jueves, febrero 06, 2014

Wes Annac - Earthly Heaven - Feb 6, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The world around us holds a great deal of beauty and amazement. We only need to open our eyes and look around to notice the miracles that are everywhere, and when we do, we’ll understand that heaven has always been here. Heaven exists right here, right now, waiting to be realized again.
With all of the pain and nastiness that exists here, our planet brims with full consciousness. The earth is able to take a great deal of damage and destruction and still provide an unflinchingly pure vibration for all of her creatures, so what stops us from anchoring and expressing the divine qualities despite our experience of the same pain?

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 394 – 6 February 2014

AishaNorthAs many of you have already noticed, this influx of energetic transmission is pushing on a whole new set of buttons within you, and by doing this, you will subsequently start to see things in a very new light indeed. And yes, we do mean this in every sense of the word, as not only the inherent quality of this light, but also your ability to perceive it, is changing rapidly now. And with it comes a whole new sense of being not only human, but something far, far more complex than this. In addition, your ability to sense everything that lies beyond the scope of human understanding will also magnify, as you will be brought into contact with spheres of Creation you were not even aware existed. So yes, much is opening up now, and it can be easy to think of oneself as getting lost within this at times mesmerizing and complex maze of new beginnings and old departures.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 6 February 2014

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called manifestation. This quality involves the application of several other qualities of love, namely trust, determination, diligence, discipline and faith. In its application, this quality of love requires a set intention (either consciously or subconsciously) that what one strongly desires to become a reality in one’s life will come into one’s reality in order that one may experience the outcome as envisioned. This is a facet of love that is now coming into its own and is in its beginning stages of application. This quality requires inner power and drive to accomplish successfully. It requires focus and singleness of purpose as an individual practices creation of that which is desired to be experienced in their lives.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Saint Germain – 6 February 2014

NancyTateSt. Germain,
Nancy: St Germain, I have been wondering since you gave the information the other day that you did, why did you give me what you did, and why the timing of it? Now I am wondering, what more, if any, is there that you would like to share with me so that I can share it with the world? I feel there must be at least a part 2 to this message.

DL Zeta: Clearing a Space for High-Vibrational Energies to Flow into your Life - Feb 6, 2014

DLZetaWe are moving into a time when high-vibrational frequencies are bio-available and can be brought to a fuller realization in our lives. These energies hold the power to deepen our awareness of our potentials, and to expand our intuitive knowing. When we open to these energies, our experience of inner peace and divine love is more profound as is our understanding of our spiritual purpose.
In this cycle, many older souls are undergoing intense change that will transport them to timelines where the next phase of their healing is serving others. The changes you experience in 2014 will allow you to clear away all that ever dimmed your light. You will move forward brighter, stronger, more empowered, and with a greater sense of love, compassion and discernment. You will be healthier, more awake and alert, and more willing to embrace the changes needed to bring you closer to your soul and higher self.

Méline Lafont – Tsolian Civilization On Transcendence And Infrared Spectrum – 6 February 2014

www.spacetelescope.org / image creditNASA/ESA and Adolf Schaller
My Precious friends, this is an introduction to a new Civilization with their homeworld situated in the Delta Quadrant of the Omniverse. The Omniverse is devided in 4 distinct Quadrants going by the name of Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma.  This Civilization is Highly evolved and is of a non Humanoid form but were once a Humanoid form until they reached their Ascension through Transcendence.  Their home base is a green dwarf planet in the Galaxy of Emutanion and they appear as white greenish tall beings in non humanoid form.
This civilization has been introduced to me by Archangel Michael as he is my protector, it is through Him that everything and every existence has to pass in order to communicate with me. I was assured these are benevolent beings.  This message and the ability to communicate with this civilization is for me a tangible indication of mass consciousness expansion into a more Universal consciousness. It is through this Universal Consciousness that communications like these are made possible.

miércoles, febrero 05, 2014

Karen Doonan - LOVE in the New Earth TSUNAMI - February 5, 2014

Love-heartAs started on the Beyond the Looking Glass Radio show.  The New Earth asks you to anchor the LOVE that IS, on the radio show we asked how often do you look in the mirror and state clearly that you
yourself?  The numbers were not very high, so in a bid to address this and to give FULL PERMISSION to enjoy the New Earth higher frequencies I have created this page.  This page will begin to appear on the “most clicked” links which appears on the bottom right hand corner of the landing page. LETS GET THIS PAGE TO THE TOP OF THE LINKS!!!!

Ascension is our focus – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 05.02.2014

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by Björn Kurt]
Dear loved ones, this is your Archangel Michael and I come to you with a new message. The message will continue where we left off last year. Various things force us to abandon existing routes and to adopt new ways.
Many things which we can not tell you, have to do with the development of the channel but also with many other items which we want to leave behind us for now. We entirely want to focus on the topic of Ascension since many people have desired so and such is their sole desire. We will accept your requests and will do all to comply with them.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Saint Germaine – 5 February 2014

Nancy: I was sitting at my computer checking my email, and suddenly I felt that someone was asking me to receive some information. So I tuned in; here is what I received.
St Germain,
Yes, I would like to say that there is something taking place behind the scenes of all of the controversy that is taking place right now in the financial field. It is wise to not focus all of your attention on that, and to take in the other things that you see come up occasionally and you will see the other side of the coin.


Karen Doonan - Navigating NEW roads in the New Earth - February 5, 2014

The New Earth energies now continue to expand and to deepen, this blog is a follow on from the radio show (please click here to listen) where I spoke about the role of the human logical mind in relation to the heart.  I have often used the analogy of the human vehicle and a car and this is the analogy that I place in front of you.  Many are confused as to the role of the human logical mind in the New Earth and this confusion is LOVED by the human logical mind. As I stated on the radio show the human logical mind LOVES puzzles, the old 3d earth created reality placing a puzzle before you at every opportunity. In TRUTH there is NO puzzle to solve, ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.

Suzanne Lie: Conversations with a Light Worker – Part 2 and New Audio Message from the Arcturians Feb 5, 2014

LightbodyTalksSuzanne Lie: Conversations with a Light Worker – Part 2. February 4, 2014. http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/ | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Projections from the Vortex
Sue: We both realize that WE are the holographic projector that is projecting our reality from inside of us onto the multidimensional matrix of Earth. This multidimensional matrix has a 3D, 4D and 5D version of reality on planet Earth. We can only live a reality that we can perceive AND our perceptions are calibrated to our state of consciousness.

martes, febrero 04, 2014

Diana Cooper - The Current Cellular Purification - Feb 4, 2014

Wes Annac – The Next Step – 4 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
From here on out, the flow never stops.
The material I intend to produce will never stop flowing in, because I recognize that I’m here to use writing to help change the world. As some of you might know, lately I’ve been asking myself what role I want to play in humanity’s awakening (while encouraging others to do the same) and the answer has just hit me in an amazing way.

Aisha North – A short Update On The Energies – 4 February 2014

AishaNorthAs you have already noticed, the heightened energies that came in with this opening up that was managed through amongst other things, your designated Gathering, will make their mark on you in so many ways. For some, the eerie quiet afterwards may be the most prominent sign of them, while for others, the sensations you feel within your physical body will count even more. For once again, what was brought in through these wide open doors through these last few days is nothing short of magnificent, and even if you will still feel rather flummoxed by this new range of frequencies, by and by they will start to show you all their true colours. And they are nothing short of miraculous, as what was accomplished during all of these get-togethers that were taking place all over your globe in itself is nothing short of miraculous.

Karen Doonan - Opening of the HEART space - February 4, 2014

The HEART space is the key to the New Earth and is at this time being prepared energetically by the New Earth higher dimensional frequencies.  There is much movement upon and within planet earth at this time, many of you may be going through various scenarios that have unfolded sometimes rapidly in your human life experience in order to help OPEN your HEART space. Often the reaction of many to the New Earth energetic codings is to try to close down completely.

Language of Light by Anrita Melchizedek

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Desmitificando La Nueva Era Parte 2 - Tucson, Arizona – 18 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Otra vez mi socio se hace a un lado y aumenta la pureza del mensaje. Digo esto, porque incluso él está experimentando diferencias en la energía de lo espiritual que ha hecho durante 23 años. El proceso mismo de canalizar también está cambiando. Si canalizar es realmente un mensaje abierto que llega a través del portal de la pineal, y si de veras la energía del planeta está empezando a apoyar esto, eso significa que ese canal en particular, esa abertura, ese portal, se va a agrandar. Y para él, es diferente. Para él, no resulta necesariamente cómodo. Hasta él está enfrentando esto. Entra más energía y eso afecta su fisiología, afecta aquello a lo que está acostumbrado y entonces incluso al entregar los mensajes ha notado que se han vuelto más breves. Tiene que ser así. El portal es más grande, se transmite en el tercer lenguaje más que nunca, aún para el oyente después del hecho, aún para el lector de la página.

Karen Doonan - NEW EARTH CODINGS for ALL - February 4, 2014

 golden ankh


777 22 444


SEAL OF SOLOMON is placed in ALL human energy centers in TRUTH

The TONE of OHM spirals from the center of Mother Earth EXPANDING in TRUTH

The Sirians via Maarten Horst: Focus On Love Now - Feb 4, 2014


Dearest Children of Gaia. We come to you in the highest Love and appreciation to bring forth a message.
You have endured a great test. You passed. Eons of time you have incarnated again and again, to learn and to fulfill the task at hand that is so important.
Yes, we speak about your and our ascension. Great celebrations are at hand!

Sheldan Nidle Update - Feb 4, 2014

8 Oc, 13 Yax, 10 Caban

Dratzo! The reality that you now reside in is shifting. As it does so, the dark cabal leaves behind its horrible histories, and its vast interconnected network of wealth and power is being forced to change. The old ways by which the dark cabal kept its power are starting to slip. Its powers, accrued over the millennia, are being transferred to a new, more conscious and more humane group. These new leaders understand the subtle nature of the transitions required by Heaven. It is a time for celebrating these long overdue changes and for fully supporting what these transformations mean. Surface humanity has been kept in an amnesia surrounded by mysteries, and these anomalies need to be explained. It is for others such as your Ascended Masters and your Inner Earth brethren to explain this to you. Our mission is to give you a brief understanding of what is happening. As you mutate, you become less and less susceptible to the “mind games” long performed on behalf of this cabal by your media and your entertainment industries.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re A New Kind Of Star – 4 February 2014

Life Tapestry Creations - Blog Banner LTCLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s Febraury 1, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Even though all your segments are part of you, your new segments have had different life events that create different experiences for you now. The greater your transition the more unique your path. 
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for  http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “No Earth or Non-Earth Teacher is More Wise Than You”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Many of you are familiar with the duality that creates control. If you are a leader, someone or many are not as good as you. Even though that thought is perhaps not that detrimental, the actions involved with maintaining it are.

lunes, febrero 03, 2014

Natalie Glasson – Spiritual Metamorphosis By Akina Of The Pleiades – 3 February 2014

Greetings to you souls presently of the Earth civilisation,
I wish to introduce myself, I am Akina of the Pleiades. I have been
asked to share my wisdom and consciousness with you while connecting you on a deeper level with the Pleiadian energy vibration and truth. It is my purpose to make you aware of an opportunity of transformation dawning for the Earth from the stars and especially the Pleiadian at this time. First allow me to introduce myself.
I, Akina, am a soul who has predominantly existed within the Pleiadian civilisation; I cannot remember any other connections or existences that were not associated with the Pleiadian energy before my current reality. I therefore believe I am a Pleiadian. I am currently acting in a position of communication with other star systems and planets. It is my purpose to scan the universe as if scanning the sky for shifts in energy calculating and accessing how these shifts will influence the universe and all who inhabit the universe.

Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast February – Feeling The Momentum – 3 February 2014

Foto: Hi my beautiful friend,

If you'd like to know what's going on energetically at this time, 
the February Energy Forecast titled "Feeling the Momentum" is now available for you to read at http://www.emmanueldagher.com/energy-forecast

If you are enjoying the posts I create for you, feel free to click the 'share' button so that we can expand the love. 

I love you,
EmmanuelHi My Friend,
There’s a momentum building now that is feeling quite palpable to many people around the world. Momentum builds when change is about to happen.
If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered or emotionally charged than usual, know that it’s part of this wave of momentum.
A New State of Balance
The past 11-year cycle has been quite a roller coaster ride, filled with extremes of both highs and lows.
As we enter the next era of our personal and collective journey, we will have the opportunity to experience a more balanced existence. This kind of balanced existence will no longer need to be achieved through extreme measures, but rather through a more gentle, peaceful and refined way.
Humans have undergone millennia of conditioning, on both conscious and subconscious levels. During that time, we internalized the collective belief that in order to expand, grow, evolve, achieve balance and learn, some kind of extreme feeling or event had to be involved.

Wes Annac – Balance and Divine Justice – 3 February 2014

http://spectromancer.com/img/cards/DivineJusticeBig.jpgWritten by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Spirit is calling us to remember it in the face of pain and adversity. We’re asked to remain in a clear and balanced place in the face of the lower-dimensional sludge that’d otherwise make us forget about the place we’ve come from, for in staying balanced, we anchor heaven onto a lost planet.
With our balanced actions and intentions, we help others awaken. As we find it in ourselves to see beyond the pressure of lower-dimensional life, we provide a shining light for those around us to use to navigate their way through the same pain we experience.

Matthew Ward – 3 February 2014

mattlast1_r1_c1With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The outpouring of gratitude for “the apostle Matthew” message was cause for celebration here. Always we honor souls’ divine right to believe as they wish, and we are elated when the choice is to embrace truths put forth. Far more than our repeated assurance that you know at soul-level what is true and what is not, your personal experiences are irrefutable evidence that your soul’s knowledge is reaching your conscious awareness.
Even more so than last year, Earth’s first year of freedom from the shroud of darkness, energy incoming and generated on the planet during this year will produce light in such abundance that souls can vault in conscious and spiritual growth, with exponential effects throughout your world. As light increases, so do the vibratory levels throughout your mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. The consciousness of every form on the planet can expand as Earth’s ascension continues—only her human residents have the choice to flow with that stirring upliftment or resist.

Kryon Channeling "The Next 18 Years" December 02, 2012


domingo, febrero 02, 2014

Karen Doonan - Standing in the LOVE that IS - February 2, 2014

I have blogged about allowing the LOVE that IS to flow around you, through you and within you and many of you may be filtering out the need for FLOW. It can be very triggering indeed to have those around you whom you may have known for some time suddenly begin to act and behave in ways that are out with their “normal” routines. For many the outpouring of emotion seeks to have them in tremendous fear, so much is TAUGHT within the old 3d earth reality in relation to defining what “love” is and how to identify and work with it that many filter out that “love” and the LOVE that IS are two DIFFERENT frequencies and they are not interchangeable. To hold on to someone believing that without them you will be less than you are is to walk in the old 3d earth reality teachings.  LOVE JUST IS, it is a frequency that is available at all moments of all moments but in order to embrace this and to allow this to flow you must first of all ALIGN with this frequency. It is not enough to simply state “ah yes love I know it and I work with it”. If you come from this angle you are already walking blind within an old 3d earth reality teaching.

The Harmonic Portal 2014 - 2038 - 2075 - Anchoring the 3rd Coming Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - Feb 2, 2014 - El Portal Armónico 2014 – 2038 – 2075 – Anclaje de la Tercera Venida El Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn

Greeting Masters, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! This day we speak of the co creation, of the Harmonic Trigger occurring in Year Two of the New Earth. It is an especially important and timely message. We speak of the Portal of Harmony and of the Cristos. We speak of 2014, of 2038, of 2075. We speak of the NOW.

The Portal of Harmony

An extraordinary Harmonic Portal is opening in Year Two of the New Paradigm of the Planet Earth. It is the ' Harmony Portal '. As we have told you, it will initiate on the March Equinox of 2014 and flowers into exquisite full potency on the April Solar Eclipse and follows in peak potency thru the June Solstice. It is an utterly astonishing coded energy that will plant the seeds of World Peace.

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - February 2nd, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11″

Unity Number 11In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents mastery in all forms.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self. 

This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity.  It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension.  Keywords are:  Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.
It is very interesting how many “11” numbers are showing up in the daily energies.  It was only a few days ago in January that we experienced this name frequency.  But since we have arrived into the month of February it will have a small difference in how we accept the energies within our present reality.  Again, the sum of the numbers are 4/7 = 11 which represents our organization, cleaning out house, and preparing for the next level of spiritual essence that we are to become manifest within our physical existence.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Desmitificando La Nueva Era Parte 1 - Tucson, Arizona – 18 de enero de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado porque los mensajes deben ser puros, y a veces la pureza de la comunicación se vuelve directa. La franqueza con que les hablamos a veces va en contra de lo que ustedes esperan, o de lo que pensaban, o de lo que aprendieron, o incluso de los prejuicios con los que vinieron.

Global Meditation/ focus on heart space Gaia at Glastonbury Tor + light language ~ By Méline Lafont

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – February 2, 2014

Often you have  believed yourselves to be alone and wondered why the Galactic help promised has not materialized.  It is about free will dear ones.  There are limits to how much any others can do for the ascension of earth because your journey into new dimensional energy is yours…chosen by you and brought about by each personally and then globally.  No one can do your inner work for you which is the error perpetuated by many belief systems.  There are those who believe that Jesus or some saint or Guru will do all their work for them and that they are forever “saved” simply by declaring  their belief in that one person as a savior. They  then continue to go about their daily lives in old three dimensional ways believing that the work of their “salvation” if finished.

Ron Head – Michael for the councils of your Higher Selves -That Is Where Your Personal Power Comes From – February 2, 2014

RonHeadMichael for the councils of your Higher Selves
We continue today by speaking further on what, from your point of view is incoming light.
Let us approach the subject from an entirely new perspective this time.  We will speak in the language of linear time in order not to introduce additional confusion into the process.
It was known that new and vastly stronger energy, light, and information… those three being almost synonymous… would be needed to lift your world out of the lower energies in which it had been mired for so long.  And it was needed that the changes be initiated and carried out as what you call an ‘inside job’ in order to do so without outside interference.  So a call went out for volunteers to begin a long slow process of carrying in, receiving, and anchoring what was needed to get the job done.  Metaphorically you could think of that as what you call transceivers.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – February 2, 2014

marlene1-1February 2-9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
Many upon the planet are now awakening to the understanding that each individual is the creator of their own reality and that the universe perfectly mirrors back what they put out through their thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes. Now by the laws of the universe, the good they have given out into the external world around them comes back unto them. At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being. These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. The law of grace bestows the assurance that those of sincere heart, mind and intent, who have adhered to the path of light in service to their brethren, be given every opportunity to release these patterns of expression that well up into conscious awareness so they can be given acknowledgement and final release.

Wes Annac – Musings On Abundance And Inner Strength – February 2, 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Imagine meeting every bit of adversity that comes your way with unbridled strength and enthusiasm. Feel yourself meet every challenge happily and enthusiastically, because we’re growing into more willing versions of ourselves who are able to handle difficulty joyously.
We can excel in the face of adversity and use the higher vibration we’re feeling to triumph in every situation, and I think that soon, it’ll become easier for everyone to soar to new heights.

Suzanne Lie – Conversations With A Lightworker – Part 1 – February 2, 2014

SuzanneLieSue:    What a year this has been so far.  Why don’t you tell me what’s going on with you.
Light Worker:   You know that’s really a very good question.  I don’t know what’s going on with me.  Lately it’s gotten better but it’s like I don’t really know. I almost feel like I’m lost.  I don’t know.  Am I going crazy?
I guess I’m looking for something to prove that I’m not going crazy.  Like I said in my email, I don’t really have any one single goal. I guess I want to talk to somebody or do something to know that I’m not crazy.

SaLuSa - Multidimensional Ocean - Feb 2, 2013

salusaSaLuSa 2d Feb 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Greetings from your space brothers. We salute your courage and dedication to the light once again. We love to see you serve the light and love with so much devotion and conviction. You are a true inspiration for all of us on the ships.
We are aware that many of you would like to join us on the ships so much, if not in their 3D body, at least in dreams or with their Higher Self. You are of course welcome onboard to visit us, as usual. In fact many of you already do this, whether you are aware of it or not.

The Energies of February 2014 - Feb 2, 2014 - Las Energías de Febrero 2014 por Jennifer Hoffman 2 de Febrero de 2014

There is a lot happening this month energy-wise and much of it will be happening on an internal level. Before you groan, ‘not again’, take heart because it won’t be the grueling internal work of the last few years, this will be much lighter and flowing although I won’t use the word ‘easier’ because not only is it subjective, it also implies a comparison that can’t be used. Everyone has their own version of easy and hard, flowing and stuck, and what is a problem versus an opportunity. This month will be full of opportunities that may be disguised as problems but whatever they look like, solutions will be available too.

Celia Fenn - Activating a New Time/Space Harmonic in a Song of Fire and Ice - 02-02-2014:- 02-02-2014: Activando un Nuevo Tiempo/Espacio Armónico en una Canción de Fuego y Hielo - Celia Fenn - 5 de febrero, 2014

When we look back on this year, I think we will recognize that something incredible just happened in the last few days. It has been a shift of a great magnitude that has opened up our Time/Space perceptions and introduced a new Harmonic to our Field of Perception.
If that sounds strange...it's because it probably is. Many of us have experienced the pure "weirdness" of the last few days, as our old perceptions about life and about Time and Space are being shifted and opened out in amazing ways.
This is happening in what I like to call a "Song of Fire and Ice", borrowing from the popular Fantasy series of that name. The Fire is the Solar Maximum of Solar Flares that we are now experiencing. The Earth is being bombarded by wave after wave of Solar Light, as well as some Very High Frequency Galactic Super Nova shock waves. These waves of Light are bringing in waves of information, Light Codes for the New Reality, from the Sun and from the Galaxy and from the Cosmic Heart itself.

Replica Esoteric GS la comentariul lui Tolec (Esoteric GS replies to the comment of Tolec)

sábado, febrero 01, 2014

Jim Self – Planetary Update – February 2014 – 1 February 2014

UFO Changing Colors - Hovering - Caught on Cell Phone - Northern California! 1080p

Superb UFO Cigar Over Santa Rosa, California, January 31, 2014, 07:00AM


Karen Doonan - Upgrades to the human energy system – next linear 48 hours - February 1, 2014

As many of you are now experiencing the linear year 2014 as defined by the calendar used by the human race generally upon planet earth has been unlike any other energetically.  It may have taken some of you by surprise how “full on” the energies are and are continuing to be.  Personally over the last linear 24 hours sleep has been erratic to say the least and the influx of higher dimensional frequencies has at times sought to place me in a sort of meditative state, somewhere between full sleep and being awake.  It is vital that when this unfolds that you RELAX into the process, for the human logical mind may try to teach you that you NEED to sleep and then it will DEFINE the type of sleep that you need.

Aisha North - Welcome to February’s Gathering around the Pond, Sunday 2 - Feb1 , 2014

Dear friends!
Tomorrow, at 21:00 Oslo time, we have another Gathering coming up, and this is what the CCs have to say about it: “Once again your calendars have marked off another month, and so, you stand before another one of those important Gatherings that will help not only you, but All of creation to move one step closer to that end goal. We know that frustrations are high here and there, as some of you seem to be at a standstill at the moment, while for others, those doors we have referred to earlier have well and truly opened by now, and you have gotten more than a little tantalizing glimpse behind them already.

World Sound Healing Day 2014

Blossom Goodchild – An Invocation – 1 February 2014

Divine Spirit … The Energy of the Highest Purest Love … We put out a call to you from the deepest place within our hearts.
We here on Planet Earth, are struggling to shine our Light … due to those that have lost their way, feeling the need to control … through ways that instil great atrocities to our BEINGS.
We Human Beings are in need of a sign FROM THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL … FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL, so that our tired souls may FEEL upliftment and regeneration, in order to carry out our mission on Divine Mother Earth … who is also suffering greatly from the burdens that have been put upon her.

viernes, enero 31, 2014

Blossom Goodchild - Jan 31st 2014.

♫Here we are again, happy as can be ♫, all good fun and jolly good company♫! Hello my friends ... it is always lovely to connect up with you, and one always wonders what ‘train of thought’ we shall go through as we commune … to try and assist our beautiful planet Earth and all who sail in her!

Indeed dearest Blossom … is it not that we travel through twists and turns in order to discover ‘each other’? It is a wonder when one considers ‘the distance’ between us that we do as well as we do.

Yet we are but a breath away.

Karen Doonan - Free will v’s FREEDOM in TRUTH - January 31, 2014

Many of you at this time may be in deep confusion as to how you can have free will within a karmic dimensional timeline, surely if it is karmic it is predestined? well yes and no. The confusion is there deliberately for the old 3d earth reality will only ever give you PART of a picture, it will hide TRUTH at all times from you or attempt to.  So this blog will attempt to address the frequency difference between freewill and FREEDOM which are two SEPARATE frequencies and cannot be used in place of each other. That is you do not have free will in the New Earth, you have FREEDOM which is expansive, freewill is a construct of the old 3d earth paradigms and as such is  containment and suppression.

Sirius Message to Humanity January 29, 2014 mp3

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – From The Andromeda Galaxy : You Are Blessed With New Empowerment – 31 January 2014

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Our Heart Is With You, Beloveds!
With our greeting we are here to affirm and to remind you of  the power of your own Heart who’s Light, as you know, must shine! This is your destiny!
We are here to inspire you to let your light shine while you open your heart to maximize the radiance of your soul. We are together in this, in the outshining of densities, based on energies which are not of Divine Intention and thought.

Wes Annac - The Conscious Seeker’s Mission - Jan 31

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
In everything we do, we serve Source and humanity. We, the light bearers and truth bringers, seek to help humanity understand their greater potential and evolve into brimming states of infinite and everlasting consciousness.
We wade through the difficulty the earth has to offer, remaining committed to our goal of rediscovering the higher dimensions and helping the rest of the planet do the same. We recognize and act on our potential to inform and uplift swathes of people, and as we connect with a flow of divine energy, we bring through works of art that are intended to inspire others.

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: January 31, 2014

Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more quickly.
These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it.

Lena Stevens - The Theme for February is RELEASE - Jan 31, 2014

We are entering February fully charged, very ripe, a bit impatient, and with lots of psychological and emotional inventory that we have been digesting, filing and restocking our inner shelves with.  We have set our intentions, organized ourselves as best we could, tried to anticipate what’s ahead and are now ready for the gate to open so we can move forward in a release of energy that will be very productive for some of us, and could be very disruptive for others.

Cometa Ison. Evenimentul. Adevarul despre ele (Comet Ison. The Event. The Truth About It)


Wes Annac – All-Encompassing Spiritual Inspiration – Part 2/2 – 31 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 1
An entity named Michael tells us that the artist Rembrandt received a clear image of Christ from the other side.
“The artist Rembrandt was shown a vision of the actual appearance of Christ. He made every effort to find a model that came close to that – and then was able to transcend even the model. His paintings are perhaps the [closest] to the actual appearance of Christ’s face that have ever been put on canvas. I would rather refer you to them than try to give you a verbal description, because Rembrandt’s paintings are worth looking up and studying.” (1)

Fran Zepeda – Lady Nada – LOVE: The Quintessence of Your Very Being – 31 January, 2014

LoveandCompassionLady Nada, January 30, 2014:
Hello dear ones…I am speaking today about Love in a form many of you have never seen or felt before in quite this fashion. By now many of you are experiencing Love in a broader perspective and sense than what you have been used to. It has now become of the quintessence of your very being. Many of you walk, talk and experience Love in every moment of your day. It has become a constant companion and driving force to all your actions and definition of your Being.
And so, Love now encompasses ready compassion for all Beings and an empathy and understanding of others that comes so natural to you. Yet, while you encompass all Beings, you also remain detached in a way that compels you to allow others to walk their own path and feel their own pain and learn their lessons on their own.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Tap Away Pain” – 31 January 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Let’s begin with a golden white color coming in through the crown chakra please. Want to see a lot of this golden white color flooding through the body bringing in a lot of healing power.
And then I want to go through the Faster EFT because what we’re seeing is a lot minor aches, pains, minor illnesses, injuries and some major illnesses because of what is coming cosmically energetically toward the Earth, well really your whole Solar System, really the Galactic belt is kind of in a state of turmoil.