
sábado, marzo 16, 2024

Natalia Alba - To culminate this month's powerful and healing energies - Mar 16, 2024

Beloved Ones,

To culminate this month's powerful and healing energies, we have a stabilizing and loving eclipse in Libra, together with a comet - 12P/Pons-Brooks - discovered in 1812, that is now passing by Earth, and that does so every 71 years. It will be observed next to the sun at the time of the eclipse, for all the cosmos witnesses what is taking place on planet Earth, the retrieval of our sovereignty as divine beings, for it is time.

Comets act as messengers of change, and even though this comet was named the Evil Comet, by some astrologers, this only denotes fear, for in ancient times these were not good omens, as all were interpreted from a limited and fearful state of being.

Brooks Comet represents the transformation, and hence the rebirth that humanity as a species is now experiencing. We are immersed in a window of great change during this month, which is the catalyst of what is yet to come, energetically and on an individual level.

Change is the natural process that occurs in species when we are ready to embody higher levels of consciousness. Chaos is only seen as such by our human minds which do not understand the Divine organization behind every single event that occurs.

This is the process that we are now undergoing, and these cosmic events confirm the harmonic timeline that has been already created. We are now in a battle over consciousness, for we have finally stood firm in who we are, disengaging from form manipulation and control, healing and reconnecting our wings to fly high again.

Last year, the Comet was traveling through the Andromeda Galaxy, to move later on to the Pisces constellation, and ended up traveling Aries. All follow a perfect plan within Creation, for this is precisely what we have been experiencing - chakra transfiguration with the assistance of our Aurora-Andromedan family, the end of a Cycle marked by Pisces and Saturn also, healing polarities and creating more unity with Pisces, to initiate ourselves again within this eternal evolutionary wheel of Creation with Aries, but this time more empowered, wiser and released from consciousness traps and oppressors.

A comet that announces peace, harmony, and love, for even though we are being bombarded with what is wrong in the world, the truth, as many of you planetary workers know, is that our planet is being rehabilitated, as well as our authentic divine lineage and mission, for we, for the first time in our human history are becoming a unified planet, even though there is yet a lot of work to be done.

In our dual universe and planet, duality is what souls chose to experience here, and it shall continue to balance Creation. However, there is also the free will to choose which force one desires to align, creating multiple possibilities, timelines, and harmonic results.

Every kind thought, feeling, and act contributes towards our planetary transition. Every day we have the chance to awaken to the truth of who we are and step out of this 3D "simulation" that many are still immersed in, for in the moment we remember and awake, the illusion vanishes, revealing the purity of our Divinity and unique mission.

May you always remain in the love, wisdom, and power of your Illumined Self, Beloveds. 

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
