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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
jueves, mayo 21, 2015
JESUS through JOHN – There is no alternative to the Divine Will because there is no other will – 5-21-15
As the divine plan for humanity’s awakening moves steadily forwards, those so successfully holding the Light on Earth to assist in this...
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Expansion of Love From The Divine Feminine - May 21, 2015
On Sunday, May 24, 2015, over two billion Christians around the World celebrated Pentecost. This was an event involving the twel...
Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - May 21, 2015
Beloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love called excitement. Having this quality is most helpful for living the life o...
SUZANNE LIE – Message from the Arcturians – 5-21-15
It is the NOW for ALL of your, our grounded ones, to BE your true Multidimensional SELF. We suggest that you document your experiences an...
Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn - La Transformación Bio-Cristalina - Parte 2
www.Earth-Keeper.com Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar Lo repetimos: la actual activación...
Archangel Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel - Photosynthesis and the Blended Human - May 21, 2015
Many people have been feeling like a new butterfly lately. We are just out of the chrysalis, wondering where our myriad legs disappea...
Earth-Keeper - Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn - The Duals of Duality - Standing in Truth - May 20, 2015
" Much of the struggle humanity are now facing is the 'dual of duality', the old energy versus the new, old energy attempting ...
Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Tríada – Las Tres Partes De La Consciencia Humana Introducción - Charlottesville, Virginia, domingo 10 de mayo de 2015
www.kryon.com Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro www.traduccionesparael camino.blogspot.com.ar Saludos, queridos, Yo ...
miércoles, mayo 20, 2015
Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Benedictine, May 20, 15
I am here today to call to you all and let you know that there is coming a time when you will recognize me and remember the good times ...
Selacia - Gems of this Mercury Retrograde: 5 Ways You Can Benefit - May 20, 2015
There are gems in our current Mercury Retrograde! In this article I address five ways you can benefit. Knowing about these gems a...
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