
jueves, junio 13, 2024

Aurora Ray - On the Brink of Awakening: Grand Event and the Dynamics of Collective and Individual Evolution - Jun 13, 2024

On the Brink of Awakening: Grand Event and the Dynamics of Collective and Individual Evolution

Ascension is often thought of as an individual process of raising one's consciousness and vibration to higher dimensional levels.

However, there is also a collective component to ascension. As more people awaken and ascend, the collective consciousness and vibration of humanity also rises. This in turn makes it easier for others to awaken and ascend as well.

The awakening process starts with the individual. Each person must do their own inner work, face their shadows, release limiting beliefs and traumas, and commit to their spiritual evolution. However, we are all energetically connected as a collective. When an individual awakens, their higher vibration ripples out and positively impacts those around them. In this way, the ascension of each person contributes to the ascension of all.

This is why it is so important that those who have already awakened dedicate themselves to helping awaken others. We can do this by living as examples of higher consciousness, speaking our truths compassionately, creating conscious media and art, teaching meditation and other spiritual practices, and supporting others through their dark nights of the soul.

We are all on this journey together, and each person who awakens makes it easier for humanity as a whole to ascend.

The more people that can awaken and commit themselves to their inner work and spiritual evolution, the faster humanity's ascension will accelerate. Eventually, a critical mass will be reached, often called the 100th monkey effect, where there are enough awakened individuals to shift the collective consciousness permanently.

The concept known as the "100th monkey effect" has its origins in an incident involving Japanese macaques on the island of Koshima during the 1950s. Researchers observed that some monkeys on the island began washing sweet potatoes before eating them.

Over time, as more monkeys learned this behavior, eventually, a critical mass was reached, and suddenly, monkeys on neighboring islands who had no direct contact with those on Koshima also began washing their sweet potatoes!

This phenomenon has been popularized to illustrate how collective consciousness or shared knowledge can lead to widespread change. It suggests that once a certain number of individuals adopt a new behavior or idea, it can spread exponentially, reaching a tipping point where it becomes the norm for the entire population, often without direct communication or instruction.

Our shared consciousness shapes our shared reality, and a critical mass of awakened souls will allow us to consciously co-create a new era of peace, harmony, and higher vibration together.

So, while ascension is a personal path, it is one we walk together. That is why those further along the path have a responsibility to those who have just begun their awakening. We must lift each other up and help spread the light of higher consciousness throughout humanity.

Grand Event Preparation:

We have not reached the final stage of the Grand Event just yet. There are still few necessary changes that must occur on Earth before the final stage can come to fruition.

While the anticipation builds for this momentous occasion, we must continue doing the inner work required to raise the collective vibration of humanity. This involves releasing the darkness within each of us and embracing the light, living from the heart rather than the mind, and bringing more love, compassion and unity into the world.

The Grand Event cannot fully manifest until humanity has reached a certain level of awakening and embodiment of our divine nature. There is still imbalance and disharmony that needs to be addressed before we are ready for this quantum leap in evolution.

Trust that divine timing is always at play. The final stage will arrive neither prematurely nor too late but precisely when we are ready. Our current transition unfolds gradually rather than occurring suddenly.

Patience and diligence are required of those on the ascension path. Know that all the energetics building on Earth serve a divine purpose: to lift us up, push us forward, reveal our shadows, and prepare humanity for the Golden Age. Maintain inner peace and alignment through the changes.

When the time is right, we will be ready to receive the Grand Event and join our galactic brothers and sisters openly. However, there is still a need for significant inner purification and integration before Earth is fully prepared to transition into the 5th dimension.

We each play an important role by doing our personal work and coming together in unity consciousness!

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

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