
jueves, mayo 09, 2024

Natalia Alba - At this time of profound transformation - May 9, 2024

Beloved Ones,

At this time of profound transformation, many of you are retrieving your connection to your soul, by clearing old programs, cutting energetic and miasmatic cords with past/abusive relationships, and reclaiming your personal power, becoming the only authority in your life experience. As you embrace our power, you too regain your telepathic abilities, which many of you are now retrieving, as part of your natural divine gifts.

As you step into your sovereignty, clear your body channels, and continue opening, and reconnecting, your sixth, seventh, and eight-dimensional channels, which are now expanding due to your inner work and the current energies, your empathic connection to All will increase too.

Many of you are now awakening to your unique abilities, for as Divine beings we are all connected to All that exists, and our original planes of existence. As we balance our egoic self and master ourselves through personal healing and removal of all that is not ours to carry, we increase our sentience, and all of our higher sensorial abilities, communicating, feeling, and sensing everything that surrounds us as a part of us.

As natural empaths who came here with a mission to restore, heal, and harmonize, it is part of our original starseeded blueprint coding to be in communion with All, as the only way to be of service. Many of you, even if confused by the challenging process of your awakening or stepping into new ascensional stages, may feel as if your abilities are lost, or covered, not understanding why you are not able to sense and receive guidance as you used to.

When this occurs, although we are all unique, it is often because you are moving into a new cognitive level, and your entire physical and light body needs to readjust to the new frequency band that you are moving into, at this time. Other times you need to start the process of conscious reconnection, so the light can freely flow throughout your body channels, becoming conscious of the wisdom your soul is at all times sending to you.

Everything within yourself is shifting, from your ear portals to your body glands, and your DNA receivers, all of them essential to be able to receive the Light input your soul and other benevolent forces/beings are sending to you.

As you continue transforming yourself, rebirthing into the Illumined and Wise Being that you are, everything needs to be reconfigured, as the only way to distill the old and welcome higher aspects of yourself and guidance.

Many of you are naturally telempathic, which is the ability to feel others' emotions and thoughts, very near to telepathy, as it goes beyond just being an empath. While it can be overwhelming, as we sense others's thoughts and true intentions, including animals and spaces, this is one of the most important abilities to connect to others and God, for God is everywhere and in everyone.

Being telempathic is one of the many abilities in which many of you receive guidance, for not always are we meant to function in the same way. The most important is to understand we came to a plane to precisely develop feelings, our connection to All, and remember unity and compassion, and there is no better way than by cultivating our telempathic abilities.

Learning to know ourselves, our feelings and our unique abilities is essential to differentiate our authentic feelings from others' feelings, as many times we can be so confused we may integrate other people's pain.

This is why soul communion, and a deep understanding of who we are and our previous state of being before being invaded with these feelings, is so important, to realize our true emotions from the ones we are picking from others and that often we may neutralize.

As ascending souls all of you came with a unique blueprint, with the unique gifts to help you contribute to the current planetary healing. Comparing yourself with others, and wanting to be someone else, is a waste of your precious self and unique abilities.

When you know yourself and how the Divine communicates and expresses Herself through you, you start embracing who you are, accepting the mission that you were given and agreed with, to help in this transition.

Many children, even more, special children with autism for example, are born with telempathic abilities, for they feel more comfortable communicating through the mental plane, as in the higher planes there is no such thing as physical talk, which is a dense ability we possess in the 3D planes to communicate. This is why many children need to get accustomed to this way of expressing themselves, when they come to this plane, among many others.

As ascending souls, and many of you too conscious parents, who have passed through the same or similar processes, are now able to provide these children with the tools that help them develop themselves on the planet, as many will too reject food or some foods, and will be impressed by many 3D ways of being and living they do not resonate with.

Knowing ourselves, the new Earth's children that are coming, and how we can best assist them is vital to the development of their gifts, for as guides shared they must not get trapped into 3D disempowering traps, being able to expand and become who they are meant to, through a compassionate and more evolved process than the ones used in the old era.

The important thing to understand about our abilities to sense beyond the physical is that behind them is the gift to help clear environments, others who are open to receive healing support, and above all, the transmutation of mental blocks, imprinted memories, and miasmatic ones that they cannot recognize or clear for themselves, so as telempathic sentient beings you help them release these mental blockages.

Everything has a purpose within Creation. Every one of you is born with unique abilities that it is your responsibility to know and cultivate, to assist those who will benefit from what you are here to offer.

As you grow in self-love wisdom and power, your abilities will too expand, for you will be gradually awakening, reconnecting yourself to your authentic Source and gifts, assisting not just by your mere Presence and hence Essence, but consciously, for you are now allowing God's Will and gifts through you.

You are a precious gift to the world. What you came here to bring to All is something no one can do, for God's creativity is infinite as so are Her ways to express Herself through each and every one of you, for God never repeats Herself.

Embrace yourself, and your uniqueness for in it you will be seeding your divine spark into the world, which is much needed at this time we all are living within Creation.

May you reclaim your beauty, wisdom, and power, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
