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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
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Guardianes de la Tierra
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Guardianes de la Tierra
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sábado, agosto 19, 2023
Aurora Ray - Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth - Aug 19, 2023
Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened bei...
martes, junio 14, 2022
Jahn J Kassl - Guardians of the earth - THE EXPLOSION - June 14, 2022
photo credit: Andrea Percht The NEW mankind is not out for revenge but seeking fairness and practicing forgiveness, once those responsible h...
sábado, noviembre 23, 2013
Guardians of the Earth - Luxury of Heaven - Jahn J Kassl - Georgi Stankov Posted on November 23, 2013
Guardians of the Earth channelled by Jahn J Kassl on November 20, 2013 http://www.lichtweltverlag. com/de/blog/index.html first publish...
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