am able to travel to a parallel universe, I am often able to perceive both, the universe that I am leaving and the universe that I am traveling to. Therefore, as I was straddling the two universes, I was still smelling the smoke of the previous universe that I was leaving although I was also safe in the new parallel universe that I was taken to in which there was not a fire.  In the universe that I left, my home was on fire, and I was in danger of perishing in it. However, in the parallel universe that I was taken to by spirit, there was not a fire in my home, and I was safe from harm.
Although sometimes it is very difficult to notice that we are in a parallel universe unless we take the time to look at the small details of everything, in the case of the experience that I had with the fire, the experience was so profound that I know without a doubt that I had definitely crossed over into a parallel universe and that divine intervention was there in my time of need to make sure that I was safe from harm.
According to the article, “Living in a Quantum World”, by Vlatko Vedral in the June 2011 issue of the magazine, "Scientific American", vol. 304, issue 6, pp. 38-43, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleportation, and Quantum Tunneling are phenomena that suggest that parallel universes exist. Scientists had proven in past experiments in which particles existed simultaneously in more than one location and disappeared and then reappeared in other locations that such phenomena do already exist at a micro level. Scientists have now proven that Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Teleporation, and Quantum Tunneling also exist at a macro level through their experiments with plants, birds, and crystals which suggests the possibility of travel to parallel universes on a macro level.  As a result of these experiments, science is now beginning to prove that parallel universes do exist and that travel to them is possible. 
It is interesting to now see a bridge being created between the gap that has existed between science and Metaphysics for so long.  With the shift to higher consciousness that humanity is experiencing, we may begin to see more and more of these types of gaps being filled as people begin to experience their true multidimensional nature. 
About The Author:
Trish LeSage is a best selling author of books on metaphysics, parallel universes (alternate realities), ascension to higher consciousness, and body-mind-spirit topics.  She has written four books:  "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond"; "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology"; "Traveling To Parallel Universes"; and "How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness".  More information about her work is available on her website at 
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As a result of the shift to higher consciousness that is currently taking place, many people are beginning to experience their true multidimensional nature, and they are beginning to realize that there is more to life than the physical world that we live in. As a result of this, more and more people are experiencing reality shifts such as objects disappearing and reappearing, teleportation, bilocation, and even the phenomenon of crossing over into alternate realities (parallel universes).

Sarah Varcas - November 2015 – September 2016: Saturn in Sagittarius Squares Neptune in Pisces - Nov 3, 2015

Inside Out and Back To Front
Sarah Varcas

Welcome to the next major astrological event to shape our lives, ourselves and our world. Alignments such as this, between the slow moving outer planets, impact the very core of our being, catalysing irrevocable change. The previous such event – the much discussed Uranus/Pluto Square which dominated the heavens from June 2012 to March 2015 – up-ended many lives, bringing with it disruption and challenge the likes of which were unimaginable until we found ourselves in their midst! Since March of this year we’ve been taking stock, letting the dust settle and blinking in the clarity of new light. We may have wondered what on earth hit us, whilst in many (though not all) cases, being strangely grateful that it did. 2012 feels like a distant memory and our present a whole other world from the one we occupied four years ago. Some may feel that’s change enough; we need rest and space now for things to ‘get back to normal’. In fact there is no ‘normal’ anymore. Uranus and Pluto saw to that by making all things new. Now Saturn and Neptune follow in their footsteps, raising the curtain on the next stage of becoming which recalibrates our being to accommodate the very absence of ‘normal’, alongside the joy ever present in surrender to both matter and spirit, in a world saturated with the impulse to evolve.

lunes, noviembre 02, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels - 2 November, 2015

Dear Ones,

On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light — the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.

As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form. It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.

When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening. The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.

Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed. You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.

The Gateway of the Archangels

On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.

Archangel Sandalphon holds frequencies of Earth’s crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.

Archangel Gabriel holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.

Archangel Michael offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.

Archangel Raphael offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.

How to Step through the Gateway

Bring the Soul's vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart. Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully into your human form. Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul's original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.

Take sacred time during the 24 hours of November 11, most especially at the moments a digital clock displays 11:11, to anchor these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels standing guard over the gateway are holding this expansive Portal of Golden Light open for you. See them standing there; massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth. These great Archangels are bringing to you a blessing from God.

When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision for new life of Peace and Harmony on the Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist simultaneously, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered, integrated way.

In the holy instant of profound opening, the Gateway of the Archangels awakens your divinity into alignment with your physical form, as you step into the 5D Golden Template for new life on Earth. Know that as you claim this for yourself, these frequencies bless all of humanity in this moment of awakening.

The Intention of the 11:11 Empowerment

The greater intention for this 11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail.

As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility during the fifth dimensional shift occurring on this planet.

The flow of Divine Love through each person creates an expansion in perception when the veils have parted, so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for planetary well-being so the Earth and all humanity can also receive from this moment in time will be of great benefit.

Asking for miracles is very appropriate when you are in the celestial gateway between Heaven and Earth.

The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow specific goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers and intentions are the key to this process.

As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded forms and patterns of existence that do not fit your new Golden Template of Light or the energy stream of Unity Consciousness occurring on the planet at this sacred time.

Create the model of your new life through your intentional setting forth of exalted ideas, even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your Soul and the Archangels to lead you. Embrace the new level of your inner being merging with your most Divine Self, and invite Archangel Sandalphon to help you anchor it on the Earth.

Although the path on the other side of the 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels may not unfold for you all at once, you can be shown a glimpse of a new vision to give your heart a burst of hope. Do know that as you walk through this portal, you are aligning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in harmony with your new Golden Template of Light, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This empowers you to experience greater Faith as you take the next steps and the next on your path into an unknown future. Know that you have aligned with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way. Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you.

Union with the Self

During this day of 11-11, join with others for a profound Gateway initiation with the Archangels. You will be connected with the Source of All That Is Divine as you step into your Golden Template for the blending of your most Divine Self with your most human. Give thanks for the Grace that descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deeply within your being, and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self so you become a Bridge between Heaven and Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness.

Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point — the key that fits the doorway to Unity within you and within all beings on the planet.

Archangels of Light and the Divine Presence of All That Is:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 Gateway of Power, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.

I joyfully invite the Golden Template that holds my 5D Crystalline Body to integrate my human form as is in my highest good at this sacred time.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Wellbeing into the Earth to assist its evolution.

I join with the Angelic Dimensions and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the integration of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat.

I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine gifts being offered to me now with supreme Gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light on the planet to bless all of Nature. As I bring loving awareness and respect for the Earth into my consciousness, all of humanity awakens into this requirement for new life.

Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the Golden Template for my crystalline body. With every step, may I use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being so I may be a blessing for the Earth.

For this and all the blessings I am receiving, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.

Jim Self - Planetary Update - November 2015

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Another Dimension Newsletter and Energy Updates - November 2, 2015

Aloha Light Family,

We've activated the Star Gate of the 11/11 Gateway/Portal. As our Star Gates dial different frequencies, we will cycle through many dimensions and realities, go through blasts of light to activate our Star-Light Crystalline Particles so that molecular restructuring and particle realignment can further occur. Inside and outside, much is continually occurring and in all other dimensions, universes, parallels... waiting to converge here as we arrive. Simultaneous Advancement is what we are continually DOING, whether conscious of it or not. Much "bizarre" is surfacing for clearing, transcending and unification in other timelines and the lower realms. Simultaneously, the most amazing, magical and abundant realities continue to come forth in their place. Pay attention to what you are expecting, looking for and open to, in your own reality. Keep your focus on YOUR OWN VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, continually expanding your heart and mind, breathing LIFE and LIGHT through every cell and exhaling anything that is ready to be released from within you. Challenge your own mentalities and FEEL what you truly believe... Utilize nature and sleep to integrate and clear timelines easier (faster). Let go of the need to know.... You'll know when you are meant to as you exist in present moment. Stay in your heart to know the truth. ∞

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Piercing The Veil - 11/2/15

Just when we thought we finally hit a ceiling of weirdness and intensity, it just took another step to more craziness. It feels like we are not being allowed to get comfortable with being uncomfortable before the next level descends on us. Just as we get a reprieve, and we get our feet grounded, the game plan sifts, and we anchorless once again. Yet, with everything that we experience, there is a greater purpose, and we want to pierce the veil regarding this purpose.

We are deep in the confusing throes of emptying the sacred chalice within us. This is a necessary process to clear and make room for the brilliant future that we have envisioned. We are letting go and detaching from all things that we will not be taking with us. Yes, there is still more dumping and clearing! This includes outdated or unnecessary ways of making a living (even in very successful metaphysical and healing areas), unhealthy relationships, and we even find ourselves moving from current geographical locations or at least wanting to.

Brenda Hoffman - Glory in Your Expectation of Joy - November 2, 2015

Dear Ones,

Not all of you feel joyful, even though you wish to do so. Perhaps you do not understand the importance of that last sentence. In your 3D earth lives – including this lifetime – you expected to experience more fear than joy. Fear is no longer a large part of your repertoire.

You are expecting joy. You are even angry when joy does not appear in your life or experiences. Yet, just a few weeks ago, you fully expected pain to follow any piece of joy. So it is you are evolving more rapidly than you believe.

Jennifer Hoffman - November Energy Report 2015

November begins with a beautiful aspect, a conjunction in Virgo between Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. This is the third Venus/Mars conjunction this year and with Jupiter it packs a powerful punch. It’s also opposite Chiron, the wounded healer, so the wounds will be more obvious, but so will the healing they require, if we have the courage to apply it. One of November’s lessons will be to have the courage to move to the next level of transformation, to release the energetic bonds of our healing journey and replace them with the wings of freedom and wholeness. It’s a month for creative convergence, where all of the pieces come together so we can create our new life pathways. We don’t need to know where we are going, we just need to have the desire to start moving forward.

domingo, noviembre 01, 2015


In the year of 2001, in my dream state, I was told by my Higher Self; whom I used to call “Father” in those days- “You have a new name, but it is also a very old name.”— I was intrigued by this, and the next day, in my meditation, I asked “Father”;- “What is my new name ?” — He showed me a crystal that was attached by one of it’s facets to a stone, and told me;- “Your name is written in this crystal.” — When I opened my eyes after this meditation, the first thing I saw was that crystal. It was resting at the front of my altar, where I had placed it several days before, after buying it. It was a Golden Himalayan Herkimer, double terminated Quartz point, about 3/4” tall and wide, short and stubby, and one of it’s facets was rough and gritty, as if having at one time been attached to a stone !

Lee Harris - November 2015 Energy Forecast: Let Love Rearrange You - Nov 1, 2015

Upgrading Your Life From the Inside Out
Hello everybody and welcome to the Energy Forecast for November 2015.
We’re here today in the Arboretum at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, in the Japanese garden. If you're in the San Francisco area, or you get to visit, do come here and check this place out. It’s extraordinary and there are so many incredible and peaceful nature spots—I thought it would be the perfect place to film this month’s forecast.
As usual, we will begin by breathing for a moment. So just join me in taking a breath and releasing it … and taking another breath and releasing that.

Brenda Hoffman - El Pasado es pasado - 26 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


La canalización de hoy es para aquellos que experimentan dificultades al soltar los aspectos de la 3D, aquellos con dificultades que van más allá de lo que les era familiar en la 3D.

Aunque ya no están en la 3D, algunos recuerdos todavía quedan que no les permiten disfrutar plenamente del nuevo ustedes. Al igual que le sucede a quienes sufrieron una enfermedad o trauma en la 3D. El trauma o dolor ya no existe, pero los recuerdos impiden el disfrute del momento. Muchos lo consideran como Trastorno de Estrés Post Traumático.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 1 al 8 de noviembre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Los tiempos exigen que tantas personas como sea posible mantengan su intensión y una visión positiva para el mundo. Por favor, tómese unos minutos varias veces al día con la intención de un mundo mejor, uno que este libre del caos y de la destrucción representada en los grandes medios. Decreten y afirmen que ¡la paz se manifieste en la Tierra! (NT: la canalizadora incluye este enlace a su página web para accesar una oración por la paz en el mundo. La versión traducida al español se incluye al final de este mensaje). Su determinación para mantener la alegría, la armonía y la buena voluntad ayuda más de lo que puedan conocer. Hay quienes quieren hacer creer que no hay esperanza para los pueblos del mundo y ¡Simplemente no es así! Manténganse fuertes y erguidos, irradien la luz luminosa de lo divino dentro de sí, contrarresten el bombardeo de aquello que no es de lo más elevado y equilíbrenlo con su luz y su amor. ¡Trabajen su magia desde ahora hasta el final de este año para anclar aún más de la elevada luz cósmica!

Kara Schallock - Now & 11:11 Gateway - 01-Nov-2015

Hello again, precious ones. As many of you might know, I took a trip to Costa Rica. My main intention was to experience life completely different from what I have grown accustomed to and that was my experience. Besides the plethora of Nature (I was in the jungle as well as on the Caribbean Sea), a vision I had continuously was that there was a large flower on my Crown, which is what I saw as a more powerful opening and activation of my Crown Chakra in order to receive more Light and Love from Source. As a physical manifestation of this was an experience I had. I was by the back pond looking for the baby Caiman I had seen the day before. I felt the wind pick up and a few large drops of rain fell. I intuitively felt it was best to get upstairs to where I was staying. Hurriedly I climbed the stairs and just as I was about to step inside, an incredibly powerful wind came; it was so powerful I could hardly close the door. What ensued was that the roof was ripped off (Crown) and then it began to downpour (when it rains in Costa Rica, it falls in buckets) thereby flooding my space. The symbolism of the rain was not only a thorough cleansing, but the complete immersion in Spirit (water= emotions transformed to Spirit). It was truly a powerful and wonderful experience. My hosts were truly a wonderful couple who had moved to the Caribbean coast from Israel and live very much in tune with Nature and are completely organic. (I was delighted to learn that it was rain water that I showered in.) My internet was not working, so this was a complete let-go of all that was familiar.

Dianne Robbins - Monthly Channeling - November 2015

Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Where are the Extinct Species of Cetaceans?

We are the Cetaceans who are extinct — or so you think. All species that are extinct are comprised of individuals whose souls are Immortal, thereby enabling them to reincarnate when the time is right. So we aren’t lost or really “extinct,” just our species’ combined group frequency is, but we individuals remain alive in different bodies and on different planets in different dimensions.

The KRYON Master's Journey, September-October, 2015

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “El Reflector Del Alma * Su Rueda De Doce Rayos Del Creador” - Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

“El Reflector Del Alma * Su Rueda De Doce Rayos Del Creador”

Amados maestros, el reflector del Alma fluye en dos direcciones – hacia dentro para la iluminación del corazón físico y la mente y hacia fuera para iluminar el sendero ascendente en espiral que liberará a la humanidad de la densa realidad de las Tercera/ Cuarta dimensiones.

Una personalidad infundida en el Alma desarrolla automáticamente un deseo ardiente de compartir sus verdades iluminadas superiores con los demás. El CAMINO ILUMINADO es el puente entre el mundo humano material y los reinos del Espíritu. Se requiere una inteligencia disciplinada, entrenada para descifrar con claridad y transmitir las enseñanzas de sabiduría y para transmitir con eficiencia y precisión los conceptos Universales superiores. Las tendencias disciplinadas y auto dirigidas en la vida deben desarrollarse para desarrollar una claridad mental intensa, conjuntamente con una personalidad integrada que se dedique y sea dirigida por la Súper Alma/Yo Superior. El Alma no es Espíritu ni materia – está compuesta por Átomos Simiente de Fuego Blanco manifestados enviados desde la Mente Divina de nuestro Padre Dios hacia el Útero Cósmico del Espíritu de nuestra Amada Madre Dios – que entonces envía, vía el aliento de su amado Espíritu Santo, todas las formas de materia Cósmica. El despertar del Yo desde un estado inconsciente de Ser es uno de los pasos más dramáticos en el proceso evolutivo de la Humanidad. Para volverse auto consciente, deben ser perceptivos de lo que sucede en su mundo personal. Deben aguzar su proceso de pensamiento y aprender a vivir en el momento, o en el Punto de Quietud del AHORA como se le denomina a menudo. Para ganar en experiencia y sabiduría deben pensar en lo que quieren recordar, lo que quieren retener en su banco de memoria.

Cada uno de ustedes como una Chispa de nuestro Padre/Madre Dios y del Creador Supremo, tiene una Rueda de la Creación personal, su propia Flor de la Vida que deben aprender a utilizar de nuevo para poder convertirse en un verdadero co-creador en el plano terrestre. Les pedimos que imaginen este patrón horizontal que han creado con su aliento sagrado como su rueda de la creación personal. Ustedes aspiran la Vida/Luz de la Creación vía su columna personal de Luz y a través del portal posterior de su Corazón Sagrado, que siempre estará compuesto de los patrones de frecuencia apropiados para su estado actual de evolución. Dentro de estas esferas estarán las virtudes, cualidades y atributos de la conciencia de Dios que están buscando incorporar, lo que resultará en el perfeccionamiento y magnificación de sus habilidades para crear cualquier cosa que deseen siempre que sea para el mayor bien de todos. ¿Han pensado por qué, hace pocos año les instruimos que “Inhalaran luz y exhalaran amor” cuando vayan a la Pirámide Mundial con la intención de irradiar Amor/Luz hacia la humanidad y al mundo?


Visualicen esto: durante la meditación o en su tiempo de quietud, tomen doce respiraciones del infinito completas y después de la décimo segunda, contraigan su abdomen y retengan su respiración por un momento o dos. Ahora al tomar la décimo tercera vean como fluye hacia fuera desde su Centro de Poder Solar (Núcleo del Corazón Sagrado) hacia el frente de su cuerpo. El patrón del infinito ahora está en una configuración horizontal en lugar de vertical. Ya sea en la exhalación o en la inhalación – la que les sea más cómoda – el primer lazo plano se extiende hacia fuera en la parte del frente a su cuerpo y en la próxima respiración, el segundo lazo se extiende hacia desde la parte posterior de su cuerpo, completando el signo del Infinito. Inhalen y exhalen seis signos del Infinito y al hacerlo, ellos crearán automáticamente un patrón de doce lazos que los rodean completamente como los pétalos de una flor. Al exhalar el último lazo, de nuevo retengan su respiración por un momento antes de volver a la respiración normal. Entonces, inhalen y exhalen conscientemente al visualizar la Esencia de la Creación que fluye desde ustedes hacia el mundo. También, visualicen espirales de Luz que los conectan con la Pirámide de Luz, la Pirámide del Servidor Mundial, y las múltiples Pirámides que ustedes han creado en las dimensiones superiores, compartiendo por tanto sus Partículas de Amor/Luz con el mundo, así como alimentando sus visiones con la sustancia de Pura Fuerza de Vida de toda la Creación.

Al volverse más eficientes como co-creadores en el plano tierra aprenderán a monitorear constantemente sus patrones de energía y enriquecerlos. Deben esforzarse por una armonía sostenida y una expresión divina refinada. Su meta es liberar el poder del Fuego Sagrado, que yace dormido desde hace miles de años para que puedan dirigir y enfocar su energía hacia las áreas de su vida que quieran cambiar. Al establecer y mejorar constantemente su Rueda de Vida del Creador, están plantando las Semillas de cambio enfocado, y están suministrando el Fuego Sagrado de la Creación, necesario para manifestar lo que han visualizado. Cuando puedan hacer esto proficientemente, su mundo personal se convertirá en un mundo de maravillas, y ustedes se convertirán en un faro de luz para que todos lo vean.

Le hemos pedido a nuestra mensajera que les dé un panorama general de la creación de su Rueda del Creador Personal de la Flor de la Vida, así como ayudarlos a entender qué maravilloso regalo constituye esto para la humanidad. Sin una Rueda del Creador Personal de Doce Rayos ustedes nunca tendrán la capacidad para convertirse en co-creadores en el plano físico de existencia.





En muchas de nuestras antiguas experiencias de vidas pasadas al hundirnos en las densidades de la tercera y parte baja de la cuarta dimensión, funcionábamos en nuestra naturaleza animal/humana y teníamos solamente dos Pétalos de la Flor de la Vida – Signos del Infinito – con los cuales trabajar:


** LOS PRIMERO, SEGUNDO Y TERCER CHACRAS * Primer/Chacra Raíz: Supervivencia * Enfoque en el cuerpo físico * carencia/abundancia * seguridad * Segundo/Ombligo/Chacra del Bajo Abdomen: Deseos del ego * Placer * Amor Sexual/Pasional * Tolerancia * * Tercero/Chacra del Plexo Solar: Poder Personal/Centro Emocional * Maestría del Deseo * Auto Control *

Los dos Signos del Infinito, que crearon los cuatro pétalos, estaban situados dentro e irradiaban desde nuestro Segundo Chacra. Un pétalo estaba posicionado hacia fuera frente a nosotros, hacia el futuro, el que creábamos con nuestros pensamientos, acciones y hechos. El segundo pétalo se proyectaba desde nuestra espalda hacia los patrones de frecuencia de nuestro pasado. El tercer y cuarto pétalos se extendían hacia fuera desde cada costado (al igual que si extendieran sus brazos hacia fuera) formando por tanto la columna de luz y sombra originalmente diseñada – lo que se conoce como El Sendero del Medio. Ahora vivimos en un mundo de un mayor espectro de dualidad y polaridad influido por nuestro ADN, nuestro linaje ancestral y la superposición astrológica que trajimos con nosotros para experimentarla en cada vida.

Al comenzar a acceder a algunos de los patrones vibratorios de frecuencia superior de las frecuencias refinadas, más armoniosas de Tercera/Cuarta Dimensión, comenzamos el proceso de creación de nuestra naturaleza humana/humana. Durante este proceso, añadimos dos Patrones del Infinito más a nuestra Rueda del Creador de la Flor de la Vida lo cual hizo un total de ocho pétalos. Nuestra Rueda del Creador de la Flor de la Vida avanzó hacia el Tercer Chacra/Plexo Solar. Durante esta fase, nuestra energía principal de la Fuerza de Vida irradiaba desde el Plexo Solar.


**CUARTO Y QUINTO CHACRAS: * Cuarto Chacra/Corazón: Fuerza de Vida * Centro de Poder Espiritual * Cámara del Sagrado Corazón donde reside nuestra Chispa del Yo Superior de la Divinidad durante esta vida * Aquí está la Llama Triple Dorada y el Símbolo Sagrado de la Vésica Piscis, que contiene nuestro Átomo Semilla Divino de Fuego Blanco Sagrado. * Quinto Chacra/Corazón: Comunicación * Auto Expresión * Discernimiento Espiritual * Parte de nuestro Centro Espiritual de Poder *

Los cuatro pétalos adicionales que contienen los atributos, cualidades y virtudes de estos dos Signos del Infinito añadidos crearon un patrón de la Flor de la Vida con ocho pétalos. Comenzamos el proceso de equilibrar lentamente y armonizar los Siete Chacras de la Conciencia del Alma para este Sistema Solar vía las antiguas enseñanzas del pasado, y del nuevo influjo de enseñanzas de los Reinos Superiores. Al aprender a escuchar los susurros de nuestro Yo Alma, nos introdujimos en las Leyes Universales de la manifestación. Con el tiempo, gradualmente comenzamos a desarrollar nuestra Auto Percepción y eventualmente ganamos en sabiduría para entender la importancia del Momento del Ahora o Poder del Punto de Quietud. Este fue un paso vital en el proceso del despertar para que nuevamente pudiésemos comenzar a utilizar las herramientas de manifestación como co-creadores conscientes.

Durante este ciclo/etapa final de nuestro proceso de ascensión para esta “Ronda de Evolución para la Humanidad” nos esforzamos en convertirnos en Seres Espirituales/Humanos. El último de los Signos del Infinito, con cuatro pétalos más, completan nuestra FLOR DE LA VIDA PERSONAL * RUEDA DE DOCE RAYOS DEL CREADOR para este ciclo particular.

Nuestra Rueda de Doce Rayos del Creador avanzó hacia el área del Corazón Superior del Cuarto Chacra/Corazón. En este momento los Portales de nuestro Corazón Sagrado y Mente Sagrada están abiertos. El Corazón Sagrado en sí mismo está situado un poco más arriba del corazón físico y está colocado hacia la parte posterior del cuerpo, descansando contra nuestra Varilla de Luz, que corre a lo largo de la columna vertebral. Esta Varilla de Poder se activa gradualmente a medida que abrimos los Siete Sellos a la Conciencia Superior y conectamos con el Yo Superior/Súper Alma que reside en el Octavo Chacra, nuestra Estrella del Alma.


** EL SEXTO Y SÉPTIMO CHACRAS: * Sexto/Entrecejo/Chacra del Tercer Ojo: Intuición * Visión Inspirada * Clarividencia * Percepción Más Allá de la Dualidad * * Séptimo/Chacra Corona: Voluntad Espiritual * Inspiración * Sabiduría Divina * Comienzo de la Conciencia de Unidad *

Comenzamos a ver claramente que el Arcángel Miguel nos da las herramientas que necesitamos para ayudarnos en nuestro proceso de Ascensión en una forma paso a paso. Estas técnicas se pueden utilizar en una forma peligrosa con éxito mínimo; sin embargo, si queremos progresar establemente en nuestros esfuerzos para alcanzar la auto maestría, debemos aprender e integrar estas técnicas en el orden que han sido dadas. Hay una razón para esto, y se entenderá al dominar cada técnica y comenzar a ver los resultados positivos en su vida. Al refinar su resonancia, gradualmente se vuelven multidimensionales lo que significa que están accediendo a los patrones de frecuencia de varias dimensiones a la vez. Amor por siempre y bendiciones angélicas. Ronna.



Amados, para dejar espacio para las frecuencias refinadas de los múltiples niveles de las dimensiones superiores Cuarta y Quinta, debe existir un proceso de limpieza/despeje. Vía las lecciones e instrucciones que les hemos impartido a lo largo de los años, nos esforzamos en darles el conocimiento necesario para transitar el sendero de la Ascensión con facilidad y gracia; sin embargo, ustedes deben asumir la responsabilidad por su regreso a la auto maestría personal. Estamos a mano para asistirles a medida que reclamen su estatus por derecho como un Ser Espiritual en una misión Divina para nuestra Madre/Padre Dios. Saludamos su valentía. Son profundamente amados.

YO SOY Arcángel Miguel.

Transmitido a través de Ronna *STAR*QUEST* 775-856-3654 * * * Email:

NUEVO* LIBRO SIETE DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL ** LA MAGIA Y MAJESTUOSIDAD DE LA HUMANIDAD EN ASCENSO ** CONTIENE ILUSTRACIONES DE NUESTRA RUEDA PERSONAL DE DOCE RAYOS DE LA FLOR DE LA VIDA * ILUSTRACIÓN DE LA OBTENCIÓN DE LA INTEGRACIÓN DE TODOS NUESTROS FRAGMENTOS DEL ALMA DE CUARTA DIMENSIÓN Y LA CONEXIÓN CON EL PRIMER SUBNIVEL DE NUESTRA TRÍADA SAGRADA DE QUINTA DIMENSIÓN. DOCE ILUSTRACIONES INTEGRALES PARA AYUDARNOS A ENTENDER LA INFORMACIÓN AVANZADA QUE EL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL NOS HA DADO EN ESTE INCREIBLE LIBRO ** La meta de la ascensión para la humanidad, dentro de esta era de experiencia terrenal es la de integrar todos los Fragmentos del Alma remanentes del Yo Alma individual dentro de las Dimensiones Tercera/Cuarta. Esto iniciará una reunión de nuestra Tríada Espiritual, una Faceta Sagrada de nuestro Yo Divino, que está esperando nuestro regreso dentro del Primer Sub-Plano de la Quinta Dimensión. Esta es la meta principal de la humanidad para esta ronda de evolución. Sí, es posible lograr este estado espiritual de Percepción del Alma mientras estamos en cuerpo físico. En este momento muchas Almas de Semillas Estelares están cercanas a lograr esta meta. Será de ocurrencia común en los próximos años y la ascensión de la humanidad se acelerará a lo largo de este siglo. El Arcángel Miguel ha definido las etapas o niveles del proceso de ascensión que la humanidad experimenta actualmente como “ETAPAS DE EVOLUCIÓN”.

La mayoría de las Almas avanzadas que han encarnado dentro de los últimos cincuenta años vinieron con sus Fragmentos del Alma de Tercera Dimensión armonizados e integrados y muchos vinieron con una buena porción de sus fragmentos de Cuarta Dimensión integrados también. Estas Almas preciadas son las que están a la Vanguardia/Mostradores de Camino que guiarán en el camino hacia el nuevo mundo de nuestro futuro. El Arcángel Miguel nos ha bendecido con esta información extraordinaria, que nos ayudará a avanzar a lo largo de este proceso tan grácilmente como sea posible.


LA MAGIA Y MAJESTUOSIDAD DE LA HUMANIDAD EN ASCENSO * LIBRO SIETE * ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL/Ronna * Manual de Estudio de 8 x 11 encuadernado en espiral* $25, más S&H



ÉRASE UNA VEZ EN UN NUEVO MUNDO © es una serie de seis historias a las que llamo ‘meta ficción’. Las historias son sobre MI viaje de experiencia (encarnaciones) como una CHISPA de la FUERZA DE DIOS, y su evolución a través del tiempo y el espacio. *** PRECIO ORIGINAL: $20 CADA UNO. * * PHONE/FAX: 775-856-3654


YO SOY Arcángel Miguel.

Trasmitido a través de Ronna Herman* Como trasmisor de este artículo, Yo, Ronna, reclamo el derecho de autor universal a nombre del Arcángel Miguel. Se permite la colocación en sitios web siempre que no se altere, abrevie o añada información y se acredite la autoría y se incluya mi dirección de correo y sitio web. Se puede publicar en revistas, boletines o impresión pública con la autorización de: * *

© 1998-2015 Ronna, Star Quest All Rights Reserved
775-856-3654 • * 6005 Clear Creek Drive
• Reno, NV 89502

Lisa Transcendence Brown - November Energy Report, NEW Earth Bandwidth Existence, LightBody Upgrades & Fields of Consciousness

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - November 1-7, 2015

Beloved Ones,
The times require as many people as possible to hold a positive vision and intention for the world. Please take a few moments several times a day to intend a better world, one that is free from the chaos and destruction depicted on the mainstream media. Decree and affirm peace to manifest here on Earth!  Your determination to hold joy, harmony and goodwill helps more than you can ever know. There are those who would have you believe that there is no hope for the people of the world and that is just not so! Stand strong and stand tall, radiate the luminous light of the divine from within you, counteract the bombardment of that which is not of the highest and balance it with your light and your love. Work your magic from now until the end of this year to ground even more of the higher cosmic light!

John Smallman - Jesus - Neither separation nor living without God are remotely possible-November 1, 2015

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday November 1st
Humanity’s journey towards a collective awakening is moving perfectly along, just as divinely planned. The Tsunami of Love is irresistible, irrepressible, and utterly insistent. It is being heard, felt, embraced, and welcomed into millions of hearts all across the world. The mainstream media may appear to be getting ever more raucous as it continues in its attempts to instill fear with its stories on calamities and catastrophes, but in truth the Tsunami of Love is changing everything as more and more of you welcome it into your hearts and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever may arise. You can only change yourself, as you well know, but because so many of you are now doing just that every day the effects are miraculous. The power of Love is infinite, but because you have free will you can refuse to engage with It.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - A NEW WORLD IS HERE IF WE CHOOSE IT - Nov 1, 2015

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends,

These are the times of blessings! Although the old world seems to continue with its atrocities, there is a new world dawning, that cannot be described with the old linear parameters and habitual interpretations.

But we must fully conscious choose to enter the new world

and be prepared to let go of our familiar orientation and false security. We must heart-desire to jump and understand, by intuition only, and heart-centred, wholly-being, tacitly "knowing".

This is not difficult, but, again, it is a choice we must make.

Spiritual life always begins with choice and continues with choice. On this journey we choose in any moment what we want to experience and who we want to be. Because we are the creators of our own path. This choice is not made with effort and prior consideration. It is a natural, joyfully flowing heart-process.

The main criteria in this process of choosing is to be aware of our present state of being and living, the exact localization of the world in which we dwell with our attention and feeling in this very moment.

This gives us clarity and momentum. And then we make that heart-based choice.

From that moment in which the Heart has become (again) the seat of consciousness and unconditional love, from that moment on, when we know ourselves again, when we do not look further into the external world for explanations, experience and even love, we are free to enjoy the Eternal Source via the power of the Infinite Heart. And only then life starts to make sense.

Until then we are seeking in the heartless schemes of a world out there for fulfillment, and never find it, because all things appear to be empty of life.

But when we make this One Great Choice to live from within the Unlimited Source of Joy, the world shows itself as fully alive, radiating with Consciousness from inside.

This silent world is full of Life Power, perpetually vibrating and speaking the language of Divine Existence, alive as the great entertainer and bearer of meaning in the Presence of Eternity.

It is the world beyond thoughts and words in its depth of Silent Fullness, it is the world that Is One Life, non-separate, without questions. It is the world of discovery and awe about the ever lasting expression of Existence, fully powered by the currents of life.

All things live from inside out, a grand orchestration of the Real, nothing hidden, all obvious As Is, directly communicating its purpose to move with unquestioned intent, multi-simultaneously- and–dimensionally.

When the whole universe reveals itself as Alive with the One Spirit, we are no longer looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, as the heart is unified with the stillness of eternity while all voices and choirs resound as the Voice of the Infinite. They all become the delight of Being that has transcended the separate forms of consciousness that search

Once this separateness is surrendered to the vibrating cosmic orchestra of Being, all movements, intentions, all the businesses of trivial life echoes the grand Divine Mover that is the bearer of all things. And the sound of even an angry man becomes a Divine Vibration.

Out of habit and afraid of inner emptiness we might continue to seek in multiple ways in shallow circumstances of life, imagining we live life to the fullest, while exploiting its innumerable varieties. It will leave us fatally empty though.

But when we choose to renounce these many varieties for entertainment, and allow the fullness of the Heart to be present as our home and own truth, then the world starts to reveal the Reality of Creation: a never ending process in Divine Consciousness of perfect fullness and abundance in which we do not seek because we have transcended our alienation from What Is and Always Has Been and Will Be.

It is in this very Stillness that the World becomes Alive, Resonating with our heart-beat, opening to the Wonders of Divine Shakti or Energy and Light.

The New World is here if we choose It. Everything has been prepared for us to make that choice: To discover the Truth of our Infinite Heart that is the Heart of Earth and Heart of God. There is no separation but One Single Impulse Ever vibrating, manifesting in the moment of our attention to It. Revealing our Power of Creation in any given moment.

We are part of this eternal Process, always have been, we have just forgotten it for a while. Heart-Inherent in the Very Source, we have been granted now the choice to be drawn into a fifth dimensional world of experience. Perfectly orchestrated by the Power of Divine Emotion that Is Love.

Look! It is Here! It is your choice to surrender to It and allow It to Live you.

With much love and many blessings!

In lak'ech!

Conveyed by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Lynette Leckie-Clark - Master Kuthumi - Accepting the Authenticity of You - 1st November 2014 light body
I greet you with joy as we come together once more. A new page of life is before you, indeed a new chapter of your experience.
In the coming months many will be required to accept what has been, what each of you has chosen to experience. I ask you give some time to allow acceptance. The past can weigh you down as a brick in water. In order for release to be realized there must first be the acceptance. Only in this can there be the understanding, the allowing yourself to move forward. It does not mean accepting any wrong doing and injustice as being right - no. Many hidden truths have been shown to you, in yourself and in others through this opening year. Now you must decide how you will choose to deal with those hidden truths. How you choose to react to them? You have seen the darker side of life, of humanity, and of your own hidden self. It is time now to accept those darker aspects that make up the totality of who you are. To accept all of you authentically. To embrace your many aspects.

Review of UFO activity near the Sun for a week from October 26 to October 31, 2015

Crazy! Halloween Asteroid Looks Like A Creepy Human Skull

Crop Circles 2015 - Ipuaçu, Santa Catarina - Brazil - 31th October 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 UFO

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - One way to balance within is to allow yourself to love and be loved -. November 1, 2015

Dear One,

When you allow yourself to love another person. it opens channels within your being to receive divine love from God, the Infinite Source. There is an inexhaustible supply of this love. When you begin to freely give this love, you are blessed with more, so you can continue to give. In this way you will never be starving for love because you feel you have given too much. You cannot give too much love, because the inexhaustible resource of God's love is equal to every demand.

sábado, octubre 31, 2015

Dianne Robbins -Trees are Living Libraries - October 2015

Monthly Channeling, Copyright © Dianne Robbins

Trees are Living Libraries

By Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos located inside the Center of our Earth.

Our Dear Readers: I am Mikos, introducing you to the Tree People living among you.

The Tree People are very Lighted Beings, and you can see how their auras fill the sky in towers of light waves radiating from their inner essences. They are tubes of light, carrying vast amounts of information and folklore to disseminate to humans on Earth, if only humans would tune into their frequency and connect with them on their wavelength. This is easy to do. You just call on the Trees and invoke their presence, and ask them to transfer their library to your vast vault inside yourself. Your vault is practically empty, so you have much storage room inside, just waiting to be filled with documents containing the mysteries of life - all the mysteries you haven't as yet been able to unravel in your closed states of existence.

Alien Hybrids! Swedish Sisters, Secret, Extraterrestrial's? More than Meet's the eye!!

Please read fully! This is part 1,... Some, may have seen this?! yes old story but it kind of fits ! must be one hell of a reason to won't to end up under a moving lorry!! they cover lots up! ,.follow it and make your own mind up! more to this than meets the eye!! This is a very interesting Story, very interesting,.. it was from 2008,. if you are interested follow the links! i have below! you have to see and listen to what is being said!,.and follow the whole story! its only about an hour! its worth it!,... like i said very interesting! lots don't add up! to me they are something else!,....clone's Hybrid's Alien?! the police keep saying they are drugged up! well looking at the video's and listening to what is being said! (by the cops and professor of law and psychiatry, he in the last part!) this is one big cover up if i have ever heard one! IMO! they have been Here for a good while! they have a normal life then all goes wrong They had 2 bags with them! lots of phones and laptops! something not right about all that is shown in this video!
part 2 =
part 3 =
part 4 =
Full credit where its due! BBC/TV land! somewhere i don't go!!
This video is for educational purposes only absolutely no money is being made from this video!!,.... Well not me anyway?! full credit to those that made this video! and for making a interesting program!! liemeewatcher

¡¡¡Que se la pasen muy asustados!!! - Oct 31, 2015

viernes, octubre 30, 2015

Lena Stevens - Monthly Forecast November 2015

A monthly support audio Mp3 with Anna and Lena will help you with further discussion, suggestions, exercises, shamanic support, icaros and guided visualizations. This month’s Mp3 includes useful guidance and support for some of the important opportunities and challenges for the Month especially around grounding, integrating and making choices. Click the Buy the Supporting Audio box above to get the audio

Note: if you are reprinting or sharing any part of this forecast please include author and web information to comply with copyright law.

The main theme for the month of November is PRESSURE.

This month we enter the labor that will birth our own transformation and change. And just as in actual childbirth, once the process begins, there is no going back. The pressure we feel is that of being in a container that has grown too small. It is time to face the unknown, our own fears and resistance, and move ourselves to the next level.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim - October 30, 2015

The Elohim Confirm the Final and Total Ejection of All Dark Perpetrators’ Soul Fragments From This Uppermost Mother Planet by the PAT

We are the Elohim and we confirm the soul fragments of incarnates seeking to live within a reality of disharmony, betrayal, shared chaos through prejudice, murder, rape and overall subjugation, that is to say the perpetrators of these and many more heinous crimes representative of a world gone wrong, are no longer compatible with the holographic reality ascending and anchoring into ultimate freedom from manipulation, oppression and all-controlling behaviour, founded in principles of equality, unconditional loving kindness and equanimity for all.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Master Saint Germain ~ The Divine Human Blueprint October 30, 2015

Conveyed through Méline Portia Lafont

Greetings in the most refined moment of this Ascension journey. Why AM I calling this moment the most refined moment of all is because you are ingraining yourselves into your Selves as well as ingraining the union with your Sacred partners and parts of Self.

Yes the unification of the Divine Human Blueprint has begun to stream more rapidly within your minds, your world and realities because a grand momentum of exponential degree is there to be enhanced through and by your Beings of Love radiance. Your furniture has somehow been replaced by new ones and you are stepping forth into a new world now while assimilating the Divine Templates of transformation, elevation, resurrection, Divine unity and immortality.

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Portal ~ Meditation in Unity Consciousness

Magenta Pixie - Halloween Archetypes - Vampire, Werewolf, Witch, Goblin and Ghost

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Campo Aúrico Humano

Traducción: Alicia Virelli

Saludos, Yo Soy Metatrón del Canal Angélico de Luz.

Soy acompañado en esta reunión por Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino y los acogemos con entusiasmo en un vector de amor incondicional. A medida que su Tierra logró la Ascensión planetaria el 2012, muchos cambios importantes tuvieron lugar que son aún mayores en vigor en el 2015 y estos efectos se incrementarán a través del 2.038.

Estos por cierto tienen un efecto profundo en su bienestar emocional, mental y físico. Muchos de ustedes encuentran que se tornan un tanto "vulnerables", sintiéndose abrumados a veces, como si pareciera que no pueden hacer las cosas, como si no hubiera suficientes horas en el día.

Tales casos para muchos se debe a lo que puede denominarse como "síntomas de ascensión, lo que conduce a un sangrado áurico. Pues en verdad ahora están viviendo en una tierra de frecuencia cada vez mayor y esto junto con muchos otros cambios puede y va a crear presiones diferenciales en el huevo humano del aura, tal como lo hace el huevo que rodea la Tierra, la magnetosfera y ... de hecho hay ciertos puntos en común en esta comparación analógica.

10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Extraterrestrials & UFOs Discovered In India

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Our ancient world continues to become more mysterious by the day, as 10,000 year old rock paintings depicting possible extraterrestrials and UFOs have been found in Chhattisgarh, India. These can be added to the long list of mysterious and unexplained “ancient art” that seems to lend to the belief that our ancient world and the people who lived at that time had contact with beings that did not originate from this planet.

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials. The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.

Georgi Stankov - Breaking News: All Criminal Soul Fragments Were Removed From This Earth on October 28th - October 30, 2015

Energy Report
Georgi Stankov, October 29, 2015
On the night of October 28th I dreamed repeatedly and very clearly that I transmuted the energetic structures of all criminal souls incarnated on this earth and subsequently removed them from this uppermost mother planet. I did it the same way as when I opened the heart chakra of the PAT on November 22, 2011:
“Last night, November 22, 2011, 11 days after the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, I met with each one of you in the lucid dream state and initiated (ignited) you for your Individual Ascension. The procedure lasted throughout the whole night, while I was practically awake. At the same time my higher self urged me to immediately inform you on this significant event as soon as I get up.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - 2016 - Comprender la Armonía de la Naturaleza - Trascender la Tormenta - octubre 2015

Traducción:M. Cristina Cáffaro

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Ángel de Luz, y se une a mí en esta sesión Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Nos han pedido discutir en esta reunión el año que viene, Año 4 de la Nueva Tierra, que es 2016 en la cronología lineal. Deseamos insertar aquí que lo que ofrecemos en este mensaje son probabilidades y potenciales, basados en las corrientes de realidades probables dentro del formato y la influencia de las gravedades astronómicas y los campos de pensamiento masivos de la humanidad. Seamos claros: nadie, ningún grupo angélico, ni canalizador, vidente o individuo, puede predecir exacta y plenamente el futuro, y aclaramos que no es esa nuestra intención. Ciertamente, por definición de las leyes que rigen en el reino de la dualidad 3D, el futuro siempre es fluido. El reino de la 3D está gobernado por el libre albedrío, y entonces la manifestación de realidad resultante no está fija en términos absolutos en ningún nivel individual.

jueves, octubre 29, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Message from Yeshua: “You have reached a very crucial time in your development…” 10.29.15


Now is the time to take stock of your beautiful accomplishments in this, your journey of ascension. You may feel all is in chaos right now, or perhaps you feel you do not know yourself anymore. All good, dear ones, for you have entered yet another phase of your ascension.

Let it be told and let it be known that All is well. All is as it should be. You have reached a very crucial time in your development and it is time to acknowledge all you have accomplished and all you have endured on this beautiful journey of ascension.