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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
martes, mayo 24, 2016
Sheldan Nidle - May 24, 2016
2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik Selamat Jarin! Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been ...
Ground breaking 3D images show HIDDEN TUNNELS deep inside the mysterious pyramids
lunes, mayo 23, 2016
Aisha North - Water Speaks - 23/05/16
Jennifer Hoffman - The Corded Path and the Light Path - May 23, 2016
As you proceed along the ascension path your life’s possibilities shift and new portals of potential open for your consideration....
Benjamin Fulford 5-23-16… “The head of the Khazarian mafia is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild” - May 23, 2016
Posted by benjamin, The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet ...
Brenda Hoffman - NO! - May 23, 2016
Dear Ones, You are clarifying your being and direction – not always an easy task for you are used to pleasing others, doing a tap...
domingo, mayo 22, 2016
Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - Illumination and Inspiration - 5-22-16
Dear Ones, I wish to speak to you today of Freedom. I begin by saying that it is helpful to orient oneself to the perspective of seeing o...
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Living & Existing on Higher Density Physical Planes as You Expand & Embody Light
Mike Quinsey - canalización de su Ser Superior -..."tienes” y “no tienes” no será aceptable… - 20-05-2016
Estad seguros de que todo progresa bien y que aún están ocurriendo muchas cosas tras las escenas. Tal y como lo vemos nosotros, los do...
2016 Graham Hancock : An Updated View of True Human History - Wow ! Stunning!!!
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