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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
miércoles, marzo 26, 2014
James Gilliland: ECETI News Maui - March 26, 2014
It has been a while since the last newsletter and so much has transpired I don’t know where to begin. With the intent of a much needed v...
Wes Annac – Discernment In A Spiritually Abundant Era – Part 1/3 – 26 March 2014
Written by Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm In this time of heightened awareness, we’re encouraged to use discernment with everything we ...
Los Anunnaki Saga Completa
Seres Luminosos captados con Camaras de seguridad / beings of Light Security Cameras
Sonar - a plea from Save Earth's Oceans.org - Patricia Cori
Blossom Goodchild - Update - Mar 26, 2014
Well hello! I am so excited to have this opportunity to speak with you again. I feel as if it has been months, yet in actual fact, it ...
Prof. Brian Greene: Past Present & Future Exist Now
martes, marzo 25, 2014
Jesus via John Smallman: Whenever You Experience an Event, Interaction, or Interchange that is Loving, Acknowledge It and the Person who Caused It - Mar 25, 2014
As you observe the news being reported on the mainstream media, you cannot help but be aware of the enormous changes that are occurring...
Jim Kiran - The Club Of Rome - 3-22-14
AKA: The Gang of 300, The Tri-lateral Commission The USSA, Israel Inc, The Club of Rome, The Illuminati, The Vatican & The New World Ord...
Brenda Hoffman – Those Awakening Might Frustrate You – 25 March 2014
Dear Ones, Those now awakening will project images and thoughts that are not necessarily what you expect – a bit like watching an infant...
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