
martes, enero 16, 2024

Judith Kusel - The Higher Activation of Souls - Jan 16, 2024


The Higher Activation of Souls
We are entering immensely powerful high frequency vibrational energy fields now, as the Shift is accelerating and with the immense Solar Flares etc. being released, our connection to the Central Sun of Illumination has been triplicated. 
The Central Sun of Illumination is indeed that: It illuminated, it ignites, it activates and even more it is expanding our consciousness levels in triplicate. I have been shown this, and truly it is beyond our comprehension now, but is felt in the depths of the hearts and souls. 
I was visiting my doctor yesterday, and the minute he saw me, he said that my inner light and energy pouring through me had multiplied immensely since he last saw me. It just affirmed to me what has been happening to me in in the last few months especially. I often had no words nor inclination to share this, for indeed every soul will experience the Shift differently. And that is how it is meant to be! 
I have been clearly shown this morning how comprehensive and powerful the accelerated ascension process now is and how is going to triple on all levels. 
What this means it that SOULS all souls are now being activated so that the higher aspects of the soul, the higher dimensional knowledge and the soul’s infinite innate abilities if you prefer. This means that we are now able to step into a much higher level of accessing our own soul knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities as we now meant to step into the fullness of our soul mastery! 
When we were stuck in the density of the old matrix, we literally became dense, in more ways than one! We simply could not access the higher knowledge, the higher wisdom and deepest knowing of soul souls nor that of our own Soul Groups. Yet now we are stepping into that higher vibrational frequency band, where we can access our infinite, eternal soul self, and then apply that knowledge, the wisdom, the immense attributes of the soul and all we have ever been before! 
For instance you may suddenly discover abilities you did not even know nor utilize before as we step deeper into the 5th to 7th dimensional state.
My doctor explained it to me as such (we always have the most amazingly deep and profound conversations – an enlightened soul!), that in the 3D density the atoms stick together. The more you move into quantum higher space, the further apart the atoms are, and thus there is more space between them. It is in this space between the atoms that infinity lies and is accessible because density ceases to be!
To me this is exactly what is happening to all of us, that we are leaving the density!
Note this: for in the next weeks, months and years you are expanding into not only in your soul (that part currently in embodiment here on earth), but also into your Over SOUL – meaning the others soul parts of you (there are 12 in all) as they already are indeed serving elsewhere in this Universe and beyond! 
We are being transfigured into the highest aspects of our soul’s innate genius and indeed even more than this, our highest mastery, for this is indeed what life is all about!
Judith Kusel 
PHoto: Geometric Models. Other Sources unknown. If you know the Source please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the source.