
miércoles, enero 10, 2024

Natalia Alba -We are welcoming tomorrow a Capricornian New Moon - Jan 10, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are welcoming tomorrow a Capricornian New Moon that introduces the 111 portal. A passage that comes with illumine frequencies for those who are willing to continue doing the inner work of descension, for this is what in truth ascension is about. 

This is a passage that will be marked by Uranus, as the moon will trine the Planet of Change and Liberation. The energies are now increasing as we move towards this passage, for it is one to help us re-align with where we truly desire to go next.

It is a time for us to discern, move inward to witness who we have become, and create a life that resonates with our new values, and ways of being. A new life that shows the new wisdom and love integrated, a life that is aligned with our personal truth. 

Change is the natural manifestation of consicous transformation, and Capricorn is showing us how to direct this inner shift into a positive change. Adapting to the new illumined being that we are gradually becoming, is hard for the egoic self, for it likes to dwell in familiarity. However, when we start embodying the Divine Truth within us, there is no way back for us.

We also have Mars trine Jupiter and sextile Saturn. Jupiter expands the opportunity for transformation and change, while Saturn helps us have the courage, and balance, to act with integrity, and take responsibility for all the changes that we have created by now and that we are choosing at this moment to pursue, remembering that we are the only responsible ones for our personal reality and self. 

This passage together with the previous energies that accompanied us since we began this New Year, and Pluto moving soon into Aquarius, emphasize what is taking place, massively now, on the planet - the reclamation of our sovereignty, in both a human and a spiritual level.

This is a time to be the shifters, the conscious way-showers, and supporters that we came here to be, by embodying the change that we are so eager to see in the world, living with an open heart, mind, and above all, within divine love and compassion, for we are seeders of the Divine, and all that is Divine in nature does not judge or separate, but unite, for this 111 is precisely a reminder for us to start living within Divine Unity.

I wish you all a loving and illumined passage, Beloved Ones,

Natalia Alba 
