martes, julio 01, 2014

Las Energías de Julio 2014 - Jennifer Hoffman - 29 de Junio 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En las predicciones para el 2014 escribí que la segunda mitad del 2014 sería muy diferente de la primera y ese período comienza el 1ro de julio. Es muy apropiado que el mes comience con Mercurio directo y durante el mes Marte y Saturno terminarán ambos sus largos retrógrados, entonces cuatro planetas cambiarán de signo. Esa es mucha actividad para un mes pero estamos listos para ello, ¿no? Julio abrirá las puertas al cambio, liberando mucha energía estancada e invitándonos a avanzar hacia los cambios y la transformación por la que hemos estado esperando desde hace mucho tiempo. Ese momento que hemos estado esperando y deseando ya está aquí ahora. Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es decidir lo que vamos a hacer con la energía.

Lena Stevens - The Theme for July 2014 is “THE UNFOLDING”. - Jul 1, 2014

This month has the potential to be beautifully inspiring, where we observe how our life is unfolding without any additional effort, and we witness how our choices and changes are influencing what is manifesting for us. Even if you feel that recent changes in your life are not due to your conscious choices, choose the changes anyway. and follow the unfolding, choosing every moment to be present and accepting. This is the position of power.
Right timing is another big theme this month and there will be many lessons around trusting right timing as a means to effortless action.

Jahn J Kassl - HAVE COURAGE, ASANA MAHATARI - Jul 1, 2014 - 1. Juli 2014 HABT MUT, ASANA MAHATARI - Jul 1, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Who establishes the Kingdom of Peace in this World.
The ascension process constantly requires adjustments 
and needs divine interventions. Yes, the time, wherein 
mankind is not left to itself or the dark princes, has come.
Trust, come and be. Whole!

Jim Self – Planetary Update July 2014 – 1 July 2014

Nicolas Sarkozy becomes first former head of state to be held in police custody - Jul 1, 2014

Former president questioned in long running corruption probe

Nicolas Sarkozy turned up early Tuesday in a black saloon car with tinted windows to be quizzed by investigators at their offices in Nanterre, west of Paris
Nicolas Sarkozy turned up early Tuesday in a black saloon car with tinted windows to be quizzed by investigators at their offices in Nanterre, west of Paris Photo: AP
Nicolas Sarkozy became the first former French head of state to be held in police custody on Tuesday when he turned himself in for questioning in a corruption probe that could torpedo his hopes of making a political comeback.
His allies quickly accused the Socialist government of President Francois Hollande of conducting a witch hunt against the politician many on the right hope will run again for the presidency in 2017.

lunes, junio 30, 2014

Judith Dagley – The Nitty-Gritty: What Does Transformation FEEL Like? – 30 June 2014

judithI know I’ve said many times that the way to transform your “reality” into one that is in alignment with your dreams is to simply hold the frequencies of how you want your NEW “reality” to feel. And that is true. It is frequency that creates form. But since the energies of  “2014; Our Year of Integration”  are, indeed, proving it to be our “Year of Integration,” we’ve also moved onto what I call “The  Fast Track as Reality Creators.”  The way I know that  is through experiencing it.

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino” - RONNA -


Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino”

Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amados maestros, ¿continuamos la revisión de algunas de las enseñanzas más importantes del pasado? Es vital que tengan muy afianzados dentro de su banco de memoria los objetivos principales del proceso de ascensión. Ustedes están actualmente en el proceso de integración del próximo nivel apropiado de Luz del Creador, con la asistencia de la inteligencia de su Sobre Alma. La conexión con y la integración de las muchas facetas de su Yo de quinta dimensión redundará finalmente en un nuevo anteproyecto biológico de creación.

Su Derecho Divino de Nacimiento incluye todos los dones, talentos, atributos y virtudes de la Creación. Ellos están ahí gratuitamente para que los tomen. Sin embargo, ustedes deben merecerlos a través de sus propios esfuerzos y entonces compartir su sabiduría integrada con los que están detrás de ustedes en el Sendero. Los sabios/los maestros de la Tierra y los iniciados en el Sendero han dedicado mucho tiempo y esfuerzo para poner de manifiesto los talentos de ellos y para obtener la sabiduría que ellos comparten con todo el que sea un buscador de ésta. La misión de ellos es la de hacer más fácil el viaje de experiencia o la tarea de alcanzar la auto maestría y ellos merecen una remuneración por sus esfuerzos. Debe haber un intercambio abundante. Ustedes deben hacer el tiempo y el esfuerzo – o deben compensar a quienes les facilitan el camino al brindarles las enseñanzas de sabiduría avanzada de los reinos superiores. Ustedes deben elevar sus ideas y metas a las frecuencias más altas posibles, convirtiéndolas por tanto en ideales refinados que beneficien a toda la humanidad.

Fran Zepeda – Archangel Zadkiel: Your Radiant Divinity – 30 June 2014

 Picture of me 5 (2)Archangel Zadkiel:
 “The radiance that is your true self has many facets and within those facets are even more facets, and on and on, and so on into infinity. You are comprised of so many facets, and Beloveds, you are venturing to gather all those facets into and unto yourselves and in that, are creating a brilliance that is indescribable.
We give you that you are immense in your scope and thus you can easily see that Oneness is not far from being understood if you consider that concept and idiom in that light.
And so beloveds, rejoice in your immense Radiance for it is affecting the world in so many ways.  Allow it to grow as you integrate all your facets by being aware of them and welcoming them to you in all their glory.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The processes on all levels are carried to the top,
until it happens what has to happen: The discharge of all 
potentials accumulated so far and this in an “instant of mankind”!

Beloved Ones,

In the course of the ascension of the world, at a certain moment, 
the absolute point of return, the “turning point” occurs. It is the point, 
when all processes of the linear space-time sequence turn around and 
like the swing of a pendulum move in the opposite direction. This 
moment of reversal consolidates all still outstanding events in an 
instance of time and changes the so far determining reality.

AA Michael - "TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY" - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Asumiendo El Control De Su Destino” - Ronna - Jun 30, 2014

Beloved masters, shall we continue the review of some of our most important teachings of the past?  It is vital that you have the major objectives of the ascension process firmly entrenched within your memory bank. You are currently in the process of integrating the next appropriate level of Creator Light, with the assistance of your OverSoul intelligence. Connecting with and integrating the many facets of your fifth-dimensional Self will ultimately result in a new biological blueprint of creation.
Your Divine Birthright includes all the gifts, talents, attributes and virtues of Creation.  They are free–yours for the taking.  However, you must earn them through your own efforts, and then share your integrated wisdom with those on the Path behind you. The wise ones / the masters of the Earth and the initiates on the Path have spent countless time and effort to bring forth their talents, and to gain the wisdom they share with everyone who is a seeker of wisdom.  Their mission is to make the journey or the task of gaining Self-mastery easier, and they deserve remuneration for their efforts.  There must be an abundance exchange. You must put forth the time and effort yourself--or you must compensate those who pave the way for you by supplying you with the advanced wisdom teachings of the higher realms. You must lift your ideas and goals to the highest frequencies possible, thereby making them refined ideals which will benefit all humanity.