sábado, octubre 05, 2013

Dr Kevin Ross Emery - Living the Serenity Prayer - Oct 5, 2013

Photo credit: Abby Lanes via Flickr
Photo by Abby Lanes via Flickr
By Dr Kevin Ross Emery
Several months ago, a friend approached me with a question. If I were to get up in front of a large audience and speak about something I thought would make their lives better, what would that subject be? For the last several years of my teaching and speaking career, my first response would have been to say, ‘Empowerment.’ This time however, I looked at my friend and without missing a beat said, ‘The Serenity Prayer.’
When he asked me why I would choose this subject, I told him that I had used the Serenity Prayer for almost 20 years in my spiritual coaching and counseling practice to help my clients.
In this article, I would like to explore the serenity aspect of the prayer. As often times is the case, when I begin to talk or write about something, I like to see what Webster’s Dictionary has to say about it.

ISON UPDATE, Latest Images. Red Aurora/Both Poles.

DL Zeta: Waking and Nightly Dreams offer Glimpses into Timelines along our “Hologram Highways” - Oct 5, 2013

http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31000000/dream-mirror-dreams-can-come-true-31082814-900-900.jpgEach person has many timelines within their life hologram. At any given time, our life hologram or energetic template for our life, contains timelines we have already experienced and those we have yet to encounter. Every day we glimpse these new potentials in various ways though we may not always recognize them as such. Tuning in these “glimpses” allows us to further explore alternate potentials before choosing which life track we will shift our energy and focus to. We will describe here some ways to perceive alternate life tracks.

Feel lighter – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 05, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, right now, where you transform so many low energies, whether you energetically cleanse yourself or your environment, help your body to eliminate these transformed energies from it. I have already advised you to ground yourself every day. Use this to get rid of the transformed energies. Imagine how they are released from your body and flow through your root chakra or your feet chakras into the earth. Feel lighter, you can even reduce your weight with it if you want to. You’ll feel better and Gaia can use this converted energies for herself and for the benefit of all. So it is helping all, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Sandra Walter – The Great Exhale Of The Creator – 4 October 2013

SandraWalterPerhaps you have felt the Heart center magnetics getting a bit VIVID in the past week. Typically this is associated with Solar activity, as the filament eruption showered us with new frequencies all week long. Besides the usual singing ears, body aches and vibrations, many have moved into the next level of the Ascension process.
The Creator Breath: a conversation with Higher Self
SW: Great pulling sensations in the heart center this week. I feel my heart torus pulling inward, from up in my throat and from down in my solar plexus. I noticed my chest and diaphragm muscles are tight as well. I feel such expansion since Equinox, and especially last Thursday with the release from the collective entanglement. Then the inward pull began with the Solar activity. I understand Solar activity hits the cardiovascular system first, however this is pronounced and has a – poetic? – feel to it.

My Favorite Archangel Michael Story - James Foster - Oct 4, 2013

archangel-michael-swordHow I Met Archangel Michael

I have been working with Nasrin and the Ascended Masters for many years now and from the very beginning, Archangel Michael has been my constant companion. In fact, at my first channeling session; my first opportunity in this life to connect to the Ascended Masters through Nasrin, it was Archangel Michael that came to speak to me.
I was thrilled when the session began and Nasrin said Archangel Michael has come to talk to you. I had no idea what might happen in a “channeling session.” but the love I felt from Archangel Michael quickly convinced me that this intangible connection was real and profound. Michael was loving and comforting and fully aware that this was my first experience of this type and that I did not know what to expect. He seemed absolutely delighted to speak to me and honored to take me, energetically, on my first journey to experience higher dimensions of reality. He presented himself, not as a superior and vastly more powerful being but as a friend or a buddy, someone who has walked with me in many lifetimes before and has come back to be my guide to discovering this vast inner realm. His words were humbling beyond belief, yet totally exhilarating.

Proceso de Intenciones de la Luna Nueva Por Selacia Lunes, 30 de septiembre, 2013



Traducción: Fara González López para el Manantial del Caduceo

Nota de Selacia: Una luna nueva como la que tenemos el viernes es como una página en blanco en la cual ustedes pueden escribir sus intenciones para la próxima fase. Los antiguos sabían esto, utilizando las lunas nuevas para ceremonias sagradas.  En nuestra vida cotidiana moderna, podemos olvidar cuan poderosos son los ciclos de la naturaleza – así que aquí hay un artículo oportuno antes de nuestra luna nueva.  Recomiendo que comiencen el proceso antes del viernes, para que estén listos para energizarlo como primera cosa en ese día. ¡Que su día y mes próximo sean fructíferos, joviales y llenos de bondad!
Ahora es el momento perfecto para prepararse energéticamente para la próxima vuelta de nuestro paseo en la montaña rusa permanente. El cambio radical continúa en el aire, impactando a todos, y ustedes querrán estar empoderados al encontrar más incógnitas y cambios en las circunstancias.

Police Looking For Two Mystery Parachuters Land Near World Trade Center Site Dressed in Black

viernes, octubre 04, 2013

Ascension update: Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator via Goldenlight: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System October 4, 2013 - The Golden Light Channel

I received a somewhat long but very enlightening and powerful message tonight. I started it with a personal channeling about my financial situation which as many of you know has been very challenging lately, and I received what began as a message from my Council of Angels and turned into a message from Source Creator. It’s always powerful when this happens, it’s only happened a few times….as I bring in the messages I’m so filled with excitement and energy that I can barely contain myself, and just feel so honored to be bringing in a message like this. I’ve left in some of the personal elements for continuity, besides I feel like you are all family anyway. Please note it is in stream of consciousness style with very little punctuation, this one flowed out of me like a river. Love, Goldenlight

Wes Annac – What Is A New Paradigm? – Part 3 – Conclusion – 4 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229Concluded from Part 2
There’s another aspect of building a new paradigm I’d like to address, which falls in line with refraining from completely hinging oneself on outside sources.
The few have been able to run our world basically unchallenged, and they’ve been able to do so because, for the most part, the general public has allotted our world and the places we live to be ruled by another.
We’ve been programmed to focus on keeping ourselves and our family ahead by working away at a job that sometimes contributes very little to the running of society, as we’re taught to allow the important decisions regarding us and our planet to be made by elected officials.

Convoy to Washington to Demand Our Constitution Back

Anti Nuke Jellyfish swarm shuts down World Biggest nuclear reactor in Sweden

Colorful UFO Captured in NASA Photo! Strange Craft!


Hold no more grudges – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 04, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, hold no more grudges against those you call Cabal or Illuminati. Do not condemn them and demand no punishment for them. You too have done in this or previous lives things that you now despise on them. Know that these powers, these beings, have done a great service to you. By their deeds they have woken you up from a deep sleep. They have helped you to develop yourself further, to discover hidden talents in you and aroused your desire for peace and a better world in you. If you can not be thankful to them for this, so at least do not condemn them, for you know that you and they are one. You are all my children, whom I love unconditionally and infinitely. No matter what you do or do not do. I will neither punish you nor another being for anything. I will only love you even more  and heal you with my love, just as you can heal them and yourself with your own love. I love you. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

SaLuSa 4.10.2013 - MADAD

We know you already felt those blissful moments of being fearless and looking straight into your higher reality. What is now happening to all those that wish to be in their higher reality in this moment of the Now is, that you will permanently feel this bliss and freedom from all of the illusion, because you are releasing the last drops of that what once flowed into your beings as river of endless fear and doubts. We feel that there are no more fears inside of you and when you clear these little fragments of old memories and thoughts, that still sometimes show up, your consciousness will take you within that moment into your new reality. This experience will be so powerful and you will keep the memory of it for many more lifetimes to come. Focus on this experience and do feel assured that you are able to make this transition with ease, as you are very well prepared. There were many plans of how we could best assist you, and we were sharing them with you and although some of them needed to be changed due to your collective wish, this transformation of those who are ready cannot be changed or stopped, because it is your own choice and we have already adjusted our plans and included you within them.

Wally -SaLuSa - 4 October 2013

SaLuSa 4-October 2013.
The vast access to information technology you experience today, with all of your many tablets and hand-held devices are phenomenal. Unfortunately so many other advancements that would benefit you are still kept under wraps and the vast majority of the population are only slightly aware of this. This is a testament to the audacity of the Dark Ones, imagining that they would continue to keep these technologies from you forever. Many are now refusing to go along with that system, and are now learning important lessons about how power and profits have influenced your current technological status.
The current technologies in transportation are causing a massive pollution and deterioration of your environment, with massive harmful effects to all life forms, and Mother Earth calls for these non-polluting energy technologies. This may sound implausible but this will ensure her continued fertility, as you are a hairs breadth away from collapse of ocean biosphere, with even the most basic forms of life under threat.

Anna Merkaba - Thought forms - How they manifest and how to get rid of them. - June 3, 2013

You are surrounded by billions of thoughts daily. They just float in the air just like water vapors . When you look around you, you don’t see these vapors in the air, but once the air comes into your house and the temperature outside changes, the air condenses and forms.. water.. now you are seeing a physical manifestation of something that was just floating around you. You allowed the air with water vapors to come into your home by opening the window, and once it came into your home under the “right” circumstances it condensed and became something tangible that you can perceive with your eyes, and touch with your hands.
Same goes for thoughts. Many thoughts are floating around you daily, you are bombarded by thoughts, your own, those of your neighbor, TV screen, birds, trees, anything and everything that has consciousness around you is producing thoughts and vibrations. Add to this the fact that you are constantly connected to the akasha and you have a limitless supply of thoughts to choose from.
The key here is to CHOOSE the right thoughts for YOU and to filter out the rest that are not doing much good to you, to just let them float through and away from you. Once you realize that you are indeed in control of choosing the thoughts that work in your favor, your life begins to change for the better dramatically!

F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real - THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION - October 3, 2013. - Holly Hawkins Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today’s message is one of FEAR, but fear we are going to talk about it in a positive sense.
We’ve spoken before in prior channelings about how you have evidence on your planet, and all you need on your planet to thrive and survive, and transcend and ascend. All of the raw materials are on the planet now, and again we spoken about it in prior channelings, and so we are going to take it another step further.
There is a saying that’s prevalent in certain parts of your consciousness, that people on your planet some people talk about FEAR as an acronym “False Evidence Appearing Real,” and this is another example of the ones we’ve given before, of how you have evidence hiding in plain sight.
For there has been a constriction and a reality of fear on the planet, yet this word fear as it has been named for that emotion, and even more than the emotion it’s naming the constriction of energy that happens, when something that is false is appearing real to you. So this word fear, and then people tapping into the acronym of false evidence appearing real, is giving you the key to unlocking energetic construction in your life.

jueves, octubre 03, 2013

Sanat Kumara – “Go Gently into that Good Light” – via Tazjima, 3 Oct 2013

“Go Gently into that Good Light.”
A Message from Sanat Kumara via Tazjima, 3 October 2013.
Beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you. I AM Sanat Kumara, now planetary logos for Gaia. Myself and my fellow ascended masters, kith and kin, are gathered together here to wish you congratulations for a job well-done. The planet has ascended into the fifth dimension. We bid you to go gently into that good light, the Light that now envelopes your world and each of you. Become conscious of what you are becoming, what you are and have always been in the worlds in which the greater part of you exists in simultaneous time. It’s time to wake up and see and feel the wonder of creation.

Konstantinos-Interview with Commander Kenan of Lyra Part 3 - October 3, 2013

[See Part 1 here: 

and Part 2 here: 
http://konstantinoslightwork.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/konstantinos-interview-with-commander-kenan-of-lyra-part-2/ .]
Now, about the formations of our ships, you could say that the formation of a triangle and especially that of a circle, are the most often in our tactics of our placement in Space. There are many times also that we use the formation of concentric circles. ‘Per circle’ seems to be the key on this specific tactic, where the first series of circular arrangement of ships is ‘visible’ while the next series, that encircles the first one, is ‘invisible’ and the series that encircles the ‘invisible’ one is ‘visible’ and so forth and so on. Sometimes the semicircle arrangement is implemented too.

AA Michael - BE love. All else will fall into place. – Ron Head - October 3, 2013

Photo by Christine Schweinzer


May we begin today by asking that all those who follow these messages hold only love and the intention for the highest and best outcomes when you observe what is going on around you at this time.  Those highest outcomes will be, dear ones.  But they will manifest sooner, and you will be far less effected by any negativity if you guard yourselves against the thoughts and emotions which can invade your thoughts all too easily in these circumstances.

Your own love – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 03, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, what are you looking for love outside of yourself? The true love you can find in your own heart first. Find it there, but not in humans, beings or things around you or in your life. Find it in your heart and fill yourself completely with your own unconditional love for you. How will you love another being, if you do not love yourself? How will you receive the love of another being, if you do not know what unconditional love is and how it feels? You only go into a dependence on others or things. Only when you yourself love yourself unconditionally, as you are, and are yourself enough with it, you’re really ready and able to receive and give unconditional love. Then you will also not be as affected by the “loss” of a person or thing that you love or where you think he loves you, as it is now. Then it is no longer a need to be loved by another, in order to exist, because your own love is always certain for you. Just like my unconditional love is certain for you. Then you can enjoy the love that you get, very much more light-hearted and to the fullest, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 362 – 3 October 2013

AishaNorthAs you have already noticed, the roller coaster is indeed picking up speed, and for many, it will feel like they are being tossed to and from on this unpredictable ride. It may seem very chaotic, but please believe us when we say that even if it might not seem like it to you, everything is under control.
For we see what you do not, and we know what you have yet to be made privy to, and as such, we will always be on hand to keep you updated on the proceedings. We know it can be more than frustrating to be fighting this feeling of being left out in the cold as it were, but again, you are not left out of anything by ill will. Rather, you are in the loop in everything you need to be in the loop about, and the rest is not only out of your control, it is simply under the management of those in charge of overseeing this whole operation.


UFOTV® Presents : The New World Order - A 6000 Year History - NEW FREE HD MOVIE

Raising Your Vibration Through the Pillar of Pure White Light. Merging with the I Am Presence at the Throne of the I Am That I Am 02 Wednesday Oct 2013

Rays of sunshine breaks through the cloudsMy Brethren of Light, I Am Michael.
As you traverse on the path to Enlightenment, you may find that hardships and obstacles are placed on your path to test you. This will make you stronger and bring you wisdom. When you pass these tests, you evolve further. The obstacles are like rotten eggs. The fear of facing the obstacle is like the smell of a rotten egg. You can get rid of the smell when you get rid of the egg. The anticipation of how and what you do, the fear and anxiety of facing the obstacle brings you down and lowers your Light. Problems and obstacles serve by distracting humankind from the Light. Yet, through the distractions, they make you stronger. By your efforts to remove them, you gain momentum and become more determined to pursue Light. The more Light you hold, the greater your ability to cope with future distractions and obstacles. As you evolve spiritually, you become worthy of greater Light and with it comes the ability to conquer all obstacles.

Mystery : Top 3 Conspiracy Theory Websites Crash At Same Time As Government Shutdown – 3 October 2013

 (BIN) — Does the fact that three of the top ‘conspiracy theory’ websites in the world crashed at the same time as the US government shutdown occurred prove that said websites are front organizations owned by the CIA or NSA as a data mining operation? Are the websites Godlilkeproductions.com, AboveTopSecret.com and LunaticOutpost.com owned by the US government? It’s long been known that merely mentioning Tavistock or Stanford Research on GLP will get you banned; I’ve tested it several times in the past. If these websites aren’t owned by the govt, then why did they all crash at the same time as the shutdown?  We all know that governments love their deception of the masses as the video below shares. Conspiracy Reddit is having a blast with this one.

Meredith Murphy – Message From Archangel Michael – Things are Lightening Up – 3 October 2013

MeredithMurphyDear Ones,
The New Earth is opening up in some pretty sensational ways right now.
You are noticing this as you become more acclimated again, to the new way you are present. Your body has been upgraded yet again, as you experienced the Equinox alignment and also from the way you are summoning more and more expansive information from all that you are.
As you call forth your fullness of being, your Higher Self is filling you up more and more with you. At the same time the Solar activity, the Earth’s increasingly uplifted frequency and all the waves of incoming energies are clearing out everything congested and dense. So you are being emptied out and filled up, over and over again, and with increasing capacity to sustain the higher frequencies and accessing the ways of being present associated with the energy you are.

RT- Holy Reveal : Vatican Bank Publishes Annual Report For The First Time – 3 October 2013

An exterior view of the tower of the Institute for Works of Religion in Vatican City (Reuters)
An exterior view of the tower of the Institute for Works of Religion in Vatican City (Reuters)

For the first time in its 125-year history, the Vatican bank has disclosed its annual financial report to the public. The bank seeks to be more transparent amid the investigation into an alleged money-laundering scandal.

Las Energías de Octubre 2013 por Jennifer Hoffman 30 de Septiembre de 2013

Traducción: Margarita López
Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo

Otro mes ha pasado en este año, que ha sido fuente de muchas oportunidades para la sanación, limpieza y liberación. Septiembre fue un mes que no olvidaremos rápidamente y ahora estamos entrando en un nuevo mes que comienza con la sombra de Mercurio retrógrado y más actividad que nos conducirá hacia los próximos eclipses y la cuadratura Urano/Plutón de noviembre. Podrían preguntar: “¿Alguna vez termina esto?” y la respuesta es sí y no. Los ciclos terminan en cierto sentido porque al cerrarse se convierten en los portales de apertura para el siguiente ciclo. Por eso es que buscar el final es contraproducente; tenemos que ver cómo el final crea un nuevo comienzo.

Kryon: Lee Carroll - The Elusive Akash October 3, 2013


Saturday, 10 August, 2013  (posted 3 October, 2013)
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps away from his consciousness in a move that has been practiced for years. This is not an easy Human attribute, for yet again the Human wants to be in complete and total control over those things that are most pertinent to their survival.
One of them would be their consciousness, so the channelling that you see with him is a bit different than that of the past. We have said this before, that there is no takeover of the Human Being during this process. There is instead a meld, a partnership, and that is what you see. So as my partner steps aside, he is looking and watching everything that is taking place. He is even able to write it down later if need be. This is because we have a Human Being who is able to work with that sacred part of himself that is new and different. It’s a participation instead of a takeover.

Jeshua via Judith Coates: Questions Basic to Your Reality - Oct 3, 2013

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Jeshua: Questions Basic to Your Reality, as channeled by Judith Coates, October 2013, at http://www.oakbridge.org
Beloved one, I would speak with you now about questions, questions that are basic to your reality, questions that come up.
Oftentimes you will be asking these questions of yourself, and many times ones are asking these questions of me, questions such as, “Who am I? I awaken in the morning and I seem to remember the person I was the day before. I get up and I do what is accustomed on that day.”

Pleiadian Return to SELF via Suzanne Lie: New Visitors to the Mothership – Another Surprise Visit Oct 3, 2013

GalacticTransmissionThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Pleiadian Return to SELF via Suzanne Lie: New Visitors to the Mothership – Another Surprise Visit. Channelled by Suzanne Lie, October 1, 2013. http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/
Sandy Continues:
When Jason said that we needed to let go of the third dimension, we looked at each other knowing he had spoken the truth. However, how can we let go of an entire dimension? We decided that this issue was far too difficult to ponder on an empty stomach.
Therefore, I fixed dinner while Jason straightened up the house. We had a wonderful meal and a bit too much wine. Therefore, by the time we had done the dishes all we could do was relax in bed. Jason watched a ball game and I read my current take-away book. However, after I had only read a few pages and the game had only been on for a short while, we were both asleep.

Visionkeeper: The Unfolding Oct 3, 2013

art-blue-bluex-building-enlightment-Favim.com-179380(Picture by http://www.favim.com)
Note from Wes: I couldn’t of said it better myself, Questioning and uprooting the powers that were is essential to our future, so let’s get on the move!
Music to read by below:
What an amazing time to be alive right now. It can get a bit sketchy at times, but somehow deep within we know we must continue on the path and follow it through to completion. Whenever a paradigm opens or closes the universe is swept up in a huge rush of energy and it is with this rush of energy we must build our new foundation for the new world carefully. We must not repeat our mistakes again after all of this hard work. Are you ready to raise yourself upwards and leave the old ways of the old paradigm behind you?

The Sacred Space of Your Heart, Channeled by Caroline K.A. - October 2, 2013

Channeled by Caroline K.A.
There are many areas upon your planet which are known as sacred sites.  These are areas of great energy many may feel when in their vicinity, which create an undeniable, and glorious connection to all life, and creation.
When contemplating the creation of sacred space, whether in your home, in a wooded forest, or while sitting under a beautiful tree, it is important to remember the location of this sacred space is not as important as many of you have been led to believe.
All places in nature, where there is natural wonder, and beauty are indeed sacred.  All one must do is look out the window of your homes, or within your gardens at the birds, the flowers and trees. 

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: What Are Chemtrails? – Part 1 – 2 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229The following was written for the ongoing “Planetary Healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Perhaps you’ve looked up in the sky and seen the thin, white trail left by commercial airplanes if certain atmospheric conditions call for it. You know, the thin little jet trail that appears for a moment and then dissipates away?
As a child, I can always remember looking up in the sky and seeing this trail when noticing an airplane, and as I think back on my childhood memories I can remember that because of the contrails I saw, a vastly different and more malevolent trail being sprayed seemed quite normal to me.

ZeroHedge – Tyler Durden – Vatican Bank To Shut All Embassy Accounts To Halt Money Laundering – 2 October 2013


Followng Pope Francis' demand that the Vatican Bank review its procedures, Reuters reports that the bank is likely to close all accounts held by foreign embassies, following concerns about large cash deposits and withdrawals by the missions of Iran, Iraq and Indonesia, according to people with knowledge of the situation. The private bank IOR has around EUR7.1 billion in assets but is concerned it could be "an unwitting vehicle for money laundering and other illicit finances."

miércoles, octubre 02, 2013

Sheldon Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 2 October 2013

SheldanNidle12 Kan, 7 Tzotz, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with more news. You world is now in a bit of a pickle. As your new reality begins to take root in amongst the old dysfunctional structures, a situation is created which throws up strange dichotomies. Many new elements are in place but not yet operational, and so neither the old nor the new reality is fully functioning. Naturally, the dark cabal is busily seeking to profit from this hiatus by pushing ahead with its plans to foment delays wherever possible, although it knows from experience that these are all doomed to failure. What it refuses to take into account is Heaven’s timetable for the changes on planet Earth, which was set up to ensure adherence to the divine plan. And indeed, our liaisons have spent the last week informing the cabal leadership groups of this fact. We have been instructed by the local spiritual hierarchy to intervene heavily when the divine signal is finally given. Until then we are to help as much as possible and prepare for what we believe will be a massive intervention by our personnel. At present there remain a few bottlenecks here and there but these are very close to resolution. Once done, all that we have been discussing can be completed.

Brenda Hoffman - Which Creation Area is Your Bogeyman Under the Bed? - 2 October, 2013

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are confused or angry. The past few weeks, numerous channeled sources energized you to create big. You tried – and perhaps failed. Your capabilities to create in a specific area may be limited because your Old Age perceptions have permeated your physical, emotional or spiritual creation powers.
This deep Old Age fear is likely tied to your self-worth. Your earth self denied your true power for so many eons, you now struggle to acknowledge that you are as valuable and skilled as anyone.
In previous earth lives, you were probably extremely powerful in the physical, spiritual or emotional arena you are deeply fearful of now. You withhold that knowledge from yourself fearing that you will repeat whatever filled you with shame or worthlessness in that power arena.
It is time to introduce the you of now to that shameful piece.

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - The Final Word on Ascension - A Channeling and a Perspective on the words of Jesus - September 26, 2013

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 26, 2013
Message from light reading
first published in English on September 30, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
Who is waiting in the house will be still waiting, who is weeding the weeds on the field will be taken from the field.
I am Babaji
Beloved brother, beloved sister, we all are one. Why then the big differences? Why some will ascend, while others will not? Why there seems to be a double standard, now that the Creator spreads His mercy over the whole world? And why are there differences even among the light warriors that seem like heaven and hell, now that new worlds are created at a stroke and old worlds are dissolved?
Questions upon questions and the answers are missing. So it seems to many who are waiting today and have retreated in their homes, in the hope that the Creator may have mercy on them. Is this the way that you want to go as sovereign beings? Is this the way how you want to be heaved – to return idle back to the kingdom of heaven? No, that will not and can never be the way.

Denise Le Fay: Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years Oct 2, 2013

Why We’ve Been Ballast-Cutting Like Crazy All These Years, by Denise Le Fay, October 1, 2013 at: http://deniselefay.wordpress.com
Last year or so I perceived another symbolic visual message from my Higher Self that was, as usual, extraordinarily simple and beautifully to the point. It had to do with the Ascension Process — with the first transmuting and integration phase highlighted along with what comes afterwards due to that inner prep work.
Of course I cannot find any images, illustrations, photos etc. that come close to the inner visions I see or any other higher dimensional location unless I attempt to draw them myself (euw, no no no please!) or ask my artist sister to draw it for me. However, after some rushing around online searching for photos, illustrations, or whatever I can find that comes the closest to what I perceive, I have to settle on buying whatever image(s) I do find that are the closest match. Such is the case with these purchased images below. They tell the story well enough but they are not exactly what I perceived.

martes, octubre 01, 2013

Fireball Explosion Causes Power Outage In Yucatan, Mexico Strange Debris Left

Mahala - Planet Alert October 2013

How is your life going? Are you totally happy and in bliss, or do you still experience the trauma that is going on in the rest of the world? My life is alright until I turn on the news and see what is going on in the world. It appears like the world has gone mad and people are out of control. This is not the way I choose to experience life. Guess it’s time to stop watching the news and stay in my bubble of happiness.
This past full moon and the Fall Equinox were very hard on my body. I think I am experiencing major transformation. I looked to see what the planets were doing and discovered that the planetary aspect that is affecting me is not over until the end of September. Has anyone else been experiencing neck and shoulder pain?

SaLuSa 1.10.2013 - MADAD

SaLuSa 01.10.2013

How do you feel right now? There are so many changes going on right at this moment within you, that you might feel confused and might ask if this is what September energies should bring. This confusion is due to your alignment with your own higher frequency and your higher reality of existence that you are entering at this moment. Accept this confusion, as it is still showing you what to work on and with successful clearing of these issues you are helping not only yourself but also all others. You might not have this awareness yet, but you are led by us and your Guides to this point, when you realize that there is nothing to clear, nothing is causing any fear or doubt and you are ready, ready to enter the higher realm of new and loving possibilities. To say it in few words, September was a wonderful month for you, because you were able to merge all unconscious to conscious and let go of so many issues that were holding you back and this was not an easy task to do, knowing the nature of 3D experiences. But you have made it with such grace, not allowing yourselves to turn back for a moment and constantly accepted the fact that this is the thing that you must do before you enter all these beautiful realities that you have created. We congratulate to all of you who successfully made this transition, and we want to let you know that very close is even closer that some of you might think.

Aisha North – Manuscript Of Survival – Part 361 – 1 October 2013

AishaNorthBy now, most of you have gotten used to being knocked about by these interrupting rounds of energetic upheavals, and hopefully, you have even gotten to understand the benevolent nature of this barrage. We know fully well that to many of you, the barrages themselves are nothing to be pleased about, as they seem to misbehave as soon as they connect with your body. But still, the unpleasantness they may cause will never outweigh all of the beneficial value these messengers of light come laden with, and as such, we gather that most of you have quietly acquiesced to these rounds by now.

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Managing the Powerful Energy of the Equinox Oct 1, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the very intense energies which have been streaming into your planet. As many of you know you have just recently had the Fall/Spring equinox. Many of you are still having a difficult time managing these intense energies and it is our intention today to share with you our perspective so that you may make better use of these powerful energies.
How are you feeling during this great time of change? Though we do not prefer the word symptom, suffice it to say that many are suffering from the powerful after effects of this energy. Like every equinox, the energy is meant to help you release what is no longer serving you. It is meant to help you find balance and regain the harmony within, though it may feel like anything except harmony at this time.

Visionkeeper – We Are Frequnecy – 1 October 2013

art-astral-beautiful-black-and-white-blonde-Favim_com-281103(Picture by :http://www.favim.com)
Music to read by below:
Yes, we appear to be flesh and bones and blood, but we are forgetting we are a frequency as well. We are energy that is vibrating with life, we attract and repel people and situations to and from us through our frequencies. Have we ever stopped and wondered what frequency we are humming at? Is it our own personal frequency we are emitting out into the world or are we emitting a frequency that we have absorbed from someone else, is it good, is it bad, is it loving or evil? First we must  take notice of what we are attracting to us in our daily lives. Is it positive and loving or negative and evil? How is your life treating you? Are you happy, do you have happy people around you, are you creating positive situations everyday or just the opposite? All of this kind of important information we will never know or understand unless we pay attention to how we are living our lives and what we are thinking. If we stay numbed out by the chaos of 3D we will never know.

John Smallman – Jesus – Due To The Immense Love-Flood Enveloping Your Planet Denial Is Being Washed Away – 1 October 2013

The fact that all are one is becoming ever more apparent to humanity.  This is partly due to the positive pronouncements of your mainstream scientists, specifically physicists, who are unable any longer to refute the evidence for this, but mainly due to humanity’s evolving spirituality which is providing the intuitive knowing that this is so.  This is amazing progress in a very short period and you wayshowers and Light-bearers have helped greatly by holding and strengthening your intent for humanity’s awakening.  Your intentions are far more effective than you can possibly imagine, and because of the limitations of consciousness when it is embodied as a human, you get very little sense of this, very little feedback, although the results are now being seen worldwide.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Alma Compleja - 30 de Junio de 2013


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Cuántas veces hemos dicho esto?  Yo lo sé. Y si se lo dijera a mi socio, él empezaría a conservar registros. Porque eso hacen los Seres Humanos. Antes de empezar esta corta canalización sobre un tema complejo, un tema que se presentó hoy y es necesario discutir, quiero tomar un momento para decir esto: Quizá esta no sea tu realidad. Aún cuando el Ser Humano tiene sabiduría, aceptación, tolerancia, paciencia, es difícil aceptar la idea de que un hombre se pueda sentar en una silla y entregar palabras en tu idioma, sucintamente, que supuestamente vienen del otro lado del velo. Lo sabemos

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Parábola De Wo Y Su Caja De Creencias - 29 de Junio de 2013


Saludos, Queridos, Yo SOY Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Una de las preguntas que se formularon en el pasado, en los primeros tiempos, cuando mi socio y yo nos conectamos por primera vez, fue: “¿Por qué razón viniste?”  Si no han escuchado esto antes, queridos, es importante que lo sepan, porque el potencial de la consciencia al que la humanidad se dirigía iba a reescribir la historia y reescribir el potencial de la historia y a cambiar las profecías de la historia, fuese lo que fuese lo que viniese luego.

Se supone que el Espíritu, al que llaman Dios,  lo sabe todo; pero el Espíritu al que llaman Dios no sabe qué van a hacer ustedes en su libre albedrío. Por eso ustedes llaman a esto una prueba. Y no es un test de su naturaleza humana, no es una prueba de su alma, ni es algo a juzgar.  Es un test del planeta y ustedes son parte de eso: consideren a los que están en el planeta con batas blancas, realizando el experimento, con la consciencia que trajeron al venir y las complejidades que desarrollaron con el tiempo

Pope Francis to ‘Rip Up And Rewrite’ Vatican Constitution September 30, 2013

As a group of eight Catholic cardinals handpicked by the Pope to shake up the Vatican’s murky and autocratic bureaucracy prepares to meet, the group’s leader has said they plan to rip up and rewrite the apostolic constitution which apportions power at the Holy See.
Pope Francis
Pope Francis appointed eight Catholic cardinals to shake up the Vatican’s murky and autocratic bureaucracy Photo: AFP
The cardinals, who were appointed in April by Pope Francis and will confer with him for the first time at the Vatican on Oct. 1-3, were briefed to revise the constitution, known as Pastor Bonus, drawn up in 1988 by Pope John Paul, in a bid to give a great voice to bishops around the world.

Wes Annac-Jeshua and the Ascended Masters: If Things Don’t Seem to Arrive, then Arise - October 1, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With so very much Love and joy, I am Jeshua speaking for our collective of Masters and for the Company of Heaven overall. We continue to watch you go about your Earthly endeavors, and we encourage the expansion so many of you find yourselves undergoing as you subsequently greet purer understandings about yourselves and this beautiful Creation around you.
You’re gaining deeper glimpses into the spiritual realms, and as you do this you emit an energy; a frequency that reaches out to everyone around you and helps them find enlightenment in their own ways and in their own time. You’re helping so many others to become aware of the reality of their existence with your mere presence on the Earth, dear souls, and this is why we encourage your continual efforts to help your collective become aware.

John Smallman – Jesus: Due to the Immense Love-Flood Enveloping Your Planet Denial is Being Washed Away - Oct 1, 2013

The fact that all are one is becoming ever more apparent to humanity.  This is partly due to the positive pronouncements of your mainstream scientists, specifically physicists, who are unable any longer to refute the evidence for this, but mainly due to humanity’s evolving spirituality which is providing the intuitive knowing that this is so.  This is amazing progress in a very short period and you wayshowers and Light-bearers have helped greatly by holding and strengthening your intent for humanity’s awakening.  Your intentions are far more effective than you can possibly imagine, and because of the limitations of consciousness when it is embodied as a human, you get very little sense of this, very little feedback, although the results are now being seen worldwide.

lunes, septiembre 30, 2013

Giant Anomalies and UFOs in the solar space - September 30, 2013

Wes Annac - This is Our Planet – It’s Time to Take it Back - Sep 30, 2013

Are you aware of just how infinite you are in your ability to create widespread, positive change? Do you understand the power that you as an individual possess to help mend everything about our reality clearly in need of mending?
We’ve long recognized many things about our planet that are clearly in need of healing or uplifting, and if brought together on a mass level and in an uninhibited way, we can and will bring about every bit of change needed for this planet to move into a new paradigm.
As we continue to galvanize and create change, the forces we’re working to expose are fighting to maintain their last grips on our reality and collective influence. They’ve been able to steadily manipulate humanity’s perceptions from beyond a veil of their own design that we’re either taught to believe doesn’t exist, or we simply don’t think about.

The Energies of October 2013 - Jennifer Hoffman Monday, 30 September, 2013

Another month has gone by in this year which has been a source of so many opportunities for healing, clearing and release. September was a month we won’t quickly forget and now we’re entering a new month which begins with Mercury retrograde shadow and more activity that will lead us into the upcoming eclipses and November’s Uranus/Pluto square.
You may be asking ‘Does it ever end?’ and the answer is yes and no. The cycles end in a way because as they close they become the opening portals for the next cycle. That’s why looking for the end is counterproductive; we need to be seeing how the end creates the new beginning.

Wes Annac - What is a New Paradigm? – Part 2 - Sep 29, 2013

Note from Wes: I’ll be out today, Sunday the 29th.
Continued from Part 1
There are individuals and groups already working very actively on helping bring our planet into the new paradigm, a paradigm we could’ve welcomed by the 1940s, and if they were given the abundance a few single millionaires have they’d spread it and see as many people as possible able to benefit. (1)
The idea of sharing abundance with every person on this planet is one that, in my opinion, will have to be brought about by the people as a whole.

Dissolve the illusion – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 30, 2013

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(translated from original language german)
My child, send your love and light to where you currently are, or to a place that you specifically choose. Most effective it is there where you just are, just by your presence. With your high vibrational energies you solve negative or low energies from the ground or inside buildings. This is done unconsciously through your higher self or consciously through you. You help so even more to convert more quickly or to liquidate completely the energies that no longer serve you, humanity and Gaia, and to dissolve thereby the illusion itself. The faster you will find yourself consciously in the 5th Dimension or higher, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

AA The path will begin to level out now. – Ron Head - September 30, 2013


We return now to discuss what is happening for many of you at this time.

Your purposes, your abilities, and your perceptions of opportunity are coalescing into something which seems more possible to you than before.  What was once not even thought of is coming into focus for you.

Many of you feel surprise as this happens for you.  Do not be surprised.  Before the changes which have been given you, many of these things would not have been possible.  But now you are taking up the tools which your past experience and current intent have given you.  All of the talent you have so arduously earned is returning.  The vision may still be a bit fuzzy for a while yet, but it will clear.  Circumstances which you came into your lives to take care of, opportunities you foresaw, will appear around you.  You will be prepared.

Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

Sha Na Ra

Undeniable UFO Documentary [HD] New Paradigm OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー UfoDisclosure2012