
miércoles, marzo 06, 2024

Aurora Ray - Law of Projection: Manifesting Your Ideal Reality through Visualization and Alignment - Mar 6, 2024

Law of Projection: Manifesting Your Ideal Reality through Visualization and Alignment

You incarnated on Earth as a warrior of light—a peaceful warrior who brings forth truth and love during prophesied times.

You are the spiritual warriors who came here carrying light codes and inherent wisdom that will create and build a new Earth.

You are constantly broadcasting a frequency, and the universe will always mirror it. That is the law of attraction; you receive what you send out.

You can change and redirect your frequency. If you can dream it, you can live it!

Every dream is a reality of another frequency because that's what realities are: they are frequencies. All you need is the correct technology and 11 minutes of practice per day.

To receive, one must ask and possess clarity and vision of the goal.

Having clarity is essential; simply saying, "I don't want to live like this," lacks explicitness. Instead, describe in detail how you wish to live: the energy enveloping you, the emotions you desire to experience.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask what your soul needs to come alive. This world needs people whose souls have come alive.

You have three mental bodies: the positive mind, the negative mind, and the neutral mind. Your mind possesses endless creator and manifestation powers. However, you must clear and calm your mind and learn how to operate from the neutral mind to access your innate powers.

We're going to clear the mind of other distracting thoughts and attachments. Once you clear the mind in this manner, it gains tremendous capacity and creativity. It will be focused, and through all of this, it will be beaming.

That's what we want—you want to be focused, you want to be beaming, and you do not want to be distracted. So you can call in whatever it is you wish for. We're going to use that beaming faculty, and you're going to become very still and project the mind to create your future and your relationship to the world.

In this 3D reality, you will experience cycles of ups and downs because it operates like a program. Look at this world—it's just a program. If this is merely a programmed reality, then you can alter the program. You can download it, modify it, and re-upload a new template or operating system. You can install new software; that's how it works.

So, you need to visualize a lot; you need to imagine things. Imagining things is actually being present in another reality. Now, if you make that imagination very pleasant and if you can feel it, hear it, see it, smell it, and on top of that, if you can taste it, well, then you're going to be very quick in your manifestation powers.

By imagining the best possible future, you will create it. The more you're present in your imagination, the faster you manifest. If you want to manifest things, you need to be present in that reality.

Visualization is a powerful tool for achieving success, but it must be done correctly for it to work. Can you imagine a different reality? Can you visualize it? It's just like a program. You can create it, and you can change it!

Just as you would edit a program on your computer, you have the ability to edit and shape your reality through your thoughts and visualizations. Imagine a reality where all your desires are fulfilled, where you are living your best life, surrounded by abundance and joy.

Trust in the power of your imagination and the universe's responsiveness to your intentions, knowing that you have the capability to manifest a reality beyond your wildest dreams.

The ancient Kundalini Activation Technique gives you the tools to harness your potential on your journey from finite to infinite!

DOORS OPEN: If you want to get on the frequency of prosperity you must activate your innate warrior of light coding. Secure your spot NOW to be part of this year’s most important live classes before all spots are sold out 🤩⚡️👇🏽 https://ascensionactivationtraining.com/aat-open

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.