sábado, marzo 07, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Reporte de Luna Llena para el 5/3/15

5 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Las energías de la Luna Llena en Virgo (Sol en Piscis) son siempre una interesante yuxtaposición entre resistir/contener y dejar ir, y encontrar el balance entre análisis e intuición. Esta Luna Llena ha sido descripta por algunos astrólogos como decididamente “antisexy” y particularmente no divertida. Puede que sea así, pero eso no minimiza su magia y su potencial sanador.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 7 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you move into greater light, be kind to yourselves and one another, dear ones, for just as when you take the flashlight into the darkened room and see all the dirt and dust, so too when you increase your light – you will see all the areas in life where you have settled for less than the love you truly desire. You will find yourself sometimes getting irritable, uncharacteristically down, or resisting things that no longer suit you. While this is a normal and natural phase, the trick to happiness is to simply acknowledge these feelings and get on with creating a life that matches your new vibration.
Suppose for example, you have been putting up with less than loving behaviors from another. You learn, grow, and increase your light. Although the desire would be to love the world and yourself more, at first you may suddenly find yourself upset, intolerant, and irritable at these behaviors that once seemed “tolerable.”

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Felicitaciones - Conectando los puntos - Miami, Florida, 28 de Febrero de 2015



Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miami, Florida, 28 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Siempre hay quienes vienen por primera vez, se sientan, y dicen: "Esto no puede ser así; es la misma voz, la misma cara, es el hombre en la silla montando un show." Cada vez, lo que decimos es lo mismo: Eres libre para creer lo que desees. La belleza del amor de Dios para ti es tu libertad de objetar; la libertad de no mirar; la libertad de decir que es ignorante o estúpido; todo esto es tuyo.

Agregamos para quienes creen eso, lo hemos dicho tantas veces, que el mundo angélico los ama igual que a cualquier otro. En sentido figurado, igual número de ángeles te acompañan al salir que los que van con el canalizador. El amor de Dios no es exclusivo, no tiene sesgos, es un amor que responde amando. Es para toda la vida. Puede que no creas que estas cosas sean exactas ni verdaderas; para nosotros no marca una diferencia.

viernes, marzo 06, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Shake Up/ Wake Up/ Move Into This Accelerated Spiral – 6 March 2015

All starts from within you! That is a fact known by many, yet not all realize this as their truth and prefer to continue with the old ways of being through accusing others and blaming outside sources as the cause of everything that happens in their life. Still clinging on to issues pertaining to old values that we have now passed, seen and transcended a long time ago. This behavior and conviction will be your downfall. Truth is, if you want it or not, it will be so because the old world as you have known it, as you have been raised in and programmed for, is not functioning anymore like it used to.
You are invited to now finally embrace the new that is arising in front of you because of its birth through you. As long as you do not embrace this, no new world will come at your shores and you will get stuck in a world that is completely chaotic and turbulent because that world of the old is falling down as we speak. All the violence is reflecting the fact that consciousness is shifting, that there are inner turbulences taking place in every conscious mind of every creation. It brings about that which enables the shift to take place, whether you like it or not.. It must take place, it is an intrinsic part of all creation that stirs Humanity to step forth.

Undeniable Evidence Scripture was Modified- Secret of Secrets

Christine Meleriessee - Becoming Leaders for the New Earth - Mar 6, 2015

full moon4Good Morning, My Dearest Beloveds,
I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center; I am Lord Adama your brother in Telos.
The present energies are giving Gaia and each of us the power to be more than we ever have been before. Each phase brings us closer into the Divine Being that we truly are so it is important to take advantage of this full moon in March 2015.
As we become closer with the ascension festivals of the Christ, Wesk, and Humanity, the other moon cycles help us to go through many processes that will take us into a new existence within our consciousness. This allows us to take what we are learning through the higher consciousness and bring it down into the physical mind and heart, which is a part that is very challenging to do on a momentary basis. These are changes that occur constantly so it is important for us to take moments in our day to truly reflect how we are feeling, what it means for our living conditions, and how to improve upon it.

SaLuSa - March 6, 2015

I bring greetings from the Galactic Forces who follow your progress with great interest, having accompanied you through many lives. However, our involvement with you has never been more intense than it is now, as you approach the end of your experiences in the old paradigm. We have come a long way together, and we admire your determination to stick to your tasks and achieve victory over the dark Ones. The fact that you have effectively already won that battle does not mean you have no further work to do, and the emphasis is now upon maintaining your position in the higher vibrations. They are your future and also protection while you keep focussed on your present role assisting the Light. We have spoken previously about your ability to stand within your own Light, and not be affected by anything going on around you. Now that you have come this far, you have created an aura that is potentially impregnable, but it does depend on you being able to keep it intact. It means not being distracted or mislead by any attempts to divert your attention elsewhere. Keeping calm in the face of situations that are a test of your strength, is the challenge that you face.

Jahn J Kassl - GIFT OF FREEDOM - Part I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Mar 6, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz

Beloved Ones!

The coming time is in the sign of fundamental 
transformations of all firmly anchored blockages 
in human nature.

„Sediments“ are redeemed

The „Sediments“ of patterns, assumptions and imaginations 
are redeemed, until you constitute a free and purified vessel 
of God’s Love. Many purifications of past time created these
conditions and today it is necessary to redeem what has 
settled down in you and does not want to yield.
With the divine Light, with the blue Ray of clarity and 
transformation and with the light sword of 
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, who I am among you. 

jueves, marzo 05, 2015

Wing Makers - The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission NerudaThe Anunnaki, Mankind's Enslavement and the Afterlife Deception - March 4, 2014.

The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda
By Sarah, Wing Makers

What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on January 2, 1998. This interview (number five) has been unpublished until March 4, 2014.

Dr. Neruda gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This is the transcript of that session.

This was one of five times I was able to tape record our conversations. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred.

No editing was performed, and I’ve tried my best to include the exact words, phrasing, and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.

The reason is based on Dr. Neruda’s timing, the specific reasons for this timing have not been communicated.

Sarah: “What we discussed Wednesday night has been swirling around me ever since. I think I’ve become a bit obsessed with all of this… what for me, anyway, is new information. I’m trying my best to process it into my mental framework, and I have to admit, I’m not sure it’s working.

Dr. Neruda: “I understand. I’ve held back some information for this very reason—not only for you, but also for those who will ultimately read this.”

Sarah: “When we ended the last session we agreed to spend more time on The Grand Portal. Is that what you’re referring to, or is it something else?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s all related. It’s a very, very big picture, and broad timeline.”
Sarah: “Can you share it now?”

Dr. Neruda: “Let’s take it one part at a time. With your questions, I hope it will all come clear, but I have to warn you that it will seem a little unwieldy or odd until the whole of it is out.”

Sarah: “Okay. Where do you want to start?”

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Volviéndose un Místico Práctico” - RONNA - Mar 1, 2015


Traducción: Odilia Rivera
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

“Volviéndose un Místico Práctico”

Amados maestros, hay un Camino de Luz que los lleva fuera de la densidad hacia la LEVEDAD DEL REINO ESPIRITUAL. La clave que les permite recorrer este Sagrado Camino está en vuestro interior y es llamado su CANCION DEL ALMA. Están sintonizados a lo que es llamado su Firma Energética mientras están funcionado dentro del medio ambiente de la Tercera y parte baja de la Cuarta Dimensión. Gradualmente están sintonizándose a su CANCION DEL ALMA mientras se mueven a través del resto de los sub-niveles Superiores de la Cuarta Dimensión, y en el nivel de entrada del medio ambiente de la Quinta Dimensión.

In5D.com - Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?

Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?
by Max and Lana,
Guest writers for In5D.com
Numerous studies using frequency, hypnotherapy, psychic gifts and the gift of discernment are demonstrating that angels, aliens, or entities are constantly around certain people– and frequently step in to help the rest of us as well, in order to preserve a timeline, energy, or larger picture. Many of us in the metaphysical field believe that each human is capable, important, and an integral piece of our energetic universe. Apparently, the entities agree and are here to help.
With that said, evidence suggests that certain people, regardless of their social status, education, interests, ethnicity, or even “spiritual development,” do have entities around them nonstop. Ironically, it’s often the individuals who suffer terribly in this human life—and the ones who frequently wonder why their lives are so difficult and why they feel so different or lonely in this world. So, if you have been noticing “strange” things and wondering whether you have “someone” or something around you all of the time, here is a list of attributes that are common to people who have been shown to have entities around them at all times:

Selacia – Equinox Gateway Preparation – 5 March 2015

SelaciaThis month’s Equinox may be one of the most potent experienced in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of what you can do now to prepare for beneficial spiritual openings available at this gateway. What you say yes or no to at this juncture could have long-term implications in your life.
As a reminder, we’re sitting in a very powerful energy month. Highlights include a rare culmination Pluto-Uranus planetary lineup happening March 16, sure to catalyze long-lasting waves of changes on both personal and collective levels. Added to that is the total Solar Eclipse with New Moon (a supermoon) at the March 20 Equinox.
Any one of these energy events, but certainly all three, can lead to significant turning points – for humanity as a whole and for you personally. Adding to the intensity, we have a powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on April 4.

Anna Merkaba - Urgent Message To Ground Crew – Total Solar Eclipse – March 20 – Galactics - Mar 5, 2015

SOLARECLIPSE032015URGENT NOTICE TO ALL OF GROUND CREW. A set of events that were set into motion resulted in a decision that will change the world as we know it. A few days ago I have received a transmission which is highly important for all of you to read. In it our Galactic Star Aliances talk about what has occurred and what is about to happen around March 20th, the “dark moon” as they call it, which is the solar eclipse.
Please be mindful of what you allow into your psyche. The times ahead are incredibly auspicious, everything that you want to happen will, therefore be careful what you wish for, and whatever you put into motion now will manifest very quickly into your reality. This is the time to create a beautiful new world, or rather restore it to the pristine state that it once were. Many in know understand the importance of these magnificent energies entering GAIA and so will try to pull your energy to them. Please focus on your now moment, disregarding whatever the media will try to feed you, in order to move your focus away from what you are truly here to do and are trying to achieve. The times between now and September are incredibly important. The more positive you stay the more light you can anchor, the better everything will be once we move closer and closer to September.

UFOs the Best Evidence HD - THE VISITORS - Cat# U561Y

Benjamin Fulford - March 2, 2015: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:


and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:


By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

Christine Meleriessee - Prepare for the Unexpected - Mar 5, 2015

full moonThe Full Moon Within Virgo  ~ The Festival of Pisces
The full moon of March 5th, 2015 occurs at 10:05 AM Pacific, 18:05 GMT which is bringing the energetic push of allowing our Higher Selves to be more fully active within our daily lives.
With this new vortex of light, it can also cause us to look at elements in our world completely different.  As humans, we have a tendency of looking at things through the way it has always been accomplished through our physical and lower self. This month we are taken into a new part of essence to be accepted.
This moon is represented within the Sign of Virgo which reflects our daily activities especially in the “need” for order within the Sun Sign of Pisces giving us the essence of our spiritual selves of vision and wanting to change the order into freedom of the self. This can also cause some kind of crisis within our consciousness as the merging of the sun and moon at this time brings us illumination and enlightenment of what has been and what needs to change.

Selacia - Preparación para la Puerta de Entrada al Equinoccio - 5 de Febrero 2015


5 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El equinoccio de este mes puede ser uno de los más potentes experimentados en los últimos años. He aquí una instantánea de lo que puedes hacer ahora para prepararte para las aperturas espirituales beneficiosas disponibles en este portal. A lo que le digas sí o no en esta coyuntura podría tener implicaciones a largo plazo en tu vida.

Patricia Cota-Robles – 2015 Is Our Year Of Initiation – Into A Higher Order Of Being – 5 March 2015

patriciacotaroblesThe outer World is beginning to reflect Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. I know some people resist that term because they feel it is based in Christianity. That is not true. Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we were invested with at our inception, when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God.
As Sons and Daughters of God, Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we must ALL return to if we are going to continue our evolutionary process. Our return to Christ Consciousness will be accomplished by healing the adverse affects of our fall from Grace, so that we can Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution to the next level of our learning experiences.

miércoles, marzo 04, 2015

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Marzo del 2015 - Feb 28, 2015

por Lena Stevens
28 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En Marzo, el tema principal es el PODER.

El poder es un asunto ENORME con muchas capas a explorar, redefinir, comprender y aceptar. Hemos trabajado antes con el tema del poder, pero éste es un tiempo nuevo con influencias nuevas, de modo que algunas lecciones serán diferentes.

Este mes tendrás la oportunidad de observar todas tus creencias sobre el poder, así como explorar cómo trabajas personalmente con las cuestiones relacionadas con el poder. Serás capaz de identificar en qué formas entregas tu poder, y podrás trabajar para cambiar esa conducta eliminando las fugas y estableciendo mejores límites. Todos tenemos nuestra estructura de creencia con respecto a lo que creemos que tenemos poder para hacer o para no hacer. Este mes es una verdadera oportunidad para moverte más allá de las limitaciones de la "caja" de tu propia capacidad de tener poder personal y en lo que realmente te es posible soñar y manifestar.

Una de las frases de moda de este mes es "¡ponerse en marcha!"

Lena Stevens - Actualización de Luna Llena del 5 de Marzo de 2015 - Mar 3, 2015

por Lena Stevens
3 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el jueves 5 de marzo, a las 11.05 a.m. (horario de las montañas).

La luna llena es excelente para anclar una nueva apuesta por el poder y pedir la ayuda del espíritu. Es buen momento para permitirte recibir el poder de la luna y de otros elementos de la naturaleza. Piensa en algo que desees "poner en marcha" y dedica algún tiempo durante esta luna llena para la oración e intención de que así sea. Este es un tiempo de alta energía, y se utiliza mejor con enfoque directo e intención. Debes saber qué quieres y cuando establezcas tu intención ¡estar listo para recibirlo!



martes, marzo 03, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - El Cambio está Viniendo, ¿Estás Listo para ello? - Feb 23, 2015

23 de febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tengo que compartir un secreto contigo, a mí no me gusta el cambio. De hecho, soy muy mucho un animal de costumbres. Me encanta el orden y la rutina, así que cuando tengo que hacer cambios, generalmente me tomo mi tiempo y luego los hago cuando ya no tengo ninguna otra opción. Esto significa que el cambio se produce con cierta brusquedad y, a veces de una manera que no puedo manejar, lo que significa que no puedo demorarlo por más tiempo. Nuestra necesidad de cambio surge cuando nos hemos "quedado sin energía" en nuestra realidad actual y si nos vamos a mover en cualquier dirección, vamos a tener que permitir que ocurra el cambio. No podemos estar abiertos a la transformación (lo cual significa "cambiar de forma") si no estamos dispuestos a cambiar nada en nuestra vida, sobre todo cuando avanzar o cumplir una intención requiere de algún tipo de cambio, o que algo en nuestra vida sea diferente.

Human sacrificing going on, underneath the Vatican.Undeniable proof

Aisha North - A short update on the Gathering - Mar 3, 2015

By now, you will all have begun to settle a little bit more into these new tracks that you laid down during that ever so impressive get-together that you staged just a few days ago, and even if the first stages of this new part of your journey may seem to be somewhat shaky for some of you, you will all find yourself steadying into this new rhythm, or rather, vibration. For as you came together and pooled your formidable resources of individual frequencies into this already deep reservoir of light that has been collected here in this space, you also set off some very new frequencies, frequencies that were engendered in the meeting points of your own individual tunes. In other words, your singular currents created some very distinct patterns wherever they intersected with those of the others connected to this Pond through their own individual vibrating string of light, and through this process, a vast new tapestry of light was co-created by you all.

Brenda Hoffman – You is Solving 3D Mysteries – 3 March 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Your life is never going to be as it is today or was yesterday. Some of you are sensing this deep shift. Others are wondering what recent messages of dramatic change are about.
Channels have stated, “What was is no longer” for years. Even though the shift happening now is truly the demarcation between what was and what is. Prior to the energies now raining on earth, you lived a 3D life with 5D, 6D or beyond intent and sensations. Such is no longer.
After this particular shift, you will be of earth, but not of 3D. This is difficult for many to understand for you will likely continue with your job, perhaps a need to care for others older or younger than you and other similar relationships based on 3D you. Yet, those 3D relationships are rapidly fading for you have little interest in continuing 3D roles.
Such may appear to be a dire prediction as you believe your 3D relationships fill much of your being. In truth, they do not.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 3-5-15

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Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, March 5 at 11:05 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This full moon is excellent for anchoring a new bid for power and asking spirit for help. It is a good time for allowing yourself to receive the power from the moon and other elements of nature. Think of something you wish to “power up” and spend some time during this full moon in prayer and intention that it will be so. This is a high energy time and best used with direct focus and intention. Know what you want and when you set your intention be ready to receive it!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Mar 3, 2015

10 Ik, 0 Ceh, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come forth with news that we have long waited to tell you! The energies for the beginnings of the delivery schedule are finally at hand. This process took some divine time to achieve. Our earthly allies feel confident that a restart to all delivery programs can be put into place. The various systems required for this are now in working order and a new international banking system is ready to see that deliveries happen. Thus, the first necessary step in putting aside the old order is ready. The others connected in this supply line are ready as well to perform their various duties. Your realm is to begin a vast transformation. Your prosperity is therefore to be in your hands shortly. These exchanges of funds are quickly to create the conditions needed to bring forth new governance. This, in turn, is going to eventually permit the formal recognition of our existence. All of these various actions are finally to put you on a much faster track to full consciousness. The dark cabal’s many delaying tactics are done and we are most happy to see the termination of their vile schemes. You are approaching a new watershed in your liberation from millennia of slavery!

Sandra Walter – Clarity On The Current Merge – 3 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I AM on day three of a water fast and I AM feeling superb. Just a note on the latest video: I was wary of sharing the Ascension Path calls since they can be taken out of context.
A Note for clarity, in Love, Light and Service:
Regarding the focus on merging 9D and below for Equinox: Of course we expand to 12D and beyond out to Source Level – that is the Solar Cosmic Christ integration. The merge of dimensional expressions from 9D down is presenting right now as a supported, conscious step supported by the incoming energies. We are about to make another collective timeline Shift.

Sarah Varcas - Past Times, Future Realities - Mar 3, 2015

astrology of March 2015, Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 2015, Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, healing the past, divine within and without, Neptune in Pisces, Mercury, inner listening, healthy ego development, freedom and responsibility, conscious relationships, Age of Aquarius
Image: “There To Catch Should I Fall” by Gary Rosenberg

The energy of the cosmos reaches us in waves. It ebbs and flows like the tide, high one moment, low the next, coming in, flowing out, frighteningly stormy then beautifully calm. The same forces which propel the planets in their orbits radiate around us shifting and reordering at every level. At times these energies propel us forward into the new, presenting fresh perspectives and new experiences. At others they arrive as echoes, reawakening the past to bring it to completion. Last month was characterised by the former, this month by the latter. Throughout March the vestiges of the past arise once more for our attention. This is a month of tying up loose ends, the completion of lengthy processes and the review of progress thus far. This is how the universe works. We are initiated into the new even as we then face once more the old. This is the cosmic dance which shapes our lives and the life of this beautiful planet we call home. It is Sacred Source living through and all around us honouring its own cycles of birth and death, creation and destruction, light and dark, the known and the unknowable. We are born of these cycles and throughout this year our apprenticeship in how to live them fully and without restraint continues unabated.

lunes, marzo 02, 2015

Christina Lunden - March 2015 - Three Major Keys for Your Ascension to the 5th Dimension - March 2, 2015

~Breathing – Deep breathing is even more important now. Remember to take the time to consciously breathe. The Angels recommend 3 long, slow, deep breaths, 3 times a day. Doing this will keep you in your heart more than in your mind. You have more power and control when you are in your heart.
When you raised your energy from a 3rd dimensional human into a 5th dimensional spiritual human being, doing everything spiritually first keeps you on the easy path. Remembering to take 3 long, slow, deep breaths will help you stay on that easy path.
The best method is what the Angels lovingly call the “Candy Cane” breathing. Visualizing a candy cane starting at your nose. Breathing in through the nose, going down the back of the throat, deep into the lungs then reversing it pulling out all the old and stale air from the bottom of the lungs, hooking back around the throat and breathing it out through your nose. Then doing it again. Each time going deeper into the lungs.

Benjamín Fulford - 02-03-15. Confusión y caos en el más alto nivel de los gobiernos del G-7 mientras comienza la revolución

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/03/02/confusion-and-chaos-at-highest-levels-of-g7-governments-as-revolution-begins/
Hay un vacío de liderazgo peligroso en los más altos niveles de poder dentro de las naciones del G-7 mientras el colapso financiero se avecina. Habrá colapso económico, hambruna masiva, anarquía y guerra civil a menos que el sistema sea totalmente reiniciado. Por otro lado, si se reinicia el sistema, los niveles de vida en los países del mundo pueden duplicarse en un año. La clave es liberar a las naciones del mundo de la esclavitud de la deuda de Babilonia. Para aquellos que no entienden esta realidad, echen un vistazo a este enlace:
y luego a éste para observar la magnitud de la esclavitud de la deuda mundial:
Con la organización de un jubileo, o cancelación por una sola vez de toda la deuda mundial, pública y privada, los niveles de vida humana pueden ser efectivamente duplicados en un año. La clave para lograr esto es forzar la rendición de la mafia tribal zionazi Jázara (no Khazaka) que controla este sistema.

Kryon - Lee Carrroll - Creación Benevolente - La Gran Apuesta - Las Vegas, Nevada, 22 de Febrero de 2015

Las Vegas, Nevada, 22 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y saludos para quienes vienen por primera vez, porque tienen ante ustedes un enigma. El hombre de la silla les ha hablado por más de una hora. Se sienta allí, y es su voz otra vez; todo lo que ustedes han aprendido en su vida sobre la realidad de qué es qué y de cómo funciona, les dice que es el mismo sujeto en una silla y es él hablando otra vez. Tantas veces hemos hablado de esto; es lo mismo para todos.

Existe un puente de creencia que ustedes cruzan cuando se sientan en un lugar espiritual para un culto. En este momento estamos en un centro espiritual; yo sé quién soy, sé quién está aquí, sé quién está escuchando, porque estoy en un lugar dimensional que tiene una realidad que promueve eso. Es muy, muy diferente de la de ustedes en este momento. Entonces, lo que hemos hecho en el pasado es pedirles que salgan de esta caja, una caja en la que dicen estar porque lo necesitan. Necesitan estar en ella por su supervivencia mental, no pueden permitirse entrar en otro territorio de creencia, y algunos dicen que es porque allí hay demasiadas cosas. Les pregunto: ¿Acaso eso les impide meditar o hablar a Dios de alguna manera? Sea lo que sea que Dios significa para ustedes, cuando hablan a Dios ¿tienen que trazar una raya de lógica, sentarse y jadear un rato y cambiar energías? La respuesta es no. Porque está en el interior y es intuitivo, allí mismo, con su mano extendida, pidiéndoles que sean parte de todo. Quiero que crucen esa barrera y se acostumbren porque, eventualmente, querido ser humano, eventualmente, la naturaleza humana lo requerirá.

Mahala – Planet Alert March 2015 – 2 March 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on March 1st, 2015
Are you emotionally prepared for the month of March? Mars has moved into Aries, which is a fire sign, and the first couple of weeks Mars will be moving into making an aspect to the Uranus/Pluto square. This energy could become very explosive so please keep your cool. This will be the seventh and final Uranus/Pluto square. This energy will affect our heads, brains, and crown chakra because that is what the sign of Aries rules. The Sun will be moving through the emotional sign of Pisces until March 20th; our emotions will be greatly affected by this emotional fire energy.
Have you felt any fear or anxiety lately and wondered where it came from? You thought you had released your issues and here comes more to release. I just realized that the whole world has been releasing their old fears for the past two plus years as Saturn moved through Scorpio. A lot of fear was released during that time period and where did all that fear go?  I was told it got caught in our atmosphere and formed an invisible dark cloud around Earth and everyone who is sensitive picks up this universal fear and thinks it is their own fear.

Jahn J Kassl - PESTILENCE OF END-TIME, SANANDA - Mar 2, 2015

The false Prophets

Whoever receives his energy exclusively from God 
and whose nourishment is the inexhaustible primal 
Source of All-That-Is is a true Master, and not the 
one, who expects for his well-being the gratitude 
and dedication of human Beings seeking help from 
And this behavior, whereby Masters in great numbers 
enrich themselves from the energy of their students, 
from the strength of the ones seeking help and protection, 
is widely pronounced among the false prophets of this time. 

domingo, marzo 01, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Mankind!
The day of fulfillment is closer than the next breath. 
Thereby this world reaches the edge and passes over
to the new level of Creation and into the Kingdom of Light.
With one throw, in one sound and by the Grace of the One, 
this mankind and the world rise. There is hardly any time left 
in order to organize one’s affairs and to heal in spirit, soul 
and body, yet there are plenty of opportunities to orient 
oneself toward the Light.

Ron Head - “The Council” - You Have Exactly What Is Needed For Where You Are - Mar 1, 2015

councilThe Council
As you go through your day, are you finding that you are reacting to situations that used to ‘push your buttons’ in ways that surprise you? Have you changed so much? Are you one of those who is experiencing unexplainable things around you?
Are you seeing things that you were never able to see before? Perhaps you even question whether or not you really did see them? Hearing things? Knowing things you never knew and don’t know how you know?
Are you having dreams that are much clearer and more promising? Are you feeling as if something huge and important is just around the next corner?
Welcome to March of this new year. Welcome to the new you. For those of you on the top end of your planet, Spring is about to spring. For all of you, your Spring is beginning to bloom. We have told you many times that you each have remarkable gifts that you have brought with you for this new time. Many of you have wondered what we were speaking of. If, and as, you search inside for your true selves, you will now find these things. Some will not seem so very impressive to you. Let us assure you that you have exactly what is needed for where you are.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – March 1, 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 1, 2015
We come with greetings of love and grace to assist all who seek change and deeper awareness. We observe that many have already accomplished this; you have done the work and are beginning to see the fruitage of that work.
As Gaia lifts into ever higher dimensional levels, many are beginning to more easily experience and integrate the deeper truths. Concepts previously taken for granted as being truth, have become no longer acceptable to ever increasing numbers of people. Some holding positions of leadership or fame who comfortably spewed lies or acted in ways to enhance their own power, authority, wealth, and self aggrandizement, are being exposed. This is happening because so many have begun to listen to and act upon their intuition instead of simply accepting “bought and paid for” sources of information. You are awakening from the dream.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 1° al 8 de Marzo, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Es importante conectarse con el corazón y seguir su consejo, y recordar que algunas personas están pasando por experiencias en el momento presente que requieren de empatía, compasión y comprensión mientras se manejan con sus sentimientos en sus respectivas maneras propias. Recuerden el amor que yace en el centro de sus seres y en los suyos y dejen que el amor se exprese como lo desee. Algunos de los cambios que se producen en la vida de las personas son los que crean una revalorización total de cómo uno ve la vida propia y puede ser un proceso difícil el que se experimenta. En el núcleo de todos los cambios en la vida de uno se encuentra una lección sobre la aceptación de que no todo puede seguir igual y que los acontecimientos que suceden dejan un vacío que nada puede reemplazar. En esto, sólo el paso del tiempo cura estos entendimientos.

Natalie Glasson – The Evolution Of Intuition To Power By Lord Melchizedek – 1 March 2015

Expressions of love continue to flow with ease and perfection from my being, Lord Melchizedek, into your entire vibrational being. We resonate and exist in oneness; perfection is our natural vibration as we are all experiencing complete processes of integration with the divine source of the Creator. Perfection is your truth, your essence and existence. To allow yourself to exist as an expression of the Creator in every given moment is the perfection of your being and the Creator.

Perfection isn’t about being flawless, exact, correct or accomplished in your everyday existence, more so the perfection of the Creator speaks of integration, resona ce, alignment and experiencing the divine flow of the Creator surging through your being. You are already the  perfection of the Creator, in order to enhance your ability to accept yourself in this way there is a need to enhance your intuition and inner power, in truth recognising the tools you already possess  to express the Creator. As you surrender to the Creator allowing the divine Universe to work through you, there will no longer be a need to create or force the presence of perfection from within you or into your daily reality.
When you allow the Creator to flow through your being you recognise perfection manifesting within you and around you free from your effort, due to the fact you are dancing in complete harmony with the rhythm of the Creator. Many of you are following your inner spiritual evolution and ascension with much dedication and devotion, you may also be wondering upon some level within your mind what the outcome and purpose is for the current ascension. It is my wish to share some insights with you which you can imprint into your being as energetic templates of creation, if you so wish, to aid the manifestation of truth upon the Earth.

Ronna Herman – Messages From Archangel Michael – Becoming A Practical Mystic – 1 March 2015

ronna1aBeloved masters, there is a Light Path that will lead you out of the density into the LIGHTNESS OF THE SPIRITUAL REALMS.   The key that allows you to traverse this Sacred Path is within you–it is called your SOUL SONG. You are attuned to what is called your Energetic Signature while you are functioning within the Third- / lower Fourth-Dimensional environment. You are gradually attuning to your SOUL SONG as you move through the remaining sub-levels of the Higher Fourth Dimension, and into the entry level of the Fifth-Dimensional environment.
Your Energetic Signature has resonance, cadence, tones and vibrancy, and it radiates forth from your seven major Chakra Centers and your auric field. It changes daily, along with your thoughts and deeds, for it is responsive to the ego-desire body personality, and to the constant highs and lows of the emotional nature. Gradually, the ego–desire body personality becomes a servant of the Soul, and your vibrational patterns slowly begin to return to a state of balance and harmony. When your base frequency patterns reach the mid-Fourth Dimensional level and above, your auric field gradually expands, and it becomes more radiant. At that time, your Energetic Signature will begin to align with your higher-frequency Soul Song.  This, in turn, initiates a Clarion Call to the higher Facets of your Soul Self to begin the process of reunification.  Your original Soul Song was in perfect harmony with the Celestial Soul Song of this Sub-Universe; it was how you were, and are, recognized by your Soul Family members and the great Beings of Light.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 1 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every moment there is truth or illusion. In every moment there is love or illusion. You, with the precious gift of free will, get to choose where you will focus, and therefore what you will be able to experience.
We know it is very challenging at times to see the love and feel the love that is all around you, and yet with a single act of willpower you can seek out something beautiful in all things, even in your own pain and anguish at times. Even within that is a desire for love arising within you. Even within that is a wish for better, for a kinder experience of life. Set your sights upon that. When life offers a challenge, by all means give yourself great compassion, but then allow yourself to acknowledge the love that is attempting to arise within you. You want help. You want comfort. You want to know that God’s love is there for you. In all things, in all moments, in all phases of your life, you want to know that God’s love is there for you. This love is as ever-present as the sun that shines behind the clouds, no matter how dark the storm.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff - March 1, 2015


Beloved Ones,
It is important to connect into one’s heart and follow its counsel and to remember that some people are going through experiences in their present moment that require one’s empathy, compassion, and understanding as they deal with their feelings in their own respective ways.
Remember the love that lies at the core of their being and in yours and just let it be however it wishes to express itself. Some changes that occur in people’s lives are those that create a total revaluation of how one views their own, and that can be a difficult process as it is experienced.
At the core of all changes in one’s life lies a lesson of acceptance, that not everything can stay the same and that events happen that leave a void that nothing can ever replace. In this, it is only the passage of time which heals these realizations.
Love in its many facets of expression is a most potent force and can heal even the most cynical of expectations. When love is held foremost in a person’s heart, the world conspires to bring one experiences that reflect that love.

Anna Merkaba - Aquarius Constellation – Morpheus Apparatus – Personal Experience - March 1, 2015

01_AquariusAquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing
Greetings everyone, I would like to share something amazing with all of you which may be interesting for many of you and actually may spark some remembrance within you. I was working on a spectacular being of light a few days ago who has come to me for a healing session. She was very lost and wanted to know why she is here. I have given up doing personal channelings, but if during a healing session something comes up I always include it into my report. Here is the information that started to flood through me for her in regards to her Mission here on earth.
“You are here to utilize the hidden decrees left on earth eons into the past, in order to stabilize the energies of Aquarius. As the Aquarius constellation plays a major role in the unfolding of your present reality. For through the Aquarius constellation the sacred encodings shall be delivered to earth in divine right timing. You represent the hidden treasure, which has been granted to earthlings in order to take their righteous place in the universe.

Eliza - Council of Nine: Divine by Nature Aside - March 1, 2015

"Snowy Summit", acrylic on canvas, 16" x 20", Eliza Ayres, 2015.
“Snowy Summit”, acrylic on canvas, 16″ x 20″, Eliza Ayres, 2015.
Council of Nine: Divine by Nature
We are the Council of Nine, one of many councils involved in the evolution and transition of planet Earth.
Today, you enter another new phase. The subtle energies of stars and planets has moved into another set of signs. These cycles continue often beyond your awareness, influencing your life. It is for this reason astrology was once considered a science, one of many. It will be that when once again science and esoteric knowledge re-discover that their seemingly disparate perceptions of the world are indeed mutually supportive in essence.
There is so much for you to re-learn about your world. Those tribes whom your leaders have called primitive resonate more closely to the rhythms and seasons of the planet than the populations cooped up in the large unnatural cities. Your forefathers were “encouraged” to leave the soil behind and find “jobs” in the urban settings so you could more easily be controlled by the wealthy and powerful few. In truth, many former peasants and people of land and forest were forced out of their former abodes through the process of clearances and through the destruction wrought by war and pestilence.

sábado, febrero 28, 2015

Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel – “Maintaining A Calm Center In Expanded Consciousness” – 28 February 2015

LindaRobinsonMarch 2015
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining a calm center in the higher frequencies of Light and expanded consciousness.
The higher frequencies of Light are continuing to come to the 3rd dimension in waves of energy that can assist you on your ascension path. As this occurs, it affects the existing patterns of energy on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When you remain aware that this higher frequency energy is around you, you are able to use it for expanded consciousness and highest good.
The higher frequency energy brings opportunities for looking at existing patterns and situations in new ways. Current patterns of activity can be re-examined in this new Light of expanded consciousness. It is as if old energy is being dislodged and brought forth for re-evaluation. Sometimes it may occur gradually, such as an aha moment that gently comes into your awareness, or it may be a more rapid occurrence when it happens all at once.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Puerta - Una Parábola de Wo Introducción - Feb 21, 2015

Sacramento, California, 21 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Las energías en el salón son conocidas. Las energías en el salón las establecen los que están en él. Para muchos este proceso resulta extraño; otros están enterados de su realidad. Y antes de empezar hoy con esto, y con el mensaje, el mensaje breve que damos, les pido discernimiento; quiero que salgan de la 3D. En este planeta empieza a tener lugar una energía que está trayendo un nuevo paradigma de realidad.

Eventualmente la humanidad comenzará a volverse multidimensional, y lentamente tomará conciencia de realidades que son diferentes de las que acepta hoy. Las cosas que hoy parecen extrañas, inusuales, incluso mágicas, comenzarán a respaldarse en un razonamiento, y a verse una y otra vez. Procesos, formas de pensar, un factor de benevolencia que no esperaban, empezarán lentamente a aparecer, y lo invisible será menos misterioso, será explicable. La humanidad comenzará a agregar una perspectiva dimensional a lo que siempre pensaron que estaba allí, y eso incluirá un complemento o potencial espiritual.

Steve Rother - La labor de los Trabajadores de Luz -Transmutar el temor en amor - 15 de febrero de 2015

Los Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar de los Faros de Luz son presentaciones en Vivo en Internet, transcritas y enviadas en inglés los días 15 de cada mes. El próximo mensaje de “VirtualLight” de Lightworker.com en VIVO será el sábado 28 de febrero de 2015

a las 11:00 a.m. Hora del Pacífico de Los Estados Unidos

~Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar~

Nota: el siguiente mensaje ha sido recanalizado y editado con la supervisión del Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos.

La energía de este día es mágica, va más allá de su comprensión. Ustedes han descubierto una visión de su futuro que pocos humanos han logrado ver alguna vez. Están acostumbrados a observar su historia solo después del acontecimiento. Posiblemente, por primera vez en la evolución de la humanidad, pueden ver hacia adelante en esta línea de tiempo. Ahora existen desafíos y ajustes por los que tienen que pasar. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, queridos. Ya lo han podido comprobar desde su perspectiva financiera e incluso desde su perspectiva astrológica y ahora les daremos la visión del espíritu. Básicamente, han pasado por un cambio, un gran cambio. Ya les anunciamos esto y les hablamos al respecto a fines del 12-12-12. Ese portal fue mucho mayor de lo que comprendió la mayoría de las personas y a medida que fueron atravesando esa energía, iniciaron una oleada. Esa oleada tiene su precesión y su recesión. Avanza y retrocede. Muchas veces, cuando va hacia adelante, ustedes consideran que es un avance de la humanidad. Y cuando retrocede, como es natural, tiende a sacar lo peor de la humanidad. Bueno, eso es lo que han estado experimentando constantemente en su planeta desde que cruzaron ese portal.

Selacia - Navegación Prudente de las Energías de Marzo - Feb 26, 2015

26 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Con las energías salvajes de Marzo a la vuelta de la esquina, piensen en prepararse ahora con estas visiones sobre lo que se avecina y cómo pueden cambiar sus resultados personales en forma positiva. La previsión y el planeamiento por adelantado pueden hacer toda la diferencia - ayudarles a aprovechar las oportunidades de un nuevo comienzo y a evitar la reacción a las sorpresas y las crisis.

Cada mes tiene sus momentos intensos. Entonces, ¿qué es lo inusual en marzo?

Brenda Hoffman - Jugar es Tu Lección de Hoy ... y Para Siempre - Feb 14, 2015


Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Has soportado, has descansado y ahora es el momento de disfrutar tomando sol - algo que has descuidado durante tanto tiempo. Es como si te hubieras escondido en un pequeño armario para que otros no pudieran adivinar quién eras en realidad. Te vestiste como se vestían ellos. Caminaste y hablaste como ellos lo hacían - pero tu no eres ellos y nunca lo has sido. Simplemente fingiste ser ellos durante millones de años en la tierra.

¿Quiénes son ellos? Cualquiera menos tú.

Pero encajar y seguir las reglas para que nadie sepa tu verdad se va convirtiendo en un problema cuando te das cuenta de que ya no necesitas preocuparte más por los demás o poner a los demás primero - aunque esa sea tu inclinación primera.

Solara - Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Febrero 2015 ~ IMPLEMENTANDO EL MEGA REINICIO ~ Feb 28, 2015


Por Solara

Traducción: Margarita López

Febrero es un mes súper concentrado y ultra potente de Acción de Rápido Avance. Este mes contiene tres Saltos importantes. El Primer Salto se produjo cuando entramos en febrero, que comenzó con una poderosa explosión de energía, haciendo que algunos de nosotros nos sintamos como si nos hubieran disparado de un cañón.

Febrero se despliega poco a poco, afortunadamente, teniendo en cuenta lo fuerte que son las energías en este momento. Es como que nos estamos precipitando por una enorme colina en un trineo, con el freno de mano activado a ambos lados. Estos frenos crean muchísimas chispas por el rozamiento en la pista de hielo, pero no nos desaceleran significativamente. Cuando Mercurio se tornó directo el 11 de febrero, uno de los frenos de mano se soltó. El Segundo Salto de febrero comenzó.

Méline Portia Lafont – Reminder And Reflection Of The Moment From Saint Germain: What Is Freedom? – 28 February 2015

What is freedom?
It is being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions, control, ideas, values, time, self image, actions… for these issues all limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts of you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
Truly, when you think about it and are trying to conceive what freedom is, to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation through a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting into words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to conceive it as.

Questions for Jim - What's Wrong With Me - I'm Not Okay?

Abraham Hicks - Find Your Way towards Money