Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Trust your higher guidance.
You are shifting from separation consciousness to unity, cohesion, wholeness.
As you make this leap of faith
there will be daily follow through.
Say what?
Not unique among Earthlings, the idea and belief system through bottom line separation of consciousness only serves as fuel for the lower self, the ego and that which is serves ~ to DIVIDE.
I have heard it all, even labelling different alien types as better than others. Again the separated consciousness only seeking more PROOF OF ITS DIVISION state.
One Thought
You are being given an incredible opportunity to change your Earth plane existence…starting with one thought at a time. There is no great effort involved, no hoops to jump through, no extensive time required. The act of changing one negative to a positive is all it takes. (Smiling) Go as quickly or as slowly as you choose. The world is waiting! ~ Creator
The energy is heavy today, and with the Full Moon in Aries approaching, there is a fair amount of aggression (Mars) energy making itself felt.