
sábado, enero 20, 2024

Natalia Alba - Today a New Era begins - Jan 20, 2024

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Beloved Ones,
Today a New Era begins, as Pluto, conjunct with the sun, moves into Aquarius for the next twenty years. An Era in which many will start a process of self-liberation and awakening from mental planetary slavery, while others will continue escalating within this eternal evolutionary ladder. 
We all are rebirthing at our own pace, in this time of collective and personal transformation, for as ascending souls, we are resurrecting into the illumined being that we are, moving to our individual self to All, creating a community on earth based on equality and consicous co-creation. 
A process that involves the integration of our soul and monad, so we can continue integrating our Divine Essences, reconnecting ourselves with our authentic Divine Power and Wisdom. As my Guides shared this is the beginning, and hence the end of an old era, where we are finally anchoring within, and in the macro, a fifth-dimensional harmonic timeline.
Many leaving the planet now have safe passages, built by the Aurora Forces, to cross into fifth parallel dimensions. We too, while we are still in a physical body, can choose to dwell into a harmonic frequency, creating our heaven on earth, for this is how we start with the transitional process that is already taking place, since 2012.
Many of you are already immersed in the inner process of restoring your sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals, reinforcing your connection with your soul, and becoming one with your monad, for the female and masculine energies are being unified, and with it comes the twin soul union. It is then when we may start seeing the fall of the old, for the new cannot live with the opposite frequency.
As Pluto continues journeying through Aquarius, many will see some of their relationships vanishing, for their main purpose has been fulfilled. In our ascension path, we are meant to be involved in many co-creations, letting go constantly, so we can embrace again. Attachment was never meant to be our natural condition, for it is Law to let it all go, so we can embrace new experiences, and encounters and continue learning.
Suffering comes when we do not work on acceptance, keeping the love, the lessons, and all we have experienced, and moving forward.
Leaving space for new soul encounters is essential for our ascension path, for as we shift internally, everything else does too, and we cannot expect to keep the same relationships and ways of being, within a more illumined state of being.
As we move into a higher frequency, everything else begins to fade away, and our ego self will suffer the impact of constant change, fighting to keep the old ways, people, and habits. This is where we show true mastery, in balancing the ego, being our Consciousness the one governing ourselves and life experience, and surrendering to God's Will.
To start a new cycle, and embrace All as part of ourselves, first, we need to be able to release an old self, an old life, and ways of being. This is, as my Guides shared, the gift that Pluto brings to us, liberation, transformation, and rebirth, through the consicous process of letting go, for it is how we empower ourselves, individually, and hence, as species. 
It is time for us to move into a more unified space, passing from satisfying the ego to surrendering for the highest good of All. This is an essential step to building a loving community on earth, in which all beings are united as One organism, within Divine Love, neutrality, and compassion.
The seeding of this new Era in our physical plane has begun, for humanity is now prepared. You have the power to collaborate with it by choosing as well to move from the self to All. 
As my Guides literally share for All:
Every drop creates the ocean.
Every single one of you creates the change you wish to see in the macro.
Every benevolent thought, feeling, and act helps to build your New Earth.
Be brave to choose wisely and lovingly for All.
Thank you for always remaining in your loving and compassionate Hearts, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba