
viernes, junio 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - We have entered a stage of solar digestion and assimilation of all the energies - Jun 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We have entered a stage of solar digestion and assimilation of all the energies that we are now embodying. A phase in which conscious witnessing is essential to keep our bodies energetically healthy. 

Observing our behaviors, and energy levels is key to maintaining our well-being, finding any misalignment to clear, as the more light we embody the more old frequencies, memories, and residual energy that we will release.

When we pass through a phase of conscious integration, we need to stabilize and recalibrate our bodies. Otherwise, the energetic disequilibrium will cause physical symptoms and even illnesses. As Capricorn and Cancer invite us to do at this time, both in different levels, taking care of our bodies, and the parts of our anatomy in charge of digesting energy is vital to be able to hold more light, for this harmonic phase is key to prepare us for August's graduation.

The time for graduating yourselves from the three-dimensional levels, clearing limited programs, and retrieving your freedom has come for many of you. You are now wiser, stronger, and more loving than you were a few months ago, for your inner work is helping you become the lovelight being that you are.

The more shadow-clearing work we do, the more we allow our light to shine. This is a time to focus on our digestive system, mitochondrial function, which as you know are in charge of our energy levels, skin, the largest organ in our body that reflects the many internal imbalances, stress, anxieties, and worries that we hold within, as well as our hair, legs, bones, and liver, all ruled by both cancer and Capricorn, for these areas of our bodies are in charge of releasing, embodying and digesting energy.

Any misalignments will cause physical symptoms, such as stomach aches, other issues related to digestion, and skin dermatitis, often medically unexplained, hair loss, and fatigue, which is the way the body has to inform you of what you need to transform, let go of, or heal. Guides recommend working with water, sound, and acupuncture therapies at this time to help you release blockages, remove old stagnant energies, and prepare your body channels to integrate again.

As conductive, amplifiers and purifiers crystals to help us manage the new energy we are embodying, my Guides recommend citrine, clear quartz, Herkimer diamond, and nautilus, containing water as well as the earth element, which is a wonderful fossilized stone to help us in personal clearing, and purification.

This preparation and clearing phase is pivotal to welcoming the next phase of our ascension path. A phase in which my Guides share there will be a massive activation and/or expansion, depending on where you are, of our pituitary-sixth dimensional channel, and eight-dimensional one, concluding the process of monadic integration and mission embodiment that many of you are undergoing.

Our bodies are the temple for the soul. When we live consciously we become more and more aware of the impact that energy has upon us, for all is energy after all. Learning how to align, co-create, and direct it creates self-mastery and physical ascension.

Many of you are now learning how to create with the new earth's energy. An energy that cannot be lied to, manipulated, or controlled, for we have entered into a new harmonic space where we cannot lie anymore about who we are or our true intentions.

In the illumined realms, there is nothing hidden, which is just a human illusion we created on this plane to experience duality.

As you grow in love and personal power, you too in discernment and compassion, understanding that what you do to others, you do to yourself. This is how we create the personal and planetary shift in consciousness that we are so eager to witness.

Let us think, feel, and act compassionately and lovingly towards each other and All living forms,

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba