
domingo, abril 14, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue our path of self-synthesis - Apr 15, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue our path of self-synthesis, merging polarities and healing the distorted masculine, damaged by eons of patriarchal manipulations and many other distortions that have devirtualized its authentic essence, we prepare ourselves to reclaim the Divine masculine within us, as we too embrace the female, proclaiming ourselves as unified beings.

We have stepped into a new passage in which we are on an accelerated phase to regain our masculine and divine counterparts, as the massive emerald, seraphim, ruby, and blue awakening continues to support the current planetary reconstruction that is taking place.

The liquid plasma waves received since the beginning of this year, together with the eclipse energies, and our cosmic monad transmissions, are helping us greatly in our work of masculine reconstruction. 

Asking for the closure of our previous relationships is essential to achieving this inner task. We need to cut energetic, miasmatic, and psychic cords that are keeping us from becoming whole, healed, and beyond everything in charge of our energy and life force, so we own our bodies and energy.

Only when we retrieve our original blueprint and cut all the energetic cords that impede our union with our genetic equal or soul mate, depending on our unique mission and agreements, is that we will experience the authentic relationships that we are so eager to live, for when we are still attached to old relationships, we cannot free ourselves to experience a major union, as both ties cannot coexist.
For the first time in our human history, we can reclaim both our divine masculine and female essences, as due to the earth's gates' major opening, we are now free to retrieve our authentic lineage and connection to our divine female and masculine energies.

My Guides shared about a month ago the importance of the unifying task the Blue Rays are achieving at this time in the Earth's grids and especially in the Australian gate, situated in a no time-space zone portal, or zero point, Uluru, The Unifier. A location that is linked to all Earth timeliness and Andromeda galaxy.

This is a gate for us to reclaim the Divine Masculine, unifying it with our female Divine essence, and repair the ego/mental/masculine body, and solar plexus of all egoic programs, as well as all the implants that remain in our mental body and that keeps our program to continue repeating the same old thoughts and habits.

We may have as well self-created programs, especially through self-negative talk we need to remove, previous to this inner work, otherwise, we will continue to be programmed negatively.

In this sacred space, we can travel remotely, for our consciousness as you know, and light body can travel between time-space and its corresponding dimensions, asking for all masculine spiritual false programs to be immediately removed from our solar plexus, mind, physical, and non-physical bodies, reclaiming the divine masculine within us and our authentic connection to God's Source.

As ascending souls our main personal mission is to achieve unity within 12th dimensional original templates, reconnecting our light bodies before we can step into further ascensional stages. This is a time to reconcile our opposite polarities, bringing into our earth plane the same unity.

We are heading into a wondrous portal of manifestation at all levels, as manifestation does not only involve material things, but the anchoring of more healing, wisdom, and power, which is what allows us to expand in consciousness, our personal galactic history, and our mission of assistance.

Within Divine Love and Unity,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Encoded Frequency