miércoles, octubre 01, 2014

Selacia - Gift of October Energies - October 1, 2014

Imagine a package being delivered to your door – filled with good things and some not so fun things you might want to return to sender if you could. The box has some very personally useful and practical things inside, too. What if that package was delivered when you were away and you didn’t even know it was there?
That package indeed is there and it involves the unique energies of October. What’s in it? Two eclipses, a Mercury Retrograde, and energetic support to help you Feng Shui inner closets and see lots of things including relationships more clearly.
It is being delivered whether you pay attention or not, the contents impacting you even if you don’t believe in nature’s cycles or the transformative power of planetary energies.

Geoffrey Hoppe - Ellos No Lo Ven - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Octubre 2014

Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Octubre 2014

Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Mirando por la ventana desde un gran auto de lujo, me asombró ver tanta basura y desorden en las calles y a lo largo del canal del río. Egipto es un país muy hermoso, pero para vivir yo no podría entender esos montones de basura.

Wes Annac - Enlightenment Requires Releasing Resistance – Part 2/2 - Oct 1, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 1
In a quote I personally think is important, Krishnamurti discourages manually slowing down the mind to find our true selves.
“Self-knowledge comes with the slowing down of the mind, but that doesn’t mean forcing the mind to be slow. Compulsion only makes for resistance, and there must be no dissipation of energy in the slowing down of the mind.” (1)
When it comes to writing and channeling, I notice that manually attempting to slow my mind or the thoughts that accompany it always leads to resistance. We create resistance when we strive to do anything, including silencing or slowing down our minds, and the best thing we can do is to simply flow with whatever state of mind we’re in.

Lena Stevens -The main theme for October is “THE THREE-LEGGED STOOL”. - Pronóstico Mensual – El tema principal para octubre es “LA BANQUETA DE TRES PATAS” Octubre del 2014 - 1° de Octubre 2014


October is a balancing act. The image is of watching a circus act from a place of terror and excitement and then feeling both relieved and exhilarated when the act is successfully completed. This month pushes the edge of everything, forcing expansion, new strategies for balance and a necessary letting go of what really does not work. It is an exciting, terrifying, exhilarating month with the challenge of extreme panic and fear as well as the opportunity to experience the ecstatic state of higher frequencies like never before. It is truly a circus that we are both witness to and performers in.

There are two eclipses this month as well as some interesting astrological aspects that support the month to be one of the most eccentric, creative, surprising and unpredictable we have had in a long time.
I could have explored many themes this month: Balancing act, radical shift, intensity, surprise, expansion, risk, edge, terror, chaos, power, balance, unpredictable, unstable, revolution/evolution, eccentric, new alignment.. But decided on the three legged stool” because it is an image that to me best describes the situation we find ourselves in this month.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías de Octubre - 29 de Septiembre 2014

29 de Septiembre 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Bienvenidos a octubre, el cual será un alivio bienvenido respecto a septiembre aunque será movido, con un retrógrado de Mercurio, dos eclipses, los tres planetas personales cambiando de signo (Mercurio, Venus y Marte), Plutón ganando en movimiento de avance, Saturno saliendo finalmente de su sombra retrógrada y probablemente más actividad de llamaradas solares. Vacilo a inclinarme hacia lo positivo o negativo cuando hablo de potenciales, aunque ambos lados son posibles hasta cierto grado, ya que el significado de eso pertenece a cada individuo basado en su propio sendero. Este es un tiempo no obstante, donde las situaciones en las cuales nos hemos ‘salido del camino de la energía’ estarán posiblemente en la mira y todo lo que sea drenaje de energía lo será más aun. Si estuviese ocurriendo algún auto sabotaje, lo sabrán y tendrán oportunidades para hacer las correcciones de rumbo.

Celia Fenn - The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light - October 1, 2014

The Emergence of the Inner Warrior of Light
Standing in Power and Love and Being a Focus of Radiant Light for the Earth Transition
The Eclipses of October 2014
In the period after the Planetary New Year and the Global Equinox, the energies of Change have continued to be powerful on the Earth. Waves of Light Codes, Solar impulses and Diamond Light have continued to pulsate through the Galaxy, activating deep changes to all life forms and structures. On the Earth, these Light impulses are integrated into the Light Grids and into the Consciousness of those whose Light Bodies are ready to receive them. And once they are received, they serve to initiate very deep changes that continue with the process of breaking down the old third-dimensional patterns and awakening the new multi-dimensional consciousness on Earth.

Wes Annac- My Perspective on Ascension Predictions – Part 1/2 - Oct 1, 2014

Credit: Love and Light Portal
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
There’s something I feel like I have to say, and even though part of me is hesitant to say it, another, more overwhelming part of me is practically bursting at the seams to get it out. Please note that with what I’m about to say, I don’t intend to sound uncompassionate or uncaring about the plight of those who’ve been concerned about the matter I’m going to discuss.
With as much compassion and understanding as possible; as much love as I can muster up, I feel like I have to say this:
I don’t really care when ascension happens.

John Smallman – Hearts Are Opening, And Enormous Change Is In The Air – 1 October 2014

john-blog-pics-0135We are on course and on schedule for humanity’s awakening.  I know many of you have doubts and anxieties about this forthcoming marvelous event because you have been told so often how imminent it is, and so far many of you get very little sense of itsactually coming to fruition.  Keep holding your Light on high, it is extremely effective, and when you go to your quiet inner space, your spiritual sanctuary, go with hope and expectation for the wonders that lie ahead.
Your hope and your expectations intensify your intent for humanity to awaken, and the many, many groups meditating frequently and regularly for world peace, for the Tsunami of Love to penetrate even the most tightly closed hearts are succeeding.  Hearts are opening, and enormous change is in the air.  You Light bearers and wayshowers are doing what you incarnated to do, you are bringing humanity forwards to its inevitable awakening.  Deep within yourselves, where you are in contact 24/7 with the spiritual realms and your own Real Selves, you know this.  Any doubts or anxieties to which you are clinging – if you did not cling to them they would be gone, dissolved – are of the illusion, unreal, and they serve only to distract you from the task at hand, awakening all who choose to be ready and join with you in this wondrous and long planned divine event.

Jennifer Hoffman - October 2014 Energy Report - Oct 1, 2014

Welcome to October, which will be a welcome relief from September although it’s going to be busy, with a Mercury retrograde, two eclipses, all three personal planets changing signs (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), Pluto gaining forward motion, Saturn finally moving out of its retrograde shadow, and probably more solar flare activity. I hesitate to lean towards the positive or negative when talking about the potentials, although both sides are likely to some degree, as what that means is relative to each individual based on their own path. This is a time, though, where situations in which we have ‘run out of energy road’ are likely to be a strong focus and anything that is an energy drain will be even more so. If there’s any self sabotage happening, you will know it, and have opportunities to make course corrections.

Sarah Varcas - October 2014 Astro-Energy Report - October 1, 2014

Patient Compassion and Compassionate Patience
We begin October with Uranus and Chiron highlighting the need to find new ways to both accommodate and heal woundedness at the personal and collective levels. They have been working together on this issue since June, simultaneously exposing where we are most wounded and offering tools to further the process of healing and the embodiment of wholeness. The first week of October plays out against the backdrop of a square between Mars and Chiron which reminds us that the imperative to heal comes hand in hand with the responsibility to do so not for our own personal gain but to ultimately bring the collective back into a state of balance. The healing which occurs in our minds and hearts, bearing fruit in our own lives, is simply a tiny microcosm of the rebalancing required in the collective consciousness to which we each add our own unique resonance. In exchange for our contribution we receive back the resonance of the whole, such that it is, to fuel our journey onward. Thus it is in all our interests to ensure our offering comes from a peaceful heart and an awakened mind.