
domingo, agosto 04, 2024

Celia Fenn - 4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888 - Aug 4, 2024

4th August : 4 days to Lions Gate 888

Just 4 days to go. The energy is visibly ramping up and I would just say to everyone stay grounded and be careful. Slow down.

I had an accident on Tuesday, I tripped over un uneven paving slab in our local Mall and smacked my head on the concrete. I was out for a moment and when I woke up there were all these people around me. Anyway, I cut myself above my eye and pulled muscles in my back. Very painful.

And it slowed me down. I think this will be the slowest Lions Gate I have ever done. Even the snails will be in there before me.

The point is, we do so need to mindful and very grounded in the present. The Planet has never seen such energies, and we are being taken upwards in an express elevator.

Be calm. be peaceful and live with Grace. Divine Grace and the Lions Grace is here to support us through the Portal transit.

I love this image, it is called "The Two Majesties" by a French painter, but I call it the "First Day of Creation:" as I imagine the Royal Star Lion admiring the work of the Divine Creator and the Elohim Teams.

Just as we can admire the work of the New Earth being birthed in which we are part of the Elohim and Angelic/Galactic teams.

Let the Lions Gate roll on.

We are Ready!

We got this Team New Earth!