
sábado, marzo 02, 2024

Judith Kusel - Note that everything will happening now on all levels - Mar 2, 2024

Note that everything will happening now on all levels and on multi-dimensional level is already happening as all the old systems collapse.

Stay in the open heart and refrain from judgement.
We've got this.

We have been prepared for many lifetimes for exactly this moment, and it is important to step totally into the Higher Soul Self and let the ego step out of the way.

Listen deep within, for all the tools you need, all the guidance, the insight and wisdom, are within you.

Not outside.

There in your own soul and sacred heart.

The love you in truth are!

When we come through this and step in the fullness of our mastery, in the New Golden Age this will be but an ancient movie no one is interested to even watch. 

Judith Kusel

Photo: Daniel Holeman