
jueves, febrero 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - Many of us are already feeling the coming energies from the eclipses - Feb 15, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of us are already feeling the coming energies from the eclipses. We have this energetic window now to clear our bodies and prepare for the next portal, which is going to last three months, although as you know its energies will remain anchored in our plane. At the end of March, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) at 5 degrees Libra that will be a very important stabilizing force, to help in the magnetic fields. As you know eclipses have a great impact on our Earth's magnetic fields, which have been deeply distorted and are not being rehabilitated.

The eclipse's energies alchemize the lower frequencies, shifting reversals, and other polarity imbalances on our planet. With the assistance of the Auroras, part of our planetary guardians team, many structures are being restored during this transitional time. Many are feeling the inner call to assist during this passage that is already being formed. It is felt like the pulse of life, which can often be sensed at night when we rest the mind, in the feeling of an intense heartbeat, a call for us to start working on the earth's structures.

I balance, I stabilize, I harmonize, are the keywords for this new passage that we are about to enter into. The balance of opposites, of our egoic and divine selves. Balance within so we can seed harmony without. Balanced relationships are going to be key in the Aries-Libra Axis eclipses, for the focus is moving from the self to All.

Everything is about balancing the self, and the ego, as Aries and Libra remind us, for it is by holding this inner equilibrium that we can start ascending, moving into higher spheres. Libra balances the self, reminding us of the importance of putting ourselves in service to All, rather than just service to the self, as it used to be in the old when we were programmed to only serve ourselves, which is one of the main reasons for narcissism.

We have ahead a very intense passage this year, which is why Guides invite us to focus on clearing our lymphatic system, which Pisces rules, and we are about to be immersed in Piscean energies, for it is pivotal to be able to allow and embody this new energetic influx of light. It is also important to clear all false ascension timeliness, especially within the astral plane, and energetic cords, for us to be able to move into a more harmonic state.

Peace, self-empowerment, and finally sovereignty, come when we have found balance within, loving, respecting, and honoring every aspect of who we are, for we are made in God's image, and it is only then that we can move into our mission as planetary healers, for we cannot give if we have not yet become whole again.

We have ahead a very loving and healing passage if we are willing to look to surrender to our soul's will and start stepping from the individualized aspect of us, to merge with All, remembering that nothing is ever separated from us and that everything we do, impacts All equally.

To be an ascending soul means to be impeccable with our words, thoughts, and actions. We always act within divine love, integrity, and total honesty to ourselves and everyone else, for this is Law once we consciously choose to walk this path.

Therefore, beloved ones, keep remaining in the illumined and loving essence of your soul, loving yourselves and All unconditionally and compassionately, to continue seeding our new harmonic space, for every one of you is indispensable to continue our planetary transition.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba