
miércoles, junio 12, 2024

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - The Quantum Awakening - June 2024


♦From Your Hostess of Light

♦A New Star is Born…

♦Blue Star Kachina prophecy… the New Nova??

♦The Galactic New Year July 26th, 2024 ‘The Blue Rhythmic Storm!’

♦CLEARING PROCESS for icky energies

From Your Hostess of Light: Lately we have all been going through the wormhole of self, feeling like we’re being chased by flying monkeys ready to dive into any ‘constellation prize’ just to find peace; everything in our world shifts and changes like a fun house on steroids. We stand in the Earth-3D Circus of multidimensional factions, all telling us who we once were and who we are to be or not to be!

Nothing makes sense. Everything we see through virtual modalities Contradicts itself in living color. We look internally for more of our higher aspects of Light but we feel spliced and diced like old film from a 50’s Hollywood scene. We cautiously gather all the aspects of our inner perceptive and truth as we sneak down the hallways of time with our shoes in hand and Heart on sleeve. In 2024 there will be many hallways, hidden time passages and places to push the ’restart’ button. Places in-between here and there, pauses in time, as the inhale of the Creater graces us with awareness and unhindered thoughts. Each new placement of time thru a myriad of earth and stellar events, opens portals of possibility where we can cultivate a healing atmosphere, allowing us to see our true potential, and support its purpose.

Comparative thinking, comparative shopping, comparative anything, is a waste of time and energy. For each being and situation upon earth Is totally unique of creation purpose and description. Just like many of the unidentified craft that fly in the sky there appears to be a molecular disconnection from who we were and what we were. Like a wave on the shore or a mirage in the desert what comes to be seen is undercoated in that which does not want to be seen. Within the information below I have opened several verbal doorway of truth for all to see.

A new Star is Born…

Between now and September 2024 the star ‘T Coronae Borealis’ (in the constellation Corona Borealis/ the Crown constellation) could become a ‘new star, a Nova’ in the sky, it will be as bright as the North Star. A Nova is a strong, rapid increase in the brightness of a star. The word Nova comes from the Latin word for “new star.

The binary star system T Coronae Borealis (T CrB) also known as the “Blaze Star”, contains a red giant star and a white dwarf (in the constellation Corona Borealis). The red giant is the primary star and the white dwarf is the secondary star. The two stars orbit each other every 228 days, with the red giant transferring material to the white dwarf. The white dwarf’s gravity attracts the red giant’s gas, which accumulates on the white dwarf’s surface until it gets to critical mass and explodes into a nova.

The Blaze star is a recurrent nova in the constellation Corona Borealis. It was first discovered in 1866 by John Birmingham. T Coronae Borealis started dimming in our century in March 2023. T Coronae Borealis is going to explode and will be visible to the naked eye, after exploding, it will become as bright as Polaris, the North Star, for several nights before fading again.

Blue Star Kachina prophecy… the New Nova??

According to Hopi prophecy, shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible to all and the Day of Purification is realized, the True White Brother will come to earth in search of Hopi “who steadfastly adhere to their ancient teachings”

The Blue Star Kachina prophecy is a Hopi revelation about the coming end of civilization on Earth. The prophecy describes a heavenly being called the Blue Star whose arrival on Earth will signal the beginning of the end times. The Blue Star Kachina has a twin brother, the Red Star Kachina whose arrival will come later, bringing destruction of earth. The Hopi’s will go underground (ant people myth) and survive the apocalypse then resurface when the time is right. After they emerge from inner earth, A being called the True White Brother will then come to judge the Hopi survivors. If he judges them to be worthy of inhabiting the new world, he will let them stay

The blue star refers to a star spirit that will appear in the form of a blue star to signify the beginning of the new world. The Blue Star is the ninth sign in the Day of Purification, which is a prophecy that predicts that the world will end as we know it. The elders say, ‘Know the river has its destination’, we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. We are the Ones we have been waiting for; Prophecy made by Hopi Elders

As taken from www.13MOON.COM

The Galactic New Year is July 26th, 2024

‘The Blue Rhythmic Storm Year!’

The Galactic Affirmation for this Year is: Kin 19:

“I Organize in order to Catalyze Balancing Energy…. I Seal the Matrix of Self-Generation

With the Rhythmic Tone of Equality….. I Am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.”

It is time to welcome next-level evolutionary waves of transformation and regeneration by synchronizing in rhythm with the organic balance of life. All of life is a shape-shifting dance of moments. The only thing you actually have control over is your inner and outer responses to the constant flux of existence. The Galactic Frequency of this Year calls you to resiliently ride through the storms of life within your own internal light-ship. You can construct this sovereign vehicle – this mobile inner sanctuary – by cultivating equilibrium in your own energy body. This requires a consistent audience with your own spiritual heart in communion with the Mystery. Step by step, your own soul’s curriculum is revealed as you deepen our willingness to grow, flow, shift, and recalibrate.

The Storm theme of this Year directs you to activate your courage; to connect directly to your own embodiment of Source energy; to unleash the subtle and bold lightning of your unique brilliance; to know that thunderous outbreaks and catharsis can be purifying; to wield your alchemical powers to be a lucid “World-changer” – a conscious catalyst for positive inner and outer change and renewal. The Rhythmic Tone of this Year advises: Assess the rhythms you live your life by. See how you can generate greater balance in your daily journey. Honor the essential role of maintenance. Embrace that all of life is a process. Inquire how you can create dynamic organization in the way you tend to your affairs.

Let the rhythms of responsibility be revealed organically, and thus learn how to be in sync with the ever-changing scene life presents you. Commit to be in right relations and right reciprocity. Care but do not over-care; give but do not over-give. Regularly “fill your cup” with joy, play, and rest so you sustain your fuel to show up for your life in a healthy way. Ultimately, we all hold equal power and place, regardless of appearances. All moments, beings, and circumstances are equal. Blue Rhythmic Storm invites you to think cosmically and act locally. Shift the world by circulating your beneficence! With love, all things are possible. With love, all things are being transformed… This New Galactic Year is sure to be like no other go to www.13moon.com to order your galactic calendar full of energy, pix and lots and lots of info, you will love it.

With all the sticky, icky energies, (whether earth shifts, political or people stuff ) I find this clearing process to be perfect. Everything needs ‘cosmically dusted’ even the fine china.


(Insert your full name), refuse permission for any disease, living and non-physical being to enter my body, mind, soul, spirit and energy field for intentions that are other than love. I break all contracts, vows and agreements I might have made knowingly or unknowingly in all time, space, and dimension that in any way diminish the fullest expression of my loved filled joyful soul essence.

I break these agreements from this moment backwards, through every experience of my past, and from this moment forward until the end of all time. I command that these energies to leave my space NOW! They have no power over me. I ask for divine protection from any energies that are not for my highest good. I now build a shield of light around me with this heart intention and my free will. I thank you from the bottom and top of my heart and soul.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217

