
jueves, febrero 01, 2024

Natalia Alba - In this new month of February - Feb 1, 2024

Beloved Ones,

In this new month of February the solar plasma waves that we have been receiving for a while, from our central sun, and from the Pleiadian star system, will continue assisting in the planetary rehabilitation of the feminine and masculine pillars or templates, for as you know our planet is now for the first time being restored of the many reversals and manipulations exerted for eons.

The reintegration of both masculine and female essences in our planet, and within ourselves, is the main message from the 2/2 Aquarian portal, as the energies are totally different from past years since we are now prepared to finally take the step to polarity integration. Many are actually undergoing this process of sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals opening, as I can daily confirm in my personal co-creations with others. 

This is a very important passage for us to work on liberation, as Aquarian energies remind us, for it is by liberating ourselves from the many non-benevolent galactic essences, and above all, our shoulder portals, or wings as many prefer to call them, that we too liberate our golden and silver energies, and with them, the opportunity to start retrieving our sovereignty as divine beings. 

These galactic plasma waves can be seen, for those who co-create with them and are clairvoyant as etheric electric platinum and gold liquid plasma, for those energies who hold the masculine and female codes necessary to help us restore both of our essences. 

This is an important step for both our personal ascension journey and our planetary transition. It facilitates healing to those who are now working on rehabilitating their masculine and female template, specifically clearing the ego, and erasing lunar-moon distortions, and sexual traumas, as it is a very propitious time.

It is precisely by healing ourselves and consciously embodying these energies that we can start working with our light body, and DNA, for we can only activate our DNA by integrating the plasma waves that are descending into our planet, and that will result in the light body and crystal body activation required for us to move into the monad.

The solar waves will help us also in self-synthesis for those who are on a path to reunification with their monad. These energies will assist us greatly during this time of rebirth and new beginnings, for it is from the feminine cosmic wound, within ourselves that we give life to a new aspect of us, and to what we wish to bring into fruition, into our reality.

We have too Venusian together with Pleiadian energies assisting us in the process of female reclamation that is taking place in many who have consciously chosen this path and in the restoration of the earth's structures that were distorted to impede the female planetary restoration, as well as the healing of the distorted masculine.

This is a very important month to focus on our double mission, for as ascending souls, we not only came here to focus on our personal healing and evolutionary journey but also on being of service to All living beings and forms of consciousness.

This is a month in which sending love to our beloved planet is pivotal. Many important disasters are taking place, and it is by uniting and sending our prayers that we can truly make a difference, for the power of One should never be underestimated.

Thank you for your love and healing, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba