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Glosario Galáctico para Principiantes-Galactic Glossary for Beginners
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Divina Madre Shekina
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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta
Divina Madre Shekina
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domingo, agosto 08, 2021
Judith Kusel - The Sacred Marriage: The Infinity of the Sacred and Sanctified Rose - Aug 8, 2021
The Sacred Marriage: The Infinity of the Sacred and Sanctified Rose Today, the 8 August 2021, marks the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Mascu...
viernes, diciembre 04, 2020
Diana Cooper - The awesome whales originate from an asteroid in the tenth-dimensional universe of Shekinah - Dec 4, 2020
The awesome whales originate from an asteroid in the tenth-dimensional universe of Shekinah. This is a plane of high-frequency light and...
martes, abril 21, 2020
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Yo Soy El Espíritu, La Bendición, El Sonido De Shekinah
Soy el Espíritu, la Bendición, el sonido de Shekinah "Soy lo que habita en la casa de la luz" Canalizado por Gillian MacBe...
martes, mayo 20, 2014
Proper use of the water code – Written by Marc Gamma ~ 20.05.2014
Proper use of the water code – Written by Marc Gamma ~ 20.05.2014 When you use the water code given by the Divine Mother (LINK) , it...
viernes, mayo 16, 2014
Consciousness is the key to the Divine Codes – The Divine Mother Shekinah through Marc Gamma ~ 16.05.2014
Many people are using the codes that Archangel Raphael and I have transmitted to you. Many people have had miraculous successes and re...
Consciousness is the key to the Divine Codes – The Divine Mother Shekinah through Marc Gamma ~ 16.05.2014
When you use the divine codes from Raphael and the Divine Mother it is important that you stay all the time i...
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