
miércoles, febrero 21, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we move towards the 222 passage - Feb 21, 2024

 Puede ser una imagen de corazón

Beloved Ones,
As we move towards the 222 passage, which adds another layer of harmony and stabilization into the earth's grids and hence, ourselves, working on both planetary and personal clearing, is pivotal to bring us back to alignment. This passage is the essence of the energies that we have been receiving since 2022, according to what the Guides shared, and that each year is reinforced, for as we evolve and our planet, so does the energetic charge we receive.
Planetarily speaking, this is a time for being of service if we are first aligned and in resonance with our mission. A message that the Full Moon at 5 degrees Virgo reinforces, together with Piscean energies, as both remind us about personal ascension and assistance to All.
Guides invite us to work with two symbols, that many of you will be already aware of, and utilizing for your mission - the lotus of life and the infinity symbol - to anchor stabilization on the Earth's first chakra, soil, mountains, etc, and restore reversals. Both symbols can be used too at a personal level, for both are universal and serve for both purposes of helping us bring more harmony and correction from other distortions and anomalies, in our light bodies and on the land we are working with.
On a personal level, Guides invites us to work on both the correction and balance of our female and masculine pillars, which is vital to be able to work on the second one - clearing of personal timelines, which the moon soon in Virgo together with Piscean energies propitiates.
Clearing our personal dissonant timeliness is how we recalibrate ourselves and our new embodied frequency, anchoring our consciousness into a new timeline of our choice and stabilizing it. As you know, when we focus our consciousness on a specific result and desire, we create linear sequences that become timeliness, moving into this self-generated direction.
As humans, we have many thoughts and desires and we create many timeliness that are not necessarily aligned with who who we are and wish to be. Once we commune with our soul and meditate upon our present trajectory, we see if our present choices are aligned or not at all. When the answer you receive is no then it is through personal clearing of this timeliness that you can transform your past choices, emerging into new ones.
Clearing emotions, especially lower ones, and thoughts is essential to clear timeliness infused with fear, and unloving emotions, for it is where we are heading unless we consciously clear them with new benevolent thoughts and emotions. 
It is through meditation, and consciousness projection, which is in truth what time traveling is, that we can erase timeliness and align with more harmonic ones at this time, for the planetary energies that we are receiving are great stabilizing sources to help us balance our heart and mind.
It is precisely by balancing our heart and mind that we start communing with our soul, descending more guidance and knowledge about our soul's purpose. 
Many of you will be opening yourselves to your unique mission at this time. This is a moment to embody your mission by first healing all discordant energies, for it is how we uncover our unique purpose. Virgo and Pisces invite us to descend our unique divine abilities into the tangible, where we came to be of assistance, triggering the necessary transformation for healing to occur. 
May you remember who you are and the precious Divine Mission within, Beloveds. 
I wish you a healing and stabilizing passage!
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba