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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
viernes, noviembre 21, 2014
Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 21 November 2014
Beloved Ones, Le t us h ave discourse on the quality of love known as transfiguration . As a soul, one evolves until one is finally a...
The Templar Code Documentary
jueves, noviembre 20, 2014
Patricia Cota-Robles – Healing Waters – 21 November 2014
During the pas t 20 y ears, powerful Activities of Light have taken place involving the Healing Waters of the World. Since 70% to 80% of...
ECETI NEWS - James Gilliland - Mexico, Sign of the Times - Nov 20, 2014
Mexico, Sig n of t he Times Today is Revolution Day in Mexico. Just recently according to the press and the locals 43 students were k...
Pamela Kribbe - The Essence of All Healing - November 20, 2014
Dear women and men, I am very close to you, and you can feel me with your heart. I was called Mary Magdalene in one of my lives ...
Ovnis Realizando Demostraciones inteligentes / UFO Performing intelligent Demonstrations
Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies Nov 20, 2014
We would like to take some time to delve a little bit into the expansion that is currently occurring on this planet, or rather, that is oc...
Selacia – Working With Time Distortions – 20 November 2014 - Trabajando con las Distorsiones del Tiempo
The winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October’s erratic energies. If you’re not...
miércoles, noviembre 19, 2014
John Smallman – Saul – Let Go Of Any Sense Of Guilt Or Shame – 19 November 2014
The Oneness of ALL that exists is the Truth that all must come to an awareness of, and that truth (small “t” because at the moment it tend...
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