domingo, abril 07, 2013

A Note From Mike Quinsey ~ Channel of SaLuSa

Hi Friends,
I have been overwhelmed by your kind comments and best wishes since my stroke. Fortunately I have only experienced a very mild heart attack, in fact I was unaware that I had one., but it has left me with the virtual loss of sight in one eye. Otherwise I am unscathed and understand my sight may come back. I have lost partial memory in respect of using the computer but that will come back with use and practice. My memory is otherwise still very good, and I expect to get it back in due course. I am continuing with my Radio Programs and will see how it goes, but I do not expect much difficulty.
I am obviously having to adjust to a slightly easier way of life, and in fact because I can no longer drive a car I am having to alter my life style. But I am still able to contribute to the Light, and hope to be able to continue as usual. I will have to see how it works out.
Thank you for all of your wishes for a healthy return to a normal life.
In Love and Light, Mike Quinsey.

Weight Gain Ascension Symptom, in Reverse ~ Brian the Dragon

As channeled by Brian the Dragon

Hi everyone,

This is the dragon. There are various things that we know people have discussed as ascension symptoms and you have to understand before we get into this that we primarily see energy and communicate that way. Brian is responsible for translating. Some of that is already done by his higher self before it even gets to this side of the veil. So, the way this kind of communication works is interesting. We will just dump energies to his higher self to communicate in the form of the energies. Then, his higher self on through the veil and will turn it into something that can be written down. This is not unique to Brian's channeling. It's how it works in general and is only really necessarily so long as the veil is present.

The reason we wanted to remind about that is that we know there are a list of so-called ascension symptoms. We can even hone in on the energies of individual ones pretty well, helped by us in fact having some incarnations on your world. So, although we don't compartmentalize things the way you do, we have the ability to see what you do compartmentalize, just in a different way. So, although we don't use the terms you use, and see things as energy, we can talk about them.

Your Religions are Evolving Along with All of You ~ Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi

As channeled by Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of religion. We realize this is a very controversial topic and one that is deeply seated in very strong belief systems around your world. Religion has been a very large part of many people’s lives on your world for thousands of years. Our intention of this message is not to determine which religion is “right” or “wrong” but rather to show you how the religions of your world and your evolution as a collective are intricately intertwined. As you evolve so too will everything else in your world.

Religion is just one way, just one path to enlightenment, as we have said before; there are an infinite number of paths. One is not better than another. Some see religion as having the intention of controlling the masses, however there are pieces of each religion which help to serve others and allow them to connect with their own divinity. Know that no one can be controlled against their will. All that follow do so willingly. Remember that everyone has their own set of circumstances and challenges which they must overcome. To look to another and say that the path that another takes is “not right” is to then judge your own path as well.

sábado, abril 06, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 296 - Aisha North
As you have already ascertained, these last few days have been nothing if not intense, and even if they in many ways may have left you feeling weaker in the flesh, you will also sense that your spirit has lifted in more ways than one. For you are made of sturdy stuff indeed, but as yet, your physical body has a hard time coming to the same conclusion. And rightly so, for within is where the changes occur, and as such, your flesh and bones may still feel as if they are at times being torn apart. But they are not, and neither are you, as what is occuring, is such a monumental rewiring and rearranging it will leave you all feel more than a little bit worn and torn and the end of it. But contrary to assumption, you are not being torn down, you are only being fortified in every way, and as such, once again the symptoms will mask the true purpose behind all of these goings on.
For you have come here to conquer, dear ones, but first of all you must conquer your own doubts as to what abilities you may have for stepping out and declaring yourselves to be the new rulers of the world. For that is indeed exactly what you are, but as the word ruler still connotes something sinister for so many, let us just add a few thoughts as to what we must mean by that. For in your eyes, a ruler will in many ways equal a despot, and your world has had its fair share of those. And still to this day, there are many individuals who can be given that same title, not just in their own realm, but also further afield. But we speak not of such lesser men who put themselves above others by the force of instigating fear and uncertainty in others. No, we speak of individulas who are held aloft by the very light that they carry within. And it is this light that is now finding a home in your somewhat worn and weary physical body, and it is indeed this light that will make you the new rulers.

viernes, abril 05, 2013

Sirius exclusive interview Edgar Mitchell

ANGELS at work Enhanced Caught on CCTV Camera

Publicado el 19/09/2012 First I would like to say this is not my video. But after watching it 50-100 times I thought it deserved my full attention. I decided to take the original video and Enhance it the best I could.Because the original video was shot in 1080p I was able to get full zoom in the areas I wanted to look at and was able to slow it down frame by frame.To me this is more a case of Time Travel/Manipulation then it is Teleportation. Was it just coincidence that a person who knew how to teleport people was there at the right time?Or did they know it was going to happen? Check it out and tell me what you think. Music by Netsky - your way

John Smallman – Saul – Do Not Allow Your Doubts And Anxieties To Discourage Or Alarm You – 5 April 2013
Humanity’s awakening process is proceeding apace.  At the beginning, many eons ago, it was slow and arduous for you, but now it is like a river flowing rapidly in full flood, sweeping all before it to the Ocean – Reality, Heaven, your eternal Home – and it is utterly unstoppable.  Let go of your doubts and anxieties, which tempt you either to try to swim upstream, or at the very least, arrest your progress by holding on to outdated attitudes and behaviors that no longer serve you.  Release all that unloving emotional baggage which weighs you down, seems to be dragging you down, and skim along in exhilaration like surfers or water-skiers on the surface of this tide of Love as you race towards the Ocean where the most magnificent welcome awaits your swift and certain arrival.
Dear Light-bearers and wayshowers, sisters and brothers, siblings, children of God, do not allow your doubts and anxieties to discourage or alarm you.  Over the eons, you have endured much suffering and many disappointments which have left you with deep emotional scars, and the “stuff” that is arising for many of you now is old, very old, and just needs to be recognized and released.  There is no need to investigate its origins; the past is well and truly gone.  What you are experiencing — and it can be very uncomfortable and unsettling — are the scattered remnants of old and half-forgotten memories, fragments of misused energy.  You are effectively in the process of “spring cleaning,” and as you enter rooms that have been closed off for a long time, opening doors, windows, drapes, and blinds, all the dust and debris (frozen energy) which has accumulated over time, gets stirred up.  And indeed, there is an amazing quantity of it!  It contains nothing of any value; it simply needs to be discarded, deposited on the compost heap so that its energy can be recycled, returned to the pristine state of beauty with which it shone before it became corrupted through eons of conflict and confusion.

Your DNA is Unfolding
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s March 31, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at This week is a rebirth/renewal of your cellular structures. You are shifting physically from a child who follows inner messages because you believe you should – to following those messages because you know why you created them.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.
Dear Ones,
Many of you have begged for the new DNA strands prophesied by so many channels. You are of the advance Lightworker branch and wish to complete your transition as quickly as possible – and so you are.
Your new DNA strands are now unfurling slowly, but surely. Of course, you expected such. The surprise is the effect your additional DNA strands will produce. Even though we have used the analogy of new computer software, that analogy is not really an accurate description of what will happen once your DNA is actively participating with your spiritual/physical being.

The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa - Non-Human Galactic Souls - Part 5 (Conclusion) - April 3. 2013
Written by Wes Annac, concluded from Part 4
Non-Human Galactic Souls

We are each working to reach states of consciousness that we have not accessed in a very long time, as SanJAsKa tells us below before beginning to get into a discussion of the various non-human (but still benevolent and evolved) souls and races comprising the Galactic Federation.
We are told of the evolved animal forms some souls who are a part of the GF take, and we’re told that the comfort level of humanity will be taken into consideration when we are introduced to such souls.
“Higher states of consciousness and understanding for every soul involved will result from the ascension of the entire Universe, and the missions of each of you at present are geared toward reaching states of consciousness that you have not yet traversed.
There are multitudes of different races comprising the Galactic Federation and while so very many of us are indeed human and you will initially be introduced to those of us who are human, there are other races who take their collective form as pure spirit energy, while other races of our Federation choose to express themselves as the evolved form of what you would best know as animals.

My dear friends, tomorrow is here. – channeled by Ron Head

You have reached the end of a short period of rest, which we gather from our channel, you really were not all that comfortable with.
It is time now for you to assess the tools available to you and to determine what your contributions will be.  Are you truly ready to begin?  If it all breaks loose tomorrow, can you say that you truly are ready?  Because, my dear friends, tomorrow is here.
We have stated many times through our trusted channels that this season would be the time in which things would be ready to begin, and they are.  We have said that we awaited a certain point to be reached and a signal to be given.  There is now no further reason to wait.
But there is one teensy consideration to take into account.  What will you do?  It need not be something as grandiose as, “I will change the world!”  But you should know by now what you love to do and how it might contribute to a better place for all.  There are, after all, several billions of you to make such contributions.  And there are right now, many millions of you ready to start.

jueves, abril 04, 2013

The manuscript of survival – part 295 - Aisha North - April 4, 2013
As many of you have already ascertained, the veils are lifting one by one, and this denouement can in some cases cause even more bewilderment amongst you. For what is this that you have taken for granted all of your life, if not just a puff of smoke, a mirage masquerading as reality? It can be almost overpowering at times when you find yourself standing in this full glare of the truth, as you have to reassess so much that you have build not only this, but also all of your previous lives upon. So yes, the light is merciful indeed, but also merciless, for it leaves nothing to the imagination any more, and you are forced to take everything up for review as you know you must. For you cannot continue on this journey with your eyes and your heart closed to this truth, and even if may be painful in some aspects, it is also the final catharsis that will effectively cauterize any last vestiges of old suppurating wounds, and leave you all to finally heal and become whole again.
For that is indeed what this journey is all about, coming together and gathering all of the aspects of you that have been dispersed far and wide during your sojourns on this planet. And their task has been this one, to gather as much experience as possible, by falling headlong into life in all of its aspects, both those deemed as ”good” and also those deemed as ”bad”. For once the veils start to drop, you will know that there are no such things as ”good or ”bad”, for everything carries equal measure in this theater of life. But now, you have learned enough the hard way, and you are extracting yourselves from this old play. And do not forget, this old play was indeed infested by a large extra helping of darkness a long time ago, by those outsiders dead set on making this whole show keep running long after it was supposed to be closed down. And as such, you have in many ways been forced to play out ever more sinister versions of this theater of life. But now, that show has been called off, and you are no longer under the spell of those puppeteers who so enjoyed watching you all squirm under their hard tenure. So now, you are finally let off from this old forced labour and free to start to play out the new version of your life on earth-school.

miércoles, abril 03, 2013

Arcángel Miguel: Sus más poderosos sueños incluirán a todos, queridos corazones. – canalizado por Ron Head - Abril 2, 2013



Miguel: ¿Acaso no fue éste un fin de semana tumultuoso? Esperamos que agradable para ustedes, queridos amigos, pero estuvo lleno de contrastes energéticos también, estamos seguros.

Ahora están en el mes de abril mismo. Parece ser como si las cosas se hubieran asentado. Y sin embargo ustedes sienten que hay algo en marcha.

Algo que todavía no ha sucedido. Su conciencia está sintiéndolo cautelosamente, tratando de descubrir qué podría ser.

Bueno, están casi en lo correcto. Su único error yace en pensar que las cosas se han asentado. Ellas simplemente se han asentado a una corriente constante que seguirá incrementando.

La primavera ha llegado, por lo menos en su hemisferio norte, y el cambio vendrá. Y esta energía está diciendo: “el cambio VENDRÁ”.

En verdad, es el decreto del Cielo, y el suyo también. Ahora es tiempo de recordarles todo lo que han aprendido acerca de crear el cambio.

Permítannos decirles que ustedes están listos, de otro modo esto no ocurriría. Sin embargo, como cualquier general de cualquier armada en su historia les diría, sus planes más meticulosos no cubrirían lo que van a encontrar.

Por eso ustedes son tan magníficos. Ustedes lo harán funcionar de todos modos. Por favor sostengan firmemente su sueño hasta el momento en que disciernan uno mejor, y lo harán. Luego agárrense al nuevo.

Sus sueños más poderosos van a incluir a todos, queridos corazones. Si no están soñando todavía para todos, les diremos que se están perdiendo todavía de un gran gozo, sí, y poder.

La exclusión y la revancha no pueden tener lugar ahora. La inclusión y la rehabilitación son, como ustedes lo pondrían, ‘allí donde es’. Pero el libre albedrío sigue siendo la ley, por lo que tiene que ser una elección de todas las partes.

Algunas cosas más bien grandes han empezado a suceder ya, pero les diremos que ellas son simplemente pequeñas bolas de nieve en la cumbre de la colina. Pongan un marcador de libros en esta página de su historia.

Van a regresar muchas veces para referirse a ella en el futuro, especialmente cuando alguien les diga: “¡pero nada está sucediendo!”

Nunca hay un nunca, nunca lo ha habido, ni habrá un tiempo cuando noten que nada está sucediendo. Asegúrense de que ese lugar donde hay quietud en su corazón esté bien equipado y listo.

Querrán pasar tiempo allí diariamente. Y mientras están allí, hagan suceder las cosas. ¡Les decimos esto con una gran sonrisa!

Estamos más cercanos que sus pensamientos y listos para ayudar si lo piden. Vayan en paz. Buenos días.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Traductor: Gloria Mühlebach


Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Tienes Energía Cristal? - Abril 2, 2013



La Energía Cristal es un sello profundamente espiritual y altamente empático que ha estado presente en los adultos nacidos en los 1950s y 1960s y las generaciones nacidas después de 1976.

Los primeros Cristales trajeron una forma altamente concentrada de energía Cristal al planeta, preparándolo para los niños que vendrían después.

La Energía Cristal es cuidadosa, sensible, altamente intuitiva y muy espiritualmente conectada. Ésta energía no se integra bien en la tercera dimensión y tenerla puede ser pesado, en especial en un mundo que está enfocado materialmente.

Los Cristal son altamente empáticos lo que los fuerza a permanecer fuera de la vista pública porque simplemente sienten demasiado.

Mientras que los Índigos son rebeldes y orientados hacia la acción, los Cristal son más callados, pacientes, y aunque no son enérgicos como los Índigos, nos son menos persistentes.

Magatha de Agharta – Méline Lafont - Teníamos que implementar un cambio / proceso necesario que resultara en grandes cambios en su mundo y en su realidad



Saludos, amados hijos de la Tierra. Llegó el momento de proveer una actualización concerniente al estado actual de asuntos referente a la Tierra Interna así como a la Tierra. Les doy la bienvenida a todos ustedes con el corazón abierto lleno de amor y gratitud.

En el presente hay una profunda manifestación por ocurrir. Unos cuantos cambios se están realizando en su Tierra y en su realidad presentando la caída de las viejas estructuras y simultáneamente señalando la renovación actual.

Lo que puede que no sea conocido o quizá solo conocido por ciertas fuentes amorosas es que incluso en la Tierra Interna muchos cambios están ocurriendo.

Teníamos que implementar un cambio/proceso necesario que resultara en grandes cambios en su mundo y en su realidad. Muchos corazones serán capaces de recibirnos en el mundo y en verdad nos verán.

Saúl - John Smallman - Cuando te centras en cuestiones de tercera dimensión, estas presente solo en un 1%! - Marzo 31, 2013



El interés de la humanidad por lo espiritual está creciendo rápidamente, como consecuencia directa de las nuevas energías divinas que inundan el planeta, esa por supuesto era la intención cuando se pusieron en marcha.

Todos deben abordar seriamente su lado espiritual, su 99%, que un gran número de ustedes han dejado de lado a causa de las distracciones seductoras, atractivas y exigentes con las que sus egos, a través del mecanismo de la ilusión, constantemente los están bombardeando.

En verdad, cuando se centran en cuestiones de tercera dimensión, están presentes solo en un 1%! Eso es todo a lo que sus egos pueden acceder, a pesar de que a menudo parece que algunas personas tienen egos enormes! ¿No es asombroso?

Wes Annac – Astral Travels : Teaching With The Golden Council Of Acclipthys – 2 April 2013


This week, we are going to travel to the ascended city of Acclipthys and work with their Golden Council on teaching others the blessing and healing abilities we’re beginning to find and utilize during each weekly trip. In a sense, we are going to expand upon what we did last week as we will again be displaying our Lightwork to a group of souls who are themselves learning some of the abilities we have found.
It seems that even in the higher realms and with a natural understanding of the Logos energy prevalent all around forming the higher dimensional reality one would exist in, there is still a desire to learn and understand different concepts and even if the souls we are displaying our energy work to already know what we are doing in their own right, our very teaching and displaying of these abilities will further solidify them in ourselves, and we will find ourselves able to use them in different and more potent ways as a result.

The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 4 - Learning about Galactic Technology - Wes Annac - April 1, 2013


Learning about Galactic Technology

As we progress onward toward a free and infinite future in alignment with the will of every soul on our world, we will grow to understand and work with the advanced technologies the Galactic Federation employs on a moment-to-moment basis. As is said below, we are going to learn so very much about this technology before we begin to use it and collectively benefit from it, and I have a feeling that we will learn enough about it to be able to understand its uses and how to interact with it.
“We have so very much to teach you and help you to learn, and the nature of energy work and using higher dimensional technology to shape and mold energy to be formed as you please is something you will be taught.
We will introduce you to our replicators and the various other technologies that may initially bedazzle you. We ask you to imagine the very idea of being able to Create anything you want with a device you will also be able to use as a holographic video phone and a replicator that can Create any food, drink or environment you wish for it to.
These are only a few things the basic handheld technology that every soul on your world will be issued can do, and the other things these devices can do will have to be explained in depth during the disclosure announcements before they are given, so that you dear souls can properly understand how to use them.”

Angelic Message. “Every Thought Leads To Creation.” By, Bella Capozzi. March 27, 2013.


Here’s a message that came as a pleasant surprise, during meditation this morning.  I have no idea of “who” specifically gave it me, but I do know that the energy felt distinctly Angelic.  It’s very loving and on point, so I thought I’d share!
The Angels:
★ Every thought leads to creation.  There is precious little that you think that does not, in some way, manifest itself in your outer world.  Somewhere, somehow, that seemingly insignificant thought lives on in the form of a manifested reality.  Somebody’s reality, if not your own.  You are a powerful Creator Being, so take particular care to always remember this.  Remember that you have the power to do anything and to be anything, and also to produce that which you wish to experience as your physical reality.  It is not only your thoughts which have this power, but your words and actions, too.  The spoken word is made up of tone, and tone carries within it highly transformational frequencies and messages.  You may not recognize that they are there, and it is not necessary that you do.  Much goes unnoticed by you, yet that does not mean it does not exist.  Endeavor, if you will, to be accepting of new ideas and perspectives.  Try embracing manners of being which might seem, at present, to be somewhat “outside the box.”  For what is radical today shall be the norm tomorrow.

James Tyberonn – The Enigmatic Atlantean Crystal Sphere Of Dr Brown – 4 February 2012

Legendary Atlantis still holds a fascinating mystique for many. Stories of the ancient land that sank deep into the Atlantic Ocean have endured for more than 5,000 years. Renowned psychic Edgar Cayce spoke in depth about Atlantis, and an Atlantean society that existed for more than 200,000 years. The Atlanteans had, per Cayce, extremely advanced technologies utilizing Crystals. Cayce and academics such as John Van Auken have a great truth about this once great society of Atlantis.
In 2012 and beyond, the hidden history of our true origins will be revealed. The work of Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich , Michael Cremo and David Childress is beginning to capture the recognition and sense of truth that is being accelerated in humanity.
And as controversial as the land of Atlantis remains to main stream academics, it is still an enigma that cannot be disproved … while many scholars of old believed the existence of Atlantis to be a historical reality.
To add more mystery to the dilemma, a stunning and controversial mystery exists today surrounding an unusual crystal sphere said to have been found in a submerged pyramid in the waters near the location where Atlantis was said to have existed. Is it real ?

Archangel Michael ~ “Is It Resistance or Pushing the Envelope” – Channeled Through Carolyn Ann O’Riley 02 Tuesday Apr 2013
Is It Resistance or Pushing the Envelope
Greetings! Greetings! Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. The swirling energies are engulfing you and pulling you this way and that. Of course the chaos is always there and will be with you for quite some time. There may still be some dark personal moments as you continue to cycle on and off, for you are doing all that clearing and releasing from your vast energy fields from eons of time. 

My Beloveds you might want to label this the new norm for now, because My Beautiful Beings of Light you will be clearing the debris from all the nooks and crannies for the next several decades to come. 
It would have been lovely to have just flipped a switch, so it were, and there would be a golden age of pure love, but that is not how your pre-incarnated contracts cast this time, in these moments in now. Mass Consciousness, My Beloveds didn’t see it this way and so it is written. 

My Divine Beings of Grace, as you know or are remembering, time really only exists on the Earth Plane. Lineal time, as you know it, is actually dissolving. In Celestial viewing these moments pass through in the blink of an eye.

The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

Creating Real Objects with your Mind.

CLN – NASA Discovers HIdden Portals In Earth’s Magnetic Field – 3 April 2013

By Arjun | Collective Evolution
Our planet has come a long way in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Mainstream science is beginning to discover new concepts of reality that have the potential to change our perception about our planet and the extraterrestrial environment that surrounds it forever. Star gates, wormholes, and portals have been the subject of conspiracy theories and theoretical physics for decades, but that is all coming to an end as we continue to grow in our understanding about the true nature of our reality.
In physics, a wormhole was a hypothetical feature of space time that would be a shortcut through space-time. We often wonder how extraterrestrials could travel so far and this could be one of many explanations. Although scientists still don’t really understand what they have found, it does open the mind to many possibilities.

John Smallman – Jesus – Humanity Is At A Crossroads – 3 April 2013

Humanity is at a crossroads.  Many are not ready to surrender to Love, to their divine nature, although at the deepest level of their being they have always intended to do so.  An intense effort on your part, the wayshowers and Light-bearers, is essential now to assist them to remember their God-given intent to accept and embrace their true nature.  You are receiving massive amounts of energy from all in the spiritual realms to move you forwards on your path to awakening and homecoming, but many of you were disappointed by the lack of evidence in the world around you of your entry into the New Age in December last year.  Consequently, many of you have let your intent and resolve to awaken weaken as you have got caught up once more in the distractions of the illusion.

Ruth Ryden – Ruth And The Masters Of Light – April 2013 Message – 3 April 2013

Dear Readers, as many places in our world have celebrated Easter, remembering the resurrection of Jesus, it is disheartening to see it turn into a gift-giving of chocolate eggs, baskets, stuffed animals, etc. to children that have nothing to do with that momentous occasion in history.  Christmas all over again.  For those who do not celebrate the occasion, would it be so difficult to just give a sense of respect to those who do?  Sigh.  Regardless, I send my best wishes for a meaningful celebration this special day.
Arizona has been blessed with beautiful weather the past week and supposed to be that way for another week.  However, we remember the Easter snow storms of the past.
I am scheduled to have cataract surgery of my right eye on the 18th of April and am really looking forward to having better sight for now and the rest of my time in this lifetime.  Probability is for the operation to also be done on the left eye in the near future.   If next month’s newsletter is skipped or late, you will understand why.
Masters, what can we expect from weather and earth changes this coming month?
MASTERS:  “This coming month of April will come to be remembered as an historic change in the atmospheric weather conditions of your world for this time of year.  The storms now dropping down from the Arctic across Canada and into the Eastern states and the Mid-West will act in ways not expected.  Although the coastal areas will be hit hard again, we do not see sea waters impinging upon those who have already suffered so much loss.  Those who enjoy and attend the seasonal sporting events will have to be prepared for difficult weather conditions in many places.  By the middle of the month the harsh weather fronts will dissipate for the most part to provide some relief and warmer weather, although we still see a great deal of rainfall, especially in the southern states.  Flooding is a possibility that should not be ignored.  The northwestern states, and the southwest part of the U.S. will continue to enjoy warmer weather for two or three weeks, but we are seeing some drastic wind storms and unusual tornadic activity all along the western coast lines.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 3 April 2013*6ZMQU*xjPNO3cSs0ynCGpq6mpDmlruUWHqjBV7x4jFLF/artgalleryAeiresabstractdigitalartfractalGalactic_Pinwheel.jpg
12 Ik, 10 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We arrive! Your world is advancing toward the dawn of a new epoch for all of Gaia’s surface humanity. The specific good works of Heaven are ushering this positive movement in! We come here to verify this and give you a better knowledge of what is happening. The dark is thoroughly enjoying its last moments of power. Their arrogance is so high that they collectively have decided to ignore the consequences of their final actions. The key target point remains any trumped up situation that can lead to a global conflict. Our Agarthan cousins are at the forefront of our liaisons that are working relentlessly to prevent this from happening. This effort is to be a successful one since the dark does not realize how we can continue to prevent them from achieving their most heinous goal. We comprehend the nature of what the dark is doing and understand the best ways to prevent this from occurring. Besides these serious efforts, we are as well setting up the scenario for how your global governance morphs into the one that we have been describing to you. This is something that now requires your attention.

April Forecast 2013 By Lena Stevens
The theme for April is MOMENTUM.
When something has momentum it takes more of an effort to change its course, and less of an effort to move it in the direction it is already going. This is a tricky month as momentum will take hold in whatever direction you happen to be putting your focus and energy.
For example, if you are in a bad mood, that mood is in danger of gathering momentum. If you are focused on a creative project of your choosing, it will also gather momentum. It is very important that you are focused on the things you want in your life at this time for they are the ones that will gather momentum.
This is a highly creative and productive time. The challenge will be to stay directed and to have the discipline to move yourself out of situations and away from negativity that you would rather not be gathering momentum around. This will take discernment, the use of good boundaries and a commitment to some truth telling about what serves you and what does not.

martes, abril 02, 2013

Ron Head – Your Most Powerful Dreams Will Include Everyone, Dear Hearts – 2 April 2013

Was that not a tumultuous weekend?  Pleasant for you, dear friends, we trust, but full of energy contrasts, as well, we are sure.
Now you are into April itself.  It seems as if things have settled down.  And yet you feel as if something is afoot.  Something has not quite happened yet.  Your consciousness is cautiously feeling around trying to discover what it might be.
Well, you are almost correct.  Your sole error is in the thought that things have settled down.  They have merely settled into a steady current which will continue to build.  Spring is now here, at least in your northern hemisphere, and change will come.  And this energy is saying, “Change WILL come!”
It is, in truth, Heaven’s decree and your decree, as well.  Now is the time for you to remember all you have learned about creating change.  Let us tell you, you are ready, else this would not occur.  However, as any general of any army in your history would tell you, your most meticulous plans will not cover what you will find.  That is why you are so magnificent.  You will make it work anyway.  Please hold fast to your dream right up until you discern a better one, and you will.  Then grab onto the new one.

The manuscript of survival – part 294 - Aisha North

Time is flying by, and the days keep getting longer and longer in the northern part of your hemisphere as the sun’s rays are prolonging their stay on the surface. And as such, much light will continue to pour onto this little sphere floating out in space. And with this light, comes so much you have hoped for, but mayhaps also some things that you would rather be left forgotten. For the light is throwing doors open within you all and whatever the light seeks out, cannot hide anymore. And as such, this spring cleaning can be more than a little taxing at times for some of you. But again, we say, all is well and indeed just as it is meant to be. For this shake up is a thourough one, and as we told you earlier, this is indeed the last in a very long line of such shake ups, but this time, we intend to finish the job if we may put it as bluntly as this. Or rather, we intend for you to finish this job, as all we can do, is to assist you in any way we can. And so we will contiune to do that, even at those intervals when you feel bereft of any support at all, and you feel like the loneliest person alive in the universe, nay, in All of creation, you must still know that we are here, by your side, every step of the way.
But this deep plunge into solitude is something that is very important indeed, for you all need in some way to be disconnected from any distractions, whether they be of a positive or negative nature, and as such, this feeling of being tossed into a void or vacuum is indeed an intrinsic part of this whole process. So again we say do not think you have fallen from grace in any way even if you feel like we are disregarding your cries for help. For we hear you, no matter how high or how faint your cries are. And we do not dismiss them in order to punish you or make you feel even worse than you already are. No, we do this as this is part of the agreement we set up beforehand, where you yourself mapped out the arrangements for your sojourn on this planet. For we abide by your rules, dear ones, as you are the ones who stipulated beforehand just how this process was to take place, and as such, we can only obey and serve you in the best way we can while still adhering to these strict rules. Again, this is done by you, not for you, and we will always play second fiddle, in this, the greatest liberation ever taking place on this beautiful little planet.

lunes, abril 01, 2013

The Energies of April 2013 - Jennifer Hoffman - April 1, 2013 Easter Sunday was much different from those of the past few years for me. There was a new brightness in the air that fueled the feeling of anticipation and excitement I have had for the past week. I was sitting in church this morning, listening to the sermon and thinking about Easter’s symbolism and then a new realization hit me, this is the “Second Coming” we have been waiting for. And in April we find an opening door, support from every angle, and a Universe poised to see what we are going to do next.

The second coming of Christ, which has been anticipated for centuries as when we would be released from our human bondage on earth, was always thought to be a time when Jesus would come down from heaven, in physical form, and take us back with him (or some version of that). I think that many of us had a secret hope that it would be a combination of Ghostbusters and Terminator, the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys, with us standing on the sidelines, cheering on our rescuer.

HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2013 - Marlene Swetlishoff - March 31, 2013


March 31-April 6, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As you continue to release old patterns and cycles of thought and behavior, you are finding yourselves feeling more sure and confident in yourselves and your abilities. We see that you are constantly reminding yourselves of the Light that you are and steadfastly holding to it. This is very important as it helps to reinforce the greater field of Light that now surrounds your planet and allows you to tap into it. Those of you who have been receiving a great influx of cosmic energies in the past week are now in the process of fully integrating these energies into your energetic system. This is how the process works in order to safely allow all of Humanity to have the opportunity to absorb as much as possible of the new and higher energies in order that the changes within can take place.

Mankind Crucified On the Gold Standard

The criminal elite know that their dollar is going to collapse and they are going to use Gold Standard proponents to usher in a new gold "backed" digital global currency which they will immediately start to counterfeit and res start the debt and death paradigm for another generations. It is important to see how this revolution in the debt and death paradigm occurs so that we can evolve away from it.


Mars Bases - Anomalies - Weird Structures - 2013


              Beloved masters, I greet you this glorious day and send to you, through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to assist you through these wondrous times of transformation.  Many of you are thinking, "They do not seem so wondrous to me.  What am I doing wrong? I am not worthy enough to move forward, to graduate, and to become enlightened as you have promised.  Will I be left behind?  Why does my world seem to be so chaotic, in such turmoil?  Where is the peace and joy you said would be forthcoming?" Let me ease your mind and help you understand the process. You will not fail. You are exactly where you should be-you are perfect the way you are. You have all the help you need and all the answers to your problems, if you will just allow your Higher OverSoul Self to OverLight you as you strive to refine your emotional, mental and physical bodies.
            We ask you to put us to the test. Please give us permission to guide and inspire you, and in doing so you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. Brave hearts, you can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up. As you slowly and faithfully strive to remain heart-centered and Soul-focused, you will find that you are gradually but surely gaining more and more Will Power and God-consciousness. You are learning to maintain a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of Creator Light from the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart.

John Smallman – Saul – When You Are Focussed On Third-Dimensional Issues, You Are Only About 1% Present! – 31 March 2013
Humanity’s interest in matters spiritual is growing rapidly as a direct result of the new divine energies flooding the planet, which was of course the intent when they were set in motion.  You all need to seriously address your spiritual side, your 99%, which vast numbers of you have neglected because of the seductive, enticing, and demanding distractions with which your egos, through the mechanism of the illusion, are constantly bombarding you.  Truly, when you are focused on third-dimensional issues, you are only about 1% present!  That is all of you that your egos can access, even though it often appears to you that some people have enormous egos!  Is that not amazing?
But it is true, because you are all divine beings of power and might who have chosen to constrain yourselves within the very narrow confines of a human body. And now the time has come for you to move on — to move up into the higher dimensions where your spirits shine out brilliantly through the beautiful Light with which God endowed you at the moment of your creation.

WakingTimes – Stuart Wilde – The Global Ego – Resolve To Escape – 31 March 2013

My ol’ teacher said that before you are born you choose your parents and that you have an overview of the circumstances and beliefs that you are to be born into, he even said you have a comprehension of the defects or inabilities of the future body you will inhabit at birth, your DNA karma say.
It is a very original idea because your birth and the mindset you inherit from your parents overwhelmingly dictates the nature and circumstances of your life’s initial journey. It is our first karma to be born into the restriction of a physical body that is sometimes frightened and it moves slowly, and the second karma is the family imprint that is emotionally embossed upon us. Our third karma develops as we grow up and we go out and test our embossed-self up against real life and other embossed, sometimes warped souls, and we learn through action and reaction.

The manuscript of survival – part 293 - Aisha North
As many of you have already ascertained, this being tossed to and fro in these undulating waves of energy is by no means over yet, but we do hope that you have all been able to get a mouthful of fresh air at least once during these proceedings. We venture to guess that for many of you, the effects of all of these constant surges of wavelike energy will feel somewhat different from what you have been exposed to before, and rightly so. For you have indeed been raised not just another notch this time, rather, you have all been raised to a whole new level of existence to call it that, and therefore, the effects from what is constantly being beamed onto your planet and into your whole system have changed drastically.
To your physical body, much will feel the same, but in fact, there are some dissimilarities from before. But as they in some cases are rather subtle, you may find it hard to hear the different resonance this is making throughout your whole system. For the tune has indeed changed, and so have you, and as such, the melody being played out by each and every one of you has also changed. And together, the choir you make up has changed its tune in such a way, the whole of Creation is able to perceive it. And yes, this will indeed affect us all, and as such, the reactions to it will also change. In subtle ways, but also in some more noticeable ones. For remember, there are still those around trying with all of their might to quell these sounds of revelation, and as such, they will also feel forced to up the ante in any way they can. Hence the somewhat surprisingly vehement attacks some of you have encountered lately. For remember, your voices and your mere presence signals the arrival of a light that is becoming more and more brilliant, and for those eyes still more accustomed to shading themselves by constantly being focused on the dimmer regions of your planet, this brightening light will feel like it is almost piercing into their brain, even into their very core. So they lash out in protection, and anyone standing in their way may feel the brunt of these attacks.

ActivistPost – J.P. Hikcs – 5 Crypto-Currencies You’ve Never Heard Of – 31 March 2013

Since the theft of depositors in Cyprus, Bitcoin has reached amazing new heights in both popularity and value. Over a $1 billion of Bitcoins are now in circulation. People all over the world are beginning to realize the value of financial anonymity and the utility of using crypto-currencies.
Peer-to-peer digital currencies don’t require a central authority or a bank account, they have microscopic transaction fees, are quasi anonymous and can be used to purchase a growing list of real world goods and services.
However, there is a dilemma to the price of Bitcoin rising too fast. Some say it’s a bubble, yet as capital controls and the desire for financial anonymity continue to rise around the world, so will Bitcoin’s value. If it is a bubble, it’s not likely to burst anytime soon.

Busted! Proof of HAARP! Satellite Imaging Shows Coil Wave over Prince Edward Islands.. (Indian Ocean) – 31 March 2013

Busted! Proof of HAARP! Satellite Imaging Shows Coil Wave over Prince Edward Islands.. Posted By: Jordon Date: Saturday, 30-Mar-2013 15:00:17 The images from march 26th 2013 show a Huge Coil , Spiral Wave like Feature coming from the Prince Edward Islands ! Amazing Proof of Weather Modification ! NASA Pictures showing the effects of TTA’S and HAARP ! Weird Cloud ‘Coils’ Captured by Earth-Observing Satellite These are some of the strangest looking clouds I’ve seen from the fleet of Earth-observing satellites. These coil-like or bow-wave-shaped clouds were created by the clouds passing over the Prince Edward Islands, in the south Indian Ocean. It was taken by the Terra satellite with the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on March 26, 2013. Original Article: via / link to article

Mahala – Mahalas Astrology – Planet Alert April – 31 March 2013

mahalaIt’s spring and it is beautiful where I live. It’s warm and sunny and the flowers are starting to bloom.  The Daffodils are out and the tulips will soon start blooming. I just love spring. It is so beautiful outside that I choose to ignore the energy from the planets and just enjoy nature. The planetary energy is very intense.
This past full moon the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus were all conjunct each other in Aries. This group of planets made a 90 degree angle to Pluto. Mars square Pluto causes impulsive action; power struggles, the need for self-regeneration, and attempts to forcibly remake others. Countries may be aggressive and angry during this period. Power struggles involving political or military affairs are likely at this time. Look at what North Korea is doing. Mars and Uranus together bring explosive, unexpected action.

Lee Carroll – Kryon – The Recalibration Of Dark & Light – 31 March 2013

LEECarollThis live channelling was Given in San Antonio Texas
February 25, 2012
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in San Antonio, Texas.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I speak to those who have an elegance of wisdom. You may not think of this as you, for there are those here who are literally only feeling this for the first time, but there’s an elegance in this room. The elegance of discernment is here, and this is placed upon you so that you would discern what is true and what is not – including this very message.

sábado, marzo 30, 2013


allien grey dos

El FBI ha explicado por primera vez el reporte sobre el presunto avistamiento de ovnis en Nuevo México que, según los ufólogos, podría estar vinculado con el famoso caso del supuesto ovni que se estrelló en Roswell en julio de 1947.
El informe original escrito el 22 de marzo de 1950 por Guy Hottel, entonces director de la división del FBI en Washington, y remitido directamente al legendario director de la oficina Edgar Hoover, fue publicado en internet en 2011 como parte de su programa ‘FBI’s Vault’, o la ‘Bóveda del FBI’, donde se publican miles de documentos desclasificados escaneados, y que ahora están a disposición del público.
El informe, de tan solo una página, es parte de la sección de ‘fenómenos inexplicables’ y ha sido el archivo más visitado por los internautas desde el lanzamiento de la ‘Bóveda’, contando con cerca de un millón de visitas.
El documento registra lo siguiente:
“La siguiente información le fue proporcionada a ”.
Un investigador de las Fuerzas Aéreas afirmó que los tres denominados como platillos voladores habían sido hallados en Nuevo México.

Sheldan Nidle - Federación Galáctica, Jerarquía Espiritual - Apareceremos por todo el planeta y empezaremos un abanico de enseñanzas generales que expondrán las enormes mentiras… ​Marzo 29,2013

-preparados-para-la-llegada dos


Apareceremos por todo el planeta y empezaremos un abanico de enseñanzas generales que expondrán las enormes mentiras y distorsiones que deliberadamente han producido el dogma utilizado por los oscuros para evitar que conocierais muchas sagradas verdades.

5 Men, 3 Mac, 9 Eb

¡Dratzo! ¡Volvemos! Venimos a explicar lo que estamos haciendo actualmente y por qué no se ha manifestado aún.

Como podéis ver claramente a vuestro alrededor, los secuaces de los oscuros están todavía en el poder por todo este precioso globo.

Hemos trabajado duro para crear una alianza de trabajo entre nuestros sagrados aliados secretos y nosotros, y esa unión ha producido un nuevo sistema monetario y ha asegurado enormes cantidades de incontable oro y plata para respaldar el nuevo sistema financiero.

Además, hemos puesto las bases para un nuevo sistema bancario y hemos establecido los instrumentos legales que terminen con la tiranía de los grandes bancos privados, porque es vital que esa institución global, con tentáculos como un pulpo, ya no pueda succionarles la vida a las economías de vuestro mundo.

Del 29 de abril al 3 de mayo tendrá lugar en Washington la Audiencia Global para la Revelación al Público del fenómeno extraterrestre

Banner- uno

Un evento de implicaciones históricas, tendrá lugar en el National Press Club de Washington, DC desde el 29 de Abril al 3 de Mayo.

Nada menos que 40 investigadores y miembros de agencias militares, así como testigos presentarán públicamente su testimonio durante 30 horas a lo largo de cinco días.

La presentación de los testimonios se dirigirá a los miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América en un evento sin precedentes históricos.

Banner- A

La Iniciativa de Audiencia Global Ciudadana sobre la presencia extraterrestre, tiene un lema asociado: “Si el Congreso no hace este trabajo, la gente lo hará”, tal y como podemos comprobar en la web del Evento Global que ha sido convocado para los próximos días.

El evento será retransmitido en: Inglés, Español, Chino, Hindú, Japonés y Árabe, con lo que pretende llegar a casi todos los habitantes del planeta.

Banner- CUATRO

Adicionalmente, se realizará un documental con los contenidos del evento para su posterior retransmisión global, que tendrá por título: “Truth Embargo.” (“El embargo de la verdad”).

Para más información, pueden consultar la web informativa de la Iniciativa Global :

Banner- CINCO

Entre los 40 investigadores, (pueden acceder al detalle de su perfil en cada enlace) podemos citar a personalidades internacionales de primer nivel tanto a nivel científico como político, astronautas de misiones espaciales, militares, pilotos de fuerzas aéreas, personalidades al servicio de los Departamentos de Defensa de diversos países, etc…

Banner- SEIS

A.J.GevaerdStephen BassettCapt.  Rodrigo Bravo,  John CallahanGrant Cameron,  Dr. Anthony Choy,  Peter Davenport , Richard Dolan,  Coronel Richard French,  Stanton Friedman,  Paul Hellyer,  Gary Heseltine,  Dr. Jesse MarcelDr. Edgar MitchellNick PopeDr. Kevin Douglas RandleCoronel Ariel SánchezCoronel Oscar Santa-MariaDonald R. Schmitt,Daniel Sheehan, Dr. Thomas Valone,  Dr. Robert Wood.

Nada menos que 40 investigadores y miembros de agencias militares, así como testigos presentarán públicamente su testimonio durante 30 horas a lo largo de cinco días. La presentación de los testimonios se dirigirá a los miembros del Congreso de los Estados Unidos de América en un evento sin precedentes históricos. Banner- A La Iniciativa de Audiencia Global Ciudadana sobre la presencia extraterrestre, tiene un lema asociado: “Si el Congreso no hace este trabajo, la gente lo hará”, tal y como podemos comprobar en la web del Evento Global que ha sido convocado para los próximos días. El evento será retransmitido en: Inglés, Español, Chino, Hindú, Japonés y Árabe, con lo que pretende llegar a casi todos los habitantes del planeta. Banner- CUATRO Adicionalmente, se realizará un documental con los contenidos del evento para su posterior retransmisión global, que tendrá por título: “Truth Embargo.” (“El embargo de la verdad”). Para más información, pueden consultar la web informativa de la Iniciativa Global : Banner- CINCO Entre los 40 investigadores, (pueden acceder al detalle de su perfil en cada enlace) podemos citar a personalidades internacionales de primer nivel tanto a nivel científico como político, astronautas de misiones espaciales, militares, pilotos de fuerzas aéreas, personalidades al servicio de los Departamentos de Defensa de diversos países, etc… Banner- SEIS A.J.Gevaerd, Stephen Bassett, Capt. Rodrigo Bravo, John Callahan, Grant Cameron, Dr. Anthony Choy, Peter Davenport , Richard Dolan, Coronel Richard French, Stanton Friedman, Paul Hellyer, Gary Heseltine, Dr. Jesse Marcel, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Dr. Kevin Douglas Randle, Coronel Ariel Sánchez, Coronel Oscar Santa-Maria, Donald R. Schmitt,Daniel Sheehan, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Robert Wood. Banner- SIETE Banner- SIETE A Banner- NUEVE Banner NUEVE A Banner- NUEVE B La información del evento Banner- NUEVE C Banner-NUEVE d Gentileza de para Fundación Eticotaku 2013. WebSite: