
lunes, enero 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - At this time of our ascension journey - Jan 15, 2024

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Beloved Ones,
At this time of our ascension journey, many are experiencing a profound clearing, for it is what the current planetary energies are helping us with, so we can enter into a new cycle by being renewed and prepared to integrate higher frequencies.
This is a time for all of us to focus on purging and conscious reconnection, so we can realign and recalibrate our 12th-dimensional template, an inner work that has been going on since December, and that will continue until February.
This is a passage for us to work with our crystalline bodies. Guides invite us to embody the 12th dimensional Ray, the crystalline white ray that descends from God's 12th dimensional Worlds and that will start awakening our crystalline angelic DNA codes so we can continue working with our crystalline body.
All we embody and activate in truth comes from within our DNA, and it is when we work with it that we decode the many memories that are within it, for all is there, we just have to know how to release it.
To step into this process, self-liberation, ego clearing, and soul reconnection is essential, for it is the most important step towards regaining communication with the higher aspects of who we are.
Many desire to have a deeper communication with their God Self and Guides. However, even though they are in constant communication with us, the truth is that if we have not cleared our body portals and reconnected them, there is nothing they can do, for we are the only ones who are here on a mission to restore our entire bodies and have the power to do so.
This new cycle is a very important one, planetarily speaking, for there are going to be changes, as you are already witnessing, as never before, and we all need to be more connected than ever, to be able to discern what is true to us from what is not, as well as where we desire to dwell, energetically, for the difference between the old earth and the new harmonic one, will continue being more evident.
The more love, light, personal power, and harmony embodied, the more that we can serve the planet in its transition, for we are not here to intervene when not required or asked, but to simply BE, and serve All with our unconditional love and compassion. 
I wish you a loving passage, Beloved Ones,
May you always remain in the loving Presence of your Illumined God Self.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba