
lunes, abril 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - Atlantian Timeliness Personal & Planetary Healing - Apr 15, 2024

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Beloved Ones,
At this time of profound masculine healing, many of you with Atlantian lineage will be experiencing a retrieval of the memories that need to be healed and integrated. As you know, the Atlantis civilization destroyed themselves for the misuse of their crystal technology and physics abilities. The majority of them, as many who were not polarized ascended, experienced a profound fragmentation, being mentally and technologically oriented and hence facilitating their extermination, the distortions of many earth's gates, and their subsequent control by non-benevolent forces. 
This was the beginning, the seed of the patriarchy and mental polarization that still lives among many, who are awakening to their inherited baggage. It is now when many of you are remembering, healing your galactic lineage and past timeliness, to become more whole and unified, that you may be feeling, remembering, or dreaming Atlantian times, for this is one of the most important healing to do regarding the masculine essence, as many still carry this seed within themselves.
Many Atlantian programs still rule many ascending souls, as a part of the massive manipulation exerted for the starseeded ones during eons. Now is the time for you to detect these memories and false programs that have distorted the masculine and oppress your intuitive abilities, and start releasing rigidity, and polarization.
At a planetary level, as you know, and I have been sharing since March, the Iran-Iraq gate is being rehabilitated of masculine distortions, which is part of the current conflict, as well as many others we all know, for we need to see behind what we are shown. The Atlantian influence in that area continues through the many karmic patterns we are seeing nowadays, such as the abuse of war weapons and hidden agendas for mind control.
To start deprogramming yourselves, as well as these key locations, from duality, if this is your planetary mission, remember the trinity code, the authentic one that substituted the fragmented vesica pisces symbol, and that represents unity between both of our polarities, as I have previously shared in old posts, and as I am sure you all know. 
To seed more balance and help in the reconstruction of the planetary gates, especially in Iran-Iraq, at this time, Guides shared for all who are working with the rehabilitation of the earth's organic timeliness, the double infinity symbol, (golden or white, as guided, as it is shown in the post's picture) as a universal tool, as many others will be individualized, to help restore the energetic vortices and organic portals that have been reversed, as well as the balance, especially for those trapped in these areas that are part of the many ascending souls risking themselves to do the work there.
Remember to anchor the infinity symbols from Above to Below within yourselves first, and protect your field before fulfilling your planetary mission. For those with a different mission, know that when you consciously embody the infinity symbols, you too are bringing the same harmony for All. 
When we need to reprogram our minds and DNA we cannot just remove the program, as they function as a computer, and we need to insert a new code that gives them a new order. The trinity light symbol code represents the merging of both of our essences, giving birth to a unified third element, a harmonic unified code that needs to be seeded in the conflicted planetary areas where chaos reigns. 
Our support to the whole, as a part of us, is pivotal at this time, for as ascending souls we know what is taking place behind the physical scenes, and it is in all of us to start shifting these karmic patterns from the inside, so it can impact the whole.
We are progressing in our task of planetary reconstruction, despite the many tactics and attempts to disturb peace. When we focus on what we can change, and that is only ourselves, and act consequently, we are generating healing for All, and this is our task at this time, to continue retrieving unity within, so it can someday be part of All.
Thank you for what you consciously and selflessly do for yourself and All, Beloveds. 
Within infinite Love,
Natalia Alba 
Art by: Encoded Frequency