
jueves, agosto 29, 2024

Judith Kusel - We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band - Aug 29, 2024

We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band, and this means that we now need to truly go deeper into our heart space, and therein with love, hold a picture, a vision, of the New Golden Age. 

When the vision, the Soul Calling and Purpose is greater than the sum of all which is currently there now in your life, it is what will pull you through the immense energy shifts which are coming in the next few weeks, months and years. It is what will keep you disciplined and focused on your path, so that will not allow yourself to be pushed off kilter, or pulled right back into the old paradigm, which is busy dissolving.

As I shared with my students last night, when we know where we are going, the end destination, and hold this with so much love in our hearts, like a mother holds the unborn child in love and with love, even as the child is growing within her, we will keep being pulled back to nurturing that child, to connect with it, and to see this child not only being birthed, but growing and prospering, filled with beauty and joy!

I encourage you to truly go deeply into your heart and soul, and ask your highest soul self, what it is that you would like to see manifesting into form and being in the New Earth. Let your imagination fly and soar for no-thing is impossible. The soul knows this, and can stretch into infinity, which the mind cannot do! Get out of your mind and allow your ego to fall away and allow whatever comes forth in your expanded vision to sprout and blossom forth! It is the time to dream big dreams, dreams of unity, oneness, of communities of light, of a pristine world, where there is no pollution, where all life and life forms thrive and where we all communicate heart to heart, soul to soul, telepathically, and where lies and deceit have no place anymore. 

All is heart-centered and love-centered.

The greater the vision you hold within your heart and soul, the more you will find that synchronicity will pull events, opportunities into your life and like-minded souls, who will not only share you vision but indeed help to manifest it all into form and being! For in truth in this present moment, that vision already exists! 

Keep refocusing on that vision morning and night. Hold it in your heart-womb and keep nurturing it with the presence of love and tender care.

Do not share that vision but keep it within you. 

Why? Because so often others who are not on the same wavelength will tread on your dreams, visions, and will negate it, because they cannot hear what you hear, see what you see, know what you know.
One day, you will find that those who share the same will find you and you will find them and then, you can compare notes, and this will bring your expanded creativity together AS ONE and you do not even need to be in the same place, for souls need no physicality to communicate soul to soul. 

What a time to be alive and on planet earth!

Judith Kusel

Photo: All credit to the artist.